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Old Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Sweet Devil Sweet Devil is offline
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Sweet Devil is on a distinguished road
Default plz try to get the Help of Quaide Azam

Dear friend i am feeling very sorry to hear your story , today i went to the tahsil to transfer some land to my mothers name , and they were asking 500 rupess for each singnature ( even when gov does not impose or require any fee) so my friend now a days u r in direct contact with to gov most crupt department . so the only tip i can give i that get into contact with the concerned patwris munshi and greece his palm ( atleast 500 to 1000 rupess in rishwat ) and ask him to help you in the most down trodent way u can even if u dont like his face or hook u up with the patwari or naib patwari and then you might see some way to follow , hope till now u will know what type of papers u need to solidefy your claim , there is a rule in pakistan if u cant get the work done from above try it from below , and except Quaide azam nothing else would be of much help to you , and i will pray for u may GOD help you and succeed you in your this quest and i am very sorry for u because i know from what u would be passing through now a days

and one last thing becareful because there are 95% chances that the patwari might be involved in cheating you of your land so start from below
from the low rank guys who r under the patwari or from above try to get some link the concerned EDO
take care ALLAH HAFIZ
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