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Old Monday, January 21, 2013
umar riaz umar riaz is offline
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thank you so much for such a detailed explanation of how to approach essay's. So nice of you
Originally Posted by koozagar View Post
Try writing essays yourself
First choose simple topics to write your essays on.
For example, you can write on variety of topics available in your own personal experiences; on simple incidents of everyday life. This will enhance your faculity of composing language as well furnish your mind with chain of the flow of ideas.
First sketch an outline as to how you will tackle your ideas, and write accordingly. Don't graple about the hard vocab or literary jargon because this often obstruct the fluency of speaking as well as writing. Most important thing as far as writing essays and expansion passages is concernced is your capicity to handle complex ideas with simple and straightforward language. You should be terse as well witty because brevity is the soul of witt. Your ideas must seem brusting forth with witty and terse language i.e short, pithy and straightforward.
Don't try to mimic or borrow the hecknayed pharases and expressions since this will result your essay be looked down upon as unorigional and impuissant. Be as origional as you can.
Basicaly, an essay is a kind of thesis statement wherein you have to choose your stand and prove it logicaly. A thesis statement or simply a thesis is comprised of the following things:
1. Introduction or Exposition.
2. Arguments with logical and analytical approaches.
3. Conclusion
Both the Introduction and the conclusion are extremly important because this is where your origionality comes in and whatever perceeds the conclusion and follows the Introduction, is a multifold approach to elaborate the topic where you can give various logical arguments to further alleviate your stand. But remember that in doing so you should always maintain a positive coherence
and a natural tone of rationality and consistancy; where every other sentence seems following a natural course of events or ideas. Essay is kind of a chain wherein your ideas are embroidered amicably: nothing in your essay should seem arbitrary and rake or unusually expressed.
An effective outline will serve this purpose the best.
Quotations, axioms and dictums are nodoubt helpful and supplementary yet excessiveness of these is equally dangerious since this will curb your orgionality.
Keep this thing in your mind that the topic your are wrtting on could possibily be attempted by numerious other contestants of CSS at the same time. What then makes your essay distinguished is beauty and beauty comes in with variety. Variety is the essence of an effective writing. Avoid frigidity as well as bombast in your writings.
These are a few things about an effective writing skill; writing essay is an skill and skill is something that can be acquired. It's not something intuitive or inborn. A regular pratice would help you radically.
What do i mean by practice is not merely writing but reading and comprehension as well. Try writing as well reading regularily. While reading always, opt for eminent literary writers such as Charles dickens and Vargina Woolf etc (you can read hundred of free ebooks online at and, both on your Pc as well as on your mobile phone.) as well as contemparory essayists and journalists and other literarians.
All these strategies are extremly help in developing effective writing skills and can furnish your mind with hundreds of new ideas and expressions which are the building blocks of beauty and variety in your writings.
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