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Old Monday, April 18, 2011
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This question was chiefly germane to options that are available to Pakistan for managing India's hegemony in South Asia provided India is granted permanent seat in United Nations Security Council. I also attempted this question, but following way.

The flying over Pakistan to India by the US President has caused comparatively less apprehensions for Pakistan than raised by his favorable pledge to support India's long desired aspiration for a permanent seat in UNSC. His visit to India in general and his support for a permanent seat for India in particular, has unusual repercussions for Pakistan, China and Afghanistan etc. Since Afghanistan has a virtual status of a US colony, it has little to do with such a grant. Moreover, so long as China is concerned, it has its own say in UNO and economic sphere so, China is also least disturbed, but Pakistan would pay heavy price if it overlooked the situation. Thus, a comprehensive code of conduct is mandatory for Pakistan to manage India's hegemony in South-Asia if it is granted status of permanent member in UNSC.

Options Available

Shinghai Corporation Organization:- Pakistan and India both have observer status in SCO with a desire of permanent membership in this organization. But considering geo-strategic location of Pakistan, SCO itself has comparatively greater inclination towards Pakistan. Membership of Pakistan would make it possible, taking a safe transit route from tumultuous Afghanistan, to sea route for supply and export of natural resources for SCO countries. Thus, Pakistan can utilize this option to manage India's hegemony in South Asia in this regard. For Pakistan SCO would provide a strong hold in the region with maximum opportunities for economic growth.

China option:- China has always remained an all weather friend of Pakistan. China also enjoys status of permanence in UNSC as well as in SCO. It would be preposterous to neglect this option as China also enjoys economic progress across the globe. Though it has huge export market in India, it has never infected its relations with Pakistan. Thus, if India is endowed with permanent membership, support of china to Pakistan at both platforms and cooperation with Pakistan in economic sphere would discourage India's hegemonic designs in the region as it is also detrimental for China itself.

SAARC Bloc:- This regional bloc has some successful stories in recent sessions as a result it has continued exercising some check and balance over member countries. India's existence in the forum is crucial so, this option could be best utilized to contain India's hegemony in the South-Asia on condition that it is awarded permanent membership in UNSC. This dais can also be made use of to resolving Kashmir issue that would further decrease growing tension with acquisition of permanent membership in UNSC by India. All this necessitates proper policy making and diplomatic initiatives.

OIC Forum:- Cordial relations with Muslim countries are very much in the favor of its strength and significance in the world at large. This could only be achieved through single forum that is OIC. In case India became permanent member of UNSC and manifested her sinister designs, Pakistan would have support of all Muslim countries at back. It is also interesting to maintain that these Muslim countries in general and Middle Eastern oil rich countries in particular can even pressurize super powers to stop such a move or take punitive measures in case India lashes out its miscreant motives.

Managing Afghanistan:- Lately, Afghanistan, neighboring Pakistan, is confronted with terrorism and political disorder. This has provided a room to India to destabilize Pakistan through infiltration and other like measures. So managing friendly relations and maintaining diplomatic relations with Afghan Government is in the favor of Pakistan. India's machinations may increase in future with permanent membership in UNSC so, it is time that Pakistan stopped mutual dissension with Afghanistan and started establishing not only diplomatic, but cultural relations as well. This would also reduce risk of terrorism across border that is in other way favorable for Pakistan's political stability, law and order situation and discouraging Baluchistan separatist movements.

To put it simply, Pakistan can manage its available options with practicable approach to reduce the aftermaths of India's hegemony if granted a permanent seat in UNSC.
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