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Old Monday, February 07, 2011
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Q. European and Human Rights Activists claim that Islam does not give proper rights to women. What do you say about this statement?

Various objections have been posed by European and human rights activists upon the rights given to women in Islam. To analyze whether these arguments have any veracity we must delve into this issue, in depth, and compare these objections with the injunctions of Islam and observe what they truly say about the matter at hand.

OBJECTION # 1. Women are not to be obeyed in Political matters; they are considered deficient in intelligence

Response: Umm Salama, one of the Prophet’s wives, was instrumental in advising the Prophet during the crisis at Hudaybiya in 628.A.D. (6.A.H.). Her advice prevented disunity among the Muslims after the Treaty of Hudaybiya and her opinion prevailed over that of many men, including Umar ibn al-Khattab.

According to the Holy Quran:

"The Believers, men and women, are protectors one of another: they enjoin what is just and forbid what is evil." (9:71)

The above given verse suggests that both men and women can decide what is right and prevent each other from doing what is wrong whether matters are political or non-political in nature, so there is no point of considering women as deficient in intelligence in terms of political matters.

OBJECTION # 2. They are considered deficient in intelligence also because the evidence of two women is equal to that of one man.

Response: Muhammad Asad in his book "The Message of the Qur’an" writes:

"The stipulation that two women may be substituted for one male witness does not imply any reflection on woman's moral or intellectual capabilities: it is obviously due to the fact that, as a rule, women are less familiar with business procedures than men and, therefore, more liable to commit mistakes in this respect."

Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood comments:

"The Qur’an actually taught that the testimony of a woman was just as valid as that of a man, and made no distinction regarding the gender of a witness in every single reference except one – the concession of granting two female witnesses in legal cases where women had little knowledge or expertise. The intention of this concession was to prevent women being tricked or cheated by unscrupulous men who could take advantage of their inexperience in business matters."

Sheikh Salman al-Oadah comments:

“Her testimony as a witness is half that of men only in matters wherein she is generally less versed than men. In other matters wherein women have particular knowledge, like fosterage and virginity, the testimony of a woman is accepted but not that of a man.”

OBJECTION # 3. Women are treated unequally by the fact that their inheritance is half as much as that of men


"Men are the protectors and maintainers of women." (An-Nisa: 3)

Biologically, only women can bear and feed/foster the future generations. The Qur’an creates a harmonious balance in society by establishing a functional responsibility for males to facilitate this biological function of females. The fact that men are caretakers and protectors of women does not give men inherent superiority or authority over women. It establishes mutual responsibility in society.

To perform this duty a male must possess adequate means to make ends meet. Thus, men have a larger share in inheritance because it is their responsibility to take care of the needs of their families.

OBJECTION # 4. Women are considered to be deficient in their Faith. Their weakness is that for a few days in every month they have to abstain from prayer and fasting, and this abstention from worship is a proof of their deficiency in Faith

Response: Sheikh Salman al-Oadah comments:

"These are matters of Islamic Law. A woman is neither sinful nor blameworthy because of the prayers and fasts that she misses. She, in fact, receives blessings by obeying Allah and abstaining from those acts while she is menstruating."

During menstruation a women can perform other forms of worship, like reading Islamic books, giving charity, and just being a ‘mother’ for which she receives a lot of blessings. So it be said that women are deficient in religion just because they cannot pray and/or fast during menstruation, since women can perform worship in many other ways. Moreover obeying Allah by abstaining from those acts while she is menstruating is part of her religion, she receives blessings for it.

The blessings that a woman earns without fast or prayers are evident from this Hadith. Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said:

“Take care of your home for that is your Jihad.”

Thus, even during menstruation women can carry out jihad.

Objection#5. Women must wear hijab while western society imposes no such restriction upon women

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Old Monday, February 07, 2011
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Today, we find that there is more uncertainty, complexity, and turbulence in the world as we move into the 21st century. We are witnessing the dawn of "Knowledge and Information Revolution". In this era, we need a new vision, new mental blocks, and new approaches.

Current Bleak Scenario

The picture today both at global and regional level looks very challenging. Muslims are a population of 1.3 billion people. The Muslim countries are endowed with important economic resources like oil (50 percent of world's oil export), agriculture, coal, iron, uranium, tin, rubber, copper etc. Unfortunately, the region with world's 22 percent population has only two percent of world's GDP and 1.3 percent of world's trade. No Muslim country figures in the top bracket of Human Development Index. Muslims' share of world income is less than six percent. Likewise, they lag in all other economic indicators like savings rate, capital formation etc.

Economic prosperity and development go hand-in-hand with a certain amount of individual freedom. Unfortunately, in much of the Muslim World, the people generally do not have a voice in the development process that touches their lives. This is true particularly for women.

Main Challenges

1. Economic Decline
2. Lack of education
3. Moral depravity. Absence of Islamic values
4. Distance from religion
5. Lack of Unity in Ummah
6. Prevailing social inequalities
7. Westernization
8. Islamophobia in West
9. Terrorism
10. Attack on Islamic States including Iraq and Afghanistan
11. Lack of human rights in Muslim countries
12. Sectarianism

1. Establishing Knowledge-based Economies

Under the new Knowledge Revolution, knowledge becomes the key to wealth creation and national power. Creating knowledge societies, knowledge economies, knowledge companies, knowledge workers, and knowledge leaders are the new key success factors for any society. This implies that we must look at economic development and meaning of national power with these perspectives.

2. Reforming Education Systems

The main barrier lay in deterioration of education system that taught people a finite set of information rather than how to use their own judgment, exercise their critical faculties and creativity, and experiment. In treating Islamic learning as having attained perfection and the Islamic world as self-sufficient, it gave legitimacy to values, attitudes, and practices that promoted stability and discouraged inquisitiveness. It helped support an educational system that emphasized rote learning and memorization at the expense of problem solving.

(a) Basic education: As part of development finance, the poorest Muslim countries need to build basic educational facilities that will be provided free of charge to its population. This will cover primary and secondary education.
(b) Reach of education: There is a need to extend educational facilities to girls as a large part of the illiteracy in the Ummah is among women as well as to other less privileged sections of society.
(c) Content of education: In addition to the study of the religious texts and values, we need to master science and technology, medicine, English language, economics and finance.
(d) Tertiary education and centers of excellence: In tertiary education, the centers of excellence are currently in the West. We need to take a multi-pronged strategy in this regards as follows: -
(i) Continue to send our best students abroad to these centers. These graduates should be encouraged to live and learn in the West, while keeping close to the tenets of Islam.
(ii) Developing centers of excellence within the Muslim world. For example, the International Islamic University in Malaysia UIA could be the designated center of excellence for the study of Islamic economics, Indonesia for development finance and Saudi Arabia for oil studies.

(iii) Promote close cooperation between and within (i) and (ii) above. Among the mechanisms could be professional networks, research grants, visiting fellowships, specific research and applied research projects.

3. Increase trade among Muslim nations

The total exports of the OIC countries in 2000 was US$50.7 billion of which US$52 billion (10%) was to other OIC countries. The total imports of the OIC countries in 2000 was US$406 billion, of which US$ 56 billion (13%) was from other OIC countries. In terms of total trade, the figures imply that we trade about 8 times more with non-OIC countries than with OIC countries. If we can begin to trade among ourselves, without using the Western countries as intermediaries, we can bring about greater prosperity to the Muslim nations.

4. Gold Dinar Proposal

One effective way of increasing intra-OIC trade is by way of the gold dinar mechanism, that has been proposed by Malaysia. It will not be a physical transfer of gold from one country to another, but a transfer of beneficial ownership in the gold custodian's account.

5. Encourage greater capital flows

According to conservative estimates, there are at least USD 1 trillion of Middle Eastern, mostly Muslim-owned, funds sitting in Western financial centres. These funds should be invested in the Muslim countries for productive purposes. We must develop the Islamic financial system to achieve this objective.

6. Islamic Union to replace OIC

From being a talk-shop the OIC must transform itself into a work-shop. The United Nations, while having supposedly noble intentions, has failed miserably to defend the rights of Muslims.

It is, therefore, a matter of urgency for the Ummah to restructure the OIC and in the process create its own United Nations of Islam as a cohesive union, bound by trade and economics. The broad objectives of the Islamic Union must be to bring about self reliance among the Ummah in various fields, including economics, trade and capital flows, as well as to strengthen the Ummah economically, socially and intellectually.

It must be run as a professional organisation with clear objectives and time-frames. It must have the full support, cooperation and participation of each and every Muslim nation.


- What is the Concept of Ummah
- What are the Ummah's Political and Economic problems
- What Measures can be taken for political and economic stability/Suggestions for Solidarity

Concept of Ummah:

The word Ummah etymologically speaking means "to be subordinate to or to follow someone".

Simply it means a tribe, a community or a nation. In Islamic terminology it implies Ummah of Mohammad (PBUH), the apostle of Allah, comprising all men and women who respond to his message which is universal and eternal. The Ummah is therefore a higher unit than nations, communities or states.

"And Verily this Brotherhood of yours is a single Brotherhood, and I am your Lord and Cherisher: therefore fear me (and no other)."(Al-Muminun: 52)

"You are the best community that has been raised up for mankind. You enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency, and ye believe in Allah." (Al-Imran: 110)

Political and economic problems:

There are above 50 Muslim countries in the world. 66% of the world's petroleum resources in Muslim countries, all kinds of natural resources and minerals, natural gas, coal, iron, Uranium, Gypsum. Along with two important strengths:

1- A large geographical expanse, unbroken chain from Pakistan to Morocco consisting of many rivers, forests and economically important coasts.
2- Cheap labor and man power.

Political Problems:
1- Muslims are being victimized in Kashmir, Bosnia, Palestine, Chechnya, and Afghanistan.
2- Sectarian disputes
3- Monarchies
4- Intervention of Military in Parliamentary matters
5- Foreign involvement in Muslim Countries
6- Taking western countries as strategic partners rather than Muslim countries
7- Inculcation of religious fanaticism

Economic Problems:

1- Exorbitant defense expenditures
2- Dependency on Western nations or International financial institutions (Indebtedness)
3- Riba (Interest)
4- Low literacy rate
5- Under-utilization of available resources
6- Technological backwardness


1- A common Market on the pattern of E.E.C is the utmost need of the time so that foreign economic dependence could be minimized. ASEAN, NAFTA and OAS are other relevant examples.

2- Through these Markets joint efforts should be made to preserve and adequately utilize to their utmost capacity the available natural resources in Muslim countries.

3- Trade between Muslim countries should be carried out on a priority basis.

4- Billions of petro-Dollars of oil rich Gulf States lying in the western banks must be deposited in the Islamic banks for investment in various developmental projects.

5- Some Muslim countries have made great progress in technological fields such as Malaysia, Turkey and Indonesia. Transfer of technology and expertise from one Muslim country to another will help reduce dependence on the West.

6- Many excellent scientists, intellectuals and professional are unfortunately serving in Western countries due to lucrative earning opportunities. They must be called back and offered incentives according to their qualifications so that they may be able to put in their energies for the good of their own people.

7- All Haram (unlawful) businesses should be extirpated from the country including interest (Rib'a) based banking. A committee should be formed which should devise a list of all Haram businesses which are allowed in an Islamic state. Haram businesses bring wretchedness and poverty upon a society.

8- Banking should be based on profit and loss sharing as has been prescribed according to Islamic Financial laws. Through this financial crises in the country can be avoided and many other ills eradicated. The onus of sharing a loss will not simply be on the banks then.

9- Measures should be taken for adequate collection of Zakat and its suitable distribution.

10- Zakat should not merely be used for distribution among the poor but many cottage industries can be setup which give training and employment opportunities to people. As it has been said, 'Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a life time.'


1- To create unity and solidarity among Muslims nations a United Islamic Nations' Organization (UINO) should be formed.

2- Muslims should create a strong block by sharing Atomic energy with one another. Pakistan being the only Muslim nation which this technology should forward the technology to other Muslim nations. The Quran says:
"Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies"

3- Educational budget should be increased so as to improve the literacy rate.

4- The Muslim countries should establish a common Muslim army, which may be mobilized for the rescue of the Muslim brethren whenever needed.

5- The Ummah should have their own strong media as in this age of communication revolution, the mass media plays and effective role in propagation of desired messages around the world.

6- Stringent measures should be taken to eradicate corruption and promote the principle of accountability in all government offices and institutions.

7- Islam is very much in consonance with democracy. All Islamic countries should have a uniform system of government.

8- There should be checks and curbs on practices of Religious organizations and Madrassahs.

9- All Militia of such religious parties should be banned and the government must impose ban on display of weapons and cancel all weapons licenses issued to civilians and the like.

10- Religion itself prescribes Ijtihad and Ijma as tools to tackle emerging issues that Ummah faces. Dialogues and discussions among our self is a way forward to take advantage from these provisions and remove sectarian differences. Imposing one’s opinion and believes on others through brutal forces is an unacceptable act. Islam explicitly rejects spreading of religion through force and held a human life sacred to above any other thing.
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ABBASI TANWEER (Saturday, February 12, 2011), Baloch88 (Saturday, November 12, 2011), GANOKHEN BALOCH (Thursday, August 29, 2013), Sahrish2010 (Friday, April 01, 2011), SYEDA SABAHAT (Monday, February 07, 2011), TheUniter (Thursday, September 22, 2011), uroojz (Wednesday, February 16, 2011)
Old Tuesday, February 08, 2011
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We Muslims are well aware of the fact that Muslim women are
objects of derision and mockery especially in the Western world. Women in
Islam are portrayed to be "oppressed" and "inferior" by many Westerners.

However, most of the Westerners I've heard this from are usually
Christian. It is amazing how many verses the Christian bible has which
supports Islamic treatment of women, among other issues. Here is a small
list I would like to share with all of you. Please memorize it and defend
the truth from those who make a mockery out of it! You will also know
that the christian bible degrades the female sex!



Islam: Women must cover their heads as a sign of "modesty." It also
serves as protection for the female.

Christianity: 1 CORINTHIANS 11:3-10 in the christian bible orders women
to cover their heads in prayers. These verses further state
that the male doesn't have to cover his head because"female
was made from male, and the male not from the female." It
further states that a woman covering her head is a sign of male "authority."

Conclusion: Islam and Christianity both tell women to cover their heads.
The main difference, however, is that women in Islam cover
their heads for purposes of "modesty." Christian women cover
their heads as a sign of "male authority." It is clear that
the bible gives women an inferior status, whereas Islam

Islam: Adam and Eve (peace be upon them) were EQUALLY responsible for
eating from the "forbidden tree." They both repented and were forgiven
by the Most-Forgiving and Most-Merciful Allahu ta'ala.

Christianity: Eve ate from the "forbidden tree" BEFORE Adam did. Adam ate
from the tree AFTER Eve did. The woman was deceived FIRST.
Because of EVE causing Adam to sin by eating from the
forbidden tree, the ground is "cursed." God doesn't
forgive them, but damns them and humanity -- thanks to
Eve (the woman)! ALL females go through "pains of
childbearing" as a punishment from God -- because of EVE'S
sin. All males have to go through pains of eating from the
ground, thanks to EVE. ALL babies are born in SIN, thanks
to EVE. All of this can be found in GENESIS 2:4-3:24.

"Adam was not decieved but the woman was" (1 TIMOTHY

"Woman will be ruled over by the male" (GENESIS 3:16)

In other words, thanks to a FEMALE, we are damned!
It is clear that in Christianity, the very first woman
is blamed for wrongdoing, but not the very first male.

Islam: Quran orders us that we should not "bury daughters alive."

Christianity: -"The birth of a daughter is a loss" (ECCLESIASTICUS 22:3,
Catholic Bible)

- Ritual impurity of a mother is TWICE as long if a female
is born and not a male. (LEVITICUS 12:2-5)

Is it not clear that Islam again gives a higher status to females? What
Islam came to eradicate -- the bad treatment of females -- still
in today's Protestant and Catholic scriptures.


ISLAM: Women can talk in the mosque.

CHRISTIANITY: -"It is a shame for women to talk in the church."
(1 CORINTHIANS 14:34-35)

If females cannot talk, then how are they supposed to learn? Again, it is
obvious that Islam gives the female a higher status than the bible does.


ISLAM: If the husband dies, then the wife may marry another male by

CHRISTIANITY: If the husband dies without impregnating the wife, then
the "brother" of the dead husband MUST marry his wife.
The female CANNOT marry anyone else, but ONLY her dead
husband's brother (DEUTERONOMY 25:5).

Islam gives the woman a choice to marry or not, and to whom she want to
marry, if her husband dies. In Christianity (and Judaism), the woman has
NO CHOICE, but to marry her dead husband's brother. It is clear which
religion is oppressing women.



ISLAM: Cut off the hand if it steals - of course specific conditions

CHRISTIANITY: "If your hand sins, it is better to cut it off instead
of going to hell with both hands" (MARK 9:43)

If any christian tells us we Muslims are CRUEL in punishing, then state
this verse to them. In fact, the bible also tells one to "PLUCK YOUR EYE
OUT" if it sins!


ISLAM: Stripes for the one who is drunk - conditions apply.

CHRISTIANITY: The judge may order the unjust man to be STRIPED


ISLAM: Muslims pray by prostrating and putting forehead on the ground.

CHRISTIANITY: "Jesus fell on his face and prayed...(MATTHEW 26:39)

The churches have even changed the way Jesus prayed!


ISLAM: Allows a male to marry more than one wife, up to four --

CHRISTIANITY: -Abraham had 3 wives in the bible: Sarah, Hagar, and
(In book of GENESIS)

-Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.
(1 KINGS 11:3)

-David had many wives (2 SAMUELS 5:13)

Nowhere in the bible does it forbid polygamy, or says that the male must
marry one woman. Single marriage is a Greco-Roman tradition -- one of the
many influences on the true teachings of Jesus.


ISLAM: Kills the apostate if he doesn't repent and return to Islam.



ISLAM: Allows slavery -- conditions apply of course.

CHRISTIANITY: Allows slavery (LEVITICUS 25:46).


ISLAM: Cannot SELL your daughter.

CHRISTIANITY: You can sell your daughter (EXODUS 21:7)


ISLAM: Muslims cannot eat pig.

CHRISTIANITY: "Do not eat pig meat or touch their dead flesh"


Is there really anything the Christian (or Jew if verses are from the
first 5 books of the Old Testament) can mock Islam about, that's not in
their book? When they refute Islam, they are actually refuting their own

All verses are taken from the KING JAMES version of the bible. Please
verify and confirm these verses with other in other versions. They have
changed a lot! The verse, "The birth of a daugher is a
loss"(ECCLESIASTICUS 22:3) is from the CATHOLIC BIBLE.

Other interesting tid-bits:

_ PORNOGRAPHY (Genesis 35:22, Genesis 38:15-18,
2 Samuels 11:1, 2 Samuels 16:11-14,
Eziekel 23:1-49, etc)

- "Noah drank wine, got DRUNK, and lay NAKED in his tent!"
(GENESIS 9:21)

- "Sacrifice your ONLY SON" (GENESIS 22:2).

If any son could be called "only son," it could only
be ISHMAEL, because he was born before Isaac!

- "The father is greater than I" (JOHN 14:28)

Jesus is not God if the "father is greater."

- Jesus is called a PROPHET (LUKE 24:19)

(All verses from KING JAMES version)

More to come later!

Islamic Research
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Old Tuesday, February 08, 2011
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Islamic Research Foundation: Women's Right in Islam - Modernising or Outdated (Complete Lecture By Dr.Zakir Naik)
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Old Tuesday, February 08, 2011
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Muslims today and Muslims in the past

The time is over when we used to make advancements compelling the world powers to retreat. Those precious moments have gone far away from us on account of our carelessness, love for the wealth and the world. It was a time when the entire world advertently or inadvertently was compelled to follow us. We had challenged the Greek civilization, we had called Azans in whole of Hindustan, we had offered prayers at each and every spot of the earth, we had eliminated the centuries-old culture of Egypt, defeated the enemy at all fronts, we had changed the environment of Rome and Iran through our slogans of Allah-o-Akbar and recitation of holy words, our sword had its impact on the entire world from the Arab to non-Arab world, our horses had entered the oceans of brutality to eliminate injustices from the earth, we had taught new tactics and styles of living with dignity to the world nations, we had set examples of bravery, and we had introduced new rules of war.

But today we are at the defensive side. We do celebrate the Defence Day, but we do not take initiative and so we do never observe any day around the year, which could be called the Day of Advancement. We had come forward as the rescuer of the humanity, but today we are waiting for others to come for our rescue. We are the one who were assigned to show right path to the humanity from east to west, but today we are loitering hapless waiting for foreign help. We are the one that our shepherds were even had ability to lead the community, but today we do not have our ‘Imams’ (leaders). Those who had crushed the ‘white paper’ under their feet, are now standing in front of the White House with begging bowls in their hands. Those who had a kind and soft heart for the oppressed are now looking for a kind-hearted person. Those who had all hopes on just one Allah, are now looking towards hundreds of thousands others for help. Those who were stronger than storms and calamities, are unable today to sustain even a small blow of the wind and close eyes seeing the danger. We have become so coward that we take the unwanted changes in the political and worldly development as our unnatural death. We are the one who eliminated slavery from the world are now becoming slaves of the super powers.

The world knows that Muslims used to fight without food and water a hundred times bigger and stronger enemies on foot and used to defeat them in all battlefields but now despite having all resources of the world we have become spiritless.

If we recall the Islamic History, we remember that there were only 313 Muslims during ‘Badr War’. And these fistful Muslims had only two horses, 70 camels, eight swords and six armour chains. While the battalion of the enemy in that war was bigger. Still the Muslims stood victorious. In ‘Ohd War’, the battalion of Muslims comprised only 700 warriors, while the battalion of the enemy comprised 3,000 fully armed men. But the Muslims made them run from the battlefield. In ‘Khandaq War’, there were only 3,000 Muslims while the forces of enemy comprised 24,000 warriors. But the Muslims had courage and won the battle. In ‘Khyber War’, Muslims were not more than 1600 troops, who fought 20,000 Jews and still the Muslims stood victorious and captured the Khyber. In ‘Qudsiya War’, Muslim troops were a little over 30,000, while there were more than 100,000 Iranian warriors against Muslims who ultimately had to retreat and Muslims stood victorious.

In ‘Yarmook War’, 32,000 Muslims defeated 200,000 Romans. (Some historians have written the figure of Romans as 700,000 out of which 500,000 were killed while 40,000 were captured). In ‘Spain War’, 12,000 Muslims, led by Tariq bin Ziyad, who was a small follower of Hazrat Moosa bin Naseer (rahmatullahi), fought an army of 100,000 troops of the enemy who were armed with latest war gadgets. Christians cannot deny the fact that Muslims, thousands of miles away from their homeland, fought a war with them and defeated them at all fronts. What was the reason that every single Muslim was heavier than a hundred troops of the enemy? What was the reason that Muslims had never thought that they were going to wage a war against a hundred times bigger enemy?
The governor of Egypt, during a war, had sought help from Hazrat `Omar bin Al-Aas (radhiallahu ta`ala `anhu) and demanded 30,000 troops. In response to the Egypt governor’s request, Hazrat `Omar (radhiallahu ta`ala `anhu) sent just three men and said initially accept these three thousand. Those three men were: Hazrat Kharja bin Hazafa (radhiallahu ta`ala `anhu), Hazrat Zubair bin Awam (radhiallahu ta`ala `anhu), and Hazrat Maqdad bin Aswad (radhiallahu ta`ala `anhu). These three Muslim warriors really proved heavier than 30,000 troops of the enemy.

The Muslims of yesteryears really had something beyond the courage that turned them heavier than a hundred times bigger army of the non-Muslims. But, today that courage and zeal is not found in the Muslims. We proved our mettle to the enemy at all battlefields and fronts. The enemy knew that fistful Muslims could never be defeated on account of war gadgets. Non-Muslims knew that Muslim forces never retreat, but they fight while closing all their ways of returning home. Muslims fight the enemy after burning their boats because they fight with a vow ‘win or embrace Shahadah (martyrdom)’. The enemy knew that Muslims know how to advance and make the enemy retreat. They only stop when oceans or rivers come in their ways. At this stage they used to pray to Allah Almighty, “Allah, had this ocean not come in our way, we would have continued with waging Jihad against the enemies of Islam and eliminated the non-believers from the earth.”

Nazarenes and Jews were so ashamed of their forefathers’ defeats at the hand of Muslims. But how long such stories and narrations would continue to make them feel ashamed? And how long we would have continued to survive on reminding them such events? At last we are exposed. Our enemies have come to know that Muslims are just hollow and they have no strength, no power. The non-Muslims know that the ancestors of Muslims were practical people while Muslims today depend on lip-serving only. Their ancestors were courageous enough who used to attack enemies like dangerous eagle while Muslims today look for the shelters to hide from the enemy. Those were the Muslims who loved martyrdom and preferred death over cowardice while Muslims today love worldly things. Muslims today do not have that courage that used to make the Muslims in the past heavier over hundreds of enemies.

The saying of Hazrat Muhammad (sallallahu `alaihe wasallam) has come true: “The day is not far away when all non-Muslim nations would get united against Muslims and launch strike jointly.” When somebody questioned the Holy Prophet, “Will it happen because Muslims will be less in number against the enemies?” The Holy Prophet replied: “No, you will be more than the enemy but you will be like foam, which has nothing in it and has no power or strength. Allah Almighty, because of your cowardice, would remove your fear from the hearts of non-Muslim powers and would fill your hearts with cowardice.” Another Sahaba questioned, “Ya Rasoolullah: What would be that weakness?” He replied: “Your weakness would be love for the world.”

Today all of us, our borders, our ideologies, our interests, our generations and the entire Muslim world have become the target of enemies of Islam. We are left just one remedy to this situation that we should change our today with our yesterday. Our zeal and courage can change our fate and this way we can protect better our interests, our religious beliefs, our countries and our generations. No other thing can defend us.
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Old Tuesday, February 08, 2011
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The birthday of Holy Prophet: a celebration or a message

It was the end of sixth century when paganism prevailed all around and non-civilized state was touching its peaks. All big religions of that time had failed to ameliorate the situation and they did not have any remedy to the menace of debauchery and irregularity. Religions had met high distortion and amendments that it was difficult to find their real shapes.

Mostly unimportant traditions were considered as religions and worshiping. Weaker people were subjected to terrible atrocities and excesses. Disobedience had become a tradition. It was not only a society, city or country which was experiencing such a terrible situation but riots, lawlessness and anti-social activities had gripped the entire world. It was felt as the human beings had vowed to end their lives and no one was willing to live anymore. The world had plunged into darkness that no one was able to recognize the other. However, some incidences took place, which informed the world that the long era of atrocities and debauchery was going to meet its end. Some symptoms appeared which gave a message that downpour of Allah’s blessings was going to start which was long awaited by the inhabitants of the earth.

This blessing was a long-awaited desire of those orphans who were deprived of their rights by their relatives and who did not have anyone who could console them in their hard times. Women had no other stigma but that of widowhood. But, anti-social elements had considered this scar a worst state and deprived the widows of their all rights, which they should have enjoyed in any society. These blessings were a long-awaited desire of those innocent minor girls who were buried alive under a tradition of that time. The oppressed people, discarded by the society on one pretext or the other, were waiting for Allah’s blessings. The labourers, oppressed, poor and weaker people were waiting for a rescuer who could pull them out of serious crisis. At last in the year of 570, the time came when they did not have to wait for the peaceful moments any longer. It was the time when Hazrat Amna (RA) gave birth to a child who proved to be the rescuer of humanity from all evils. Hazrat Muhammad (sallallahu `alaihe wasallam) was born on Rabiul Awwal 12. This day is called the blessings of Rabi. According to Imam Shafa’ee (RA), three Rabi gathered in this holy month.

The name of the month was Rabi, the season was of Rabi and Hazrat Muhammad (sallallahu `alaihe wasallam) himself was the blessing of Allah Almighty for the mankind. It was a simple birth of Hazrat Muhammad (sallallahu `alaihe wasallam). His actual birth took place after 40 years at Ghar-e-Hira in the month of Ramadhan when Hazrat Gabriel (AS) brought the first message of Allah Almighty and turn Muhammad bin `Abdullah into Muhammad Rasoolullah (sallallahu `alaihe wasallam). As Muhammad bin `Abdullah, he was known in Mecca only but when he was turned into a Holy Prophet, his recognition spread all over the world. When he was born in the house of Hazrat Amna, he had no opponent. But when he took the second birth then except a few followers, all turned enemies. Take the example of Abu Talib. He was the one who celebrated the birth of Muhammad bin Abdullah. But when he was declared Holy Prophet of Allah Almighty, Abu Talib turned his diehard enemy.

At Ghar-e-Hira, Allah Almighty assigned him with the hardest task. Initially he was worried of this responsibility. He was not assigned to ameliorate the lots of people in just one city but he was the whole world. Moreover, his job was not only to teach a few customs and social activities, but he was assigned to preach Islam in its true shape and tell the people about moral and social values. He was assigned to rebuild all sections of society. He was given to reproduce a new world, create a new mankind and destroy the false faith and belief of worshiping the idols. He was told to build a new monument on the basis of justice and order. It was all because of Almighty Allah’s divine order that those who never knew to say yes to any good thing, now had turned into stricter Muslim and used to stand up to pay respect to Hazrat Muhammad (sallallahu `alaihe wasallam) on his arrival.

For three years Hazrat Muhammad (sallallahu `alaihe wasallam) preached Islam by remaining in hiding from the enemies but later when another divine order of Almighty Allah descended in which it was said, “O’ Muhammad (sallallahu `alaihe wasallam), convey Allah’s message openly to people and never care for the atheists.” In order to convey Allah’s message to the people, he climbed the Saffah Hill and raised a slogan absolutely in Arab style. Most Arabs knew the meaning of this slogan that it was raised only at a time of high danger. When the entire tribe of Quraish, after hearing the slogan, gathered near the Saffah Hill, he addressed the people and asked: “O’people! If I tell you that a big army has gathered on the other side of this hill who is ready to launched an attack on you, would you believe?” The gathering replied, “Muhammad! We have never noticed you speaking lies. So, we would not be reluctant in believing you.”

When Quraish expressed their trust in Hazrat Muhammad (sallallahu `alaihe wasallam) then he said, “O’people! I am the prophet of Allah Almighty and I have come to pull you out of wrong doings to save you from Allah’s wrath.” Listening these words, it was complete silence all around. But, his uncle, Abu Talib came up with his comments, “O’ Muhammad, we wasted our day for you. Had you called us here to say only these things?”

With the first message Allah, conveyed to the people, and taking initiative to preach Islam openly, there began another hair-raising era of oppression and atrocities. A committee was set up to carry out collective atrocities and this committee was headed by Abu Talib, while at least 25 Sardars of different tribes of Mecca were the member of this committee. This committee had taken a shape of that era’s United Nations. The objective of this committee was to refrain spread of Islam. In this process of strong opposition to the spread of Islam, Muslims were subjected to severe torture. Many Muslims were made to lie on burning sand, some were ejected from their houses, and many were forcibly thrown into fire. Many were subjected to severe torture by giving deep incision into their body. Anti-Islam forces opted for social boycott of Islam for three years. But such tactics could not change the belief of Muslims. Such sort of atrocities continued for about 13 years and then Allah Almighty granted Muslims with a permission to migrate from Mecca.

In Mecca it was an order to endure all atrocities and oppression but never raise a voice and never react. Sahaba-e-Karam were the most obedient people. They endured all sorts of oppression but never reacted. Later when they were granted permission to raise their swords in their defence, Muslims stepped into the battlefield putting their lives on stake and there began a series of Ghazwat (battles in which Hazrat Muhammad (sallallahu `alaihe wasallam) also took part). The objective of these Ghazwaat was not to show the strength of Muslims, or to widen the area of rule or to loot the valuables. But, the objective was to put the mankind on right track and make them understand what social values are. The objective was to make people follow the only religion of the world that teaches brotherhood and leave worshiping idols. The objective of these Ghazwaat was to pull the people out of serious crisis, which were the outcome of sheer paganism. The objective was to eliminate hatred which had developed on the basis of caste, creed, colour and religion. The objective was to do away with different anti-social groups and establish a society which would make people to respect each other. At last the sacrifices of Muslims bore fruit.

In the beginning it seemed that humanity was asleep since centuries and now it has awaken and walking on the right track. The glare of Islam enlightened the world. Everything was changed. Despite clear differences of caste, creed, colour all Sahaba-e-Karam observed brotherhood. Oppression and atrocities cane to an end. Orphans, widows and poor had a sigh of relief. They knew that there was someone who would come forward for their help at times of their need.

Now the situation has worsened once again. Lust for power, wealth and other worldly commodities has gripped the religious belief. Blood of Muslims from Afghanistan to Iraq is being shed. This is all because of love with Jews, Hindus and Nazarenes and hatred with the Muslims. It was a time when Muslims, particularly the Sahaba-e-Karam had eyed only the message of Milad and not the celebration of Milad. They had not forgotten this message for a single moment and this was the main source of their success and rule over the world.
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Old Tuesday, February 08, 2011
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Extremists… Who?

The world has done everything it can do to paint us as extremists, but we have remained the moderates that we are because we belong to the Ummah that has been called Ummat-i-Wast or the Moderate Ones. This Ummah is moderate in all aspects of life … in its thinking and beliefs, in its praise and love, in its deeds and worship and even in its culture and politics. Muslims are neither worshippers of natural phenomena like the Mushrikeen, nor cut-off from the world like the hermit monks. Neither do they abuse and curse the prophets of Allah like the Jews, nor do they, like the Christians, call their prophet the Son of God. Neither do they believe that war is the first and last solution of every disagreement nor do they hate weapons of war. Neither do they let the world overpower their religion, nor do they let their faith become an enemy of the world. They have been taught moderation and they have cherished and followed it down through the centuries.

Let us not talk about the era that is called the Age of their Glory, height, success and power, when their religious teachings reigned everywhere, down from the mosques to palaces, but take a look at the Age that is known as one of their weakness, downfall, submission and defeat and which is considered as an era of their distance from Islamic teachings. Even in this age you won't see any form of the oppression that has now become the identity of the West. Neither burning piles of dead bodies nor towers made of skulls, neither desecrating places of worship nor dishonoring the prophets, neither defiling holy books, nor any brutal coercion to change one's religion, they were guilty of nothing yet all these tactics were used against them, the Muslims, in order to force them to become extremists and resort to violence. Even a harmless cat, if attacked by a number of fierce dogs, will do everything it can to defend itself but its defense cannot be termed as terrorism or violence. Violent are those who bark at the weak, enrage them, take away their children, dishonor them and make them aliens in their own territory. If as weak an animal as a cat has the right to defend itself and its young ones, then Muslims cannot be deprived of the same right either, nor can they can be called extremists if they use this basic right of theirs. Extremists are those who have snatched the sea-routes of the Muslims from them and their threatening armed aircraft carriers roam the sea equipped with deadly and dangerous weapons. Extremists are those who are extravagantly spending the wealth obtained from the oil fields and mines possessed by the Muslim countries while the Muslims themselves are forced to live in abject poverty, hunger and deprivation. Extremists are those who have forced the poor Palestinian refugees imprisoned in camps, to eat haram meat and the meat of dead animals; who closed the doors of their houses upon them, which they had built with their own sweat and blood; who pulled out their nails and cut their bodies with razor blades. Extremists are they who slapped economic sanctions on Iraq, killing 1,500,000 Iraqi children who died of hunger and lack of medicines. The fire ignited by them is still raging in Basra, Kufa, Karbala and Baghdad turning everything to cinders. The weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) that had been made an excuse for raining bombs and bullets upon the defenseless Iraqis haven't been found anywhere as yet. The Iraqi people, whom they said they were liberating from the cruel rule of Saddam, who were promised the blessings of Democracy are not at all willing to accept slavery in the form of freedom, curse in the form of blessings.

Extremists are those, who turned Afghanistan into ruins in search of one single man and after occupying Afghanistan herded the prisoners of war into containers like so many cattle, nay in fact, even worse than cattle, and left the containers in the burning desert, where the sand was as hot as liquid lead and the sky was pouring down fire. The prisoners shrieked in pain, sobbed for water, died of suffocation but nothing melted the hearts of the extremists. Extremists are those who compared a Muslim country to a dog and committed as heinous a crime as flushing the Holy Quran down a toilet. And it wasn't the first time. History is full of such incidents of desecration, such fury-inciting acts committed by them but they were transferred from mouth to mouth, there is no written record about them. It also happened that to enrage the Mujahideen they abused the finest man in history, whom the Christian author of "Hero of Heroes" has referred to as the "Greatest Human" of all times. At times, great Muslim conquerors like Salahuddin Ayubi were abused to their faces. A Zionist soldier stood over the pages of the Holy Quran and challenged the prisoners to call their God for help. The incident appeared in the newspapers too that an American judge, on hearing the news that thousands of dollars had been paid as reward for the capture of a mujahid, had angrily said, "Why pay millions of dollars? These Pakistanis are ready to sell even their mothers for a few bucks." The Jews and Christians have tried their best to make us follow the path of extremism but we have refused to do so. Neither have we ever deprived their kids of food, nor forced their young men to eat carrion. Neither have we ever used dirty words for any of their revered persons, nor violated the sanctity of their holy books. How can we do all this when we are known as the moderate, the balanced Ummah and are instructed to adopt moderation in simply everything? Jihad against oppression and cruelty is moderation also. InshaAllah we shall live on moderation and die on moderation too.
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Human Rights and Justice in Islam - The Religion of Islam
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What Does Islam Say about Terrorism? - The Religion of Islam
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Was Islam Spread by the Sword? - The Religion of Islam
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