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Old Monday, December 06, 2010
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Default @ all my critics

@ most wanted AND Abdullah Nayyar both

First of all, what makes you think I haven’t spoken to the concerned people? I am not exactly a wannabe who sits at home all day engaged in verbal vomit through my laptop screen. So don’t insult anyone’s intelligence by repeatedly discounting the facts they have delineated as against your whims.

@ Abdullah Nayyar
So I am being biased? Should I accuse you of the same since you’ve spent 10 whole years in that country and that you’ve been ‘brainwashed’ into conforming? Lets not try that, shall we. Furthermore, you are repudiating what the majority claims- that Saudi Arabian monarchy is Wahhabi. If Americans are what you care about I can give you that too. Mind you, I didn’t claim that the entire public there is Wahhabi too. I don’t know what cocoon you were living in for 10 years then. Moral of the story-go ahead and refute my claims in a logical manner please instead of judging my personal capacities. If you havent been through the links i have provided, do that before you accuse me again.
Lastly, Im not really addressing a bunch of malleable kids here, who can be ‘mislead’ with my post. If you disagree despite logical dialogue, feel free to sit in a tableeghi jamaat all day if you wish.
When I said that our society has deteriorated despite the prevalence of such jamaats, I was referring to the state of the people and our social character in general. Society is distinct from POLITICAL or ECONOMIC state of affairs. We as a people aren’t too flowery either with our disgusting social norms and attitudes. The first thing these jamaats should have done was to change the behaviour of people when they deal with their kith n kin. Only God knows how many around us regularly patronize these jamaats, madressahs and academies. Pakistan should have been exemplary by now, if it was a job well done. But the thing is, purity of heart and mind has never come with superficial worship, which these jamaats keep emphasizing. The cause of this can only be explained in terms of spirituality. Btw, ever wondered from where does all this crazy money come from? The funds involved have to be humongous the systematic manner in which this works. Dont suggest to me its only donations. Ever wondered why the numbers of these institutions skyrocketed post 9/11? Do some serious research on these 2 questions.

Over the past few years I have seen several very close relatives transform from normal practicing muslims to judgemental, narcissistic, holier-than-thou individuals-both men and women. They suddenly opine that the terrorist attack on a Ahmadi worship place serves them well because they aren’t muslims. We keep encountering the ‘Lal Masjid syndrome’ around us. They are those who think the Lal masjid students were ‘only trying to impose shariat’ and the government should have given in. Shariat of their choosing rather not be imposed for then shrines of saints will not only be attacked but demolished, and tomorrow my daughter wont be able to study whatever she wants to, and my son will be lashed for hanging out with his female cousin. Tableeghi jamaats have been banned in so many countries for the simple reason that they have links to the terrorist network.Even if one cant see the connection between Saudi Islam and this trend, you need to at least question what tenets do they teach you there. Tableeghi jamaats today aren’t better than the renowned scholars of 1000 years old. Read them and read them a lot, before you visit these new-age jamaats. You will be startled with the differences. If you cant decide what sect to follow just follow the basics well.

@most wanted
Where as I can provide several MORE references to prove my point, and NOT ONE of them will be from wikipedia, I assure you- can you on the other hand provide references to the contrary?
Building connections from primary n secondary data is a much more hazardous task than first hand research which is vital but insufficient. Saudis have banned tableeghi jamaats in a bid to disassociate themselves from this phenomenon which has come under extreme pressure from the US administration. It is a kind of a double game where USA outwardly condemns or at least dislikes tableeghis but deep down it also finances them indirectly through non-state and sometimes state elements as well. Your study isn’t complete if you don’t understand why USA plays such double games. It has done it all along, when it supported Saddam Hussain and then abandoned him. When it financed Osama bin laden aka Tim Osman earlier on. The US isn’t interested in maintaining the status quo- it wishes to disrupt the geo-political situation. However the ban comes only in this decade. Review its history and then come back to me.