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hammadtahir Sunday, January 01, 2023 09:17 AM

Please Evaluate my Past CSS Comprehensions

[B][I]Critically examine the following passage:[/I][/B]
Some societies have experimented with eliminating the middleman. Prices can certainly be controlled better if the government acts as the middleman, because, after all, goods have to be lifted and transported to the other parts of the country. But governments are not usually very efficient or quick in these matters. Nor are they economical — a lot of file-and-paperwork involving a lot of people adds up to a lot of indirect expense. Although in theory it ought to be possible to reduce prices by eliminating the middleman, in practice it seems to be an essential evil.
Business can be left to find its own level in accordance with the so-called ‘laws’ of supply and demand. By and large, Pakistan is what is called a ‘sellers’ market because essential goods are usually in short supply or are inclined to fall below the needs of an overgrowing population. Market manipulation in such a situation is easy and unfortunately fairly common. Goods usually disappear at about the time they are needed most, leading to price spirals and malpractices. Price control under such circumstances becomes a little unrealistic unless a huge department can be set up with vigilance terms and inspectors empowered to raid shops and warehouses. The efforts to control a seller’s market is so great and the costs so high that in fact not a great deal of ôontrol can be exercised. And alternative method is to encourage the growth of buyer’s market in which the customer has a choice between many competing products. Competition automatically-forces good quality and low prices on the goods. This is at present only possible in the high production areas of the world. But competition leads to malpractices of a different kind. Survival for a business often depends upon the destruction of competing business and big companies have a natural advantage over small ones. An obsessive drive to ‘sell’ is generated in such a system. Huge sums are spent on advertising, the costs of which are transferred to the buyer. People are tricked and badgered into buying things they do not really need.

The position of middleman is essential for some societies. It is a necessary evil because, without them, market manipulation and the monopolies of big companies would certainly be out of control. Admittedly, the government cannot act as a middleman owing to many restrictions, but it can certainly regulate the activities of middlemen by controlling the pricing of commodities to a limited extent.

hammadtahir Sunday, January 01, 2023 09:32 AM

1982 Comprehension
[B][I]Critically examine the following passage:[/I][/B]
After a situation has been carefully analysed and the possible outcomes have been evaluated as accurately as possible, a decision can be made. This decision may include the alternative of not making a decision on the alternatives presented. After all the data that can be brought to bear on a situation has been considered, some areas of uncertainty may be expected to remain. If a decision is to be made, these areas of uncertainty must be bridged by the consideration and evaluation of intangibles. Some call the type of evaluation involved in the consideration of intangibles, intuition, others call it hunch on judgement, whatever it be called, it is inescapable tat this type of thinking must always be the final part in arriving at a decision about the future. There is no other way if action is to be taken. There appears to be a marked difference in people’s abilities to come to sound conclusions, when some facts relative to a situation are missing, those who possess sound judgement, are richly rewarded. But as effective as as intuition, hunch on judgement may some times be, this type of thinking should be reserved for those areas where facts on which to base a decision, are missing.

[B][I]1. How is it possible to come to a sound decision when facts are missing?[/I][/B]
There are some areas of uncertainty when facts are missing. These uncertainties needed to be overcome. These intangibles (the missing data) need to be considered and assessed. This sort of consideration must be the last step in taking a decision. A sound decision, when facts are missing, must be based on intuition or a hunch.

[B][I]2. What part, in your opinion, does decision making play in the efficient functioning of an organization?[/I][/B]
Decision-making is the most efficient and important part of any organization. After thoroughly examining the data or information, one can make a pragmatic decision about the future policies, programmes, and projects of an organization. When some data is missing, it is necessary to overcome these uncertainties by making a decision based on a hunch and intuition. The future of any organization depends on efficient decision-making after weighing all the future pros and cons of a decision.

hammadtahir Monday, January 02, 2023 03:44 PM

1983 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following passage carefully and answer the Questions that follow in your own words:[/I][/B]
“The third great defect of our civilization is that it does not know what to do with its knowledge. Science has given us powers fit for the gods, yet we use them like small children. For example, we do not know how to manage our machines. Machines were made to be man’s servants, yet he has grown so dependent on them that they are in a fair way to become his masters. Already most men spend most of their lives looking after and waiting upon machines. And the machines are very stern masters. They must be fed with coal, and given petrol to drink, and oil to wash with and they must be kept at the right temperature. And if they do not get their meals when they expect them, they grow sulky and refuse to work, or burst with rage, and blow up and spread ruin and destruction all round them. So we have to wait upon them very attentively and do all that we can to keep them in a good temper. Already we find it difficult either to work or play without the machines, and a time may come when they will rule us altogether, just as we rule the animals. And this brings me to the point at which I asked “What do we do with all time which the machines have saved for us, and the new energy they have given us?” On the whole, it must be admitted, we do very little. For the most part we use our time and energy to make more and better machines, but more and better machines will only give us still more time and still more energy and what are we to do with them? The answer, I think, is that we should try to become more civilized. For the machines themselves, and the power which the machines have given us, are not civilization but aids to civilization. But you will remember that we agreed at the beginning that being civilized meant making and liking beautiful things, thinking freely, and living rightly and maintaining justice equally between man and man. Man has a better chance today to do these things than he ever had before, he has more time, more energy, less to fear and less to fight against. lf he will give his time and energy which his machines have won for him to making more beautiful things, to finding out more and more about the universe to removing the causes of quarrels between nations, to discovering how to prevent poverty, then I think our civilization would undoubtedly be the greatest, as it would be the most lasting that there has ever been.”

[B][I]1. What is your concept of “Civilization”? Do you agree with the author’s views on the subject?[/I][/B]
A civilization is any complex society characterized by the development of a state, social stratification, urbanization, and symbolic systems of communication beyond natural spoken language. I agree with the author's assertion that civilization entails the creation and fusion of lovely things. Some other characteristics of civilization include ensuring equality of justice between mankind and safeguarding one's freedom of thought and expression.

[B][I]2. Science has given us powers fit for the gods. If it a curse or blessing?[/I][/B]
Science has given us powers fit for the gods, but this has been a curse rather than a blessing because most men are stuck in a perpetual cycle of upgradation – improving the previous version of a machine. This spending of free time and energy by men to make more efficacious machines leaves them no time for themselves or their environment.

[B][I]3. The use of machines has brought us more leisure and energy? Are we utilizing it to improve the quality of human life?[/I][/B]
The use of machines has brought mankind more leisure and more energy, but mankind is not utilizing this ample time for the improvement of the quality of human life. Most men spend most of their free time and energy making more efficient machines, which will give him still more time for leisure and energy. Ironically, he does not get that free time because he is stuck creating a more efficient machine than the previous one, hence leaving no time for himself or for the improvement of the civilization and the quality of human life.

[B][I]4. Instead of making machines our servants, the author says, they have become our masters. In what sense has this come about?[/I][/B]
Machines were made to be man’s servants, but he has grown so dependent on them that they have become his master, as most men spend most of their lives looking after them, maintaining them regularly, and waiting upon them whenever necessary.

hammadtahir Tuesday, January 03, 2023 09:34 AM

1984 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following Passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end:[/I][/B]
During the last few decades medicine has undoubtedly advanced by huge strides in consequence of innumerable discoveries and inventions. But have we actually become healthier as a result of this progress? Admittedly, tuberculosis or cholera is today a much rare cause of death in many countries. On the other hand, various other no less dangerous diseases have appeared, which we term “time diseases”. They include not only certain impairments of the heart and the circulatory system, of the skeletal structure and internal organs, but also an increased psychic instability, the addiction to all manner of drugs etc., and states of nervous shock and exhaustion. According to Bodamer, “Man’s hystorical and vain attempt to overtax and do violence to his nature in order to adjust it to the technical world leads to a dangerous threat to health.” In other words, our organs can no longer cope with the noise, the bustle and all the inevitable concomitants of our modern civilization. A man’s body is simply not a machine to be used as he thinks fit, and as long as he likes. It is something living, a part of the image of God in which we were created. That is why the body has a rhythm of its own, a rhythm that can make itself heard. The most deep-seated of all the diseases of our time is that man no longer takes God into account, that he has lost confidence in God’s dominion over the world, that he considers the visible as the ultimate, the only, reality. But man without God suffers from hi-s fate because he cannot accept it from the hand of God. He suffers from the world because he senses its disordered state without being able to put it right. He begins to suffer from his work -because it exhausts him without satisfying him. He begins to suffer from his fellowmen because they are not his neighbours, to whom God would have him turn, but because he less them get on his neighbours, to whom God would have him turn, but because he-lets them get on his nerves and make him ill. And he suffers from himself because he finds himself out of tune and dissatisfied with himself. It is only because our time is no longer centered in God that its structure is increasing becoming what critics of our civilization call “pathological” dominated by the fear of life as well as by the lust for life, ending in the splitting of personality.

[B][I]1. How does the expression “time diseases” indicate that these various ailments have something fundamental in common? Explain[/I][/B]
The expression "time diseases" indicates that these various ailments have something fundamental in common because they are all diseases that are specific to the current time period and are thought to be caused by the modern way of life.

[B][I]2. Why does modern man suffer from his time? It is not because he has not adapted his body sufficiently to the demands of the machine? It is not rather because he has surrendered his soul to time and its powers?[/I][/B]
Modern man suffers from his time because he has lost confidence in God's dominion over the world and has become centered in time rather than God. This has caused him to suffer from various ailments such as physical impairments, addiction, and mental instability. It is not because he has not adapted his body sufficiently to the demands of the machine, but rather because he has surrendered his soul to time and its powers.

[B][I]3. What cure would you suggest to combat these ills?[/I][/B]
One potential cure for these ills would be for modern man to refocus on God and turn to Him for guidance and healing. This may involve seeking spiritual guidance and engaging in practices such as prayer and meditation.

[B][I]4. Explain the last sentence fully.[/I][/B]
The last sentence states that the structure of our current time period is becoming "pathological" and is dominated by fear and lust for life, which is leading to the splitting of personality. This means that the way of life in our current time period is unhealthy and is causing individuals to experience a splitting or fragmentation of their sense of self. This may be due to the stress and pressure of modern life and the lack of focus on spiritual fulfillment.

hammadtahir Tuesday, January 03, 2023 09:56 AM

1985 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following passage carefully and answer questions given at the end:[/I][/B]
Whoever starts a new diary does it, if he is wise, in secret, for if it is known to his friends that he keeps a punctual record of his doings and theirs, they will treat him with a reticence that may embarrass him. That is the first rule of diary keeping, but others, such as whether the diary should be regular, or irregular, are more disputable. It is, however, a [U]fatal practice[/U] to attempt regularity in amount.., to aim, as some do, at filling a page or two a day. It is equally futile to strive for uniformity of style or, indeed for any style at all. The advantage of the diary form is that it exempts its users from all ordinary rules, you may spell as you like, abbreviate, or wander into side tracks as and when it pleases you. Above all, you need to preserve no sense of proportion or responsibility. A new hat may oust a new Parliament, a new actress who amused you may, without any complaints, sweep all the armies and potentates of Europe over your margin into nothingness and [U]oblivion[/U]. Nobody’s feelings have to be considered, no sense of critical audience needs force gaiety from a mood of sadness or [U]cast a shadow on the spirits[/U] of Puck. Why then does not everyone keep a diary if it is so full of the delights of freedom and omnipotence? Perhaps it is because we like to have an audience for what we say and grow a little tired of entertaining our great-great-grand-children. Some aver that [U]all diarists are vain[/U], but it would appear, on the contrary, if they keep their secret and let no pry into their locked drawer, that they have an irrefutable claim to modesty. it is possible, of course, that they may be puffing themselves up before the mirror of [U]posterity[/U], but that is such a remote and pardonable conceit — particularly, if we remember that posterity is far more likely to mock than to admire that nobody who turns over the blank pages of this year and wonders what other fingers will turn them someday need be ashamed of his diarist’s dream.

[B][I]1. What are your own impressions about diary-keeping? Write a short paragraph of about 100 words.[/I][/B]
Diary-keeping is one of the most interesting and creative hobbies. A person can create a world of his own imagination in his diary. The diarist has free reign over it. He is not bound by grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation. He does not need to be bounded by coherence. A diarist does not have to follow a certain sequence of events. He may praise his lover, or he may take vengeance on his enemies. He may write about his life experiences and pass on his wisdom to future generations. Most importantly, a diarist does not have to follow regularity to write something in his diary once a day; he may keep his own pace and write sporadically. It is a way for the writer to have complete freedom in their writing and to record their experiences as they see fit, without worrying about what others might think or how their words will be received.

[B][I]2. State in your own words why the writer thinks that a diary should be kept in secret.[/I][/B]
The writer thinks that a diary should be kept in secret because if it is known to the writer's friends that he is keeping a record of his own actions and those of his friends, the friends may treat the writer with reticence or reserve, which could be embarrassing. This suggests that the writer values his privacy and wants to avoid any potential awkwardness or discomfort that might arise if his diary was known to others.

[B][I]3. Explain the Underlined portions.[/I][/B]
[I][U]Fatal practice[/U][/I]
The phrase "fatal practice" refers to a harmful or detrimental habit or activity, in this case, the attempt to maintain regularity in the amount of writing in a diary.

The state of being completely forgotten or ignored.

[I][U]Cast a shadow on the spirits[/U][/I]
The phrase "cast a shadow on the spirits" means to negatively affect someone's mood or emotional state.

[I][U]All diarists are vain[/U][/I]
The phrase "all diarists are vain" means that all people who keep a diary are self-absorbed.

Future generations or generations

hammadtahir Sunday, January 15, 2023 11:08 AM

1986 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following passage carefully and answer questions given at the end:[/I][/B]
Biofeedback is a process that allows people with stress-related illnesses such as high blood pressure to monitor and improve their health by learning to relax. In biofeedback, devices that monitor skin temperature are attached to a patient’s arm, leg, or forehead. Then the person tries to relax: As he or she relaxes completely, the temperature of the area under the devices rises because more blood reaches the area. When a machine that is attached to the devices detects the rise in temperature a buzzer sounds, or the reading on a dial changes. As long as the patient is relaxed, the buzzer or dial gives encouragement. The next part of the biofeedback process is learning how to relax without the monitoring devices. The patient recalls how he or she or she felt when the buzzer or’ dial indicated relaxation and then tries to imitate that feeling without having to check the biofeedback machine. After succeeding in doing so, the patient tries to maintain the relaxed feeling throughout the day. Stress may cause as much as 75 percent of all illness, therefore, biofeedback promises to bean outstanding medical tool.

[B][I]1. What is a biofeedback? Describe in your own way.[/I][/B]
Biofeedback is a therapeutic technique that uses electronic devices to help individuals learn how to control their physiological responses, such as muscle tension and heart rate, in order to reduce stress-related illnesses.

[I][B]2. Can learning to relax improve health? Explain your view-point.[/B][/I]
Stress comes from anxiety. Anxiety originates from anywhere. People feel anxious for many reasons. However, most of the reasons are external to them, and they have no control over them. Thus, learning to relax cannot improve health until and unless the external factors that are causing stress are resolved.

[B][I]3. Why is biofeedback considered to be an instrument with great potential for the treatment of stress-related illnesses?[/I][/B]
Biofeedback enables patients to recall what a buzzer sound or dial indicator made them feel when they were relaxed. This concentration on relaxation and the remembrance of that feeling reduces stress levels in people. As stress is the cause of the majority of all illnesses, biofeedback promises to be a revolutionary medical tool that has great potential for the treatment of stress-related illnesses.

hammadtahir Sunday, January 15, 2023 11:48 AM

1987 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following passage carefully and answer questions given at the end:[/I][/B]
There is a sense in which the aim of education must be the same in all societies. Two hundred years from now there will be no one alive in the world who is alive today. Yet the sum total of human skill and knowledge will probably not be less than it is today. It will almost certainly be greater. And that this is so due in large part to the educational process by which we pass on to one generation what has been learned and achieved by previous generations. The continuity and growth of society is obviously dependent in this way upon education, both formal and informal. If each generation had to learn for itself what had been learned by its predecessor, no sort of intellectual or social development would he possible and the present state of society would be little different from the society of the old stone age. But this basic aim of education is so general and so fundamental that it is hardly given conscious recognition as an educational purpose. It is rather to be classed as the most important social function of education and is a matter of interest to the sociologist rather than to the educational theorist, Education does this job in any society and the specific way in which it does it will vary from one society to another. When we speak in the ordinary way about the aims of education, we are interested rather in the specific goals set by the nature of society and the purposes of its members. The educational system of any society is a more or less elaborate social mechanism designed to bring about in the persons submitted to it certain skills and attitudes that are judged to be useful and desirable in the society.

[B][I]1. How is the continuity and growth of society dependent upon education?[/I][/B]
The continuity and growth of society is dependent upon education in that education is the process by which we pass on to one generation what has been learned and achieved by previous generations. This allows for the accumulation of knowledge and skills over time, which is necessary for intellectual and social development.

[B][I]2. In what way the aims of education are related with a society and its members?[/I][/B]
The writer states that aims of education are equivalent to the specific goals set by the nature of society and the purposes of its members. The educational system of any society is designed to bring about certain skills and attitudes that are judged to be useful and desirable in that society.

[B][I]3. What importance does the writer give to the education system of a society?[/I][/B]
The writer gives importance to the educational system of a society as a more or less elaborate social mechanism designed to bring about certain skills and attitudes that are judged to be useful and desirable in that society.

hammadtahir Monday, January 16, 2023 09:51 AM

1988 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following passage and answer questions given at the end:[/I][/B]
Another intellectual effect of almost all teaching, except the highest grade of university tuition, is that it encourages docility and the belief that definite answers are known on questions which are legitimate matters of debate. I remember an occasion when a number of us were discussing which was the best of Shakespeare’s plays. Most of us were concerned in advancing arguments for unconventional opinions but a clever young man, who, from the elementary schools, had lately risen to the university, informed us, as a fact of which we were unaccountably ignorant, that Hamlet is the best of Shakespeare’s plays. After this the subject was closed. Every clergyman in America knows why Rome fell: it was owing to the corruption of morals depicted by Juvenal and Petronius. The fact that morals became exemplary about two centuries before the fall of the Western Empire is unknown or ignored. English children are taught one view of the French Revolution, French children are taught another, neither is true, but in each case it would be highly imprudent to disagree with the teacher, and few feel any inclination to do so. Teachers ought to encourage intelligent disagreement on the part of their pupils, even urging them to read books having opinions opposed to those of the instructor. But this is seldom done, with the result that much education consists in the instilling of unfounded dogmas in place of spirit of inquiry. This results, not necessarily from any fault in the teacher, but from a curriculum which demands too much apparent knowledge, with a consequent need of haste and definiteness.

[B][I]1. What is the main defect of teaching? Describe in your own words.[/I][/B]
The main defect of teaching is that it encourages subservience and aver that there are already clear-cut answers to questions that certainly need to be debated. It fails to foster the spirit of inquiry and critical thinking among students by instilling unfounded dogmas in their minds.

[I][B]2. What are the causes of the instilling of unfounded dogmas in the mind of students?[/B][/I]
Teachers, not because of fault of their own, do not encourage students to read books, form their own opinions, and challenge those of teachers’. This happens because of the extensive curriculum, which takes too much of their time and attention.

[B][I]3. Briefly describe the main points presented by the writer of this passage.[/I][/B]
The writer of this passage asserts that teachers do not encourage students to ask questions and debate about any topic. Students’ opinions are not developed properly. The profession of teaching demands absolute subservience – no questions asked. It also subverts any debate on the topic. Though teachers are not entirely to blame, this is due to an extensive curriculum that demands far too much time and attention from both students and teachers. The writer also mentions how education in different countries is based on different dogmas and how it is imprudent to disagree with the teacher.

hammadtahir Monday, January 16, 2023 10:01 AM

1989 Comprehension
[I][B]Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end:[/B][/I]
“Teaching more even than most other professions, has been transformed during the last hundred years from a small, highly skilled profession concerned with a minority of the population, to a large and important branch of the public service. The profession has a great and honourable tradition, extending from the dawn of history until recent times, but any teacher in the modem world who allows himself to be inspired by’ the ideals of his predecessors is likely to be made sharply aware that it is not his function to teach what he thinks, but to instill such beliefs and prejudices as are thought useful by his employers. In former days a teacher was expected to be a man of exceptional knowledge or wisdom, to whose words men would do well to attend. In antiquity, teachers were not an organized profession, and no control was exercised over what they taught. It is true that they were often punished afterwards for their subversive doctrines. Socrates was put to death and Plato is said to have been thrown into prison, but such incidents did not interfere with the spread of their doctrines. Any man who has the genuine impulse of the teacher will be more anxious to survive in his books than in the flesh. A feeling of intellectual independence is essential to the proper fulfillment of the teacher’s functions, since it is his business to instill what he can of knowledge and reasonableness into the process of forming public opinion. In our more highly organized world we face a new problem. Something called education is given to everybody, usually by the State the teacher has thus become, in the vast majority of cases, a civil servant obliged to carry out the behests of men who have not his learning, who have no experience of dealing with the young, and whose only attitude towards education is that of the propagandist.”

[B][I]1. What change has occurred in the profession of teaching during the last hundred years?[/I][/B]
Teaching profession has been transformed during the last hundred years from a small, highly skilled profession concerned with a minority of the population, to a large and important branch of the public service.

[B][I]2. What do you consider to be the basic functions of a teacher?[/I][/B]
The basic functions of a teacher are to instill beliefs and prejudices that are thought useful by the teacher's employers, to be a man of exceptional knowledge or wisdom, and to instill knowledge and reasonableness into the process of forming public opinion.

[B][I]3. What handicaps does a modern teacher face as compared to the teachers in the olden days?[/I][/B]
In the past, a teacher was thought to be a man of extraordinary insight or understanding, whose advice men would do well to heed. Teachers did not have a regulated profession in antiquity, and there was no oversight of the subjects they taught. Contrarily, in modern days, the teaching profession is being regulated by the state as it has become a sector of the public service. The teacher has become a civil servant who has to work with people who lack his knowledge, lack any experience working with children, and only have a propagandist’s perspective on education.

hammadtahir Monday, January 16, 2023 10:12 AM

1990 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following passage carefully and answer questions given at the end as briefly as possible.[/I][/B]
Mountbatten was taking his family to Simla to snatch a few days’ rest. He had brought with him a copy of the Draft Plan for the transfer of power (which he had sent to London for approval). Menon had come up and they were expecting Nehru for the weekend. Mountbatten was delighted that Edwina (his wife) and Jawaharlal had taken to each other so much. It could only help his work, and it seemed to do them both so much good. Nehru himself had been in fine form. Mieville and George Nicolis (Principal Secretary to the Viceroy and Deputy Personal secretary to the Viceroy respectively) had shown some - dismay at Viceroy’s openness with the Indian leader but Mountbatten chose to ignore them. Despite his continuing optimism for the Plan, Menon's contention that it would not be well received by the Congress had given him more than usual pause for thought. After dinner on Saturday night, he invited Nehru in the Viceregal Lodge for a nightcap. The Viceroy handed Nehru his drink, and then quite suddenly crossed the room to the safe and unlocked it, taking out the Draft Plan handed him the papers (giving free run his instinct whatever the result). Nehru took the Draft Plan eagerly and sat down with it. Immersing himself in it immediately. Mountbatten watched him... The Indian had stopped reading the Plan, and was riffling angrily through the final pages. His face was drawn and pale. Mountbatten was shaken. He had never seen Nehru so furious. Nehru made an effort to control himself.... ‘I will try to summarise my thoughts tonight and leave you a note of my objections. This much I can tell you now: Congress will never agree to plan of India’s fragmentation into a host of little states'. The following day, the Viceroy sat on the secluded rear terrace of Viceregal Lodge while V. P. Menon read over Nehru’s promise memorandum of objections. ‘Mr. Nehru only questions certain Section of the Plan, said Menon. ‘Yes — the key ones!’ snapped Mountbatten. ‘Look we have to redraft and resubmit immediately,- in the light of his comments. Can you do it?” ‘Very well, Your Excellency,’ said Menon. ‘..-... I want it (the fresh draft) by six o’clock this evening.’

[B][I]1. How did Lord Mountbatten view the relationship between his wife, Lady Edwina and Jawaharalal Nehru?[/I][/B]
Lord Mountbatten viewed the relationship between his wife, Lady Edwina and Jawaharalal Nehru as positive and helpful for his work.

[B][I]2. How did the officers on the staff of Lord Mountbatten view his close relationship with Nehru and what was Mountbatten’s reaction to it?[/I][/B]
Mieville and George Nicolis had some reservations on the genial relationship between Viceroy and Mountbatten, but their objections did not concern the Viceroy.

[B][I]3. Why did Lord Mountbatten show the Draft Plan to Nehru?[/I][/B]
Mountbatten presented the Draft Plan to Nehru – the leader of Indian Congress – because he wanted to have his opinion and reservations (if any).

[I][B]4. Did Lord Mountbatten show the Draft Plan to Quaid-e-Azam? If not, what will the showing of secret Draft Plan to Nehru alone will be called?[/B][/I]
It is not specified in the passage whether Lord Mountbatten showed the Draft Plan to Quaid-e-Azam. Showing the secret Draft Plan to Nehru alone could be seen as favoritism or bias.

[B][I]5. What motivated the drawing up of a fresh Plan for transfer of power?[/I][/B]
The reservations of Nehru on the Draft Plan, and his claim that Congress would never accept the vivisection of India into smaller states motivated Mountbatten in drawing up a fresh Plan for the transfer of power.

[I][B]6. Within what time was the fresh plan prepared and by whom?[/B][/I]
The fresh plan was prepared by V. P. Menon, on orders of Mountbatten, within the same day, by 6 o'clock in the evening.

[B][I]7. Was the person who drew up the fresh plan, under orders of Mountbatten, a neutral and impartial person, not connected with any Indian community?[/I][/B]
It is not specified in the passage whether the person who drew up the fresh plan was a neutral and impartial person not connected with any Indian community.

hammadtahir Tuesday, January 17, 2023 04:22 PM

1991 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end as briefly as possible into 2 lines each):[/I][/B]
“Heads of Government attending the London Economic Summit will have no excuses if they fail to curb the level of arms exports. A new definitive study by the International Monetary Fund, not generally known for its liberal views, makes it plain that high levels of arms spending in some developing countries have retarded social programmes, economic development projects and the private sector, the latter being an issue with which the seven richest market economies can identify.
The IMF, however, picks out 10, consistent offenders among developing countries which spend more than 15 percent of their GDP on the military, they are: Israel, Angola, Oman, Yemen, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Libya. Employing some unusually forceful language the Fund says, High levels of military expenditure certainly led to low growth and domestic economic hardship in some countries by diverting fund from social programmes, economic development projects and the private- sector”.
The study poses a couple of other serious problems for the summiteers. It shows for instance, that military expenditure is very sensitive to financial constraints. Thus, if countries are deprived of resources, then they are forced to cut back on armaments:

[B][I]1. What are the heads of Government doing at the summit?[/I][/B]
Heads of Government came together at the summit to take actions to curb the arms exports.

[B][I]2. What are the findings of the new study?[/I][/B]
A new study by the International Monetary Fund claims that developing countries who face problems in social welfare projects, economic development, and private sector are those who spend heavily on arms.

[B][I]3. How does military expenditure affect domestic economy of a country and in what ways?[/I][/B]
Military expenditure diverts the much-needed funds from the domestic economy of a country. If these funds were directed to the domestic economy, then it would financially contribute towards economic development projects, social welfare programmes, and the private sector.

[B][I]4. What is the relationship between military spending and economic growth?[/I][/B]
The higher the military expenditure the lower the economic growth and higher the domestic economic hardship.

[B][I]5. How is military expenditure related to resources?[/I][/B]
The military expenditure is very susceptible to budgetary constraints. Thus, if the government are bereft of resources, then they would be forced to roll back their spending on weapons.

hammadtahir Tuesday, January 17, 2023 04:36 PM

1992 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end:[/I][/B]
“Moral self-control, and external prohibition of harmful acts, are not adequate methods of dealing with our anarchic instincts. The reason they are inadequate is that these instincts are capable of many disguises as the Devil in medieval legend, and some of these disguises deceive even the elect. The only adequate method is to discover what are the needs of our instinctive nature, and then to search for the least harmful way of satisfying them. Since spontaneity is what is most thwarted by machines, the only thing that can be provided is opportunity, the use made of opportunity must be left to the initiative of the individual. No doubt, considerable expense would be involved but it would not be comparable to the expense of war. Understanding of human nature must be the basis of any real improvement in human life. Science has done wonders in mastering the laws of the physical world, but our own nature is much less understood, as yet, than the nature of stars and electrons. When science learns to understand human nature, it will be able to bring happiness into our lives which machines and the Physical Science have failed to create.”

[B][I]1. Why are moral self-control, and external prohibition inadequate to deal with our anarchic instincts?[/I][/B]
The man’s moral self-control and external prohibition are inadequate to deal with his anarchic instincts because these instincts are capable of many disguises and can deceive even the most morally upright individuals.

[B][I]2. What is the adequate method of anarchic instincts?[/I][/B]
The only effective approach is to identify the demands of a man's inherent nature and then look for the least destructive manner to meet those wants.

[B][I]3. What should be the basis of any real improvement in human life? [/I][/B]
Any genuine advancement in the quality of human life must start with an understanding of human nature.

[B][I]4. How can science help humanity to achieve happiness?[/I][/B]
Science can help humanity to achieve happiness by learning to understand human nature and by providing new ways to satisfy their instinctive needs without causing harm. This can help humanity to achieve happiness that machines and physical science have failed to create.

hammadtahir Tuesday, January 17, 2023 04:46 PM

1993 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end in your own words without lifting sentences from the given text:[/I][/B]
Recently the mass media, formerly subservient to the medical profession, have become increasingly, restive, and occasionally hostile. In Germany, in particular, the newspapers and television have given a great deal of time and space to the complaints against the medical profession. In Britain on BBC radio and television, the medical practices have come under sharp and aggressive criticism. Is this antagonism to the profession justified? And if so, why? I have tried to answer that question by looking at the way it deals with some of the diseases of our civilisation, including the most lethal, heart-attacks and cancer. If what emerges is an indictment of the profession, then I would rebut the charge that I am anti-doctor. Montaigne said: ‘I honour physicians not for their services but for themselves.’ That goes for me too.
[RIGHT](Brian Inglis)[/RIGHT]

[B][I]1. What do you understand by the mass media?[/I][/B]
Mode of communication used by vast number of people to gather information is called mass media. Most common tools of mass media are radio, television, and newspaper.

[I][B]2. What is Brian Inglis stance, towards the medical profession?[/B][/I]
Brian Inglis is trying to understand whether the recent antagonism towards the medical profession by the mass media is justified. He is also trying to understand the reason behind it and is not taking a stance for or against the medical profession. He also mentions that he honors the physicians for themselves and not for the services they provide.

[B][I]3. What is a lethal disease?[/I][/B]
A lethal disease is a disease that can cause death. Heart-attacks and Cancer are one of the most known lethal diseases.

[B][I]4. Is there a radical change in the presentation of the art of healing by the mass media?[/I][/B]
Brian Inglis suggests that there has been a change in the way the mass media is presenting the art of healing, particularly in Germany and Britain, where the medical profession has come under sharp and aggressive criticism.

hammadtahir Tuesday, January 17, 2023 05:13 PM

1994 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following passage and answer the question given at the end in your own words.[/I][/B]
“Piecing together the story of human evolution is no easy task. The [U]anthropologist[/U] Richard Leakey has identified four key steps in our [U]evolution[/U] from the earliest [U]hominid[/U] to modern humans. First, the occurrence of [U]bipedalism[/U] between 10 and 4 million years ago. Then the evolution of [U]Homo[/U], with its large brain and capacity to make [U]stone tools[/U] — the earliest examples of which are 2.5 million years old. Next, the evolution of Hemo erects almost 2 million years ago, followed by its [U]migration[/U] out of Africa into Eurasia. And finally the appearance of modern human less than 150000 years ago”. “Through the 10 million years of human evolution, the Earth’s climate has changed considerably. During the period that Michael Sarrnthies of Kie has called the “Golden era” — up to 3 million years ago — the world was much warmer than it is now. Then conditions started to [U]deteriorate[/U], and there was a gradual build-up of ice at the poles. Around 2.6 million years ago the climate became cyclical: ice ages characterized by huge ice sheets covering much of North America and northern Europe were followed by interglacial, when conditions were comparable to those we see today. Elizabeth Vrba of Yale University, one of the most vigorous [U]proponents[/U] of the idea of punctuated equilibrium, has shown that this change in the world’s climate 2.6 million years ago had sudden and dramatic effects in Africa. A predominantly warm and moist climate was [U]transformed[/U] into one which was colder and more arid”.
[RIGHT](Mark Maslim)[/RIGHT]

[B][I]1. Give dictionary meanings of the underlined words.[/I][/B][LIST][*][B]Anthropologist:[/B] a person who studies the science of human beings and their societies and cultures[*][B]Evolution:[/B] the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form[*][B]Hominid:[/B] refers to a member of the primate family Hominidae, which includes modern humans and their extinct ancestors.[*][B]Bipedalism:[/B] the ability to walk on two legs[*][B]Homo:[/B] a genus of primates that includes the species Homo sapiens (modern humans), as well as extinct human species such as Homo habilis and Homo erectus.[*][B]Stone tools:[/B] implements made by shaping or sharpening natural stone[*][B]Migration:[/B] the movement of people from one place to another[*][B]Deteriorate:[/B] to become worse in quality or condition[*][B]Proponents:[/B] a person who supports or advocates for a particular idea or theory[*][B]Transformed:[/B] to change in form, appearance, or structure; metamorphose[/LIST]
[B][I]2. How did the climate become cyclical?[/I][/B]
The climate became cyclical due to the gradual build-up of ice at the poles and the onset of ice ages, which were characterized by huge ice sheets covering much of North America and northern Europe, followed by interglacial periods when conditions were more similar to those of today.

[B][I]3. Define the term “Golden era”.[/I][/B]
“Golden era” is defined as the time about three million years ago when temperatures were significantly higher than they are now.

[B][I]4. Describe the various stages in the development of the human species.[/I][/B]
From the earliest hominid to modern humans, researcher Richard Leakey has identified four crucial stages in human history. The first is Bipedalism, which took place between 10 and 4 million years ago. Then came the evolution of Homo, a species with a vast brain and the ability to create stone tools, the oldest of which date back 2.5 million years. The evolution of Homo erectus almost two million years ago, its exodus from Africa into Eurasia, and finally the advent of the modern human fewer than one hundred and fifty thousand years ago.

hammadtahir Tuesday, January 17, 2023 05:37 PM

1995 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the passage and answer the questions that follow it. Use your own English as much as possible otherwise you will not score high marks:[/I][/B]
A political community may be viewed as a group of people living together under a common regime, with a common set of authorities to make important decisions for the group as a whole. To the extent that the regime is “legitimate” we would further specify that the people have internalized a common set of rules. Given the predominantly achievement-oriented norms which seem to be a necessary concomitant of industrial society, these rules must apply equally to the entire population or Precisely those criteria (e.g. language) which are a basis for blocking individual social mobility, can become the basis for cleavage which threatens the disintegration of the political community. Among post-tribal multilingual populations where the masses are illiterate, generally unaware of national events, and have low expectations of social and economic mobility, the problems is largely irrelevant even if such populations have a linguistically distinct elite group. In contrast, when the general population of a society is going through the early stages of social mobilization, language group conflicts seem particularly likely to occur; they may develop animosities which take on a life of their own and persist beyond the situation which gave rise to them. The degree to which this happens may be significantly affected by the type of policy which the government adopts during the transitional period. The likelihood that linguistic division will lead to political conflict is particularly great when the language cleavages are linked with the presence of dominant group which blocks the social mobility of members of a subordinate group, partly, at least, on the basis of language factors. Where a dominant group holds the positions of power at the head of the major bureaucracies in a modern society, and gives preference in recruitment to those who speak the dominant language, any submerged group has the options of assimilations, non-mobility or group-resistance. If an individual is overwhelmed numerically or psychologically by the dominant language, if his group is proportionately too small to maintain a self-contained community within the society, assimilation usually occurs. In contrast, if one is part of a numerous or geographically concentrated minority group, assimilation is more difficult and is more likely to seem unreasonable. If the group is numerous and mobilized, political resistance is likely.

[B][I]1. A political community is identified as a group of people who have three things in common; What are they?[/I][/B]
A political community is identified as a group of people who have three things in common: they live together under a common regime, they have a common set of authorities to make important decisions for the group as a whole, and they have internalized a common set of rules.

[B][I]2. Why are the rules important?[/I][/B]
The rules are important because they apply equally to the entire population and prevent criteria such as language from becoming a basis for cleavage and threatening the disintegration of the political community.

[B][I]3. Give another word or paraphrase for: i. cleavage; ii, disintegration.[/I][/B][LIST][*][B]Cleavage[/B] – Schism, Division[*][B]Disintegration[/B] – Collapse, Breakdown[/LIST]
[B][I]4. In the second paragraph the authors distinguish between two types of society: What are they?[/I][/B]
In the second paragraph, the authors distinguish between two types of society: post-tribal multilingual populations where the masses are illiterate, generally unaware of national events, and have low expectations of social and economic mobility; and societies where the general population is going through the early stages of social mobilization.

[B][I]5. What problem is irrelevant to the first type?[/I][/B]
The problem of linguistic division is largely irrelevant to the first type of society.

[B][I]6. What is likely to happen to the second?[/I][/B]
In the second type of society, language group conflicts are particularly likely to occur and may develop animosities that persist beyond the situation that gave rise to them.

[B][I]7. When will language create political conflict?[/I][/B]
Language creates political conflict when the language cleavages are linked with the presence of a dominant group that blocks the social mobility of members of a subordinate group, partly, at least, on the basis of language factors.

[B][I]8. What is assimilation and when does it occur?[/I][/B]
Assimilation is when an individual or group adopts the norms, values, and practices of the dominant group in a society. It usually occurs when an individual or group is overwhelmed numerically or psychologically by the dominant language, and if their group is proportionately too small to maintain a self-contained community within the society.

[B][I]9. When does group resistance occur?[/I][/B]
Group resistance occurs when an individual or group is part of a numerous or geographically concentrated minority group, and assimilation is difficult and seems unreasonable.

[B][I]10. Give the opposite of the term “dominant group” used in the text.[/I][/B]
Subordinate Group

hammadtahir Wednesday, January 18, 2023 06:21 PM

1996 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following passages and answer the questions given at the end in your own words.[/I][/B]
"In countless other places, companies locating overseas are causing environmental harm. Japan has come in for heavy criticism from environmentalists in Southeast Asia for allegedly locating extremely harmful processes abroad because they no longer can pass environmental muster at home. A Malaysian subsidiary of the Mitsubishi Kasei Corp. was forced by court order to close after years of Protests by local residents that the plant’s dumping of radioactive thorium was to blame for unusually high leukemia rates in the region. Several multinational corporations operating in South Africa, including local subsidiaries of the Bayer Pharmaceuticals concern and a Duracell battery plant, have been implicated by local environ mentalists in toxic catastrophes that they believe have-caused cancer and other severe health problems among workers. Despite the threats, international markets also help diffuse many environmentally helpful products around the world. Trade in pollution control technologies is on the rise, particularly as environmental laws are strengthened in developing countries. International trade also can put pressure on companies to match the environmental immolations of their international competitors, as in the U.S. Car industry’s response to Japan’s advances in fuel efficiency. - Meanwhile, there are indications that, contrary to some people's expectations, being open to foreign investment can help prevent the caution of pollution havens rather than cause them. Research by Nancy Birds all and David Wheeler of the World Bank found that dirty industries developed faster in Latin American economies relatively in hospitable to foreign investment than in open ones. Another World Bank study looked at the rates at which 60 different countries its way to nations open to foreign investment far more rapidly than those closed toll The authors of these studies suggests several possible explanations for such trends. For one, closed economies protect capital-intensive, pollution-intensive industries in situations where low-cost labour otherwise would have been a draw to less polluting industries, Second, companies trying to sell their goods in industrial countries need to please the growing number of “green consumers” there. Finally the equipment used by multinational tends on balance to be newer and cleaner than that employed by national industries.

[B][I]1. Why is Japan under heavy criticism?[/I][/B]
Japan has come under heavy criticism for setting up harmful industries overseas because they can no longer set up a process domestically which violates their domestic environmental laws.

[B][I]2. What did the court decree in Malaysia? And why?[/I][/B]
A Malaysian subsidiary of the Mitsubishi Kasei Corp. was shut down by court decree after the protests by Malaysian residents claiming that the plant’s dumping of radioactive thorium led to unusually high leukemia rates in the region.

[B][I]3. How does a certain industry cause cancer to the local resident?[/I][/B]
Several multinational corporations release toxic effluents in the atmosphere in the manufacturing process. These effluents cause cancer and other severe health problems in residents when they consume it through water, air, or food.

[B][I]4. What could be the role of international markets in controlling pollution?[/I][/B]
As environmental laws are strengthening in developing countries, international markets can put pressure on companies to compete with the improved standards of environmental exhaust of their international competitors along with trade in pollution control technologies.

[B][I]5. What is a “pollution-haven”?[/I][/B]
A “pollution-haven” is a place where companies locate in order to take advantage of weaker environmental regulations.

[B][I]6. What does the research by Nancy Birds all and David Wheeler say?[/I][/B]
According to World Bank research by Nancy Birds all and David Wheeler, the filthy industry developed more quickly in Latin American nations because these nations were more welcoming to international investment than those with open economies.

[B][I]7. What does “the other study” by World Bank reveal?[/I][/B]
Another World Bank study looked at the rates at which 60 different countries improved their environmental performance and found that nations open to foreign investment improved more rapidly than those that were closed.

[B][I]8. Who is a “green consumer"?[/I][/B]
A "green consumer" is a consumer who is conscious of the environmental impact of the products they purchase and actively seeks out products that are environmentally friendly.

[B][I]9. How do you explain capital-intensive” and “pollution-intensive”?[/I][/B]
Capital-intensive refers to industries that require a large amount of capital investment, such as technology or equipment, to produce goods or services. Pollution-intensive refers to industries that produce a large amount of pollution as a result of their operations.

[B][I]10. How can we save the local residents from the pollution hazards?[/I][/B]
Economical overhaul is necessary in order to protect local residents from the pollution hazards. Transitioning from fossil fuels to green renewable energy is the first step in this regard. International trade should be regulated and incentives should be given by governments to their domestic industries to encourage the smooth transition to renewable as soon as possible. Besides carrot, states should consider to use the stick policy too by financially charging the violators of environmental laws.

hammadtahir Wednesday, January 18, 2023 06:43 PM

1997 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following passage carefully and answer questions given at the end as briefly as possible.[/I][/B]
Do we realize the extent to which the modern world relies for its opinions on public utterances and the Press? Do we realize how completely we are all in the power of report? Any little lie or exaggerated sentiment uttered by one with a bee in his bonnet, with a principle, or an end to serve, can, if cleverly expressed and distributed, distort the views of thousands, sometimes of millions. Any willful suppression of truth for Party or personal ends can so falsify our vision of things as to plunge us into endless cruelties and follies. Honesty of thought and speech and written word is a jewel, and they who curb prejudice and seek honourably to know and speak the truth are the only true builders of a better life. But what a dull world if we can't chatter and write irresponsibly, can't slop over with hatred, or pursue our own ends without scruple! To be tied to the apron-strings of truth, or coiffed with the nightcap of silence; who in this age of cheap ink and oratory will submit to such a fate?
Report, I would almost say, now rules the world and holds the fate of man on the sayings of its many tongues. If the good sense of mankind cannot somehow restrain utterance and cleanse report, Democracy, so highly vaunted, will not save us; and all the glib words of promise spoken might as well have lain unuttered in the throats of orators. We are always in peril under Democracy of taking the line of least resistance and immediate material profit. The gentleman, for instance, whoever he was, who first discovered that he could sell his papers better by undercutting the standard of his rivals, and, appealing to the lower tastes of the Public under the flag of that convenient expression "what the Public wants," made a most evil discovery. The Press is for the most part in the hands of men who know what is good and right. It can be a great agency for levelling up. But whether on the whole it is so or not, one continually hears doubted. There ought to be no room for doubt in any of our minds that the Press is on the side of the angels.

[B][I]1. Suggest an appropriate title for the passage.[/I][/B]
The Power of Report and the Press

[B][I]2. Give for each another word, or phrase, of similar meaning which might be used to replace the word in the passage:[/I][/B][LIST][*][B]Utterances[/B] - Remark[*][B]Sentiment[/B] - Opinion/View/Feeling[*][B]Distort[/B] - Twist[*][B]Willful[/B] - Deliberate/Intentional[*][B]Falsify[/B] - Forge[*][B]Curb[/B] - Restrain/Suppress[*][B]Vaunted[/B] - Praised/Esteemed[*][B]Glib[/B] - Smooth/Slick/Shallow/Insincere[*][B]Unuttered[/B] - Unspoken[*][B]Material[/B] - Wordly/Financial[*][B]Agency[/B] - Means[*][B]Leveling up[/B] - to increase or improve something[/LIST]
[B][I]3. What can plunge us into miseries?[/I][/B]
The passage suggests that the spread of lies and distorted views through public utterances and the Press can plunge us into endless cruelties and follies. Additionally, the willful suppression of truth for Party or personal ends can also falsify our vision of things, leading to miseries.

[B][I]4. Explain what is meant by the following phrases as used in the passage:[/I][/B][LIST][*][B]With a principle of an end to serve[/B] - refers to individuals who have a particular agenda or goal that they are trying to achieve through their words or actions.[*][B]This age of cheap ink and oratory[/B] - refers to the present time, where it is relatively inexpensive to print and distribute written materials, and where there are many opportunities for public speaking.[*][B]Undercutting the standard[/B] - refers to lowering the quality or value of something in order to sell it more cheaply or to gain an advantage over competitors.[*][B]On the side of the angels[/B] - refers to being morally good or righteous.[/LIST]

hammadtahir Wednesday, January 18, 2023 07:03 PM

1998 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following passages and answer the questions given at the end in your own words.[/I][/B]
Accumulated property treads the powers of thought in the dust, extinguishes the sparks of genius, and reduces the great mass of mankind to be immersed in sordid cares; beside depriving the rich, as we have already said, of the most salubrious and effectual motives to activity. If superfluity were banished, the necessity for the greater part of the manual industry of mankind would be superseded; and the rest, being amicably shared among all the active and vigorous members of the community, would be burdensome to none. Every man would have a frugal, yet wholesome diet; every man would go forth to that moderate exercise of his corporal functions that would give hilarity to the spirits; none would be made torpid with fatigue, but all would have leisure to cultivate the kindly and philanthropical affections of the soul, and to let loose his faculties in the search of intellectual improvement. What a contrast does this scene present us with the present state of human society, where the peasant and the labourer work till their understandings are benumbed with toil, their sinews contracted and made callous by being forever on the stretch, and their bodies invaded with infirmities and surrendered to an untimely grave? What is the fruit of this disproportioned and unceasing toil? At evening they return to a family, famished with hunger, exposed half naked to the inclemencies of the sky, hardly sheltered, and denied the slenderest instruction, unless in a few instances, where it is dispensed by the hands of ostentatious charity, and the first lesson communicated is unprincipled servility. All this while their rich neighbor....
How rapid and sublime would be the advances of intellect, if all men were admitted into the field of knowledge! At present ninety-nine persons in a hundred are no more excited to any regular exertions of general and curious thought, than the brutes themselves. What would be the state of public mind in a nation, where all were wise, all had laid aside the shackles of prejudice and implicit faith, all adopted with fearless confidence the suggestions of truth, and the lethargy of the soul was dismissed forever? It is to be presumed that the inequality of mind would in a certain degree be permanent; but it is reasonable to believe that the geniuses of such an age would far surpass the grandest exertions of intellect that are at present known. Genius would not be depressed with false wants and niggardly patronage.

[B][I]1. Suggest an appropriate title for the passage.[/I][/B]
Economic Justice leads to mass wisdom

[B][I]2. What does the writer mean by the following expressions?[/I][/B][LIST][*][B]hilarity of spirit[/B] - refers to a feeling of cheerfulness and good humor.[*][B]corporal functions[/B] - refers to physical activities or exercise.[*][B]torpid with fatigue[/B] - refers to being made sleepy and inactive by exhaustion.[*][B]let loose faculties[/B] - refers to allowing one's abilities or talents to be fully expressed or developed.[/LIST]
[B][I]3. What according to the writer is the cause of the poor man's short life?[/I][/B]
The writer states that the poor man's short life is caused by the disproportioned and unceasing toil that they are subjected to.

[B][I]4. Does the writer favour charity for the poor? Support your answer with the writer's argument.[/I][/B]
The writer champions for the egalitarian society and economic justice. The thesis of writer posits that accumulation of property by few rich people leads to earnest financial injustice in society. If the tasks are humanely divided, then every individual would have the capacity to intellectually develop oneself. Nowhere in this passage the writer favors charity for the poor, he only hypothesized about egalitarian society.

[B][I]5. How does the writer compare the present day man with brutes?[/I][/B]
The preoccupation of present-day man with the notion of money leaves him no time for the sharpness of his insight. His most time is taken by daily toil of tasks to earn his livelihood. This keeps him away from the intellectual curiosity akin to brutes.

[B][I]6. The writer does not state why there will always be an inequality of mind among men. Suggest a reason from your own knowledge of human psychology.[/I][/B]
Every man is psychologically different from each other. Past experiences and upbringing shapes man’s analytical abilities. Psychologically, there are four types of personalities: Sanguine, Melancholic, Phlegmatic, Choleric. As human personalities differ so does the individual’s intelligence.

[B][I]7. In the passage the writer leaves his statement about the rich neighbour incomplete. Draw briefly the contrast the writer had in mind.[/I][/B]
In contrast, at evening the reach neighbour return to his family, sated without any hunger, protected from any inclemencies of the sky, fully sheltered, completely vigilant, and the first lesson communicated is absolute assertiveness.

[B][I]8. What according to the writer would promote intellectual improvement?[/I][/B]
Democratisation of the field of knowledge through involvement of all persons in the thought process would promote intellectual improvement as a whole.

[B][I]9. Give another word with similar meaning for:[/I][/B][LIST][*][B]callous[/B] - heartless/hardened[*][B]sinews[/B] - muscles/tendon/ligament[*][B]inclemencies[/B] - unpleasantness/harshness[*][B]ostentatious[/B] - showy/pretentious[*][B]benumbed[/B] - numbed/unfeeling/insensible[*][B]salubrious[/B] - beneficial/healthy[/LIST]

hammadtahir Wednesday, January 18, 2023 07:58 PM

1999 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following passages and answer the questions given at the end in your own words.[/I][/B]
These phenomena, however, are merely premonitions of a coming storm which is likely to sweep over the whole of India and the rest of Asia. This is the inevitable outcome of a wholly political civilization which has looked upon man as a thing to be exploited and not as a personality to be developed and enlarged by purely cultural forces. The people of Asia are bound to rise against the acquisitive economy which the West have developed and imposed on the nations of the East. Asia cannot comprehend modern Western capitalism with its undisciplined individualism. The faith which you represent recognizes the worth of the individual, and disciplines hirn to give away all to the service of God and man. Its possibilities are not yet exhausted. It can still create a new world where the social rank of man is not determined by his caste or colour or the amount of dividend he earns, but by the kind of life he lives, where the poor tax the rich, where human society is founded not on the equality of stomachs but on the equality of spirits, where an untouchable can marry the daughter of the king, where private ownership is a trust and where capital cannot be allowed to accumulate so as to dominate the real producer of wealth. This superb idealism of your faith, however, needs emancipation from the medieval fancies of theologians and logists? Spiritually, we are living in a prison house of thoughts and emotions which during the course of centuries we have woven round ourselves. And be it further said to the shame of us - men of older generation - that we have failed to equip the younger generation for the economic, political and even religious crisis that the present age is likely to bring. The while community needs a complete overhauling of its present mentality in order that it may again become capable of feeling the urge of fresh desires and ¡deals. The Indian Muslim has long ceased to explore the depths of his own inner life. The result is that he has ceased to live in the full glow and colour of life, and is consequently in danger of an unmanly compromise with forces which he is made to think he cannot vanquish in open conflict. He who desires to change an unfavourable environment must undergo a complete transformation of his inner being. God changes not the condition of a people until they themselves take the initiative to change their condition by constantly illuminating the zone of their daily activity in the light of a definite ideal. Nothing can be achieved without a firm faith in the independence ofone's own inner life. This faith alone keeps a people's eye fixed on their goal and save them from perpetual vacillation. The lesson that past experiences has brought to you must be taken to heart. Expect nothing from any side. Concentrate your whole ego on yourself alone and ripen your clay into real manhood if you wish to see your aspiration realized.

[B][I]1. What is the chief characteristic of the modern political civilization?[/I][/B]
The chief characteristic of modern political civilization is that it views mankind as something to be exploited rather than a personality to be developed and shaped by cultural forces.

[B][I]2. What are possibilities of our Faith which can be of advantage to the world?[/I][/B]
The possibilities of the Faith discussed in the passage include creating a new world where social rank is determined by the kind of life a person lives, where private ownership is a trust, and where capital cannot dominate the real producers of wealth.

[B][I]3. What is the chief danger confronting the superb idealism of our Faith?[/I][/B]
The chief danger confronting the superb idealism of the Faith is that it is not yet emancipated from medieval fancies of theologians and logists.

[B][I]4. Why is the Indian Muslim in danger of coming to an unmanly compromise with the forces opposing him?[/I][/B]
Lack of introspection in the life of an Indian Muslim lays him open to the attack of his enemy. The inability to contemplate inhibits him to live his life to the fullest; hence, he is compelled to make compromise with the opposing forces.

[B][I]5. What is necessary for any achievement?[/I][/B]
A firm faith in the independence of one's own inner life is necessary for any achievement.

[B][I]6. Explain the following expressions as used in the passage.[/I][/B][LIST][*][B]acquisitive economy[/B] - refers to an economy where the goal is to acquire as much wealth and property as possible.[*][B]undisciplined individualism[/B] - refers to a lack of control or regulation of individual actions and decisions.[*][B]superb idealism[/B] - refers to a very high and admirable level of idealism or ideals.[*][B]unmanly compromise[/B] - refers to a compromise that is not in keeping with the ideal of being a strong, courageous, and honorable man.[*][B]perpetual vacillation[/B] - refers to a state of being constantly indecisive or uncertain.[/LIST]
[B][I]7. Suggest an appropriate title for the passage.[/I][/B]
Way to Utopia: Faith and Introspection

hammadtahir Wednesday, January 18, 2023 08:14 PM

2000 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end in your own words.[/I][/B]
The vitality of any teaching, or historical movement, depends upon what it affirms rather than upon what it denies, and its survival and continued power will often mean that its positives are insufficiently regarded by opposing schools. The grand positives of Bentham were benevolence and veracity: the passion for the relief of man’s estate, and the passion for truth. Bentham’s multifarious activities, pursued without abatement to the end of a long life, was inspired by a "dominant and all-comprehensive desire for the amelioration of human life"; they were inspired, too, by the belief that he had found the key to all moral truth. This institution, this custom, this code, this system of legislation-- does it promote human happiness? Then it is sound. This theory, this creed, this moral teaching – does it rightly explain why virtue is admirable, or why duty is obligatory? The limitation of Bentham can be gauged by his dismissal of all poetry (and most religion) as "misrepresentation’; this is his negative side. But benevolence and veracity are Supreme Values, and if it falls to one of the deniers to be their special advocate, the believers must have long been drowsed. Bentham believes the Church teaches children insincerity by making them affirm what they cannot possibly understand or mean. They promise, for example, to fulfill the undertaking of their god---parents, that they will "renounce the devil and all his works, the pomp and vanity of this wicked world" etc. ‘The Devil" Bentham comments: "who or what is he, and how is it that he is renounced?" Has the child happened to have any dealings with him? Let the Archbishop of Canterbury tell us, and let him further explain how his own "works" are distinguished from the aforesaid "Pomp and Vanity". What king, what Lords Temporal or Spiritual, have ever renounced them?
[RIGHT](Basil Willey)[/RIGHT]

[B][I]1. What does the writer mean by the following expressions:[/I][/B][LIST][*][B]Multifarious activities[/B] - refers to a wide range of activities or pursuits.[*][B]amelioration of human Life[/B] - refers to the improvement or betterment of human life.[*][B]it is sound[/B] - refers to something that is considered to be correct or valid.[*][B]be their special advocate[/B] - refers to being a strong supporter or defender of something.[*][B]Renounce the devil[/B] - refers to rejecting the influence of evil or negative forces.[*][B]drowsed[/B] - refers to being in a state of sleepiness or being inattentive.[*][B]gauged[/B] - refers to measure or evaluate something.[*][B]aforesaid[/B] - refers to something previously mentioned or referred to.[/LIST][B][I]2. On what grounds does Bentham believe that the Church teaches children insincerity? [/I][/B]
Bentham believes that the Church teaches children insincerity by making them affirm what they cannot possibly understand or mean. He argues that the children promise to fulfill the undertaking of their god-parents, that they will "renounce the devil and all his works, the pomp and vanity of this wicked world". He believes that the children cannot possibly understand what they are promising to do as they do not have any dealings with the devil and that the Church's teachings are insincere because of this.

[B][I]3. What is Bentham’s philosophy based upon? [/I][/B]
According to Bentham, the true purpose of human life is attainment of happiness. Therefore, his philosophy is based on adherence to truth, kindness and questioning dogmatic authority.

[B][I]4. What according to the writer is Bentham’s limitation? [/I][/B]
According to the writer, Bentham's limitation is gauged by his underestimation of the significance of religion and liberal arts in interpreting the truth. He believes that Bentham's negative side is his dismissal of these things as they are not seen as promoting human happiness.

[B][I]5. In what context has the Archbishop of Canterbury been quoted i.e. is he praised or condemned?[/I][/B]
The Archbishop of Canterbury is quoted in the passage as an example of someone who can explain the Church's teachings on renouncing the devil and his works. He is not praised or condemned but rather used as an example of someone who can explain the Church's teachings on this subject.

hammadtahir Thursday, January 19, 2023 03:00 PM

2001 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end in your own words. [/I][/B]
Poetry is the language of imagination and the passions. It relates to whatever gives immediate pleasure or pain to human mind. It comes home to the bosoms and business of men: for nothing but what comes home to them in the most general and intelligible shape can be a subject of poetry. Poetry is the universal language which the heart holds with nature and itself. He who has a contempt for poetry cannot have much respect for himself or for anything else. Whatever there is a sense of beauty, or power, or harmony, as in the motion of the waves of the sea, in the growth of a flower, there is a poetry in its birth. If history is a grave study, poetry may be said to be graver, its materials lie deeper, and are spread wider. History treats, for the most part, cumbersome and unwieldy masses of things, the empty cases in which the affairs of the world are packed, under the heads of intrigue or war, in different states, and from century to century but there is no thought or feeling that can have entered into the mind of man which he would be eager to communicate to others, or they would listen to with delight, that is not a fit subject for poetry. It is not a branch of authorship: it is “the stuff of which our life is made”. The rest is mere oblivision, a dead letter, for all that is worth remembering gin life is the poetry of it. Fear is Poetry, hope is poetry, love is poetry; hatred is poetry. Poetry is that fine particle within us that expands, refines, raises our whole being; without “man’s life is poor as beasts”. In fact, man is a poetical animal. The child Is a poet when he first plays hide and seek, or repeats the story of Jack the Giant Killer, the shepherd–boy is a poet when he first crowns his mistress with a garland of flowers; the countryman when he stops he stops to look at the rainbow; the miser when he hugs his gold; the courtier when he builds his hope upon a smile; the vain, the ambitious the proud, the choleric man, the hero and the coward, the beggar and the king, all live in a world of their own making; and the poet does no more than describe what all others think and act.

[B][I]1. In what sense is poetry the language of the imagination and the passion?[/I][/B]
Poetry is the language of the imagination and the passion because it is a form of expression that allows for the expression of emotions, feelings, and ideas that are not necessarily based in reality. It allows for the exploration of the imagination and the expression of the passions.

[B][I]2. How is poetry the Universal Language of the heart?[/I][/B]
Poetry is the Universal Language of the heart because it is a form of expression that can be understood and appreciated by people of all cultures and backgrounds. It speaks to the human experience and emotions, and connects people to nature and their inner selves.

[B][I]3. What is the difference between history and poetry?[/I][/B]
History is a study of past events, often focusing on political and societal events, while poetry is a form of expression that explores emotions, feelings, and ideas. History is often seen as a serious, analytical study, while poetry is seen as more imaginative and emotional.

[B][I]4. Explain the phrase: “Man is a poetical animal”.[/I][/B]
The phrase "Man is a poetical animal" means that people have a natural inclination towards poetry, and that it is a fundamental part of the human experience. People have the ability to be creative and express themselves in poetic ways.

[B][I]5. What are some of the actions which Hazlitt calls poetry and its doers poet?[/I][/B]
Hazlitt calls poetry various actions like fear, hope, love, hatred and the actions of people like child playing hide and seek, shepherd-boy, countryman, miser, courtier, vain, ambitious, proud, choleric man, hero, coward, beggar, king etc. He calls these actions poetry and the people who do them poet.

[B][I]6. Explain the followings underlined expression in the passage.[/I][/B][LIST][*][B]It relates to whatever gives immediate pleasure or pain to human heart[/B] - This means that poetry speaks to the emotions and feelings of people and can evoke pleasure or pain.[*][B]A sense of beauty, or power, or harmony[/B] - This means that poetry can evoke feelings of beauty, power, or harmony in the reader or listener.[*][B]Cumbersome and unwieldy masses of things.[/B] - This means that history often deals with large and complex events, while poetry deals with more emotional and personal themes.[*][B]It is the stuff of which our life is made.[/B] - This means that poetry is an essential part of human life and experience.[*][B]The poet does no more than describe what all others think and act.[/B] - This means that the poet's role is to observe and describe the actions and thoughts of others, rather than creating new ideas or experiences.[/LIST]

hammadtahir Tuesday, January 24, 2023 06:42 PM

2002 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the given passage, then give brief answers, to the questions placed at the end, in your own words:[/I][/B]
There is indeed, something [U]inexpressibly pleasing[/U] in the [U]annual renovation[/U] of the world and the new display of the [U]treasures of nature[/U]. The darkness and cold of winter with the naked deformity of every object, on which we turn our eyes, make us [U]rejoice[/U] at the [U]succeeding season[/U], as well for what we have escaped, as for what we may enjoy. Every budding Flower, which a [U]warm situation[/U] brings early to our view, is considered by us a messenger to notify the approach of more joyous days.
The spring affords to a mind free from the disturbance of cares or passions almost everything that our present state makes us capable of enjoying. The Variegated Verdure of the fields and woods, the succession of [U]grateful Odours[/U], the Voice of pleasure pouring out its notes on every side, with the gladness apparently conceived by every animal from the growth of lilies, food, and the [U]clemency of the weather[/U], throw over the whole earth an [U]air of gaiety[/U], significantly expressed by [U]Smile of nature[/U].
[RIGHT](Samuel John Son)[/RIGHT]

[B]1. Give meanings of the underlines expressions in the passage in your own words.[/B][LIST][*][B]Annual renovation[/B] – refers to the yearly changes in the natural environment, such as the changing of seasons.[*][B]Treasures of nature[/B] – refers to the beauty and wonder found in the natural world.[*][B]Succeeding season[/B] – refers to the season following the winter, in this case, spring.[*][B]Warm situation[/B] – refers to a place or location that experiences early warming weather, possibly due to its geographical location.[*][B]Grateful Odors[/B] – refers to the pleasant smells emitted by nature during the spring. [*][B]Clemency of the weather[/B] – refers to the mildness or gentleness of the weather during spring.[*][B]Air of gaiety[/B] – refers to the overall feeling of cheerfulness and joy in the natural world during spring.[*][B]Smile of nature[/B] – is a metaphorical expression referring to the joy and happiness conveyed by the natural world during spring.[*][B]Inexpressibly pleasing[/B] – means something that is difficult to put into words how pleasing it is.[*][B]Rejoice[/B] – means to feel pleasure and happiness.[*][B]Succeeding[/B] – subsequent; come after[*][B]Clemency[/B] – (of person) leniency; mercy or (of weather) mild[*][B]Gaiety[/B] – live-hearted; cheerful[/LIST][B]2. Say how an early budding flower becomes a messenger of happy days?[/B]
An early budding flower is seen as a symbol of the approaching spring season and the arrival of warmer and more pleasant weather.

[B]3. Who, according to the writer can make the best of the spring season?[/B]
According to the writer, a person with a mind free from the disturbance of cares or passions can make the best of the spring season, as they are able to fully appreciate and enjoy the beauty and joy of the natural world during this time.

[B]4. Why are all animals glad at the approach of spring?[/B]
All animals are glad at the approach of spring because it marks the growth of their food and the clemency of the weather, which allows for better living conditions.

[B]5. Suggest a title for the passage.[/B]
The Renewal of Spring: A celebration of Nature's Treasures

hammadtahir Tuesday, January 24, 2023 07:08 PM

2003 Comprehension
[I][B]Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end, in your own words.[/B][/I]
My father was back in work within days of his return home. He [U]had a spell[/U] in the shipyard, where the last of the great Belfast liners, the CANBERRA, was under construction, and then moved to an electronics firm in the east of the city. (These were the days when computers were the size of small houses and were built by sheet metal workers). A short time after he started in this job, one of his colleagues [U]was sacked[/U] for taking off time to get married. The workforce went on strike to get the colleague reinstated. The dispute, [U]dubbed[/U] the Honeymoon Strike, [U]made the Belfast papers[/U]. My mother told me not long ago that she and my father, with four young sons, were [U]hit so hard[/U] by that strike, that for years afterwards they were financially speaking, running to stand still. I don't know how the strike ended, but whether or not the colleague got his old job back, he was soon in another, better one. I remember visiting him and his wife when I was still quite young, in their new bungalow in Belfast northern suburbs. I believe they left Belfast soon after the Troubles began.
My father then was thirty-seven, the age I am today. My Father and I are father and son, which is to say we are close without knowing very much about one another. We talk about events, rather than emotions. We keep from each other certain of our hopes and fears and doubts. I have never for instance asked my father whether he has dwelt on the direction his life might have taken if at certain moments he had made certain other choices. Whatever, he found himself, with a million and a half of his fellows, living in what was in all but name a civil war. As a grown up I try often to imagine what it must be like to be faced with such a situation. What, in the previous course of your life, prepares you for arriving, as my father did, at the scene of a bomb blast close to your brother's place of work and seeing what you suppose, from the colour of the hair, to be your brother lying in the road, only to find that you are cradling the remains of a woman?
[RIGHT](Glenn Patterson)[/RIGHT]

[B]1. From your reading of the passage what do you infer about the nature of the 'Troubles" the writer mentions.[/B]
From the passage, it is inferred that the "Troubles" were a period of civil unrest or war in Belfast, the city where the writer's family lived.

[B]2. What according to the writer were the working conditions in the Electronics firm where his father worked?[/B]
The working conditions in the Electronics firm, where his father worked, were very harsh. Leaves for employees, even for genuine reasons, were out of the question. The computers at that time were built manually by the workers. So, presence of each worker was mandatory to ensure the smooth production of Belfast liners.

[B]3. Why was his father's colleague sacked?[/B]
The writer's father's colleague was sacked for taking time off to get married.

[B]4. How does the writer show that as father and son they do not know much about each other?[/B]
The writer shows that he and his father are close but don't know much about each other by saying that they talk about events rather than emotions and that they keep certain hopes, fears, and doubts from each other.

[B]5. Explain the underlined words/phrases in the passage:[/B][LIST][*][B]Made the Belfast papers[/B] - means that the strike was reported in the local news.[*][B]had a spell[/B] - means that the father worked for a period of time.[*][B]dubbed[/B] - means that the dispute was given a nickname, in this case, the "Honeymoon Strike."[*][B]was sacked[/B] - means that the colleague was fired from his job.[*][B]hit hard[/B] - means that the strike had a significant negative impact on the writer's family's finances.[/LIST]

hammadtahir Tuesday, January 24, 2023 07:35 PM

2004 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end in YOUR OWN WORDS.[/I][/B]
We look before and after, wrote Shelley, and [U]pine for[/U] what is not. It is said that this is what distinguishes us from the animals and that they, unlike us, live always for and in the movement and have neither hopes nor regrets. Whether it is so or not I do not know yet it is undoubtedly one of our distinguishing mental [U]attributes[/U]: we are actually conscious of our life in time and not merely of our life at the moment of experiencing it. And as a result, we find many grounds for melancholy and [U]foreboding[/U]. Some of us prostrate ourselves on the roadway in Trafalgar Square or in front of the American Embassy because we are fearful that our lives, or more disinterestedly those of our descendants will be cut short by nuclear war. If only as squirrels or butterflies are supposed to do, we could let the future look after itself and be content to enjoy the pleasures of the morning breakfast, the brisk walk to the office through autumnal mist or winter fog, the mid-day sunshine that sometimes floods through windows, to a warm, peaceful winter evenings by the fireside at home. Yet all occasions for contentment are so often spoiled for us, to a greater or lesser degree by our individual temperaments, by this strange human capacity for foreboding and regret - regret for things which we cannot undo and foreboding for things which may never happen at all. Indeed, were it not for the fact that over breaking through our [U]human obsessions[/U] with the tragedy of time, so enabling us to enjoy at any rate some fleeting moments [U]untroubled by vain yearning[/U] or apprehension, our life would not be intolerable at all. As it is, we contrive, every one of us, to spoil it to a remarkable degree.

[B]1. What is the difference between our life and the life of an animal?[/B]
The writer suggests that the difference between human life and the life of animals is that humans are conscious of the passage of time, and can have hopes and regrets about the past and future, while animals live only for and in the present moment.

[B]2. What is the result of human anxiety?[/B]
The unfounded fear of the future of oneself and one’s descendant is the result of human anxiety.

[B]3. How does the writer compare man to the butterflies and squirrels?[/B]
The writer compares humans to butterflies and squirrels in that they are content to enjoy the present moment and do not worry about the future like human beings do.

[B]4. How does anxiety about future disturb our daily life?[/B]
Moments of happiness are so often spoiled by the consistent worrying and anxiety. Humans usually fret about things which they have no power to change and worry about things which usually may never happen. These baseless fears inhibit humans to completely enjoy the transient moments of daily life such as a morning breakfast, a walk to work, or a warm evening by the fireside.

[B]5. How can we make our life tolerable?[/B]
To make life more tolerable, breaking through human obsessions with the tragedy of time may allow individuals to enjoy some fleeting moments without yearning or apprehension.

[B]6. Explain the underlined words/phrases in the passage.[/B][LIST][*][B]Pine for[/B] – means to long for something that is not present.[*][B]Attributes[/B] – means characteristics or qualities.[*][B]Foreboding[/B] – refers to a feeling of impending doom or negative future events.[*][B]Human obsessions[/B] – refers to a preoccupation or fixation on certain ideas or concerns.[*][B]Untroubled by vain yearning[/B] – means not disturbed or bothered by longing for something unattainable.[/LIST]

hammadtahir Tuesday, January 24, 2023 07:51 PM

2005 Comprehension
[B][I]Here is an excerpt from the autobiography of a short story writer. Read it carefully and answer the questions that follow.[/I][/B]
My father loved all instruments that would instruct and fascinate. His place to keep things was the drawer in the ‘library table’ where lying on top of his folder map was a telescope with brass extensions, to find the moon and the Big Dripper after supper in our front yard, and to keep appointments with eclipses. In the back of the drawer you could find a magnifying glass, a kaleidoscope and a gyroscope kept in black buckram box, which he would set dancing for us on a string pulled tight. He had also supplied himself with an assortment of puzzles composed of metal rings and intersecting links and keys chained together, impossible for the rest of us, however, patiently shown, to take apart, he had an almost childlike love of the ingenious. In time, a barometer was added to our dining room wall, but we didn’t really need it. My father had the country boy’s accurate knowledge of the weather and its skies. He went out and stood on our front steps first thing in the morning an took a good look at it and a sniff. He was a pretty good weather prophet. He told us children what to do if we were lost in a strange country. ‘Look for where the sky is brightest along the horizon,’ he said. ‘That reflects the nearest river. Strike out for a rive and you will find habitation’. Eventualities were much on his mind. In his care for us children he cautioned us to take measures against such things as being struck by lightening. He drew us all away from the windows during the severe electrical storms that are common where we live. My mother stood apart, scoffing at caution as a character failing. So I developed a strong meteorological sensibility. In years ahead when I wrote stories, atmosphere took its influential role from the start. Commotion in the weather and the inner feelings aroused by such a hovering disturbance emerged connected in dramatic form.

[B]1. Why did the writer’s father spend time studying the skies?[/B]
The writer's father spent time studying the skies because he was fascinated by instruments that would instruct and fascinate, such as a telescope and a magnifying glass.

[B]2. Why the writer thinks that there was no need of a barometer?[/B]
The writer believes that there was no need for a barometer because her father had an accurate knowledge of the weather and the skies, and could predict the weather by observing the sky and taking a sniff in the morning.

[B]3. What does the bright horizon meant for the writer’s father?[/B]
The bright horizon meant for the writer's father that there was a nearby river, and that it was a good direction to find habitation if lost in a strange country.

[B]4. How did her father influence the writer in her later years?[/B]
Her father influenced the writer by instilling in her a strong meteorological sensibility and a sense of caution for natural events.

[B]5. Explain the underlined words and phrases in the passage.[/B][LIST][*][B]To keep appointments[/B] – means to schedule or plan for specific events, in this case, eclipses.[*][B]Kaleidoscope[/B] – is a device used to view patterns and colors created by reflections in a series of mirrors.[*][B]Assortment of puzzles[/B] – refers to a collection of various puzzles.[*][B]To take apart[/B] – means to disassemble or break down.[*][B]A barometer[/B] – is an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure.[*][B]Took a good look at it[/B] – means observing or examining something closely.[*][B]Fascinate[/B] – means to captivate or hold the interest of.[*][B]Habitation[/B] – settlement; residence; occupation[*][B]My mother stood apart[/B] – indifference; carelessness; keep herself away[/LIST]

hammadtahir Tuesday, January 24, 2023 08:11 PM

2006 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:[/I][/B]
“[U]Elegant economy[/U]!” How naturally one-fold back into the phraseology of Cranford! There economy was always “elegant”, and money-spending always “Vulgar and Ostentatoin;” a sort of [U]sour grapeism[/U] which made up very peaceful and satisfied I shall never forget the dismay felt when certain Captain Brown came to live at Cranford, and openly spoke of his being poor – not in a whisper to an intimate friend, the doors and windows being previously closed, but in the public street, in a loud military voice, alleging his poverty as a reason for not taking a particular house. The ladies of Cranford were already moving over the [U]invasion of their territories[/U] by a man and a gentleman. He was a half-pay captain and had obtained some situation on a neighbouring railroad, which had been vehemently petitioned against by the little town; and if in addition to his masculine gender, and his connection with the obnoxious railroad, he was so brazen as to talk of his being poor – why, then indeed, he must be [U]sent to Coventry[/U]. Death was as true and as common as poverty; yet people never spoke about that loud on the streets. It was a word not to be mentioned to ears polite. We had [U]tacitly agreed[/U] to ignore that any with whom we associated on terms of visiting equality could ever be prevented by poverty from doing anything they wished. If we walked to or from a party, it was because the weather was so fine, or the air so refreshing, not because sedan chairs were expensive. If we wore prints instead of summer silks, it was because we preferred a washing material; and so on, till we blinded ourselves to the vulgar fact that we were, all of us, people of very moderate means.

[B]1. Give in thirty of your own words what we learn from this passage of Captain Brown.[/B]
Captain Brown, a new resident of Cranford, is seen as an outsider by the ladies of the town. He is a half-pay captain and has taken a job on a nearby railway, which the town had opposed. He is seen as poor and vulgar for openly speaking about his financial situation, which is a social taboo in Cranford.

[B]2. Why did the ladies of Cranford dislike the Captain.[/B]
The ladies of Cranford dislike Captain Brown because he is a man, connected to the unpopular railway, and openly talks about his poverty, which is seen as vulgar and ostentatious in Cranford's society.

[B]3. What reasons were given by the ladies of Cranford for “not doing anything that they wished”?[/B]
It shows their materialistic approach and acceptance of the norms of society which was considered taboo. Poverty, despite being real presence in society, was concealed and chosen to be ignore due to the fear of humiliation. Ladies gave reasons like they are doing the alternatives out of their own accord rather that they cannot afford something due to their economical constraints.

[B]4. “Ears Polite”. How do you justify this construction?[/B]
"Ears polite" means that in Cranford's society, poverty is not a topic that is discussed in polite company.

[B]5. What is the meaning and implication of the phrases?[/B][LIST][*][B]Sour-grapeism[/B] - is when one denies the value of something they cannot have.[*][B]The invasion of their territories[/B] - occupying someplace which causes discomfort among the original inhabitants.[*][B]Sent to Coventry[/B] - means that Captain Brown is seen as an outsider, invading the social territory of Cranford.[*][B]Tacitly agreed[/B] - means that the society of Cranford has unspoken agreement to ignore poverty in their society.[*][B]Elegant economy[/B] - means that Cranford's economy is seen as refined and tasteful, and spending money is seen as vulgar.[/LIST]

hammadtahir Tuesday, January 24, 2023 08:28 PM

2007 Comprehension
[B]Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:[/B]
Strong section of [U]industrials[/U] who still imagine that men can be mere machines and are at their best as machines if they are mere machines are already menacing what they call [U]“useless” education[/U]. They deride the classics, and they are mildly contemptuous of history, philosophy, and English. They want our educational institutions, from the oldest universities to the youngest elementary schools, to concentrate on business or the things that are [U]patently useful[/U] in business. Technical instruction is to be provided for [U]adolescent artisans[/U]; bookkeeping and shorthand for [U]prospective clerks[/U]; and the cleverest we are to set to “business methods”, to modern languages (which can be used in correspondence with foreign firms), and to science (which can be applied to industry). French and German are the languages, not of Montaigne and Gorthe, but of Schmidt Brothers, of Elberfeld and Dupont et Cie., of Lyons. Chemistry and Physics are not explorations into the physical constitution of the universe, but sources of new dyes, new electric light filaments, new means of making things which can be sold cheap and fast to the Nigerian and the Chinese. For Latin there is a [U]Limited field[/U] so long as the druggists insist on retaining it in their prescriptions. Greek has no apparent use at all, unless it be as a source of syllables for the [U]hybrid names[/U] of patent medicines and metal polishes. The soul of man, the spiritual basis of civilization- what [U]gibberish[/U] is that?

[B]1. What kind of education does the writer deal with?[/B]
The writer deals with the type of education that emphasizes practical skills and knowledge over subjects such as the classics, history, philosophy, and English.

[B]2. What kind of education does the writer favour? How do you know?[/B]
The writer is critical of this type of education and instead favors a more well-rounded education that includes the study of the classics, history, philosophy, and English. This can be inferred from the writer's use of language and tone when discussing the subjects that the industrialists view as "useless."

[B]3. Where does the writer express most bitterly his feelings about the neglect of the classics?[/B]
The writer censoriously said at the end of paragraph that the use of Latin is limited only for the medications and Greek is limited only for naming medicines and metal polishes. These are writer’s most bitter expressions about the neglect of the classics.

[B]4. Explain as carefully as you can the full significance of the last sentence.[/B]
A civilized society is a balance of all institutions such as education, religion, and politics working within its confines. The limitation of the institution of education with things related only to business and industries would erode the intellectual capacity of humans. It means that the greed for making profit would make man a machine and his intellect a thirst for money. Therefore, the last sentence sums up all the discussion of writer that "spiritual basis of civilization," that is man intellect, has become run-of-the-mill.

[B]5. Explain the underlined words and phrases in the passage.[/B][LIST][*][B]Industrials[/B] – refers to a group of people who work in industry and may hold a certain view on education. \[*][B]“Useless” education[/B] – refers to the education that is not considered practical or useful by some people.[*][B]Patently useful[/B] – means obviously useful.[*][B]Adolescent artisans[/B] – refers to young people who are learning a trade or skill.[*][B]Prospective clerks[/B] – refers to people who are planning to work as clerks.[*][B]Limited field[/B] – refers to a narrow range of opportunities or use. [*][B]Hybrid names[/B] – refers to names that are made up of elements from different languages.[*][B]Gibberish[/B] – refers to language that is meaningless or difficult to understand.[/LIST]

hammadtahir Wednesday, January 25, 2023 07:57 AM

2008 Comprehension (Repetition of 1999 Comprehension)
[B][I]Read the following passage carefully and answer all the questions given at the end. [/I][/B]
These phenomena, however, are merely premonitions of a coming storm which is likely to sweep over the whole of India and the rest of Asia. This is the inevitable outcome of a wholly political civilization which has looked upon man as a thing to be exploited and not as a personality to be developed and enlarged by purely cultural forces. The people of Asia are bound to rise against the [U]acquisitive economy[/U] which the West have developed and imposed on the nations of the East. Asia cannot comprehend modern Western capitalism with its [U]undisciplined individualism[/U]. The faith which you represent recognizes the worth of the individual, and disciplines him to give away all to the service of God and man. Its possibilities are not yet exhausted. It can still create a new world where the social rank of man is not determined by his caste or colour or the amount of dividend he earns, but by the kind of life he lives, where the poor tax the rich, where human society is founded not on the equality of stomachs but on the equality of spirits, where an untouchable can marry the daughter of the king, where private ownership is a trust and where capital cannot be allowed to accumulate so as to dominate the real producer of wealth. This [U]superb idealism[/U] of your faith, however, needs emancipation from the medieval fancies of theologians and logists? Spiritually, we are living in a prison house of thoughts and emotions which during the course of centuries we have woven round ourselves. And be it further said to the shame of us - men of older generation - that we have failed to equip the younger generation for the economic, political and even religious crisis that the present age is likely to bring. The whole community needs a complete overhauling of its present mentality in order that it may again become capable of feeling the urge of fresh desires and ¡deals. The Indian Muslim has long ceased to explore the depths of his own inner life. The result is that he has ceased to live in the full glow and colour of life, and is consequently in danger of an [U]unmanly compromise[/U] with forces which he is made to think he cannot vanquish in open conflict. He who desires to change an unfavourable environment must undergo a complete transformation of his inner being. God changes not the condition of a people until they themselves take the initiative to change their condition by constantly illuminating the zone of their daily activity in the light of a definite ideal. Nothing can be achieved without a firm faith in the independence of one's own inner life. This faith alone keeps a people's eye fixed on their goal and save them from [U]perpetual vacillation[/U]. The lesson that past experiences has brought to you must be taken to heart. Expect nothing from any side. Concentrate your whole ego on yourself alone and ripen your clay into real manhood if you wish to see your aspiration realized.

[B]1. What is the chief characteristic of the modern political civilization?[/B]
The chief characteristic of modern political civilization is that it views mankind as something to be exploited rather than a personality to be developed and shaped by cultural forces.

[B]2. What are possibilities of our Faith which can be of advantage to the world?[/B]
The faith which recognizes the worth of individuals and infuses the quality of philanthropy can be advantageous to the world. This faith strives to create an egalitarian society where benevolence and character of an individual are valued well above their materialistic status.

[B]3. What is the chief danger confronting the superb idealism of our Faith?[/B]
For centuries, the Asian residents have confined themselves to the spiritual thoughts and emotions. They have not inculcated their younger generation with ideas to take steps to improve their situation and resolve any crisis pragmatically. These inactions and medieval fancies of theologians and logicians posit danger to the superb idealism of the Asian faith.

[B]4. Why is the Indian Muslim in danger of coming to an unmanly compromise with the forces opposing him?[/B]
Lack of introspection in the life of an Indian Muslim lays him open to the attack of his enemy. The inability to contemplate inhibits him to live his life to the fullest; hence, he is compelled to make compromise with the opposing forces.

[B]5. What is necessary for any achievement?[/B]
Apart from the lessons of past experiences, believe in one’s faith and transformation of one inner-self through introspection is the fundamental ingredient of any achievement.

[B]6. Explain the following expressions as used in the passage.[/B][LIST][*][B]acquisitive economy[/B] - refers to an economy where the goal is to acquire as much wealth and property as possible through exploiting others.[*][B]undisciplined individualism[/B] - refers to the idea that individuals are not disciplined in their pursuit of their own self-interest.[*][B]superb idealism[/B] - refers to a high and noble ideal or goal.[*][B]unmanly compromise[/B] - refers to a compromise that is not in keeping with the ideal of being a strong, courageous, and honorable man.[*][B]perpetual vacillation[/B] - refers to a state of being constantly indecisive or uncertain.[/LIST]
[B][I]7. Suggest an appropriate title to the passage.[/I][/B]
Way to Utopia: Faith and Introspection

hammadtahir Wednesday, January 25, 2023 08:07 AM

2009 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.[/I][/B]
It is very nature of helicopter that is great versatility is found. To begin with, the helicopter is the fulfillment of tone of man’s earliest and most fantastic dreams. The dream of flying – not just like a bird – but of flying as nothing else flies or has ever flown. To be able to fly straight up and straight down – to fly forward or back or sidewise, or to hover over and spot till the fuel supply is exhausted.
To see how the helicopter can do things that are not possible for the conventional fixed-wing plane, let us first examine how a conventional plane “works”. It works by its shape – by the shape of its wing, which deflects air when the plane is in motion. That is possible because air has density and resistance. It reacts to force. The wing is curved and set at an angle to catch the air and push it down; the air, resisting, pushes against the under surface of the wing, giving it some of its lift. At the same time the curved upper surface of the wing exerts suction, tending to create a lack of air at the top of the wing. The air, again resisting, sucks back, and this give the wing about twice as much lift as the air pressure below the wing. This is what takes place when the wing is pulled forward by propellers or pushed forward by jet blasts. Without the motion the wing has no lift.

[B]1. Where is the great versatility of the helicopter found?[/B]
The great versatility of helicopter is found in the nature of its motion, its flying of straight up and straight down, in its forward, backward or sidewise movement, or in its ability to hover over and spot till the fuel supply is exhausted.

[B]2. What is the dream of flying?[/B]
The dream of flying is flying like nothing else flies or has ever flown. Flying freely in every degree forward, backward, sideways, up and down without any restraint.

[B]3. What does the wing of the conventional aircraft do?[/B]
The wing deflects air when the plane is in motion, because air has density and resistance and it reacts to force.

[B]4. What does the curved upper surface of the wing do?[/B]
The curved upper surface of the wing exerts suction, which tends to create a lack of air at the top of the wings.

[B]5. What gives the wing twice as much lift?[/B]
The curved upper surface of the wing exerts suction, which tends to create a lack of air at the top of the wings, which makes it possible for resisting air to get sucked back and gives the wing about twice as much lift as the air pressure below the wing.

hammadtahir Wednesday, January 25, 2023 08:27 AM

2010 Comprehension
[B]Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:[/B]
“And still it moves,” the words of Galileo, murmured when the tortures of the [U]Inquisition[/U] had driven him to recant the Truth he knew, apply in a new way to our world today. Sometimes, in the knowledge of all that has been discovered, all that has been done to make life on [U]the planet[/U] happier and more worthy, we may be tempted to settle down to enjoy our heritage. that would, indeed, be the betrayal of our trust.
These men and women of the past have given everything – comfort, time, treasure, peace of mind and body, life itself – that we might live as we do. The challenge to each one of us is to carry on their work for the sake of future generations.
The adventurous human mind must not [U]falter[/U]. Still must we question the old truths and work for the new ones. Still must we risk scorn, [U]cynicism[/U], neglect, loneliness, poverty, persecution, if need be. we must shut our ears to easy voice which tells us that human nature will never alter as an excuse for doing nothing to make life more worthy.
Thus, will the course of the history of mankind go onward, and the world we know move into a new splendour for [U]those who are yet to be[/U].

[B]1. What made Galileo recant the Truth he knew?[/B]
Galileo recanted the Truth he knew because of the tortures of the Inquisition.

[B]2. What is the heritage being alluded to in the first paragraph?[/B]
The heritage being alluded to in the first paragraph is the knowledge and progress that has been discovered and made to improve life on the planet.

[B]3. What does the 'betrayal of our trust' imply?[/B]
The phrase "betrayal of our trust" implies that if society were to settle down and enjoy the progress and knowledge that has been achieved without continuing to work towards improving the world for future generations, it would be a failure in fulfilling the obligations of those who came before.

[B]4. Why do we need to question the old truths and work for the new ones?[/B]
It is important to continue to question old truths and work for new ones in order to continue to progress and improve the world for future generations. Continuously questioning and challenging old ideas ensure that they are still valid.

[B]5. Explain the words or expressions as highlighted/underlined in the passage.[/B][LIST][*][B]Inquisition[/B] – refers to the Roman Catholic Church's judicial system which was used to suppress and punish those who held beliefs that were deemed to be heretical or a threat to the Church.[*][B]The Planet[/B] – a celestial body that revolves around the sun and, in this case, "the earth."[*][B]Falter[/B] – means to lose strength, confidence or resolution.[*][B]Cynicism[/B] – is a belief that people are motivated by self-interest and that they are generally not honest or trustworthy.[*][B]Those who are yet to be[/B] – refers to future generations.[/LIST]

hammadtahir Wednesday, January 25, 2023 08:44 AM

2011 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:[/I][/B]
Knowledge is acquired when we succeed in fitting a new experience in the system of concepts based upon our old experiences. Understanding comes when we liberate ourselves from the old and so make possible a direct, unmediated contact with the new, the mystery, moment by moment, of our existence. The new is the given on every level of experience – given perceptions, given emotions and thoughts, given states of unstructured awareness, given relationships with things and persons. The old is our home-made system of ideas and word patterns. It is the stock of finished articles fabricated out of the given mystery by memory and analytical reasoning, by habit and automatic associations of accepted notions. Knowledge is primarily a knowledge of these finished articles. Understanding is primarily direct awareness of the raw material. Knowledge is always in terms of concepts and can be passed on by means of words or other symbols. Understanding is not conceptual and therefore cannot be passed on. It is an immediate experience, and immediate experience can only be talked about (very inadequately), never shared. Nobody can actually feel another’s pain or grief, another’s love or joy, or hunger. And similarly, nobody can experience another’s understanding of a given event or situation. There can, of course, be knowledge of such an understanding, and this knowledge may be passed on in speech or writing, or by means of other symbols. Such communicable knowledge is useful as a reminder that there have been specific understandings in the past, and that understanding is at all times possible. But we must always remember that knowledge of understanding is not the same thing as the understanding which is the raw material of that knowledge. It is as different from understanding as the doctor’s prescription for penicillin is different from penicillin.

[B]1. How is knowledge different from understanding?[/B]
Knowledge is defined as fitting of the new experience in the system of concepts which are based upon old experiences. It is in terms of concepts transferable through words or symbols. While Understanding comes into play when one liberates himself from the old system and adapt to the new system of concepts. It is a conceptual and cannot be passed on.

[B]2. Explain why understanding cannot be passed on.[/B]
Understanding is not conceptual – like knowledge – and therefore cannot be passed on. It is an immediate experience, and an immediate experience can only be talked about but never shared as no one can actually feel another’s pain, love and struggles. Also, no one can experience another’s understanding of a given event or situation.

[B]3. Is the knowledge of understanding possible? If it is, how may it be passed on?[/B]
Yes, the knowledge of understanding is possible and this knowledge of understanding can be passed on by mean of speech, writing, or by means of other symbols. This communication plays a role in understanding that there has been specific understanding about some experience in the past and it has been present at all times.

[B]4. How does the author explain that knowledge of understanding is not the same thing as the understanding?[/B]
The author explains that knowledge of understanding is not the same thing as the understanding which is the raw material of that knowledge. In simple words, it means that knowledge of understanding is the data about some experience or any other thing, while one cannot understand that knowledge unless one has not the experienced those events and those struggles.

[B]5. How far do you agree with the author in his definitions of knowledge and understanding? Give reasons for your answer.[/B]
The author rightly defined the knowledge and understanding. Knowledge is based upon old experiences which one can keep abreast himself by studying those concepts while on the other hand one cannot understand these old concepts unless he goes through that experience, and also, he keeps on updating his understanding on particular experience as the new concepts replace the old ones.

hammadtahir Wednesday, January 25, 2023 08:52 AM

2012 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Use your own language.[/I][/B]
Human beings are afraid of death just as children feel afraid of darkness. The fear of darkness of kids increased by the stories of the heard ghosts and thieves. In the same way, the fear of human being is increased by the stories which they heard about the agony of dying man. If a human being regards death as a kind of punishment for his sins he has committed and if he looks upon death as a means of making an entry into another world, he is certainly taking a religious and sacred view of death. But if a human being looks upon death as a law of nature and then feels afraid of it, his attitude is of cowardice. However, even in religious meditations about death there is sometimes a mixture of folly and superstition. Monks have written books in which they have described the painful experiences which they underwent by inflicting physical tortures upon themselves as a form of self-purification. Thus, one may think that the pains of death must be indescribably agonizing. Such books and such thoughts increase a man's fear of death.
Seneca, the Roman Philosopher is of the view that the circumstances and ceremonies of death frighten people more than death itself would do. A dyeing man is heard uttering groans; his body is seen undergoing convulsions; his face appears to be absolutely bloodless and pale; at his death his friends begin to weep, and his relations put on mourning clothes; various rituals are performed. All such facts make death appear more horrible than it would be otherwise.

[B]1. What is the difference between human beings' fear of death and children's fear of darkness?[/B]
The difference between human beings’ fear of death and children’s fear of darkness is that children’s fear of darkness is based on the stories of ghosts and thieves, while human beings’ fear of death is based on the stories of the agony of the dying man.

[B]2. What is a religious and sacred view of death?[/B]
Regarding death as a kind of punishment for one’s committed sin and seeing death as beginning of new life and not as an end, are religious and sacred view of death.

[B]3. What are the painful experiences described by the Monks in their books?[/B]
Monks, in their books, have written about the painful experience of physical torture which they inflected upon themselves. The purpose of this torture is to purify oneself. The experience of unbearable pain of squeezing and pressing increases Man’s fear of death.

[B]4. What are the views of Seneca about death?[/B]
Seneca, a Roman Philosopher, believed that the circumstances and ceremonies of death frighten people more than death itself would do.

[B]5. What are the facts that make death appear more horrible than it would be otherwise?[/B]
The groaning of dying man, the physical convulsions of his body, and physical changes on his face as well as the rituals, and crying and mourning by his loved ones are the facts that make death appear more horrible than it would be otherwise.

hammadtahir Wednesday, January 25, 2023 09:02 AM

2013 Comprehension
[B]Read the following passage and answer the question that follow. Use your own language.[/B]
The civilization of China, as everyone knows, is based upon the teaching of Confucius, who flourished five hundred years before Christ. Like the Greeks and Romans, he did not think of human society as naturally progressive; on the contrary, he believed that in remote antiquity rulers had been wise, and the people had been happy to a degree which the degenerate present could admire but hardly achieve. This, of course, was a delusion. But the practical result was that Confucius, like other teachers of antiquity, aimed at creating a stable society, maintaining a certain level of excellence, but not always striving after new successes. In this he was more successful than any other men who ever lived. His personality has been stamped on Chinese civilization from his day to our own. During his lifetime the Chinese occupied only a small part of present-day China and were divided into a number of warring states. During the next three hundred years they established themselves throughout what is now China proper and founded an empire exceeding in territory and population any other that existed until the last fifty years. In spite of barbarian invasions, Mongol and Manchu dynasties, and occasional longer or shorter periods of chaos and civil war, the Confucian system survived, bringing with it art and literature and a civilized way of life. A system which has had this extra ordinary power of survival must have great merits, and certainly deserves our respect and consideration. It is not a religion, as we understand the word, because it is not associated with the supernatural or with mystical beliefs. It is a purely ethical system, but its ethics, unlike those of Christianity, are not too exalted for ordinary men to practice. In essence, what Confucius teaches is something very like the old-fashioned ideal of a ‘gentleman’ as it existed in the eighteenth century. One of his sayings will illustrate this: 'The true gentleman is never contentious ... he courteously salutes his opponents before taking up his position ... so that even when competing he remains a true gentleman'.

[B]1. Why do you think the author calls Confucius' belief about the progress of human society as a delusion?[/B]
The author believes Confucius’ belief as delusions because of his estimation of human society being non-progressive naturally, and his conviction of modern man’s inability to achieve the level of happiness enjoyed by those in antiquity. Another reason about the author’s belief can be Confucius claim about the ancient rulers being wise.

[B]2. How did Confucius' though affect China to develop into a stable and 'Proper' China?[/B]
Confucius thoughts affected China to develop into a stable country by aiming for the formation of a stable society. A certain level of excellence was always called for in Confucius teachings, and this helped China survive through adverse times to emerge into a ‘Proper’ China.

[B]3. Why does the author think that Confucian system deserves respect and admiration?[/B]
The author thinks that Confucian system deserves respect and admiration because not only has it survived various invasions and wars, but has also nurtured a civilized way of life replete with art and literature. The author is of the view that a system with such incredible power of survival is never without inherent merits, and deserves reverence.

[B]4. Why does the author call Confucian system a purely ethical system and not a religion?[/B]
The author calls Confucian system an ethical system and not a religion because it does not compromise the defining features of organized religion. It does not associate itself with any mythological and supernatural beliefs, and rather focuses only on the ethical aspects.

[B]5. Briefly argue whether you agree or disagree to Confucius' ideal of a gentleman?[/B]
Ideal of a gentleman, presented by Confucius, seems to be someone like a chivalrous person. He always controls his emotions and never let his guard down even when competing with his rival. Naturally, a person has both light and dark triad of personality, but the one, who can overcome the latter, really deserves to be called a gentleman. The agreement with the Confucius’ ideal of a gentleman also stems from the fact that this ideal helped China to be more stable, peaceful, and civilized and prevented her from striving after new successes.

hammadtahir Wednesday, January 25, 2023 09:15 AM

2014 Comprehension
[B]Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Use your own language.[/B]
In the height of the Enlightenment, men influenced by the new political theories of the era launched two of the largest revolutions in history. These two conflicts, on two separate continents, were both initially successful in forming new forms of government. And yet, the two conflicts, though merely a decade apart, had radically different conclusions. How do two wars inspired by more or less the same ideals end up so completely different? Why was the American Revolution largely a success and the French Revolution largely a failure? Historians have pointed to myriad reasons—far too various to be listed here. However, the most frequently cited are worth mentioning. For one, the American Revolution was far removed from the Old World; that is, since it was on a different continent, other European nations did not attempt to interfere with it.
However, in the French Revolution, there were immediate cries for war from neighboring nations. Early on, for instance, the ousted king attempted to flee to neighboring Austria and the army waiting there. The newly formed French Republic also warred with Belgium, and a conflict with Britain loomed. Thus, the French had the burden not only of winning a revolution but also defending it from outside. The Americans simply had to win a revolution.
Secondly, the American Revolution seemed to have a better chance for success from the get-go, due to the fact that Americans already saw themselves as something other than British subjects. Thus, there was already a uniquely American character, so, there was not as loud a cry to preserve the British way of life. In France, several thousands of people still supported the king, largely because the king was seen as an essential part of French life. And when the king was first ousted and then killed, some believed that character itself was corrupted. Remember, the Americans did not oust a king or kill him—they merely separated from him.
Finally, there is a general agreement that the French were not as unified as the Americans, who, for the most part, put aside their political differences until after they had already formed a new nation. The French, despite their Tennis Court Oath, could not do so. Infighting led to inner turmoil, civil war, and eventually the Reign of Terror, in which political dissidents were executed in large numbers. Additionally, the French people themselves were not unified. The nation had so much stratification that it was impossible to unite all of them—the workers, the peasants, the middle-class, the nobles, the clergy—into one cause. And the attempts to do so under a new religion, the Divine Cult of Reason, certainly did not help. The Americans, remember, never attempted to change the society at large; rather, they merely attempted to change the government.

[B]1. Why and how did the Reign of Terror happen?[/B]
After the French Revolution, the social strata were so diverse, so it was difficult to unite people under one cause. This polarization led to civil unrest and ultimately to the reign of terror – in which political dissidents were executed in large numbers.

[B]2. In what ways does the author suggest that the American Revolution was easier to complete than the French Revolution?[/B]
The American Revolution was easier to complete than the French Revolution was due to many factors, the major one was that American Revolution was happened on a different continent and no European nation had attempted to interfere with it. Secondly, Americans saw themselves something other than British subjects. They have no interest in preserving their British way of life. Most importantly, they were not polarized in their objective as they do not want to kill a king but they only want to separate themselves for him.

[B]3. Of the challenges mentioned facing the French revolutionaries, which do you thing had the greatest impact on their inability to complete a successful revolution? Why?[/B]
The author suggests that the greatest challenge facing the French revolutionaries was the inability to unite all segments of society. The nation had so much stratification that it was impossible to unite all of them—the workers, the peasants, the middle-class, the nobles, the clergy—into one cause. Additionally, the attempts to do so under a new religion, the Divine Cult of Reason, certainly did not help.

[B]4. Of the strengths mentioned aiding the American revolutionaries, which do you thing had the greatest impact on their inability to complete a successful revolution? Why?[/B]
The author suggests that the greatest strength aiding the American revolutionaries was their unity and their ability to put aside their political differences until after they had already formed a new nation. Additionally, the fact that they did not attempt to change society at large and only attempted to change the government also helped their cause.

hammadtahir Wednesday, January 25, 2023 09:32 AM

2015 Comprehension
[B]Read the following text carefully and answer the questions below:[/B]
Experience has quite definitely shown that some reasons for holding a belief are much more likely to be [U]justified by the event[/U] than others. It might naturally be supposed, for instance, that the best of all reasons for a belief was a strong conviction of certainty accompanying the belief. Experience, however, shows that this is not so, and that as a matter of fact, conviction by itself is more likely to mislead than it is to guarantee truth. On the other hand, lack of assurance and persistent hesitation to come to any belief whatever are an equally poor guarantee that the few beliefs which are arrived at are sound. Experience also shows that assertion, however long continued, although it is unfortunately with many people [U]an effective enough means of inducing belief[/U], is not an any way a ground for holding it.
The method which has proved effective, as a matter of actual fact, in providing of firm foundation for belief wherever it has been capable of application, is what is usually called the scientific method. I firmly believe that the scientific method, although slow and never claiming to lead to complete truth, is the only method which in the long run will give satisfactory foundations for beliefs. It consists in demanding facts as the only basis for conclusions, and inconsistently and continuously testing any conclusions which may have been reached, against the test of new facts and, wherever possible, by the crucial test of experiment. It consists also in full publication of the evidence on which conclusions are based, so that other workers may be assisted in new researchers, or enabled to develop their own interpretations and arrive at possibly very different conclusions.
There are, however, all sorts of occasions on which the scientific method is not applicable. That method involves slow testing, frequent suspension of judgment, restricted conclusions. The exigencies of everyday life, on the other hand, often make it necessary to act on a hasty balancing of admittedly incomplete evidence, to take immediate action, and to draw conclusions in advance of evidence. It is also true that such action will always be necessary, and necessary in respect of ever larger issues; and this inspite of the fact that one of the most important [U]trends of civilization[/U] is to remove sphere after sphere of life out of the domain of such intuitive judgment into the domain of rigid calculation based on science. It is here that belief pays its most important role. When we cannot be certain, we must proceed in part by faith-faith not only in the validity of our own capacity of making judgments, but also in the existence of certain other realities, pre-eminently moral and spiritual realities. It has been said that faith consists in acting always on the [U]nobler hypothesis[/U]; and though this definition is a trifle rhetorical, it embodies a seed of real truth.

[B]1. Give the meaning of the underlined phrases as they are used in the passage.[/B][LIST][*][B]justified by the event[/B] – means that certain reasons for holding a belief are more likely to be proven true by the outcome or event.[*][B]an effective enough means of inducing belief[/B] – refers to the idea that simply asserting a belief for a long period of time does not necessarily make it true.[*][B]trends of civilization[/B] – refers to the tendency of society to move away from relying on intuition and towards using scientific methods to make decisions.[*][B]the nobler hypothesis[/B] – refers to the idea of choosing the best possible explanation or belief, even if it is uncertain.[/LIST]
[B]2. What justification does the author claim for his belief in the scientific method?[/B]
The author gives the justification for his belief in scientific method is that scientific method only makes conclusions by basing them on some solid facts, which can be repeatedly tested by experiments at any time. Scientific method also guides other researchers – assist them in developing their own interpretation and arriving at very different conclusions – when they refer the publications of previous studies.

[B]3. Do you gather from the passage that conclusions reached by the scientific method should we considered final? Give reasons for your answer.[/B]
The conclusions reached by scientific method should not be considered final because it is the beauty of scientific method that it never claims complete truth. It is always subjected to testing and experimentation and can be modified based on new findings and interpretations.

[B]4. In what circumstances, according to the author, is it necessary to abandon the scientific method?[/B]
As the scientific method involves slow testing, repeated suspension of judgement and restricted conclusions it is better to abandon scientific method in the intricacies of the daily life where the immediate action is the utmost requirement of the time.

[B]5. How does the basis of “intuitive judgment” differ from the scientific decision?[/B]
The intuitive judgement differs from the scientific method because intuitive judgement is based on faith rather than on experiments and conclusions. Faith helps in decision making when one is unsure while scientific decision helps when one wanted to take a pragmatic decision by consulting past studies and findings.

hammadtahir Wednesday, January 25, 2023 09:43 AM

2016 Comprehension
[B]Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:[/B]
The New Year is the time for resolution. Mentally, at least most of us could compile formidable lists of 'do's and `don'ts'. The same old favorites recur year in and year out with the children, do a thousand and one job about the house, be nice to people we don't like, drive carefully, and take the dog for a walk every day. Past experience has taught us that certain accomplishments are beyond attainment. If we remain deep rooted liars, it is only because we have so often experienced the frustration that results from failure.
Most of us fail in our efforts at self-improvement because our schemes are too ambitious and we never have time to carry them out. We also make the fundamental error of announcing our resolution to everybody so that we look even more foolish when we slip back into our bad old ways. Aware of these pitfalls, this year I attempted to keep my resolution to myself. I limited myself to two modest ambitions, to do physical exercise every morning and to read more in the evening. An overnight party on New Year's Eve provided as with a good excuse for not carrying out either of these new resolutions on the first day of the year, but on the second, I applied myself assiduously to the task.
The daily exercise lasted only eleven minutes and I proposed to do them early in the morning before anyone had got up. The self-discipline required to drag myself out of bed eleven minutes earlier than usual was considerable. Nevertheless, I managed to creep down into the living room for two days before anyone found me out. After jumping about in the carpet and twisted the human frame into uncomfortable positions. I sat down at the breakfast table in an exhausted condition. It was this that betrayed me. The next morning the whole family trooped into watch the performance. That was really unsettling but I fended off the taunts and jibes of the family good humoredly and soon everybody got used to the idea. However, my enthusiasm waned, the time I spent at exercises gradually diminished. Little by little the eleven minutes fell to zero. By January 10th I was back to where I had started from. I argued that if I spent less time exhausting myself at exercises in the morning. I would keep my mind fresh for reading when I got home from work. Resisting the hypnotizing effect of television, I sat in my room for a few evenings with my eyes glued to a book. One night, however, feeling cold and lonely. I went downstairs and sat in front of the television pretending to read. That proved to be my undoing, for I soon got back to the old bad habit of dozing off in front of the screen. I still haven't given up my resolution to do more reading. In fact, I have just bought a book entitled 'How to Read a Thousand Words a Minute'. Perhaps it will solve my problem, but I just have not had time to read it.

[B]1. Why most of us fail in our efforts for self-improvement?[/B]
Most people fail in their efforts at self-improvement because their plans are either too ambitious (set unrealistic goals for themselves) or they don’t have enough time to take feasible actions in order to accomplish their goals.

[B]2. Why is it a basic mistake to announce a resolution to everybody?[/B]
This is fundamental error that one can make. Usually, resolution is only known to person who makes it but by announcing it to everybody one opens the path of self-humiliation, when he fails to accomplish or deviate from the stated goals.

[B]3. Why did the writer not carry out his resolution on New Year's Day?[/B]
Owing to the overnight party which writer attended, provided him with a good excuse for not carrying out either of his two resolutions on the first day of the year.

[B]4. Find out the words in the above passage which convey the similar meaning to the following:[/B][LIST][*][B]Intimidating[/B] - Formidable[*][B]Peril[/B] - Pitfall[*][B]Dwindle[/B] - Waned, Diminish[*][B]Repel[/B] - Fend(ed) off[*][B]Barb[/B] - Taunts and jibes[/LIST]

hammadtahir Wednesday, January 25, 2023 10:00 AM

2017 Comprehension
[B]Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:[/B]
Education ought to teach us how to be in love and what to be in love with. The great things of history have been done by the great lovers, by the saints and men of science, and artists, and the problem of civilization is to give every man a chance of being a saint, a man of science, or an artist. But this problem cannot be attempted, much less solved, unless men desire to be saints, men of science, and artists. And if they are to desire that continuously and consciously, they must be taught what it means to be these. We think of the man of science or the artist, if not of the saint, as a being with peculiar gifts, not as one who exercises, more precisely and incessantly perhaps, activities which we all ought to exercise. It is a commonplace now that art has ebbed away out of our ordinary life, out of all the things which we use, and that it is practiced no longer by workmen but only by a few painters and sculptors. That has happened because we no longer recognize the aesthetic activity of the spirit, so common to all men. We do not know that when a man makes anything he ought to make it beautiful for the sake of doing so, and that when a man buys anything he ought to demand beauty in it, for the sake of beauty. We think of beauty if we think of it at all as a mere source of pleasure, and therefore it means to us ornament, added to things for which we can pay extra as we choose. But beauty is not an ornament to life, or to the things made by man. It is an essential part of both. The aesthetic activity, when it reveals itself in things made by men, reveals itself in design, just as it reveals itself in the design of all natural things. It shapes objects as the moral activity shapes actions, and we ought to recognize it in the objects and value it, as we recognize and value moral activity in actions. And as actions empty of the moral activity are distasteful to us, so should objects be that are empty of the aesthetic activity. But this is not so with most of us. We do not value it; do not even recognize it, or the lack of it, in the work of others. The artist, of whatever kind, is a man so much aware of the beauty of the universe that he must impart the same beauty to whatever he makes. He has exercised his aesthetic activity in the discovery of the beauty in the universe before he exercises it in imparting beauty to that which he makes. He has seen things in that relation in his own work, whatever it may be. And just as he sees that relation for its own sake, so he produces it for its own sake and satisfies the desire of his spirit in doing so. And we should value his work; we should desire that relation in all things made by man, if we too have the habit of seeing that relation in the universe, and if we knew that, when we see it, we are exercising an activity of the spirit and satisfying a spiritual desire. And we should also know that work without beauty means unsatisfied spiritual desire in the worker; that it is waste of life and common evil and danger, like thought without truth, or action without righteousness.

[B]1. What has been lamented in the text?[/B]
The text laments the fact that art has ebbed away from ordinary life, and is no longer practiced by workmen but only by a few painters and sculptors. It is suggested that this has happened because men no longer recognize the aesthetic activity of the spirit.

[B]2. What is the difference between ordinary man and an artist?[/B]
The main difference is that an artist is gifted with talent of recognition and creation of something of aesthetic value which satisfies his spiritual desire. While, on the other hand, the common man is devoid of this talent of recognition and creation, thus, he cannot satisfy his spirit.

[B]3. How can we make our lives beautiful and charming?[/B]
The text suggests that recognizing and valuing the aesthetic activity of the spirit, and demanding beauty in the things we buy and make, can make our lives more beautiful and charming.

[B]4. What does the writer actually mean when he says, “Beauty is not an ornament to life”?[/B]
Beauty is merely taken as a source of pleasure or as an add-on but, in reality, beauty is not an ornament to life. It is the aesthetic activity of the spirit which shapes objects as morality shapes actions.

[B]5. Do art and beauty affect our practical life and morals? Justify whether you agree or disagree.[/B]
Art and beauty affect the practical lives and morals of men because they guide men to see the aesthetic beauty of the universe and objects, and in this way, they help them exercise the activity of their spirits in order to satisfy their spiritual desires.

hammadtahir Thursday, January 26, 2023 08:39 AM

2018 Comprehension (Repetition of 1983 Comprehension)
[B][I]Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:[/I][/B]
The third great defect of our civilization is that it does not know what to do with its knowledge. Science has given us powers fit for the gods, yet we use them like small children. For example, we do not know how to manage our machines. Machines were made to be man’s servants; yet he has grown so dependent on them that they are in a fair way to become his master. Already most men spend most of their lives looking after and waiting upon machines. And the machines are very stern masters. They must be fed with coal, and given petrol to drink, and oil to wash with, and they must be kept at the right temperature. And if they do not get their meals when they expect them, they grow sulky and refuse to work, or burst with rage, and blow up, and spread ruin and destruction all around them. So, we have to wait upon them very attentively and do all that we can to keep them in a good temper. Already we find it difficult either to work or play without the machines, and a time may come when they will rule us altogether, just as we rule the animals.
And this brings me to the point at which I asked, “What do we do with all the time which the machines have saved for us, and the new energy they have given us?” On the whole, it must be admitted, we do very little. For the most part we use our time and energy to make more and better machines; but more and better machines will only give us still more time and still more energy, and what are we to do with them? The answer, I think, is that we should try to become mere civilized. For the machines themselves, and the power which the machines have given us, are not civilization but aids to civilization. But you will remember that we agreed at the beginning that being civilized meant making and linking beautiful things. Thinking freely and living rightly and maintaining justice equally between man and man. Man has a better chance today to do these things than he ever had before; he has more time, more energy, less to fear and less to fight against. If he will give his time and energy which his machines have won for him to making more beautiful things, to finding out more and more about the universe, to removing the causes of quarrels between nations, to discovering how to prevent poverty, then I think our civilization would undoubtedly be the greater, as it would be the most lasting that there has ever been.

[B]1. Instead of making machines our servants the author says they have become our masters. In what sense has this come about?[/B]
The author states that machines were meant to be servants to humans, but instead humans have become dependent on them and are now serving the machines by constantly maintaining and looking after them. The machines have also become strict masters as they need to be fed and cared for constantly, and if they don't get their needs met they can become malfunctional.

[B]2. The use of machines has brought us more leisure and more energy. But the author says that this has been a curse rather than a blessing. Why?[/B]
The author argues that the increased leisure and energy brought by machines has not been a blessing because people have not used it to improve their lives or the world around them. Instead, people are primarily using the extra time and energy to make more machines, creating a cycle of dependency.

[B]3. What exactly is the meaning of ‘civilization’? Do you agree with the author’s views?[/B]
A civilization is any complex society characterized by the development of a state, social stratification, urbanization, and symbolic systems of communication beyond natural spoken language. I agree with the author's assertion that civilization entails the creation and fusion of lovely things. Some other characteristics of civilization include ensuring equality of justice between mankind and safeguarding one's freedom of thought and expression.

[B]4. ‘Making more beautiful things’ – what does this expression mean? Make a list of the beautiful things that you would like to make and how you would make them.[/B]
The expression "making more beautiful things" means creating things that can be beneficial for mankind as a whole and that can also help him to become more civilized. The list of beautiful things that I would like to make by working on my creative expression would include art and literature.

[B]5. Mention some plans you may have to prevent poverty in the world. Who would receive your most particular attention, and why?[/B]
Equitable distribution of wealth, ending indirect taxes, raise in pay with respect to inflation, and most importantly taxing the rich in accordance with their wealth are some of the plans through which poverty can be eliminated in the world. The recipient of this particular attention will be the incredibly rich who are not paying their due share in taxes, legislatures of the different countries to end indirect taxes and make laws for taxing the rich, and the researchers to increase productivity by increasing crop yield.

hammadtahir Thursday, January 26, 2023 08:49 AM

2019 Comprehension
[B][I]Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:[/I][/B]
When I returned to the common the sun was setting. The crowd about the pit had increased, and stood out black against the lemon yellow of the sky-a couple of hundred people, perhaps. There were raised voices, and some sort of struggle appeared to be going on about the pit. Strange imaginings passed through my mind. As I drew nearer I heard Stent's voice: "Keep back! Keep back!" A boy came running towards me. "It's movin'," he said to me as he passed; "it’s screwin' and screwin' out. I don't like it. I'm goin' home, I am." I went on to the crowd. There were really, I should think, two or three hundred people elbowing and jostling one another, the one or two ladies there being by no means the least active. "He's fallen in the pit!" cried someone. "Keep back!" said several. The crowd swayed a little, and I elbowed my way through. Everyone seemed greatly excited. I heard a peculiar humming sound from the pit. "I say!" said Ogilvy. "Help keep these idiots back. We don't know what's in the confounded thing, you know!" I saw a young man, a shop assistant in Woking I believe he was, standing on the cylinder and trying to scramble out of the hole again. The crowd had pushed him in. The end of the cylinder was being screwed out from within. Nearly two feet of shining screw projected. Somebody blundered against me, and I narrowly missed being pitched onto the top of the screw. I turned, and as I did so the screw must have come out, for the lid of the cylinder fell upon the gravel with a ringing concussion. I stuck my elbow into the person behind me, and turned my head towards the Thing again. For a moment that circular cavity seemed perfectly black. I had the sunset in my eyes. I think everyone expected to see a man emerge-possibly something a little unlike us terrestrial men, but in all essentials a man. I know I did. But, looking, I presently saw something stirring within the shadow: greyish billowy movements, one above another, and then two luminous
disks-like eyes. Then something resembling a little grey snake, about the thickness of a walking stick, coiled up out of the writhing middle, and wriggled in the air towards me-and then another. A sudden chill came over me. There was a loud shriek from a woman behind. I half turned, keeping my eyes fixed upon the cylinder still, from which other tentacles were now projecting, and began pushing my way back from the edge of the pit. I saw astonishment giving place to horror on the faces of the people about me. I heard inarticulate exclamations on all sides. There was a general movement backwards. I saw the shopman struggling still on the edge of the pit. I found myself alone, and saw the people on the other side of the pit running off, Stent among them. I looked again at the cylinder and ungovernable terror gripped me. I stood petrified and staring. A big greyish rounded bulk, the size, perhaps, of a bear, was rising slowly and painfully out of the cylinder. As it bulged up and caught the light, it glistened like wet leather. Two large dark-coloured eyes were regarding me steadfastly. The mass that framed them, the head of the thing, was rounded, and had, one might say, a face. There was a mouth under the eyes, the lipless brim of which quivered and panted, and dropped saliva. The whole creature heaved and pulsated convulsively. A lank tentacular appendage gripped the edge of the cylinder, another swayed in the air. Those who have never seen a living Martian can scarcely imagine the strange horror of its appearance. The peculiar V-shaped mouth with its pointed upper lip, the absence of brow ridges, the absence of a chin beneath the wedge like lower lip, the incessant quivering of this mouth, the Gorgon groups of tentacles, the tumultuous breathing of the lungs in a strange atmosphere, the evident heaviness and painfulness of movement due to the greater gravitational energy of the earthabove all, the extraordinary intensity of the immense eyes-were at once vital, intense, inhuman, crippled and monstrous. There was something fungoid in the oily brown skin, something in the clumsy deliberation of the tedious movements unspeakably nasty. Even at this first encounter, this first glimpse, I was overcome with disgust and dread.

[B]1. What leads us to believe that this passage is from a science fiction story?[/B]
The narration and nature of the passage, as well as its atmosphere, indicate that the passage is from a science fiction story. The imagined scenery of the passage, the large pit, and the physical characteristics of the creature named "The Thing" by the narrator, without a doubt fulfil the criteria of being a science fiction story.

[B]2. How was the crowd behaving?[/B]
The crowd is described as excited and jostling one another, with raised voices and some sort of struggle taking place.

[B]3. Why did the mood of the crowd alter?[/B]
The mood of the crowd alters when they realize that the creature emerging from the cylinder is not human, but instead a strange and terrifying being.

[B]4. What was the narrator’s initial reaction to the “Thing”?[/B]
When he saw the thing, a sudden chill came over the narrator, and he began pushing his way back from the edge of the pit. When he looked at the cylinder, an uncontrollable terror came over him, and he stood still and was petrified.

[B]5. Why did the writer feel disgusted?[/B]
The writer felt disgusted as he observed his slow, lethargic, nasty movement and also when he found something slimy that had a close resemblance to the fungus on the oily brown skin of the creature.

hammadtahir Thursday, January 26, 2023 08:55 AM

2020 Comprehension
[B]Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end.[/B]
Globalization is viewed by its proponents as a process of cementing economic, cultural and political bonds between peoples of different countries of the world. One may regard it as a process by which they are welded into a single world society, to be termed as global society. It means internationalization of production and labour leading to integration of economies of developing and developed countries into global economy. To quote Rosaberth M.Kanter, “The world is becoming a global shopping mall in which ideas and products are available everywhere at the same time.” Globalization is a natural outcome of computer networking and electronic mass communication. Information technology has made it possible for nations of the world to contact one another beyond their national borders. Besides, globalization is also promoted through the growth and proliferation of multinational companies and corporations that operate as transporter networks. Anyhow the flow of capital technology and labour across the borders of countries has accentuated the process of globalization. Deregulation, liberalism and privatization being assiduously pursued in the developing countries are some other manifestations of globalization. These countries are opening their economies to follow these trends. The size of the public sector is shrinking for the private sector to assume an increasingly important role in the economic development of the Third World countries. The downsizing of the public sector is in line with the spirit of market economy. This is suggested as a measure to cover up their fiscal deficit.

[B]1. Define globalization.[/B]
Globalization is a process of cementing economic, cultural and political bonds between peoples of different countries of the world forming a single world society. In other words, it is internationalization of production and labour leading to integration of economies of developing and developed countries into global economy.

[B]2. What is electronic mass communication?[/B]
Electronic mass communication refers to the use of technology, such as computers and the internet, to communicate and exchange information between different nations and cultures.

[B]3. What does the term Third World denote?[/B]
The term Third World denotes the developing countries who are pursuing the trend of globalization through privatization and liberalism to assume an increasingly important role for their economic development.

[B]4. What is privatization?[/B]
Privatization refers to the transfer of ownership and control of a state-owned enterprise or asset from the government to the private sector.

[B]5. Explain ‘liberalism’ in the above context.[/B]
Liberalism in the context of the passage refers to the economic policy of deregulation, which involves removing or reducing government regulations and restrictions in order to promote free market competition and private enterprise. It also refers to the downsizing of the public sector and the increasing role of the private sector in the economic development of Third World countries.

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