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Old Friday, August 22, 2014
Hassan02 Hassan02 is offline
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Originally Posted by mhmmdkashif View Post
I don't think ruling elites benefitting from status quo will ever realize that, such changes usually come from unseen corner at times when enough pressure has been built I think
Just as I said, that reform can't come from within the system, it has to be forced on it from the outside. I'd say the separation of religion and state will be forced upon Pakistan by world events, but that may take a very long time, maybe even a century

Well nature places in every organism traits that are fit for survival, which is why earlier I was keen to avoid using the terms inept and foolish for the politicians even though it appears they are idiots .
You know there's a concept in evolution that fits your words perfectly. According to natural selection, that gene survives which is the most well equipped for its OWN survival. Remember, its OWN survival, not the survival of the organism in which it resides. Of course, mostly a gene's survival depends on the survival of the organism, but that is not always the case.

The same applies to politicians. They may be well equipped for their own survival, but their survival is harmful to the country (the organism in this case).

I think assuming capabilities from loved ones has a reason, you usually love someone for something. For example you love someone for their sexy body

Hahahah! I would be fine with voting for sexy people

So a person who is able to rally masses behind him sure has a capability that even a genius scientist doesn't have, but you can't expect a scientific work from that person.
Yes, but a charismatic person wouldn't necessarily be able to run a country. Its funny if you think about it this way, you wouldn't hire a person to run your factory just on the basis of his charisma, but a person can rule a country on that basis

BTW, many people claim that even though democracy is flawed, there is no system that's better and personally, I find it hard to refute this point because democracy is the only system that is self-correcting. All others will rapidly disintegrate into total dictatorship.

Originally Posted by mhmmdkashif View Post
There lies a major point of concentration, Islam works more like a 'cause' then a simple set of 'religious beliefs and rituals'. It would require a highly strong 'will' and 'determination' to stand before a cause because people can 'lay their lives to protect their cause' . The reason for why it works like a cause as well as religious belief is our holy prophet (saw) and his disciples proved it by making achievements, this is unlike other religious beliefs whose prophets just 'preached' and any achievements were made by 'lateron followers' . So I think we have something bigger then what European Christians had when they 'secularized'.
True, but there's another force at work: Time. In his book, Richard Dawkins talks about a changing Moral Zeitgeist and while we may not agree with Dawkins about many other things, here he is absolutely right that throughout the world, values and morals are moving in a particular direction (they are becoming more liberal). The rate of change is slower in some countries and faster in others and there are temporary reversals, but over a long period of time there IS change and this change is in one particular direction.

Personally, I feel that he's right. Observe how this change is slow in Muslim countries and there are reversals such as in Pakistan, but even then, on a longer timescale, say a 100 years, we can see that he's right.

I'm sure that in the long run, maybe over 100-200 years, the moral Zeitgeist would have shifted so far from traditional beliefs that the mixing of religion and state would become impossible. It maybe sooner, maybe later, but it will happen.

Muslims need to get their act together. The world is changing and we must change with it. Time stops for no one and those who try to stop it are crushed as it passes by.

Last edited by Amna; Saturday, August 23, 2014 at 10:35 PM. Reason: chain posts
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