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Old Wednesday, October 06, 2010
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Angry sorry mods,but they are compelling me now.

Originally Posted by polaris View Post
so u like him bcz he was frm army, yur two bros are also frm army n they two r biggest fans...!!
woooow wt a rationalization..!!
shud i share some of my experience n observation... i hv lot of frnz in army n i myslf quit army aftr i ws finally selectd.. wt i hv seen is tht majority of guys who join army they've one keen motive thts to enjoy the luxuries of life n some hv mindset to capture the crown oneday... bt very few hv thought of being martyred for their land n country..
i dnt gt as to why yur bros are biggest fans of mush... is it bcz mush finally made it crown.....??? is it the real purpose of joining army??? i am sad to hear it... quite sad!!! n think inside me as to why yur bros are not biggest fans of shaheed aziz bhatti n rashid minhas...?? did u ever hear yur brothers talking of shaheed aziz or likeones?? or u always kp hearing from them hw to mk properties in DHAs cantonments n so on... alas! i am sad!

u hv no right in any way to point out at baloch as a nation... few balochs can be culprits bt tht doesnt mean u point out balochs in whole.. com'n correct yur character pls.....!! baloch r brave nation... if u r so sick n tired of them, why dnt u gv them their land??? well pls dont talk so bad... think countrywise n nationwise... even if they feel us pinching, they're our brothers... we hv to correct them... courts are there, if someone is culprit, bring him to the court of law... bt killing them! wts tht.. is it rule of jungle?? are we civilized humans??
miss niazi i feel pity on yur thinking n mind!!
no i dont like him becaz my bro are army officers.i am no more a child to follow them.and i really laughed at your DHA statement.Look my bro are way too young to think about this.
and yes i have never heard them talking about aziz bhatti shahid or rashid minhas shahid becaz,
they were not his batch mates.they only talk about their friends.
and as far as embracing shahdat is concerned then brothers have even shown us the place where they want to get burried.
they participated in swat operation.they are serving on siachen.i am proud of every single soldier of pakistan army.
musharrraf was their former commander.and they respect him only for this.
me too like musharraf for this.i hate his political career.

yeah i know baloch are brave,really brave.thats why they are hell bent on their point.leave courts and due process of law.its rubbish.
how many people you will try in courts when every other person is a traitor leave it.

and dont pity me.ok.i dont need pity etc.

Originally Posted by Ali Ahmad Syed View Post
I strongly denounce the comments from a member Gul Niazi about Balouchis. Balouchis are our brothers, they are as patriots as anyone else. Don't use this forum to spread hatred and division. This forum is subject to civilized peoples.

I am requesting Forum Admin to take notice of Gul Niazi comments about Balouchs.
oh Cmon Ali you are talking as if i have commited some blasphemy.whatever i said was right.i am not biased against baloch.i know reality.balochi are our brothers i know.but brothers are not right always.ok.

as far as patriotism is concerned then i may differ with you here.and dont reach out for people can disagree with me but you have no right to ban me or take action against me.

Originally Posted by tx_ned View Post

Could you please explain your merit criteria?

I do respect your liking


Ask your brothers again please by letting them know about your above claim. I am sure they will definitely clarify your illusion.

That s really good, Every person has right of his own liking or disliking.

With sincere apologies, their "Role model" :

1) Ruined the constitution

2) Dismissed an elected Prime Minister

3) Divided the nation in two extreme portions (Enlightened Moderators / Islamists)

4) Allowed US to launch drone attacks within Pakistani territory

5) Neglected Enegry sector intentionally

6) Sold nation's sons & daughters to US (Dr. Afia is an example)

7) Flourished the corruption culture to propel Pakistan with 67 % Corruption (the highest ever)

8) Murdered Baloch Nawab

9) Killed several innocents in Lal Masjid

10) Implemented "Emergency" and expelled Honourable Chief Justice

11) Extended his blessings upon nation in shape of NRO etc ...

If this attachment means "to stick with Chief of Army Staff rank", I do appreciate your kind liking.

But if you think he was a committed soldier, you are very wrong !

For Murdered Nawab

You are using extremely wrong words for them who preferred death instead of selling their selfhood.

I am extremely shocked to view your comments about Balochs, they are symbol of honour and dignity; even in eyes of Dr. Allama Iqbal.

Please take back your words because you have no right to comment in such a negative and insulting way to any particular community.

Do you know the definition of "Traitor" ? If yes please share your reply. I challenge you to prove your so called Role Model "a traitor" in light of your coming definition.

Why did you use "are" instead of "were" in above sentence ? If someone kills one of your family member, what will you do against the murderer ?

Even if they are siding Indians at the moment, they have social and moral justification for doing so but I am assuring you that they are still patriotic more than your expextations.

Balochs have much to pride; Please go through Iqbal's poetry then you can get the answer of your query.

Do you have any valid, logical and factual reason ?

Please go through the link:

Look at the picture, a Nawab is respecting your father Mr. Jinnah as any other Pakistani could do.

His struggle was for Balochistan's autonomy, was it worthless ? Do you know when was Balochistan given the title of a province ? If you know you will find the root cause of all evils then.

Shaking hands with your enemies (hopefully you quoted India here in hidden means) has only punishment of death in your dictionary. Is it ?

If yes, what will you ask for Musharraf's whole foreign policy regarding India ? Please go through his doctrine of changing your foreign props.

Your Musharraf is doing much to take a political assylum in UK for the sake of his life.

Please go through the recent interview of General (R) Hameed Gul by following link to get your answers in detail:

He did not leave a margin to make a fun by committing vicious crimes so you have no need to worry.

Please seek for Allah Almighty's refuge ! It is a humble request.

I will wait for your logical response anxiously with all of my heart.

Also I do regard my fellow Ali Ahmad Syed's comments for my Brave Baloch brothers.


musharraf ruined constitution.yes.but what politicians ruined? whole country with their rampant corruption.they compel army people to intervene.

he dismissed that brainless sharif.becaz he deserved that.

enlightend moderation was good but we idiots want to implement medieval islam here.which is not possible now.look around.look turkey.she is doing same.

drones are not even stopped by this government so leave musharraf.

what did politicians did.if he sold aafia then listen,

benazir sold Yousaf Ramzi

nawas shaarif sold Aimal Kansi.


C mon baloch where are you.why dont you speak against benazir and nawaz sharrif.they sold your brothers too.why only musharraf is accused all the time.

Akbar bugti....this man deserved death.i am not going to slip away from my stand.he was traitor.

invaded lal masjid....yes i dont like this thing.and i really dont know why he did this.maybe he was right.but i am not leave it.

you said there is social justificatin for their involvement with india.what a excuse.welldone.

these balochis want freedom.freedom from pakistan.but its not going to happen.ok.

they are siding indians.i have proofs.i have seen the pics which my brothers have shown me.they recovered many weapons from their safe heavans which had labels of made in India.

grenades,rocket launchers,machine guns which indian army brothers tell me that their is more to this but they are not allowed to tell it.

i dont know what is that.but one thing is proven that balochi are working against our interests.

if i am wrong then tell me what is

baloch liberation army or baloch liberation front.

what is is millitia consisting of baloch people undermining our sovereignty.
that traitor balach marri was its leader na.but was killed for his notorious activities.

all are terrorists.this BLF is terrorist kill our security personnel on the orders of india.

this is not going to happen.these traitors recruit innocent baloch people for their own vested interests.

i hate baloch one should be left alive.and they will be killed one by one if they did not stop.

that harbayaar marri who is hiding in UK.Why dont he come back.becaz he knows the day he comes back he will be finished.

and that brahamdagh bugti.who in an interview once urged balochis to kill non balochis.he is hiding in afghanistan.why.

but let him stay there safe,he will be killed too the day he reaches my country.traitors have no place in this country.
BLA is terrorist organisation.and every single member of it will not be spared.
these proud baloch sardar,

jo abhi tak ehsaan jatatey hain ham par pakistan mein shamil honey ka.

i want to tell them that enough is enough.their time is up.and they will not be spared by our army.

and i dont read hamid gul's rubbish.he is idiot of the first order.he used to sell diesal and guns which americans used to send us for afgan jihad.
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