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Shikva Tuesday, October 05, 2010 03:50 PM

[I][B][COLOR="Green"]@MAHA KHAN[/COLOR][/B][/I]
Sorry madam,I do respesct your recommendations but as its competitive examination so if a candidate has sufficient time to draw relevant ddiagrams,maps then he/she should go for it as these are the things which makes the difference
well said,heading should be impressive and relevant

[COLOR="DarkRed"][B][I]@noorish hassan[/I][/B][/COLOR]
Yes you are right that headings are more than necessary

Gulrukh Tuesday, October 05, 2010 05:19 PM

[QUOTE=saboor thakur;218076][I][B][COLOR="Green"]@MAHA KHAN[/COLOR][/B][/I]
Sorry madam,I do respesct your recommendations but as its competitive examination so if a candidate has sufficient time to draw relevant ddiagrams,maps then he/she should go for it as these are the things which makes the difference
well said,heading should be impressive and relevant

[COLOR="DarkRed"][B][I]@noorish hassan[/I][/B][/COLOR]
Yes you are right that headings are more than necessary[/QUOTE]

headings are must.no second word on it.

but what confuses me here is that girl's way of attempting paper.i mean there is no question in islamiat which requires pictorial depiction.
is there any?....then tell me too.becaz i am really good in drawing.

picture of a molvi?

Shikva Tuesday, October 05, 2010 07:21 PM

[QUOTE=Gul Niazi;218114]

picture of a molvi?[/QUOTE]

@Gul Niazi LOLZ :laughing

I said relevant pictures so it means,maps in case of Question regarding any war

and well you could use draw maps of Islamic countries in most questions of CE ISL-2010 paper if you had time
M still laughing at your comment Niazi sb:dd

Maha Khan Tuesday, October 05, 2010 07:34 PM

[QUOTE=saboor thakur;218161]@Gul Niazi LOLZ :laughing

I said relevant pictures so it means,maps in case of Question regarding any war

and well you could use draw maps of Islamic countries in most questions of CE ISL-2010 paper if you had time
M still laughing at your comment Niazi sb:dd[/QUOTE]

Dear!Saboor has given you a comprehensive answer of your query:)dont worry focus on material.

neo1 Wednesday, October 06, 2010 11:00 AM

Guys and girls ( read ladies) ,

This seems a bit amoral of me (a moral in a sense that one should not be looking at others papers) but as long as i had the glimpse of her drawing it wasnt anything related to war diagram or any DFD ( Data Flow Diagram), rather it was much like sketch of a Holy Place or shrine. no more comments on this from my side :D

Gulrukh Wednesday, October 06, 2010 03:17 PM

[QUOTE=neo1;218392]Guys and girls ( read ladies) ,

This seems a bit amoral of me (a moral in a sense that one should not be looking at others papers) but as long as i had the glimpse of her drawing it wasnt anything related to war diagram or any DFD ( Data Flow Diagram), rather it was much like sketch of a Holy Place or shrine. no more comments on this from my side :D[/QUOTE]

dont worry neo.its also my habbit to peep at other's papers.no matter how hard i try but it become really tempting and i end up looking at other people's writing.

but making a drawing of shrine is also useless.
may be that girl was just killing her time.or just showing her drawing talent to impress the examiner.

amubin Friday, October 22, 2010 12:31 AM

way to solve Islamiat paper
[QUOTE=saboor thakur;217992]Wslam

Without headings its a suicide
Its a paper in which you can score very good marks

I got 68 marks in it,out of which only 3/20 from objective and 65/80 in subjective and i believe that headings,ahadees,verses were the key behind all this.So its always recommended to put headings and highlighted and prominent headings,better to use black or blue color marker.[/QUOTE]


How did you prepare for the Islamiat paper?
I have few Qs related to this paper..Please answer me.

1.How many topics you have prepared for the Islamiat paper?
2.How many ahadees and verses you have learned for each topic?
3.How many hadees you written on each page?
4.Number of pages you have written ?
5.I have also learned many of the ahadees and verses...Had you written meaning of these in you own words or actual words?
6. Way of answering the Qs?

humble humanbeing Friday, October 29, 2010 06:49 PM

[QUOTE=saboor thakur;217992]Wslam

Without headings its a suicide
Its a paper in which you can score very good marks

I got 68 marks in it,out of which only 3/20 from objective and 65/80 in subjective and i believe that headings,ahadees,verses were the key behind all this.So its always recommended to put headings and highlighted and prominent headings,better to use black or blue color marker.[/QUOTE]
But what u ll say about my pathetic story. islamiyat is the only paper with which i m satisfied. u know i quoted from Holy Quran (as i was told by my islamiyat teacher in hssc)then ahadees too along with good headings my 10 mcqs r correct. my urdu handwriting is good rather neat and clean i was expecting atleast 70 (due to my part experience )but to my great astonishment i only scored 26 . (ironically the subject in which i was expecting highest marks became the cause of my failure)

manahill Friday, November 26, 2010 04:40 AM

i wrote only 4 verses.couldn't solve even a single mcq and i attempted paper in english.i got 46 marks.
i was expecting 65 marks because i understood questions well and wrote critically.

Saad Qaisrani Friday, November 26, 2010 08:51 AM

[QUOTE=Gul Niazi;218114]headings are must.no second word on it.

but what confuses me here is that girl's way of attempting paper.i mean there is no question in islamiat which requires pictorial depiction.
is there any?....then tell me too.becaz i am really good in drawing.

picture of a molvi?[/QUOTE]
Just imagine that the Islamiat examiner this year had to check 7500+ papers in only 7 months. It is nearly 40 papers a day. In this scenario, how do you think you're paper would stand out amongst those 40, if you have no headings or relevant Hadith and Ayat? [B]Just try to ensure you're paper is unique and catches his eye.[/B]

On a side note,,,,

If there was a picture of a molvi that the girl was drawing, then i'd say fine and good. But otherwise our molvi's tend to flare up even at the idea of having pictures in one's house. Bearing this reaction in mind, i'd say she deliberately wanted to commit suicide!

10:11 PM (GMT +5)

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