Thread: Plz Chek It Out
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Old Friday, July 26, 2013
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Default Plz Chek It Out

Guys i am posting one my practice essay .If you seniors or other people can have a look and give me some tips.

Dialogue is the best way to combat terrorism.
Human beings have always had disagreements and differences of opinions. Naturally, there are two ways to solve a problem, you can ‘solve’ or shove it on the opposition or you can solve it by dialogue. Human beings are supposed to be the “ Ashraful Makhloqat”, a species that is better and more sophisticated than any other specie in the entire universe. But what is disheartening is that we have not learned our basic lessons from our history. History shows us that problems can not be solved through wars. Wars only create masters and slaves. It creates terrorism and sense of injustice. Dialogue is, and must be the way for the civilized societies. Even though we might have disagreements and grievances through dialogue as well but there would be no casualties. Dialogue is the best way to combat terrorism because if anything in the past decade has taught us, it is this, 11 years have passed since 9/11 and we are still fighting the war of terrorism. In my point of view, these problems could have been solved much earlier if we really “listened” to what was going on in our world. But the best species in the universe has failed to learn one of the simplest lessons of history!
Dialogue gives opposite sides a plate- form to voice their concerns. Rather going off and killing innocent people, it is much better if we listen and talk to each other. Exchange information; try to understand each other’s point of view. That is what dialogue does. It gives us a chance to diminish friction. It gives us chance to solve the problem of terrorism through proper and more effective channel. Nobody dreams of being a terrorist while growing up. There are reasons and circumstances which make terrorists to do heinous acts. Dialogue is the way to eradicate those reasons and issues. One of the prominent chapters in our political history is story of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Pakistan was forced into the war in 1965; it was an act of terrorism by our neighboring country. Our forces fought well, defended our fence and gained advantage over enemy. What happened after that is example how dialogue can be used to your advantage. Dialogue process started in Russia, where both counterparts participated and Pakistan lost a war on the table that was won the field. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto resigned from his post at the spot when he was part of the delegation from Pakistan. He came back as a national hero while returning to Pakistan. A simple dialogue process changed Pakistan’s political history. Never underestimate the power of dialogue. We need to provide terrorists a plate-form to voice their concerns, they may have been brain washed into believing things that are far from reality. Show them a different picture of the world and consequences of their actions. Show them the butterfly effect, how one’s act can change the lives of many.
Often there is a cultural gap between two sides. A freedom fighter for one country is often a terrorist for another country. People have different values and beliefs. These beliefs create different and conflicting personalities in the world. There is a communication gap between the two sides. When all the hatred that clogs up in our brains because of continuing disagreement, something has to give. Often it results as violence from one of the sides and that side becomes the terrorist. If we create opportunities for peaceful dialogue, may be the world would not be such a bad place to live in after all.

One of the blessings of the dialogue is that it gives the opposing side’s ample time to prepare their case. They can research their causes and have best minds on both sides to present their case. Then they can negotiate their terms, give and take; try to understand each other’s point of view. Try to find a solution that is agreeable to both parties. Such plate-forms increase the level of tolerance from both sides. They may be able to see a point of view that did not occur to them before. Pacts and treaties can be signed without fighting, without killing innocent people.
History is full of examples where peaceful dialogue between the two sides resulted in new countries. 1857 was the year when people of subcontinent give their one last final push to English out of their country. This resulted in lots of collateral damage as well as social and economic difficulties that were faced by people of sub-continent particularly Muslims. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was a visionary man; he knew that in order for these nations to get along with each other, they needed to voice their concerns to each other. India would never be peaceful place as long hatred was rolling the roast on both sides. He wrote many a pamphlets to give the reasons for the rebellion. It was courageous effort under the circumstances. But a plate-form was created, there was resistance at first but eventually sanity prevailed and English started to listen to his suggestions. This first effort started a chain-reaction which eventually ended as Pakistan being an Independent Nation. Which was also done by Quaid-e-Azam through the process of diplomacy and peaceful dialogues. I don’t see no reason why such efforts can not be repeated again and an atmosphere can be created to combat terrorism.

As mentioned earlier, another way to solve difference of opinion is through war. But, we know what good that brings. It creates colonies, which further vindicates terrorism. It gives a recruiting ground for terrorists. One average, a small war can push one country backwards by 10 years economically. Never mind the casualties of human lives. It creates violence. Violence begets violence. People fight generations after generations to take revenge of their ancestors. Emotions run high and deep even after the war is over. The after effects of Second World War are still felt in few parts of Japan. Quran says, taking the life of one human is killing all the humanity. But in wars, people are just numbers and enemies. Nothing ever good comes out of war. As Franklin once said, “There never was a good war or a bad peace”.
Recent history has shown that violence will not solve terrorism. War kills people but it does not kill the ideology that makes terrorist do things that they do. It is only through dialogue that we can try to change that ideology. A wrong idea is one of the worst kinds of parasites. International bodies need to monitor sensitive areas, and ease the concerns of the oppressed. If such actions are not taken at appropriate time, it will lead to violence which would lead to terrorism. We need to give these grieved people a plate-form to voice their concerns and try to find a peaceful solution through dialogue. War has never been the answer to our problems; it suppresses the issues for time being. Till one of the oppressed gets up and is ready to take revenge. Thus begins a cycle, which reduces everything to ashes. Martin Luther once said, “War is the greatest plague that can afflict humanity; it destroys religion, it destroys states, it destroys families. Any scourge is preferable to it”. These are damning words, we should be listening!
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