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Old Monday, March 27, 2017
CarolPillow CarolPillow is offline
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Growing up I've heard it on the news. “New legislation,” “protection,” and “The end of” are all phrases connected to this topic. Bullying has been a major issue in the past few years. Many pupils stay silent and walk the halls of our public school system with fear. No one dares help them, not even our administrators without proper evidence of physical harm or repeated offense. There are many people who are against LGBT youth specifically. They are bullied, taunted, or even singled out. The biggest affect on these youths is low self esteem and fear of daily life.

Since the age of 13, Everyday I would walk into school and be asked “Is it true? That you're gay?. It was a never ending battle between who I was and who people wanted me to be. I was pressured to come out and say the truth. The pressure to be someone I was still trying to figure out made me a shy person and I would keep to myself. This would make me uncomfortable about my body and my way of speaking. I would never go in front of a crowd and say something.

One day I was verbally attacked, named “Sinner” and “Faggot”. My teacher at the time, heard and sent the kid to the administrator. A few minutes later I was called and was told he was given detention. Further discussion with Ms. Beagle, who was mentored by one of the administrators of the school where the incident occurred, explains that “ There is a book with consequences in everyone's hand book. In first offense a kid may get detention. They as administrators must consider a few things. One is the history of offenses a kid has, so if he had never had one, then maybe he is just having a bad day. Two: the family the kid came from, because some people have been raised differently. The more times it happens then the greater the consequence. They also consider all sides of the story. If a kid was to say just calling him names and you were feeling attacked.” The issue with perception in today's modern day legislations is that it takes more than one offense to get people help. I was terrified he would retaliate. I didn't have anyone to back me up or even understand me. I was as awkward as I've ever been.

In the meantime, waiting for their tormentors to be punished, this victim begins to cut themselves. The person thinks there is no safe haven for them. I started to cut myself after 3 months of just being told I was gay and was going to hell. My school counselor, Mrs.King, noticed my wrists had scabs on them and called me in for a intervention with my mom. I admitted to being suicidal at times. I would fake being sick to not go to school and deal with anything. This is a behavior that happens with many bullied teens, because ss time keeps going on, the more issues they have. It’s true that “About 30 percent of all completed suicides have been related to sexual identity bullying” ( These kids turn to the most hurtful conclusion. They think “No one cares” or “I don't matter”. Throughmany support groups I found a way to vent out my feelings and not worry about what people think.

As time progressed and high school came around. I accepted myself. The bullying stopped. But my mind was still worried. I was not confident to speak in an oral presentation. It took a lot of my courage to do one for my English class. I practiced millions of times trying to make sure my voice did not appear to “Feminine”. When it came to presenting. I choked and ran out crying. No one had said anything or had done anything. I had a flashback to when I was verbally attacked. My fear grew and I ran out. I ran to the office crying and scared. I was told to not be afraid, but how? How can a kid who was told he was gay be confident and not mind that others are whispering names, plotting attacks, or even worst just ignoring him.

As the years went by I started to go to counseling. I kept going and crying until it finally didn't affect me. The more and more I communicated with trusted people the less the pain was. I ended up getting over my depression and fear of everyday life. To this day I still do some of the exercises I learned in counseling to vent out what is on my mind. I am still afraid of certain situations if a group of people is walking towards me I tend to run the other way or cross the street. My mental health has improved but I still have many problems with loving myself.

Today the gay community is not as discriminated or picked on as before. Many of the gay guys have confidence that is beyond mine and pull off a clothing look that I would never wear. I see myself as fat and unpleasing. I was called “ gay pig” and “fat whore”. Whenever I try a tank top on I take it off and cry. I have stretch marks and weight more than I should. I don’t have the self esteem I should have. When dating I don't like showing off the amazing person I am seeing. I fear they will be beat up or we will both be attacked for not being normal. Which is quite frankly not seen as different since people are more accepting of gay couples then before. They think I am hiding them or that I am embarrased. They don't usually last very long.

Gay bullying has taken a major toll on the future of many kids. They end up having self esteem issues or having suicidal thoughts. Schools have rules in place to help but tend to fail at realizing the long term effects it has on the youth. The more they grow they are more likely to end up having some type of fear, mostly likely issues with socializing. To this day I still tend to have some fear of torment and have my days I feel like I will be bullied.

Works Cited:
Bullying: What Schools, Parents and Students Can Do

Bullying Statistics. "Bullying Statistics." Bullying Statistics. NA, 04 Apr. 2015. Web. 07 Mar. 2016. - Statistics Homework Help

"How Does Administration Deal with Bullying." Personal interview. 19 Feb. 2016.

Arizona State University. ASU Researchers Begin Study of Workplace Bullying. Arizona: Arizona State U, 2004. Print.
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