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Old Friday, April 19, 2013
Durrani Abid Durrani Abid is offline
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Durrani Abid is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by mahnoor fatima View Post
Seniors please check my precis and title of the passage and do comment on it

The saying "perfection is attained be slow degrees " means that we should we work patiently and long if we want to attain any remarkable distinction in any line.Perfection cannot be reached by sudden leap. People talk of marvels or genius. Even genius is not entirely incalculable and mysterious thing. Carlyle once defined genius as " indefinite capacity of taking pains". And he was right. Some remarkable men of genius worked hard for a long time and perfected their powers in silence. When they published their work, people saw only the perfect result, no one could imagine the long process of intense struggle and work that precede it and to the the making of it. Bernard Shaw began composing his splendid plays when he was nearly forty. Before that time he was working hard in silence.


No one may get expertise abruptly rather it needs the struggle of long time. People talk about the great deeds but don't see many people like Bernard Shaw who worked for a long time and then their creation surprised the people. But before that time, they were not known to everyone.

: Perfection needs long time effort
Good effort.
1)The central idea of the passage is "Perfection" which you have missed in your précis and may be,you have tried to replace it with "Expertise"-refers skill/knowledge which is different from the concept of perfection.

2)Your first centence should be the theme of you Precis.
As,"Getting perfection is a long and painful process"

3)For almost the rest of the body:
"Behind the creation of every masterpiece there is always a sustained and patient endurance".

3) Try to avoid borrowing complete phrases from the original passage.
As, "Before that time".

Stay blessed
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