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Old Monday, August 22, 2011
sialkotian sialkotian is offline
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sialkotian is on a distinguished road

Here goes another embarrassment for Pakistan - an intensified “emotional Ateyachaar” with this “Bandar’baant”. Not with-standing to the lucid judgmental criteria this civil service award is eventually at a brim to loose its entire credibility. Sky is the limit for these goons. If two bad can make one good then so many bad (even worst) can make it a best - should be the manifesto of PPP. Despite of so many nastiest policies and nepotism which is quite an evident to each and every individual of Pakistan, this is still going to be a leading party in next election, I bet. The illiterate populace is again going to be handicapped by their feudal lords to play havoc with the fate of Pakistan in next election. I can guess it because the same thing happened in Gilgit Baltistan and likewise in recent Azad Jamu & Kashmir elections where almost 70% seats were grabbed by PPP. Juvenile approach of common people has so far provided a fertile ground to the leaders to play as per their agenda. I have a varied idea which no one has considered so far in Pakistan. If an educated regime (atleast graduate) has a right to participate in election then the fate of the Pakistan should be decided by the only educated people having rights casting their votes. Though it is hard bone to engulf but this is the only way out to bring the right people to facade. Hitler once said, there should be no democracy at all if literacy rate is less than 40 percent. I favour to increase this percentage to atleast 60% in the current scenario.
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