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Old Monday, March 03, 2008
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dr.junaid dr.junaid is offline
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dr.junaid will become famous soon enough

-acy, -cy
Noun: state or quality
privacy: the state of being alone
priv + acy
infancy: the state of being a baby or young child
in + fan + cy
Noun: activity, or result of action
courage : having the spirit to overcome fear
cour + age
Noun: action, result of action
referral : the action of directing a person to another place, person or thing
re + ferr + al
Noun: person
artisan : a craftsperson
arti + san
-ance, -ence
Noun: action, state, quality or process
resistance : the action of opposing something
re + sist + ance
independence: the state of not being under the control of others, free, self-governing
in + de + pend + ence
-ancy, -ency
Noun: state, quality or capacity
vacancy : an empty room or position
vac + ancy
agency: the capacity to exert power or influence, a position or person that performs a function
ag + ency
-ant, -ent
Noun: an agent, something that performs the action
disinfectant : an agent that destroys germs, somthing that cleans
dis + in + fect + ant
dependent: a thing supported by another, a thing determined by another
de + pend + ent
Noun: state, office, fuction
candidate : a person nominated for an office or position
candid + ate
Noun: action, resulting state
specialization : the result of being distinguished by one quality or ability
spec + ial + iz + ation

Noun: place, state of being
wisdom : possessing knowledge
wis + dom

-er, -or
Noun: person or thing that does something
porter : a person who carries things
port + er
collector: a person who collects or gathers things
col + lect + or

Noun: an amount or quanity that fills
mouthful : an amount that fills the mouth
mouth + ful

-ian, an
Noun: related to, one that is
pedestrian : a person who walks
ped + estr + ian
human: a person
hum + an
Noun: names, diseases
phobia : an illogical fear of something
phob + ia
Noun: art of healing
psychiatry : branch of medicine that deals with the mind and emotions
psych + iatry
-ic, ics
Noun: related to the arts and sciences
arithmetic : a branch of math that usually deals with non-negative numbers
arithm + et + ic
economics: the social science related to studying business
eco + nom + ics
Noun: act
malice : the desire to do evil
mal + ice
Noun: material made for, activity, result of an activity
flooring : a material made for floors
floor + ing
swimming: the activity of swimming or moving through water
swim(m) + ing
building: the result of making a structure
build + ing
Noun: condition or action
abduction : the action of carrying someone away by force
ab + duct + ion
Noun: doctrine, belief, action or conduct
formalism : a belief in sticking to prescribed forms or artistic styles
form + al + ism
Noun: person or member
podiatrist : a foot doctor
pod + iatr + ist
Noun: product or part
graphite : a black material used in making pencils
graph + ite
-ity, ty
Noun: state or quality
lucidity : clear thinking
luc + id + ity
novelty: something new or unusual
nov + el + ty
Noun: condition
native : a person born in a specific place
nat + ive

Noun: condition or result
document : an official paper usually showinf proof or evidence of something
docu + ment

Noun: state, condition, quality
kindness : the quality of being kind or nice
kind + ness

Noun: condition or activity
valor : bravery, courage
val + or
Noun: place for, serves for
territory : an area around a place
territ + ory

Noun: status, condition
relationship : the state of being related or connected to something or someone
re + lat + ion + ship

Noun: act, condition, process, function
exposure : the condition of being exposed or unprotected
pos + ure

Noun: state, condition, result of an activity
society : companionship
soci + et + y
victory: the result of winning something
vict + or + y
our struggles will not end but ,certainly,life.

Last edited by marwatone; Friday, August 20, 2010 at 01:56 PM. Reason: Avoid using red color,please.
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