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silent roar Thursday, January 24, 2013 08:57 PM

[QUOTE=very special 1;546344]how to strengthen democracy in Pakistan? ......right?or any other better topic you think[/QUOTE]

Well let me mould this topic in another way.........
[B]"After witnessing failure of democratic regimes to deliver in the past, Does Democracy suit Pakistan?"[/B]

ow u must go ahead with ur own ideas regarding the topic and then I will share mine.....................
I want u to take Initiative............:)

very special 1 Friday, January 25, 2013 09:22 AM

[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Purple"]"After witnessing failure of democratic regimes to deliver in the past, Does Democracy suit Pakistan?"[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Purple"]1 introduction

2 elements of democracy according to UN

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]
[COLOR="Plum"]a) sepration and balance of power
b) independent judiciary
c) pluralistic system of political parties
[COLOR="Purple"][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="4"]3 Past govt structures or systems In Pak

[COLOR="Plum"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]miltary or dictatorship

democratic Govt

comparison of both[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Purple"][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="4"]4 is Pakistan ever witnesed or experienced democracy

5 popular democracies of the world
Norway, newzland, france,USA germany etc

6 issues of democracy in Pakistan[/SIZE]
[COLOR="Plum"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"]
personalization of politics
personality oriented politics[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="4"][FONT="Arial"]7 does democracy suit Pakistan?

8 suggestion to strengthen democracy in Pakistan

[COLOR="Plum"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]law and order
powerful judicary
increasing literacy rate
free and fair election
abolishing feudal system
free and fair media etc[/FONT][/COLOR]

8 conclusion

[SIZE="4"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Blue"]Note; is this order of heading right?

silent roar Sunday, January 27, 2013 01:35 PM

[QUOTE=very special 1;546545][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Purple"]"After witnessing failure of democratic regimes to deliver in the past, Does Democracy suit Pakistan?"[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Purple"]1 introduction

2 elements of democracy according to UN

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]
[COLOR="Plum"]a) sepration and balance of power
b) independent judiciary
c) pluralistic system of political parties
[COLOR="Purple"][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="4"]3 Past govt structures or systems In Pak

[COLOR="Plum"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]miltary or dictatorship

democratic Govt

comparison of both[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Purple"][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="4"]4 is Pakistan ever witnesed or experienced democracy

5 popular democracies of the world
Norway, newzland, france,USA germany etc

6 issues of democracy in Pakistan[/SIZE]
[COLOR="Plum"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"]
personalization of politics
personality oriented politics[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="4"][FONT="Arial"]7 does democracy suit Pakistan?

8 suggestion to strengthen democracy in Pakistan

[COLOR="Plum"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]law and order
powerful judicary
increasing literacy rate
free and fair election
abolishing feudal system
free and fair media etc[/FONT][/COLOR]

8 conclusion

[SIZE="4"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Blue"]Note; is this order of heading right?

Fair enough but u have to follow the following pattern..........

[B]I- Introduction[/B]

----Define democracy
----Failure of a government doesn't mean failure of a system(Democracy)
----Latest attempts which have fortified democracy i.e 18 Ammendment,NFC, Balochistan package etc

[B]II-Causes of Failure of Democratic regimes in the past[/B]

----Delay in constitution making.
----Leadership vacuum.
----Frequent military interventions.
----Debacle of East Pakistan.
----Strong federation.
----Weak local government system.
----Fragile Institutions especially Judiciary.
----Incompetent and corrupt leaders.
----Lack of political harmony.
----Rift between Institutions.
----High illiteracy rate.
----Improper system of checks and balances.

[B]III-Does democracy suit Pakistan?[/B]

Yes (Justifications).....

----Democracy is actually an Islamic system of Governance.(Concept of shura, and as Pakistan was conceived on the ideology of Islam, so democracy is the only system of government which suit Pakistan )

----Quaid's views regarding form of Government in Pakistan.
----Experience gained through military regimes.
----Political dynamics of South Asia in specific and Asia in general.
----An overview of the success stories of some modern democracies of the world(Britain and America)
----Comparison with other forms of government as a litmus test in Pakistan's case.
----What form of government did Iqbal envisaged for a Muslim state?

[B]IV-How democracy be strengthened in Pakistan?[/B]

----Provincial autonomy.
----Proper system of checks and balances.
----Agricultural and Industrial Reforms.
----Poverty alleviation measures.
----Educational reforms.
----Political harmony and stability.
----Collaboration of all the Institutions of the state.
----Proper strategies to address the menace of Energy Crisis.
----Supremacy of law and constitution.
----ensuring the provision of Fundamental rights.
----Transfer of power to the grass root level.(Devolution of power)
----Time to review our foreign policy.

[B]V- Conclusion.[/B]

Hope this would be enough and sorry for the delayed response........;)

very special 1 Sunday, January 27, 2013 05:29 PM

[QUOTE=silent roar;547480]Fair enough but u have to follow the following pattern..........

[B]I- Introduction[/B]

----Define democracy
----Failure of a government doesn't mean failure of a system(Democracy)
----Latest attempts which have fortified democracy i.e 18 Ammendment,NFC, Balochistan package etc

[B]II-Causes of Failure of Democratic regimes in the past[/B]

----Delay in constitution making.
----Leadership vacuum.
----Frequent military interventions.
----Debacle of East Pakistan.
----Strong federation.
----Weak local government system.
----Fragile Institutions especially Judiciary.
----Incompetent and corrupt leaders.
----Lack of political harmony.
----Rift between Institutions.
----High illiteracy rate.
----Improper system of checks and balances.

[B]III-Does democracy suit Pakistan?[/B]

Yes (Justifications).....

----Democracy is actually an Islamic system of Governance.(Concept of shura, and as Pakistan was conceived on the ideology of Islam, so democracy is the only system of government which suit Pakistan )

----Quaid's views regarding form of Government in Pakistan.
----Experience gained through military regimes.
----Political dynamics of South Asia in specific and Asia in general.
----An overview of the success stories of some modern democracies of the world(Britain and America)
----Comparison with other forms of government as a litmus test in Pakistan's case.
----What form of government did Iqbal envisaged for a Muslim state?

[B]IV-How democracy be strengthened in Pakistan?[/B]

----Provincial autonomy.
----Proper system of checks and balances.
----Agricultural and Industrial Reforms.
----Poverty alleviation measures.
----Educational reforms.
----Political harmony and stability.
----Collaboration of all the Institutions of the state.
----Proper strategies to address the menace of Energy Crisis.
----Supremacy of law and constitution.
----ensuring the provision of Fundamental rights.
----Transfer of power to the grass root level.(Devolution of power)
----Time to review our foreign policy.

[B]V- Conclusion.[/B]

Hope this would be enough and sorry for the delayed response........;)[/QUOTE]
1 thing explain please.
i thought we can write only headings in essay outline, but u are writing full sentences. is this allowed? because first i wrote like this but unable to convert it into headings i skip many points.

tell next topic related to media.

silent roar Sunday, January 27, 2013 06:05 PM

[QUOTE=very special 1;547553]1 thing explain please.
i thought we can write only headings in essay outline, but u are writing full sentences. is this allowed? because first i wrote like this but unable to convert it into headings i skip many points.

these were outlines not headings.............it is better not to give headings in the body of the essay...........the topic sentence of every of ur paragraph must speak everything..............

silent roar Sunday, January 27, 2013 06:09 PM

[QUOTE=very special 1;547553]

tell next topic related to media.[/QUOTE]

[B]"In today's turbulent world,the importance of media has replicated many folds."[/B]

Make outlines of the topic and I'll amend them if required..............:thinking

very special 1 Sunday, January 27, 2013 06:15 PM

[QUOTE=silent roar;547567]these were outlines not headings.............it is better not to give headings in the body of the essay...........the topic sentence of every of ur paragraph must speak everything..............[/QUOTE]
from heading i mean that specific words (one word for complete sentence)

avoid brabries, nepotism etc with corruption.

so please explain 1 word is right way or go for detail sentence.

next topic please

silent roar Sunday, January 27, 2013 08:20 PM

[QUOTE=very special 1;547570]from heading i mean that specific words (one word for complete sentence)

avoid brabries, nepotism etc with corruption.

so please explain 1 word is right way or go for detail sentence.

next topic please[/QUOTE]

You may follow the pattern given by me.........dont waste your efforts in looking for one word substitution for the whole phrase.........:)

Anywaz wats ur optional combination?

very special 1 Monday, January 28, 2013 09:42 AM

[QUOTE=silent roar;547692]Well we have Psychology, Punjabi and journalism in common..............Moreover I have studied M. Law in LLB.........so u can also ask me if u have any query in this regard........[/QUOTE]
thanks soo much ..........:angle

from 1st i will revise M law if i will find any difficulty i will ask you.

[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]In todays Turbulent world the importance of media has replicated many folds.

Different civilization and media role

globilization and emegence of media as power tool

Media pushing the world toward construction or distruction

Media a serious thing or just entertainment or propoganda tool

Role of Media in the modern world

[COLOR="Green"]social role
ecnomic role
political stability
cultural part by media
religious contribution
educational drift due to media[/COLOR]

Can we depend on Media for peaceful and secure world

media is the source of change, induced or imposed?

Factors due to which media become infuential
Increase literacy rate

raising voice for people problems

support ecnomic growth, by advertising, jobs etc

development of relation among countries

support govt structures

increase level of awarness

public and Govt relation, public opinion
Steps to strengthen media

[COLOR="Green"]proper traning and education of journalists

proper formation of laws, follow rules and dont excede ethical limits

publishing of news in national interest

free of political and other pressure as independent institution

ecnomical stable institution.[/COLOR]



Please check and guide.......:thinking:waiting

very special 1 Wednesday, January 30, 2013 09:38 AM

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Purple"]:cry :cry
mujha economy nahi ati so please if it is not right dont scold me. thanks:bow

Economic independence ensures sovergnity


basic elements of economic structure
Food · Water/Sanitation
· Fuel · Mining and materials
· Transport Systems
· Storage and distribution
· Building
· Rules of economy- economic policy
· Means of exchange (money)
· People
· Knowledge/education system
· Law/legal system

Growing economies of the world and thier role in world politics
korea etc

bad economic condition result in destructive institution
economy and education ....... low gdp to edu
economy and health ........ low heath rate
economy and recreation and family..... frustated people
economy and politics......... corruption
economy and trade...... down ward motion of industry
economy and forign policy.......slave and dependent

Present economic situation of pakistan
. pakistan trade bills, import export relation, etc

why pakistan economy is unstable?
low tax to Gdp ratio
poor tax system
large expenditure
increase population
pakistan forign debt

pakistan economy and its sovergnity
salala attack
OBL incident
blachistan issues discusion in american congress

suggestion for independent economy
----increase tax to GDP ratio to 20 %
----popultion growth vs economic growth
----redution of subsidy by Govt
---- structural and administrative improvment of institution
---- solution of energy and food crisis,
----active and positive participation of private sector
---- no one excape from tax, nither agriculturist nor industrialist, nither fudal nor elites etc etc
----reduce Govt expanditur special defence expenditure

stable and independent economy is not a tough task but recognize and approved your independence



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