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Old Wednesday, September 26, 2012
sairasheikh86 sairasheikh86 is offline
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What is the capital of Zimbabwe?

Ans: Harare

2. In which country Al-Tehrir square is located?

Ans: Egypt (Cairo)

3. Canton is city of which country?


4. What is the origin of Lake Nile?

Ans: Lake Tana in Ethiopia …( Lake Victoria,)

5 .Which country has the largest Hydro (hydel) Power generating plant?

Ans: China

6 .Which Country Christopher Columbus belonged to?

Ans: Italy

7 Pythagoras belonged to which country?

Ans: Greece

8. Isaac Newton belonged to which country?

Ans: England

9. When did railway service start in India?

Ans: 1857

10 Mount Everest was named after Which Colonel?

Ans: George Everest (surveyor general of india)

11. what is the meaning of de-facto?

Ans: In reality or fact; actually

12 What is the meaning of faux pas?

Ans: It is a French word meaning a social blunder or indiscretion.

13 what is the meaning of carte blanche?

Ans: from French: blank paper

14 which is coldest planet?

Ans: Until it lost its planetary status in 2006, Pluto was the coldest, but now is Uranus has an outer temperature of -224 degrees Celsius

15 What is the name of planet with shortest day?
Ans: Jupiter.

16 Which book was written by Tolstoy?
Ans: War and peace

17 In which month Russian revolution was started?
Ans: February,1917

18 Russia launched its space mission to moon in 1957. Tell the date?
Ans: 4th October

19 Secretary General of UNO belongs to which country?

Ans: South Korea

20 International Court of Justice sits in?
Ans: The Hauge

21 What is the circumference of earth?

Ans: Earth's Circumference at the Equator: 24901.55 miles (40075.16 km)

22 What is the name of deepest point of Pacific Ocean?

Ans: Mariana Trench

23 What was the name of captain of Pakistan’s cricket team which beat England in 1954?

Ans: Abdul Hafeez Kardar

24 What is the name of book of Allama Iqbal which was translated in Urdu from Persian on its great demand?

Ans: Bang -e- Dra

25 Which is a landlocked country? a. Kenya b. Sri lank c. Uganda,

Ans: Uganda,

26 To which country the father of Obama belongs to?

Ans: kenya

27 Chile shares longest coastal border with?

Ans: pacific (not verified)

28 Who gave the theory of special relativity?

Ans: It was introduced by Einstein's in 1905.

29 Who gave the law of heredity?

Ans: Darwin (Not Verified)

30 Which theory was given by Isaac Newton?
Ans: law of Motion

31 What is the name of strait between Malaysia and Indonesia?

Ans: strait of Mallaca

32 which strait separates Spain and Morocco?

Ans: Strait of Gibraliar

33 Turnips is a kind of root?

Ans: blub root (Not verified)

34 What is the meaning of pediatrics?

Ans: Care of Children

35 In which continent longest river is located?

Ans: Nile in africa

36 lowari pass joins?

Ans: Dir and Chitral

37 In which country mountain Kilimanjaro in located?

Ans: Tanzania

38 when was first international flight from Pakistan?

Ans: 1955

39 WHO and IMF came into being in result of which agreement?

Ans: Bretton Woods conference

40 which is the device when pressed keys encode word on screen?

Ans: keyboard

41 which company has more cash than USA?

Ans: Apple

42 What is the GDP growth rate of Pakistan?

Ans: 2% (2.3%)

43 How much part of agriculture in GDP of Pakistan?

Ans: 21%

44 How much senate increased debt limit of USA government?


45 What is the name of parliament of Israel?

Ans: Knesset

46 When did Pakistan won first Olympic medal?

Ans: 1960 in Hockey

47 When did Abdus salam received noble prize?

Ans: October 15th 1979

48 who invented dynamite?

Ans: Alfred Nobel in1867

49 Who is the father of modern science?


50 in which country which country the garden of Babylon found in current?

Ans: Iraq

51What was the Old name if Myanmar?

Ans: Barma

52 How many Muslims were died in Ghazwa Badr?

Ans: 14

53 Which atmosphere layer is nearest to the earth?

Ans: Troposphere

54 Which is brightest planet?

Ans: Venus

55 What is the shape of Milky Way?

Ans: spiral

56 Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb was written by?

Ans: Bu ali sina

57 alkemia was written by?

Ans: Jabbar bin hayan (not verified)

58 Where is the head quarter of WTO located?

Ans: Geneva, Switzerland

59 The times which computer takes to reach its data is called?

Ans: access time

60 Who wrote book Indian Muslims?

Ans: William Hunter

61 Who was the prime minister at the time when General Ayub took over in 1958?

Ans: Malik feroz khan noon the 7th Prime minister of Pakistan.

62 What id name the person not present in first cabinet of Pakistan?

Ans: (----)

63. 38th parallel is a border between which countries?

Ans: South and North korea

64 which river has blind dolphin?

Ans: The Ganges river

65. Who is special envoy of USA to Afghanistan n Pakistan?

Ans: Mark Grossman

66. Bashar al Asad of Syria belongs to which sect?

Ans: shia

67 What was the codename of Indian’s 1st atomic operation?

Ans: Smiling Buddha

68 Asian drama was written by?

Ans: Gunnar Myrdal

69. koljik pass connects which cities?

Ans: Quetta and Chaman

70 What is the cheapest source of energy?

Ans: hydel

71 Which player twice won grand slam?

Ans: Rod laver

72 Which point farthest from karachi on coastal highway?
Ans: Gwadar

73 What is the highest rank in air force? (check)

Ans: Air Chief Marshal

74 When did railway started in India?


75 Biman airways belong to which country?

Ans: Bangladesh

76 What is the percentage of oxygen in earth's atmosphere?

Ans: 20% (20.946%)

77 What is the Name of process of sun heating the earth?

Ans: insulation (not verified)

78 What is the time taken by sun light to reach earth?

Ans: 8 minutes

79 Mixtures of metals is called what?

Ans: Alloys

80 Which organism produces Insulin in body?

Ans: Pancreas

81 Which of them was not present in management of Punjab when British took over?


82 Benghazi is city of which country?

Ans: Libya

83 What is meant by fifth pillar?

Ans: Treachery

84 When did Christians conquest Granada?

85 Penicillin was invented by?

Ans: Sir Alexander Fleming

86 smallest piece of silicon having electrical diagram in computer is called?
Ans: Chip

87. Which part of computer saves the instruction and time?

Ans: CPU

88. Which country Isaac Newton belongs to?

Ans: -----------------------

89. olympic games in Younan 1800….. Which month.


90 The distance between earth and sun is smallest in the month of?

Ans: September

91 when did Pakistan sent sputnik-1 in space.

Ans: 1957

92 Which is a brightest planet..?

Ans: Venus

93 Swiss canals join Which Seas?

Ans: River Nile with the Red Sea
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