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nk702 Sunday, October 07, 2012 11:12 PM

Except point 4, it depends on the topic.

HUNK007 Saturday, October 20, 2012 11:28 AM

[QUOTE=nk702;489483]Except point 4, it depends on the topic.[/QUOTE]
I have learned a lot from the great sir and would surely follow him in organizing my essay.

shabak Monday, October 22, 2012 07:41 PM

dear HUNKOO7 would you please give some important tips for the aspirants bcoz i think you have learnt much about essay techniques.

Bilal Hassan Monday, October 22, 2012 08:19 PM

This is completely abstruse for me as people have started taking Razi Abidi as panacea to the essay manic in CSS, i don't know whether it is a tact of him to promote and position himself as the Great Essay teacher or you guys are really die hard fan of him.....these facts are not at all shocking, i completely disagree on all points as background must always be given to relate and compare the present and past scenario.....you have to give the verdict of Quran and Hadith as Quran covers all aspects of life.....so these all things are unimportant...

shabak Monday, October 22, 2012 09:56 PM

Dear he does not need to promote himself because he has so many students you even cant imagine.And he has checked essay paper of fpsc for many years thts why he is considered authority on essay writing.His students has scored above 70 in essay and students from all over the country consider it their privilege to seek his guidance.

Sarmad Ehsan Monday, October 22, 2012 09:57 PM

Bilal , you are correct but nevertheless ; almost every single point raised suffices what I read in Dawn. The presentation espouses the latter.

fitman Saturday, October 27, 2012 07:59 PM

historical perspective of a topic is important to mention and it does make sense i believe.

Ali Raza Abbass Saturday, October 27, 2012 08:21 PM

One of my respected fellow here is always in a state which i would like to call "agreement with the disagreement"

These points are correct except you should give references from the Quran and Hadees where you feel pertinent.
And you don't have to define the term as the essays in the CSS exam are not like "What is democracy?"
rather they focus on one or few aspects of the topic. So hit the bulls eye right from the start and address the topic from the beginning.

zuhaib ahmed Saturday, October 27, 2012 09:16 PM

[B][SIZE="3"][I][COLOR="SeaGreen"][SIZE="2"]I have been reading everyone's view here. It is quite good to learn from every one. I have little knowledge about Essay writing which may be equal to Nothing. :)

Dears, Essay writing is an art. Everyone possesses own style of writing. If ten professional Essayists write an Essay; one will surely find difference between them. My Essay can be different to yours; and, yours to mine. Sir Razi's views may be different from another professional Essayist. So, it is not the Big issue.
As told by member, Sir Razi is an experienced teacher and have been checking CSS essays. So, one should think thoroughly and smartly because if he has said something, it will weigh heavier too.

Let me put my view about the points.

[QUOTE]1; DONT define any issue like democracy it is absurd to define the issue bcoz by doing this u r trying to teach the examiner....[/QUOTE]

Indeed, we compose an Essay of CSS where we should not define issues. And, Essays of CSS are not asked for definitions. If we start to define the issues like democracy, indeed, we will pay for it. One should hit the topic at very start of Essay and go with what is asked. No need to derail it!

[QUOTE]2;Dont give history bcoz dead can not teach the livings....[/QUOTE]

I am still finding meaning in words of Sir. I am not agree with this point.[U][U] Dead can not teach the livings.[/U][/U] Ye pory Philosophy e galat hai. Humain tou kuch maloom nhn mager phir b hum is baat ko nhn mantay.

Zara Sochaeye, There is advice in every sign for a wise man. If one has to know any nation's future, one will have to peep into its past. Is it not so?
If topic in css is: [U]What is future of democracy in Pakistan?[/U]

How will one decide its future? One will have to peep into history of democracy of Pakistan. One will surely give some background, then present scenario and will be able to present well one's prediction.

One can put background and history of any topic, if topic needs and one feels to fix it.

I am not an authority. You can check Essays of Jahangir's World times magazines. You will find background of topics in them. And, in many Essays' outline you will find the words [U]history and background[/U]. Feel free to search it.

[QUOTE]3;Dont give any religious view in the essay dont quote any hadees or verse of quran in the essay[/QUOTE]

Again, disagreement!

If topic for Essay is,[U] Status of Women in Islam.[/U] How will one write an Essay without some Hadees and Verses. I don't get any outlet.

2nd thing, we give quotations in Essay. Why do we give them? To impress the teacher, to beautify the expressions and to prove argument. So, what if one needs any verse to prove one's argument where needed why can one not give? One can give any verse of Quraan or any Hadees where needed.

[QUOTE]4; Dont criticize a person always criticize the system.....[/QUOTE]

I agree. :)

I can be wrong. Do tell me If I am. :)


waqarm44 Sunday, October 28, 2012 12:20 AM

I don't know how people get 70 marks in essay but i passed this paper two times. In 2010 I got 46 marks and in 2011 I got 41 marks. I write essay by this technique:

Here I hit the central theme of the topic. For example if topic is corruption in Pakistan I will write as

"Pakistan is a country where corruption has become a norm. All dreams of progress and prosperity has been ruined because of this menace. The founder of nation once pointed out it as the most threatening social problem but no successive government succeeded in taking effective steps for its erosion. Resultantly institutions and personalities failed to step forward. Politicians are corrupt because they have an easy escape: naming the case as political vendetta and to get a clean chit from court is sufficient to prove them innocent. A bureaucrat has an excuse that he can't do his duty by confronting the political elites. Generals are also not any exception.
2)thesis statement:) Is it really become a norm in Pakistani society? Are we unable to get rid of it? To explore the answers of such questions we have to scrutinize the whole plethora of corruption in Pakistan.

3)definition: 'Corruption is misuse of Public office to gain personal benefits on behalf of national exchequer' as Transparency International defines it. But a sociologist consider it as any act of omission or commission that derails the norms of society is corruption. Interestingly psychologists consider all acts as corruption which are in less pure state than more pure state. Generally corruption is ignoring the truth and reality to get money and power, prestige. It is any thing which characterless people perform to get riches, fame!!

3)types and kinds): Although it is bad in every form but it is worse when it involves politics when politicians use wine, wealth and women to win election. It gave birth to nepotism which means to give administrative posts to those who don't deserve that. It ends up meritocracy in administrative set-up. While weak administrators can't control corruption of professionals and tax evasion. Its classic example can be seen in political rigging case in 1990 election after that the graph of corruption was always on rise in Pakistan.

4)History of corruption in Pakistan): Not to say that before 1990 Pakistan was free from it__but there were some years when it was reduced. Actually it started in Pakistan three decades before the creation of Pakistan when Britishers were loosing their grip and land grabbers, corrupt contractors started making money by taking benefit of it. Corruption was little known before the regime of Ayoub Khan. During his regime it was used as political vendetta: no doubt. March 21 1959 martial law authorities enforced PRODA to disqualify politicians. It was December 1 1969 when 300 class I gazetted officers allegedly involved in corruption were suspended. But governmental efforts failed. In 70's the policy of nationalization failed because of corruption. In 80's loose administration, kilashankove culture, heroin business introduced many dangerous ways of making money to mullah and military. "Military Inc inside Pakistan" a famous book states that soon military turn into a giant which has massive share of 6% in GDP and control of economic conditions of country. Rise in economic gap between rich and poor engulfed the moral values. Law lacunae, no single agency to control corruption and many such causes slowly gave corruption a pattern of some norm in Pakistani society.

(by this way i write definition, history, types and kinds. it is known as exposition part of essay. i think it is most important part because it creates first impression on examiner so it should be prepared for every topic. rest i m surprised why sir abidi said that :thinking.)

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