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Old Saturday, April 04, 2009
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Default Please check the expression of this piece of writing

Dear Noor-ul-ain Fatima,

Kindly check this piece of writing as far as expression is concerned and give suggestions of those areas where I need to look upon.


Engr. Shoaib Awan.

Challenges of Good Governance

The nation celebrated this 'Pakistan Day' in a significant and unconventional manner. It was a noteworthy occassion in history of Pakistan this time for the challenges facing in maintaining good governance are yet to appear in coming days for government in place. The leaders of Pakistan adopt the course and principles which had been conveyed by the founder of Pakistan to make a true enlightened moderated state which ensures basic rights of people, secures the prosperity of Pakistan. Their deeds and actions would determine in future either their policies are in accordance with the sayings of Quaid-e-azam or deviation from his golden principles.

The elements including failure of Civil and military rule, change in global politics, hesitation towards delivering change are the major reasons in augmenting problems. Such basic facts are underscoring the credibility of political stability and result in weakening economic structure. Uprising poverty, continueous descending literacy rate and torture in society are playing proactive role in undermining the writ of the government.

"The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first objective"
Growth of political middle class, progress in private sector, civil society expanison and contribution of media in the betterment of mass wisdom have paved off the way in polishing modern way of governance. But the national politics seem to be lacking in objective oriented tactics and political leaders are living in the past. Instead of political agitation of past, the issues which direct in establishing prosperous future should be addressed.

Political crisis in Pakistan is long awaiting pure leadership which is ready to take profitable initiatives. Steps in achieving the genuine targets can not be possible without planning and neglecting these issues

It is important to take into account the following 3 basic norms which fulfill the aim of good governance.
1- Policies should be generated in best interest of the people which primarily address the issues confronting a common man. The complex decisions must be put on to win the confidence of masses and are beneficial in acion.

2- Restoration of economy, rehabilitation of democracy and reinstitution of security for lasting political consensus.

3- Reformation and structuring of institutions so that they might bear fruits through their role in important state`s policies.

Such steps are enormously bearful in the present scenario and their impacts would be equally progressive in eradicating the agitation. Not only strengthening the machinary of government in a positive way but also combating those obstacles which persist in the smooth running of state affairs.

Democracy is diret self government, over all the pople, by all the people.

The politics of confrontation does not allow political leaders attention to keep an eye on issues which are meaninful in progress and political stability of the country. The consequences of Pakistan People's party parliamentarians (PPPP) led government of allies have obsecure images of incipid control of governance and restrictions are present which does not let the true political agenda to flourish.

The policy must be revised for further delay might complicate the situation gradually. A roadmap must be defined through proper legislation and durable methodology equipped with stauch directional policies of government must be engaged.

The execution of law is more important then making of them.

The recent crisis in Punjab has provided strong grounds that government without taking people's will on board might fail in achieving its goals. The government was purely focussed on posing its self driven agenda but later on had to retreat. The fact was revealed after a meeting with Nawaz Sharif by the Prime minister Yousaf Raza Gilani and was convinced that politics of confrontation is harmful for both parties e.g PPPP and PML(N) and would derail the process of reconciliation.

Both the leaders in their statement were of the opinion that all politicak matters would be sorted out by reconciliation and in best interest of the state.The centre is already surrounded by dense clouds of danger from inside and outside. It is near to the orbit of perils that is near to approach. The discussions between both leaders ended in furnishing support and to find solution of the issues jointly. By adopting this, it is not difficult for the opposition to maintain the true spirit of politics and in promoting national interest. So that the mandate which was offered through the voters would be honoured and guarantee basic human rights of citizens.

The Prime minister and the President have different sets of opinion in possession; therefore, it is truely the responsibility of PML(Q) and its followers to recongnise circumstances rightly and effectively. The roots of political stability can only be nurtured if the atmosphere of reconciliation allow the common man to avail that relief. Hinderances are avoided with patience and wisdom. The note worthy of these is 17th amendment. Currently, the status quo is irreversible and environment of trust can only be backed by implenting the charter of democracy(CoD).

The stance of Prime Minister to stand firm on process of reconciliation and maintaing consensus is a positive step in overwhelming its goals. The speech of Mohammad Nawaz Sharif, leader of PML(N) on 23rd March 2009 that our party would entirely support the government is admissible but issues relating to power sharing must be resolved as early as possible. The balance of power and exercising authority between President and Prime minister require immediate attention for the resolution of these issues would assist in bring about issues in connection with folks.

The at stake security and progress of country need tremendous review. As a first step concerete action must be taken to support the triggered economy. The economic stress can be avoidable by employing mutual political consent and reconciliation policy.Beside these measures, the 1 points resolution passed by the parliament in October 2008 must be pragmatically implemented with its true spirit. By this means, the growing militancy from Swat to Fata could be minimised to get rid of emerging ever devastating situation.

The policy with the mutual consent of Obama's administration should be adopted by the government clear in its objectives and result oriented. The policy should not only be based on guaranteeing the national security but also portray a picture of the people of Pakistan as a responsible nation to protecct her homeland from hostile circumstances.

Born in inquity and conceived in sin, the spirit of nationalism has never ceased to bend human institutions to the service of dissention and distress
-------- VEBLIN
The Prime minister Yousaf Raza Gilani after special envoy of U.S.A Richard Holbrooke and chairman joint chief of staff Mike Mullen visit must cakk upon session consisting of all political forces and take them in confidence. Both the higher ranks of America have discussed the policy with prime minister of Pakistan in the days to come.

The third element for good governance is practical reforms action in institutional framework. Two aspects are further contributing. One, development of institutions on better grounds. Second, personal liking or perception must be dropped. Important issues among these are collection of tax from the state by the government; in turn provide the lasting peace, stability and guarding territorial borders.

Nothing is far achieving if state impose her basic policies without delay and forthwith. Good governance is a heritage of strong institutions and economic prosperity in the country.

Leadership is undergoing an examination where the characters would be judged by political deeds. It is need of the hour to think above the personal interest and collective thought can deliver the most in coping facing challenges. It is essential to take notice of those factors that ponder Pakistan an abortive state; a state lack in competent and intellectual leadership.

When we think we lead we most are led
------- BYRON
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to theelegant444 For This Useful Post:
cuckoo (Thursday, October 15, 2009), khanzada_111 (Thursday, September 10, 2009)