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Old Tuesday, January 06, 2015
nationbuilder nationbuilder is offline
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miss syeda sabahat em new here and u r experienced i dnt 9 i m ri8 or wrong but the notes that you are effort for are too short to revise in exams ..
for example in your second post "Rocks and classification" you just mentioned the basic three types rocks, as per demand of question it must be with complete igneous rocks broadly classifeid as types.
1) intrussive igneous rocks
2) extrusive igneous rocks
intrusive igneos rocks are further classified as two types on the basis of depth at which magma silidifeid,
1.1) plutonic rocks:-
if magma soilidified at greater depth.
1.2) hypabysaal rocks:-
if magma solidied at intermediate depth while reaching the earth crust.

beside this, while reaching the earth crust the intrusion adopt different shapes which also include in classification according to formation of hape.
1) sill:-
if magma solidified horizontally in b/w the layers of already existing rocks
2) dike:-
f magma intrude from vertical fissures solidified there forming walls of rocks.
blister of igneous mound in form of magma reserviour somtime called mis-carriage volcano.
5) batholith:-
large huge elongated mass of igneous intrusion .
6) lapolith):-
saucer shaped mass with base of conduit like pipe.
2) extrusive igneous rocks also have two types depending upon origin
2.1) explosive type:-
when magma and hot gases extrude violently in air.
2.2) quiet type:-
when magma and hot gases comes out through small fissures quitely.

well em new here and recently started my prep of geography, if i m wrong on my prepration case then please do guide me..
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