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Old Wednesday, January 08, 2014
greenboy greenboy is offline
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new great game and importance of balochistan
great game
it is te political and strategic term implies greater objectives inp perspective to change the geopolitics and map of the country
first great game
when british empire under guise of east india company came in sub continent to capture and control water resources , cotton and fertile lands of sub continent

how achieve this objective
dividing the whole country on the basis of ethnic , culture and politics . this area of sotuh asia is called golden cresecnt and british ruled for 150 years .

proxy war
both ussr and brotish have proxy war in afghanistan , afghanistan was free country . british sent her solider to conquer major cities but afghanis slaughtrer the all brigade with one doctor left to testify the wretched of afghanis . ussr was on the back side of amu river and british ee on left or front side of amu river .

british empir
drown in 1950 with the emergence of pakistan and india ,
1970 new great game 2nd
between ussr and america ,
battle ground was afghanistan
to change boundries of ussr and splitt into the seven states
status success
batthle groung
this balltle prolonged for 10 yeas withth e splitting of ussr into russia and its influenced over eastern europe vanished.
mujaheddain were proxy of isi , cia nad america .
there were six parties alliance , northern aliance , hezb islami ,jamiat is islami ,and khali part and other parties , this provide a ground for resistance

russia was disintegration in 1988 and 1988 exit under genava ccord .

third great game
if possible , afghamsitan is battle foield
contain rchina as regional and world power
india evove as regional power
take acre of pakistani nukes.
now results
us withdraw with 10000 forces in afghanistan with security pact with karzai
importance of baloschistan
gwadar port betoken china economy
important sh;le gas resorces
eight important minerals
balochistan may part if usa prolongs
gwadar meets cebntrala asis anad qater in persian gul reduce cost of business in south asia and caspean sea
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