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Old Thursday, December 10, 2015
Ambivalent Ambivalent is offline
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Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
Please check my outline. This outline took most of my time otherwise I would have posted introduction as well. Anyway, I will submit my introduction soon.
I disapprove what you say but I defend to death your right to say

" “Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider "

Sir Francis Bacon



-Nature of right to say
-Adaptability of conscious mind and right to say (Little bit confusing, what do you mean by adaptability of conscious mind?)
-Article 19, Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan on Freedom of speech (good)
-Right to say under Universal declaration on Human Rights (good)
-French Universal Declaration on Rights of Man
-Freedom of Speech in Islam
-Freedom of Speech in Hinduism- Bhagawat Gita
-Right to say in Christianity
(Instead of giving examples you just have to mention that religions also provide freedom of speech)

1) Disapproved but defended to death the right to say
Outline points should not be grammatically confusing, like this one is

1.1) French philosopher Voltaire publications and his Right to say till death
1.2) Italian Philosopher, Galileo Galile opinion on heliocentrism, and Right to say to his death
1.3) Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) challenged the wrath of Quraish for the glory of Islam till Hajjatul Wida
1.4) Martin Luther King, best known for African-American Civil rights movement defended till death
1.5) Nelson Mandella South African anti-apartheid revolutionary stood for right to say till death

2) Contemporary issues on right to say

2.1) Attack on notable journalists and their vehicles in Pakistan
2.2) Barring media from coverage and threats to their lives in war torn Middle East
2.3) French cartoonist Charlie Hebdo incident on Right to say
2.4) Concerns of French based “Reporters without borders” on attack on Journalists in various countries
2.5) Religious rhetoric speech without check does more harm than good in the name of Right to say
2.6) Lack of religious knowledge undermines the concept of Right to say

3) How to abstain misuses of Right to say without hindering the basic spirit of Freedom of Speech? suitable Heading

3.1) Correct Religious narratives must be promoted
3.2) Right to say must have some limitation so that inviolability on Fundamental Human Rights is ensured
3.3) Strategy of benevolence must be observed
3.4) Establishment of independent monitoring institution
3.5) Promotion of freedom of speech, but under code of ethics by educating the masses
3.6) Bolster and disseminate authentic information to counter wrong narratives based on Right to say


Nice try. Keep it up.

Originally Posted by faiza rajput View Post
1. Introduction
2. Wisdom and burden of this blessing (which blessing, repeat the key words in outline)
3. Islamic point of view
4. Human nature of accepting favourable things and rejecting opposition
5. Right of expression in the past
5.1. Pre Islamic period
5.2. Islamic period (essay is not about freedom of speech and Islam, don't write a lot about religion specially when such thing is not required.) Holy Prophet set examples People questioned Hazrat Umar about Shawl Mughal period Colonial period American Act for freedom of expression
6. Freedom of expression and twentieth century authoritarian regimes (Good)
7. Freedom of expression and democratic regimes Good
8. Limits of Freedom of expression Good
9. Misuse of this right Good
9.1. ISIS using social media v/s remaining world trying to stop it
9.2. ???????
10. Dual standards of West (how is it connected to rights?)
10.1. Charlee Hebdo case
10.2. Holocaust case
11. Conclusion
Rewrite your outline.

Originally Posted by waqarabbasi View Post
I may not approve of what you say but I defend till death your right to say


Imposing restrictions on free speech means a halt to the intellectual and material progress of the nations. Free competition of ideas distinguishes the successful nations from undemocratic and failed nations. The defence of free speech is the basic requirement of success in a world of varied thoughts. The free speech is as important a right as the freedom of territory; people without freedom of speech are mindless slaves like sheep on altar of sacrifice. Free speech, being the basic right of individual, ensures the inapplicability of physical tortures and humiliations on holding or not holding a certain thought. Freedom of speech provides world a systematic course of living peacefully with differing opinions. It opens the horizon of disagreeing in an agreeable way; it promotes an atmosphere of free competition of ideas where one is free to choose right from the wrong. The free speech should be defended to prevent humanity form being a victim of majority’s propaganda against minority. Agreeing with differing thoughts is not compulsory but providing the freedom of speech despite differences is essential for the survival of coexistence. An excellent introduction waqar.

A. Why defense of free speech is the inherent right of humans?

1. The freedom of speech ensures the basic right of human equality irrespective of what ideas one holds.
2. Defense of free speech provides a chance to the ideas of minority to compete with others’.
3. It ends the perpetration of physical tortures and humiliation on holding or not holding any views.

B. Nations protect this right with the constitutional safeguards; the right is protected by the constitution of democratic states, USA, Pakistan, and China. The United Nations regards it a basic right of humanity as the right to live in peace.

C. How defenders protect free speech from external compulsions

1. Fight with religious and social pressures imposed by society
2. A strong disregard for external physical torture and humiliation for having differing views.
3. Defense against manipulation of facts and reality by dominating groups

D. The achievements free speech brought for humanity

1. An abundance of ideas, literature and art.
2. The powerful media and aware nations of the world.
3. The improved capacity of individuals and nations to make the right from the wrong
4. It broke the shackles of despotism and brought an era of accountability and transparency.
5. It provides an equal opportunity to the ideas of any social or economic class to be presented and defended.
6. A demand for accountability of the wrongs done to humanity by any nation or individual.

E. the defense of free speech demands constant vigilance

F. The course towards free speech is still thorny.

1. Differing opinions are treated by majority with humiliations and torture
2. Right to information still suffers from hiding tactics of governments.
3. Media persons suffer for opening the political and economic corruptions of powerful
4. Powerful group more successfully interpret its ideas whereas weak section does not have the resources.

G. How the free speech should be defended?

1. A Collective action of nations to end hostilities on the basis of differing opinions.
2.The State should defend the right of media of bringing corruption and social issues in the limelight.
3. Free competition of ideas can end the hostility of religious and social differences.

You can also add one heading that could provide variety. For example, 'Freedom of speech should be limited in the circumstances it interrupts other basic rights'.
Your outline is excellent. Keep it up.
Best of Luck.
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