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Old Friday, August 23, 2013
AliSherSwabi AliSherSwabi is offline
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Default The Need of Looking Within Instead of Blaming Others!

Well as I just read all the posts on this new thread on PM Nawaz Sharif National Speech, All I can come across are just complaints and the same old blame game by people which has been going on since centuries with no positive outcome. Sorry if you find it distasteful and may not agree with me on this but the fact of the matter is that "WE" the people are the ones who elected the previous government (PPP) and the newly elected PML-N into power hoping that our country's miserable conditions in terms of poverty, illiteracy, terrorism, economic and energy crisis would somehow end or realistically would somehow be controlled to an extent but the situation and the misery of ordinary public just seems to be getting worse instead of resolving for good which highlights a more serious problem and needs a totally different approach than what we are currently following.
There a verse in Holy Quran which clearly states that God doesn't change the situation of a population unless they try to change themselves from within. The point that I'm trying to convey is that we can't and will not see or expect change in the current hard times facing our nation unless we try to change ourselves from within and be responsible citizens instead of playing the same old traditional and pointless blame game which doesn't benefit anyone at the end. First you've to bring a change internally inside your self by cleansing one's soul of all the impurities that's poisoning us and the people around us and be solely responsible for our actions that's affecting us and people around us and also try to create awareness in groups and communities in our society so they too can become responsible humans by taking care of themselves and environment around them. When this kind of change happens in each and every one of us, then and only then you'll see the change happening in every establishment in our country. All kind of social problems that we perceive today is just the reflection and manifestation of our self centered egos and personalities that has given rise to such to such a tidal wave of suppression and violence and If we can conquer ourselves from within, only then we will see real change.
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