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seher bano Sunday, December 30, 2012 08:53 PM

[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B][SIZE="3"]Seniors, Kindly Check my precis[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]

Précis( Original) (CSS 1983)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

Rural development lies at the heart of any meaningful development strategy. This is the only mechanism to carry the message to the majority of the people and to obtain their involvement in measures designed to improve productivity levels. Rural population exceeds 70 percent of the total population of the country, despite a rapid rate of urbanization. Average rural income is 34 percent less than per capita urban income. A large part of under employment is still concealed in various rural activities particularly in the less developed part s of the country. For centuries, the true magnitude of poverty has been concealed from view by pushing a large part of it to the rural areas. This set in motion a self-perpetuating mechanism. The more enterprising and talented in the rural society migrated to the cities in search of dreams which were seldom realized. Such migrants added to urban squalor. The relatively more prosperous in the rural society opted for urban residence for different reasons. The rural society itself has in this way systematically been denuded of tits more enterprising elements, as rural areas developed the character of a huge and sprawling slum. Development in the past has touched rural scene mainly via agricultural development programmes. These are essential and would have to be intensified. Much more important is a large scale expansion of physical and social infrastructure on the village scene. These include rural roads, rural water supply and village electrification as a part of the change in the physical environment and primary education and primary health care as the agents of social change. The task is to provide modern amenities as an aid for bringing into motion the internal dynamics of the rural society on a path leading to increase in productivity and self-help, changing the overall surrounding, while preserving coherence, integrated structure and the rich cultural heritage of the rural society. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B][SIZE="2"](Word Count: 312)

Importance of Rural Development[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
Rural progress is of paramount importance in the development of a country, because it is the only way through which productivity level can be increased tremendously. In fact, the real poverty lies in the rural areas; and one of the main reasons of this poverty is urbanization. This urbanization further deteriorated the condition of cities. Rural society, on the one hand, migrated to the cities; and on the other hand they deprived themselves of their productive possessions. We need, while maintaining rural society, to aid the agricultural sector in shape of the development of infrastructure which, ultimately, would help in development of agricultural sector. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][SIZE="2"][B](Word Count: 104)

Bilal Hassan Sunday, December 30, 2012 09:35 PM

[QUOTE=seher bano;534799][B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][SIZE="2"]
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B][SIZE="3"]Seniors, Kindly Check my precis[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]

Précis( Original) (CSS 1983)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

Rural development lies at the heart of any meaningful development strategy. This is the only mechanism to carry the message to the majority of the people and to obtain their involvement in measures designed to improve productivity levels. Rural population exceeds 70 percent of the total population of the country, despite a rapid rate of urbanization. Average rural income is 34 percent less than per capita urban income. A large part of under employment is still concealed in various rural activities particularly in the less developed part s of the country. For centuries, the true magnitude of poverty has been concealed from view by pushing a large part of it to the rural areas. This set in motion a self-perpetuating mechanism. The more enterprising and talented in the rural society migrated to the cities in search of dreams which were seldom realized. Such migrants added to urban squalor. The relatively more prosperous in the rural society opted for urban residence for different reasons. The rural society itself has in this way systematically been denuded of tits more enterprising elements, as rural areas developed the character of a huge and sprawling slum. Development in the past has touched rural scene mainly via agricultural development programmes. These are essential and would have to be intensified. Much more important is a large scale expansion of physical and social infrastructure on the village scene. These include rural roads, rural water supply and village electrification as a part of the change in the physical environment and primary education and primary health care as the agents of social change. The task is to provide modern amenities as an aid for bringing into motion the internal dynamics of the rural society on a path leading to increase in productivity and self-help, changing the overall surrounding, while preserving coherence, integrated structure and the rich cultural heritage of the rural society. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B][SIZE="2"](Word Count: 312)

Importance of Rural Development[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
Rural progress is of paramount importance in the development of a country, because it is the only way through which productivity level can be increased tremendously. In fact, the real poverty lies in the rural areas; and one of the main reasons of this poverty is urbanization. This urbanization further deteriorated the condition of cities. Rural society, on the one hand, migrated to the cities; and on the other hand they deprived themselves of their productive possessions. We need, while maintaining rural society, to aid the agricultural sector in shape of the development of infrastructure which, ultimately, would help in development of agricultural sector. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][SIZE="2"][B](Word Count: 104)
This is a good attempt as both title and precis are justified but this precis is very old, the days of these easier precis are gone now, these days we get tricky paras to make precis...good attempt though...[/B][/COLOR][/B]

seher bano Sunday, December 30, 2012 10:20 PM

[QUOTE=Bilal Hassan;534827][B][COLOR="Blue"][B]
This is a good attempt as both title and precis are justified but this precis is very old, the days of these easier precis are gone now, these days we get tricky paras to make precis...good attempt though...[/B][/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]

Bilal Bhai, Actually i am solving precis' from 1970s to 2000s, so i am very close to finish this project...thanks for your cooperation.

seher bano Monday, December 31, 2012 07:26 PM

[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"]Seniors Check this precis,please.[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[B]Original Precis (2004)[/B]
We're dealing with a very dramatic and very fundamental paradigm shift here. You may try" to lubricate your' social interactions with personality techniques and skills, but in the process, you may truncate the vital character base. You can't have the fruits without the roots. It's the principle of sequencing: Private victory precedes Public Victory. Self-mastery and self-discipline are the foundation of good relationship with others. Some people say that you have to like yourself before you can like others. I think' that idea has merit but if you don't know yourself, if you don't control yourself, if you don't have mastery over yourself, it's very hard to like yourself, except in some short-term, psych-up, superficial way. Real self-respect comes from dominion over*self from true independence. Independence is an achievement. Inter dependence is a choice only independent people can make. Unless we are willing to achieve real independence, it's foolish to try to develop human relations skills. We might try. We might even have some degree of success when the sun is shining. But when the difficult times come - and they will - We won't have the foundation to keep things together. The most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or what we do, but what we are. And if our words and our actions come from superficial human relations techniques (the Personality Ethic) rather than from our own inner core (the character Ethic), others will sense that duplicity. We simply won't be able to create and sustain the foundation necessary" for effective interdependence. The techniques and skills that really make a difference in human interaction are the ones that almost naturally flow from a truly independent character. So the place to begin building any relationship is inside ourselves, inside our Circle of Influence, our own character. As we become independent - Proactive, centered in correct principles, value driven and able to organize and execute around the priorities in our life with integrity - we then can choose to become interdependent - capable of building rich, enduring, highly productive relationships with other people.( [COLOR="Blue"][B]Word Count: 349)[/B][/COLOR]

Relationships and self-recognition
The Real Use of Our Inborn traits
liberality, self-recognition, and Relationships
Inborn traits could be used in order to enjoy amiable relationships with others. But self-recognition is the key to have cordial relationships, because without self-recognition one can not recognize others. Moreover, self-recognition depends on liberality. It is ridiculous if someone runs after cordial relationships without having liberality. However, one can enjoy, at times, good relations without even having liberality, but the nature of such kind of relations is always momentary. Furthermore, while making amicable relations, true representation of one’s self is of paramount importance, because hypocrisy is always exposed by the people, so the true place of relationship lies within us. Therefore, strong and cordial relationship is always built on the foundation of self recognition and liberality. [COLOR="Blue"][B](Word Count: 117)[/B][/COLOR]

Bilal Hassan Monday, December 31, 2012 08:04 PM

[QUOTE=seher bano;535212][COLOR="Blue"][B]
[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"]Seniors Check this precis,please.[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[B]Original Precis (2004)[/B]
We're dealing with a very dramatic and very fundamental paradigm shift here. You may try" to lubricate your' social interactions with personality techniques and skills, but in the process, you may truncate the vital character base. You can't have the fruits without the roots. It's the principle of sequencing: Private victory precedes Public Victory. Self-mastery and self-discipline are the foundation of good relationship with others. Some people say that you have to like yourself before you can like others. I think' that idea has merit but if you don't know yourself, if you don't control yourself, if you don't have mastery over yourself, it's very hard to like yourself, except in some short-term, psych-up, superficial way. Real self-respect comes from dominion over*self from true independence. Independence is an achievement. Inter dependence is a choice only independent people can make. Unless we are willing to achieve real independence, it's foolish to try to develop human relations skills. We might try. We might even have some degree of success when the sun is shining. But when the difficult times come - and they will - We won't have the foundation to keep things together. The most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or what we do, but what we are. And if our words and our actions come from superficial human relations techniques (the Personality Ethic) rather than from our own inner core (the character Ethic), others will sense that duplicity. We simply won't be able to create and sustain the foundation necessary" for effective interdependence. The techniques and skills that really make a difference in human interaction are the ones that almost naturally flow from a truly independent character. So the place to begin building any relationship is inside ourselves, inside our Circle of Influence, our own character. As we become independent - Proactive, centered in correct principles, value driven and able to organize and execute around the priorities in our life with integrity - we then can choose to become interdependent - capable of building rich, enduring, highly productive relationships with other people.( [COLOR="Blue"][B]Word Count: 349)[/B][/COLOR]

Relationships and self-recognition
The Real Use of Our Inborn traits
liberality, self-recognition, and Relationships
Inborn traits could be used in order to enjoy amiable relationships with others. But self-recognition is the key to have cordial relationships, because without self-recognition one can not recognize others. Moreover, self-recognition depends on liberality. It is ridiculous if someone runs after cordial relationships without having liberality. However, one can enjoy, at times, good relations without even having liberality, but the nature of such kind of relations is always momentary. Furthermore, while making amicable relations, true representation of one’s self is of paramount importance, because hypocrisy is always exposed by the people, so the true place of relationship lies within us. Therefore, strong and cordial relationship is always built on the foundation of self recognition and liberality. [COLOR="Blue"][B](Word Count: 117)[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
[B][COLOR="Blue"]Excellent, good job done[/COLOR][/B]

SADIA SHAFIQ Monday, December 31, 2012 09:04 PM

[QUOTE=Disciple of Aristotle;527736]

i will appreciate miss sadia to make a right jugement of this fruitfull discussion and sorry there was outage on my side[/QUOTE]

sorry ,I have read it too late .According to my opinion ,the title MBO needs other phrases /words to encompass the whole passage .

I will like to say It would be ''Organizational objectives and functions'' is appropriate ..

As for as ''Vital features of an organization'' is concerned . There is hell of difference between features and objectives . features is synonym of characteristics; this particular word stands for particular organization .

it is my opinion .One may disagree ..

SADIA SHAFIQ Monday, December 31, 2012 09:25 PM

[QUOTE=seher bano;535212][COLOR="Blue"][B]
[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"]Seniors Check this precis,please.[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[B]Original Precis (2004)[/B]
We're dealing with a very dramatic and very fundamental paradigm shift here. [B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]You may try" to lubricate your' social interactions with personality techniques [/COLOR][/B]and skills, but in the process, you may truncate the vital character base. You can't have the fruits without the roots. It's the principle of sequencing: Private victory precedes Public Victory. [B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Self-mastery and self-discipline are the foundation of good relationship with others[/COLOR][/B]. Some people say that you have to like yourself before you can like others. I think' that idea has merit but if you don't know yourself, if you don't control yourself, if you don't have mastery over yourself, it's very hard to like yourself, except in some short-term, psych-up, superficial way. [B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Real self-respect comes from dominion over*self from true independence. Independence is an achievement. Inter dependence is a choice only independent people can make.(The most important line of this precis )[/COLOR][/B] Unless we are willing to achieve real independence, it's foolish to try to develop human relations skills. We might try. We might even have some degree of success when the sun is shining. But when the difficult times come - and they will - We won't have the foundation to keep things together.[B][COLOR="DarkGreen"] The most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or what we do, but what we are.[/COLOR][/B] And if our words and our actions come from superficial human relations techniques (the Personality Ethic) rather than from our own inner core (the character Ethic), others will sense that duplicity. [COLOR="DarkGreen"][B]We simply won't be able to create and sustain the foundation necessary" for effective interdependence[/B][/COLOR]. The techniques and skills that really make a difference in human interaction are the ones that almost naturally flow from a truly independent character. [B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]So the place to begin building any relationship is inside ourselves, inside our Circle of Influence, our own character. As we become independent [/COLOR][/B]- Proactive, centered in correct principles, value driven and able to organize and execute around the priorities in our life with integrity - we then can choose to become interdependent - capable of building rich, enduring, highly productive relationships with other people.( [COLOR="Blue"][B]Word Count: 349)[/B][/COLOR]

Relationships and self-recognition
The Real Use of Our Inborn traits
liberality, self-recognition, and Relationships

[B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Inborn traits could be used in order to enjoy amiable relationships with others.[/COLOR][/B][B] (The writer is saying about development of such traits and you have assumed they are already ) [/B]But self-recognition is the key to have cordial [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]relationships, because without self-recognition one can not recognize others. Moreover, self-recognition depends on liberality. It is ridiculous if someone runs after cordial relationships without having liberality. However, one can enjoy, at times, good relations without even having liberality, but the nature of such kind of relations is always momentary. [/COLOR][/B][B]These lines are not representation of precis [/B]Furthermore, while making amicable relations, true [U][COLOR="DarkRed"][B]representation of one’s self is of paramount importance??[/B][/COLOR][/U],[B]It is what ????[/B] because hypocrisy is always exposed by the people, so the true place of relationship lies within us. Therefore, strong and cordial relationship is always built on the foundation of self recognition and liberality. [COLOR="Blue"][B](Word Count: 117)[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

I will not say you have done justice with precis .I am afraid you took the whole passage in wrong way .Your title is not suitable .I am highlighting important lines (Green color ) .

You need to work on it dear .I will suggest to make it again .

seher bano Tuesday, January 01, 2013 01:15 AM

[QUOTE=SADIA SHAFIQ;535278]I will not say you have done justice with precis .I am afraid you took the whole passage in wrong way .Your title is not suitable .I am highlighting important lines (Green color ) .

You need to work on it dear .I will suggest to make it again .[/QUOTE]

Well, with due respect, I disagree with you. my points are directly or indirectly connected with the original text. i have change the narration and not the hidden meanings. In fact, you may make it and then we may compare.

seher bano Tuesday, January 01, 2013 01:43 AM

[B]@ Sadia Shafiq[/B]

We're dealing with a very dramatic and very fundamental paradigm shift here. You may try" to lubricate your' social interactions with personality techniques and skills, but in the process, you may truncate the vital character base.[/QUOTE]
Inborn traits could be used in order to enjoy amiable relationships with others.

[QUOTE][B]You can't have the fruits without the roots. It's the principle of sequencing: Private victory precedes Public Victory.(unnecessary)[/B]

[B]Self-mastery and self-discipline are the foundation of good relationship with others. Some people say that you have to like yourself before you can like others. [/B]I think' that idea has merit but if you don't know yourself, if you don't control yourself, if you don't have mastery over yourself, it's very hard to like yourself, except in some short-term, psych-up, superficial way.[/QUOTE]

But self-recognition is the key to have cordial relationships, because without self-recognition one can not recognize others.[B][COLOR="Blue"](compare the meanings)[/COLOR][/B]

[QUOTE][B]Real self-respect comes from dominion over*self from true independence.[/B] Independence is an achievement. Inter dependence is a choice only independent people can make. Unless we are willing to achieve real independence, i[B]t's foolish to try to develop human relations skills.[/B] [/QUOTE]

[COLOR="Purple"][B]Moreover, self-recognition depends on liberality.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]It is ridiculous if someone runs after cordial relationships without having liberality. [/B][/COLOR]

[QUOTE][B]We might try. We might even have some degree of success when the sun is shining. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][B]But when the difficult times come - and they will - We won't have the foundation to keep things together[/B][/COLOR].[/B] [/QUOTE]

However, [COLOR="Blue"][B]one can enjoy, at times, good relations without even having liberality[/B][/COLOR], but the nature of [COLOR="Blue"][B]such kind of relations is always momentary.[/B][/COLOR]

[QUOTE][COLOR="Black"][B]The most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or what we do, but what we are. [/B][/COLOR][B]And if our words and our actions come from superficial human relations techniques (the Personality Ethic) rather than from our own inner core (the character Ethic), others will sense that duplicity.[/B] We simply won't be able to create and sustain the foundation necessary" for effective interdependence. [/QUOTE]

Furthermore, [COLOR="Blue"][B]while making amicable relations, true representation of one’s self is of paramount importance[/B][/COLOR], because [COLOR="Blue"][B]hypocrisy is always exposed by the people[/B][/COLOR],

[QUOTE]The techniques and skills that really make a difference in human interaction are the ones that almost naturally flow from a truly independent character. So the place to begin building any relationship is inside ourselves, inside our Circle of Influence, our own character. As we become independent - Proactive, centered in correct principles, value driven and able to organize and execute around the priorities in our life with integrity - we then can choose to become interdependent - capable of building rich, enduring, highly productive relationships with other people.[/QUOTE]

so the true place of relationship lies within us.
Therefore, strong and cordial relationship is always built on the foundation of self recognition and liberality.

[B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]So this is summery of my whole text...Now let me know where i went wrong. Bilal Bhai you also comment on it...[/COLOR][/B]

Ahmed Faisal Tuesday, January 01, 2013 04:26 AM

[QUOTE=seher bano;535212][COLOR="Blue"][B]
[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"]Seniors Check this precis,please.[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[B]Original Precis (2004)[/B]
We're dealing with a very dramatic and very fundamental paradigm shift here. You may try" to lubricate your' social interactions with personality techniques and skills, but in the process, you may truncate the vital character base. You can't have the fruits without the roots. It's the principle of sequencing: Private victory precedes Public Victory. Self-mastery and self-discipline are the foundation of good relationship with others. Some people say that you have to like yourself before you can like others. I think' that idea has merit but if you don't know yourself, if you don't control yourself, if you don't have mastery over yourself, it's very hard to like yourself, except in some short-term, psych-up, superficial way. Real self-respect comes from dominion over*self from true independence. Independence is an achievement. Inter dependence is a choice only independent people can make. Unless we are willing to achieve real independence, it's foolish to try to develop human relations skills. We might try. We might even have some degree of success when the sun is shining. But when the difficult times come - and they will - We won't have the foundation to keep things together. The most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or what we do, but what we are. And if our words and our actions come from superficial human relations techniques (the Personality Ethic) rather than from our own inner core (the character Ethic), others will sense that duplicity. We simply won't be able to create and sustain the foundation necessary" for effective interdependence. The techniques and skills that really make a difference in human interaction are the ones that almost naturally flow from a truly independent character. So the place to begin building any relationship is inside ourselves, inside our Circle of Influence, our own character. As we become independent - Proactive, centered in correct principles, value driven and able to organize and execute around the priorities in our life with integrity - we then can choose to become interdependent - capable of building rich, enduring, highly productive relationships with other people.( [COLOR="Blue"][B]Word Count: 349)[/B][/COLOR]

Relationships and self-recognition
The Real Use of Our Inborn traits
liberality, self-recognition, and Relationships
Inborn traits could be used in order to enjoy amiable relationships with others. But self-recognition is the key to have cordial relationships, because without self-recognition one can not recognize others. Moreover, self-recognition depends on liberality. It is ridiculous if someone runs after cordial relationships without having liberality. However, one can enjoy, at times, good relations without even having liberality, but the nature of such kind of relations is always momentary. Furthermore, while making amicable relations, true representation of one’s self is of paramount importance, because hypocrisy is always exposed by the people, so the true place of relationship lies within us. Therefore, strong and cordial relationship is always built on the foundation of self recognition and liberality. [COLOR="Blue"][B](Word Count: 117)[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
Good piece of writing, keep it up... .

06:39 PM (GMT +5)

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