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Old Friday, February 08, 2013
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Farrukh Aziz Farrukh Aziz is offline
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Farrukh Aziz will become famous soon enough

1. Above board (without any trick; honorable).
His part in the affair was quite open and above board.
2. All in all (1) (on the whole) All in all we had a good time.
(2) of supreme or exclusive importance)
He is all in all in this office.
3. A jaundiced eye (a prejudiced outlook)
A jaundiced eye cannot evaluate matters in the light of reason.

4. A turn-coat (a person who changes his political affiliations
The turn-coats are responsible for the failure of democracy in our
5. On the alert (vigilant; watchful)
A watchman on duty should always be on the alert.
6. After one’s own heart (in accordance with one’s liking or wish)
He is a man after my own heart.
7. Of one’s own accord (freely; voluntarily)
He did it of his own accord.
8. To be at loggerheads (disagreeing or disputing)
He is constantly at loggerheads with his wife.
9. A past master (a through master)
He is past master in the art of painting.
10. To all intents and purposes (practically)
To all intents and purposes, he is the chief organizer of this show.
11. A live wire (an enthusiastic person)
He is a man of revolutionary spirit; he is a live wire.
12. To add insult to injury (cause further humilitation)
He insulted him and added insult to injury by ridiculing his parents.
13. All moonshine (mere show; deceit)
He talks much of his riches, but it is all moonshine.
14. A wet blanket (a dull person; one who discourages others)
Do not invite him to this colourful function; he is a wet blanket.
15. A willing horse (a helpful person; a willing worker)
A willing horse always remains in the good books of his boss.
16. A burning question (urgent; having great importance)
His prices is one of the burning questions of our time.
17. A rainy day (a period of financial difficulty or distress)
Save up something against a rainy day.
18. A right-hand man(a close trusted fellow)
He is the right-hand man of the principal.
19. A man of letters (a scholar; a writer)
A man of letters is held in high esteem in the world.
20. A broken reed (an unreliable person or thing)
He is a broken reed; you cannot rely on him.
21. A red rag to a bull (a cause for irritation)
My remark acted like a red rag to a bull; he began to roar in anger.
22. All at sea (bewildered; confused)
He was all at sea in the face of this unexpected twist of fortune.
23. At sixes and sevens (in confusion; topsy-turvy)
He went away in a hurry and left the house at sixes and sevens
Man is [a perpetual] Anguish !
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