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Old Monday, January 18, 2016
ursula ursula is offline
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[QUOTE]Ursula you have good points but I would like to say that the kind of democracy you see nowadays in Pakistan is not the democracy I am talking about, in fact you are right, it is not a proper democracy and worse than a benevolent-dictatorship e.g in UAE or Singapore. Thing is, parliamentary democracy based on British lines is very advanced for our society, we have to evolve to that level and education/awareness will play a key role in making that kind of democracy implemented here, it is happening but slowly, the media and internet has made people aware and connected with the world so they know what is good and what is bad. Another thing, India after partition tried to control its feudalism and civilians consolidated control over the military whereas in Pakistan, it was mainly the feudal establishment that was the engine of Muslim League and Quaid-e-Azam died very early so he couldn't put the country on the right track, it is just like when a child becomes an orphan at an early age and then we had security issues with India so that further messed up things. Becoming an orphan and then an enmity (dushmani) combined with the unfortunate era of 70s and 80s really hampered our healthy growth as a progressive and democratic society.[QUOTE]
Good explanation sir,atleast you agreed that there exist colonial mind set that needs massive overhauling and repairment.
im ambivalent in a sense that geopolitical landscape of world state is changing so rapidly that it is said to be a last fight for nation state's to survive.And it is even proved by renowned analyst that democracy in pakista
n is failed anecdote.
for india and pakistan
My question is how far we would carry on this blame game,at least we even didnt learn how to establish good relations with our proximal neighbours.

Let's remember that and forget everything else he did. Like ruling the country without a constitution, and at will. Overruling judiciary, silencing media. Saying yes , to every american demand on the phone.
God! People he gave you NAB. What more can a man do?
you forget one thing as well that he restored liberty of electronic media,and you know during his tenure private channels spring out exponentially.
At least im contending that he fought against the fanatics, lal masjid operation!
remember something !
you mean Iftikhar chaudary and his rhetoric speeches
you know judiciary in pakistan is even worst than srilanka and Bangladesh.
Pakistan has the worst record of conviction rate.
Decision of terrorists executions are decided by army.Ironically its performance is better than civil courts

Are we a lame duckl? (An elected person still in office, an unsuccessful person or what?)
Are you saying that we shouldn't think about what's better? I'm so confused, I'm just going to not attempt to understand it.
Dear is it not a joke that in Pakistan only a hand picked politicians are not only elected but also renominated and renominated and in Nawaz case elected thricely as prime minister.
Next time i augure that he will become president.
if you didnt understand than im really sorry for this.

Yes, there's corruption. Trust me I know. To end corruption we need to work on it.
Deaar again its not we who has to work.It is army who is working.Yes its politicians who are sitting comfortably in their homes.
Rulers are a manifestation of general public, they come from us
manifestation is something apocryphal,dear work on it.
incorrect premise
Rulers are not elected but purchased.Do you ever think of a an mpa who is an ordinary clerk or a shoe maker.

You think we don't have a democratic culture, so we'll never have a democracy?
Because democratic values will never flourish under a dictator. And you know that too. Its 2015, Democracy vs Dictatorship, shouldn't even be a thing!. How about socialist democracy or anything else, but not dictatorship
P.S: I hate to say this, and you will not like it but you need to stop watching ARY news
i watch all channels.Dont be offensive
If you have time than kindly read kaplan book Revenge of geography and also the monsoon.
If you are inspired by western democracy,than im too.particularly social welfare democracy and how did you proof me that a modal workable is also successful at the other region.If that is true than my dear America should have definitely won the vietnam war.Think about it.
In pakistan when masses are so poor that they sell their votes at the cost of one time meal than how you can expect improvement.
In short your democracy is worst than my dictatorship.
But it doesnt mean im against the democracy.Next time
Come up with concrete evidences.
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