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sadafnoorelahi Tuesday, October 22, 2013 12:36 AM

[B]Q.7. Write a comprehensive note on the Black Civil Rights Movement in America for equal civil rights and the role played in it by different individuals and organizations. (20)[/B]

[SIZE="5"][B]comments,criticism and suggestions are strongly encouraged.
The civil war put an end to the formal institution of slavery. however,even more than a century later, social obstacles in the society undermined the blacks. the supreme court gave a ruling in 1954,forbidding segregated schools. following this, the civil movement touched each and every sphere of the social life to ensure equality.

[B]Causes of civil rights movement[/B]
a) [COLOR="Blue"]Jim crow laws[/COLOR]
The supreme court ruling in fergussen vs plassey case permitted the following of two separate law for both the nations black and white as long as they were treated equally. following the ruling, both north and south introduced a number of laws for the welfare of either black or whites. there were separate schools, hotels, swimming pools for both blacks and whites. these rules were called jim crow rules and they played a pivotal role in ensuring white supremacy that had died down in reformation era.

b) [COLOR="blue"]Post world war II[/COLOR]
In the aftermath of world war II, U.S wanted to exhibit the merits of a democratic society to the world. on the contrary, the hypocrisy in the form of segregated society as evident. As a result, president Truman enacted a series of steps to put an end to the segregation. foremost was the end of segregation in armed forces. robinson was the first African-american to play in major basketball league.

[B]Civil rights movement[/B]
a) [COLOR="blue"]MIA and ROSA parks incident[/COLOR]
Rosa parks of Montgomery incited civil rights movement by just sitting in the Montgomery bus. in 1955, tired, she rode Montgomery bus.at the time,it was a usual practice that when bus was overcrowded blacks were asked to move to the back side.she,too was ordered to move back but she refused to comply.she was arrested and fined.
This incident instigated the blacks. Martin luther king along with his friend initated protest on the incident. they put forward a series of demands, particularly end to segregation. they requested the blacks to not to ride buses. his organization, [B]MONTOGOMERY IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION[/B], had expected 50% support and were overwhelmed when 99% backing was received.
Finally, the supreme court gave a ruling declaring segregated buses to be unconstitutional. martin luther king and his friend Abernathy gave rise to a new league, namely [B]SOUTHERN CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP COOPERATION [/B] for advocating civil rights.

b) [COLOR="blue"]Showdown at little rock[/COLOR]
A year after the supreme court ruling, civil rights movement adopted a new shape in little, Arkansas.a group of black students tried to enter an all whites school.they were refused entry and the governor ordered national guard to take action against them. A federal judge declared the move as unconstitutional. later, the group again tried entry into the school.they were admitted from the back side.
Nonetheless, the news spread like wild fire and irritated citizens started protest. Next year,the schools were shut down to prevent integration. but in 1959, when the schools were reopened, both black and white students attended together.

c) [COLOR="blue"]Sit in, CORE and sncc[/COLOR]
Four African American students went to an all white restaurant and ordered coffee. they were refused to be served but they sat their patiently, waiting to be attended. this gave birth to sit in movement.the instruction was simple- just to sit and waiot to be attended.blacks felt that violent actions were taken by the white,world would see the righteousness of their mission. They were often jeered at and ridiculed. sometimes,ketchup and other food items were also thrown at them.but they remained devoted to their cause.

King, a little known minister convened a conference which was attended by students from south and this gave birth to students nonviolent commission. this, along with CORE (congress on racial equality),decided about the protests and sit-ins.

d) [COLOR="blue"]Marquette fyre incident[/COLOR]
During the civil rights movement, Marquette fyre incident acted like a match to lit the fire. a black, Marquette fyre was suspected of drunk driving and ordered by the police to step down. When the police drew out the gun, a burst of emotional response from the crowd was experienced.the crowd was already frustrated at unemployment, deplorable working conditions and stringent police measures. This incident acted as a fuel on fire.it is believed that protests lasted for a couple of days.4000 people were arrested in the protests on account of looting etc. economic loss in millions was incurred.
President Johnson ordered inquiry into the incident.the report submitted conluded that racial inequality had led to the protests.

e) [COLOR="blue"]Martin luther king[/COLOR]
Martin luther king was the official leader of civil rights movement initiated in 1960s.he was largely inspired by the teachings of Mohandas Gandhi. he had firm belief in civil disobedience and non-violent protests.he was against the use of violent means to obtain the objectives. He was assassinated in 1969 and it gave a sevewre blow to the civil rights movement.

f) [COLOR="blue"] MALCOM X:[/COLOR]
When the nonviolent protests of martin luther did little to bring about a real change, a more violent form of civil rights movement emerged under Malcolm x. they demanded establishment of separate black nation where only blacks would support each other without the intervention of whites. Moreover, it was also felt that integration was not the solution.

g) [COLOR="blue"]Black panther party[/COLOR]
Inspired by malcom x, black panther party put forward their demands as their “wants and believes”.theyopenly brandished weapons and were inspired by the philosophy of mao ze dong. A few of the demands are

• We want freedom. we believe that only through freedom, we can determine our destiny
• We want employment. we believe it is the responsibility of the government to provide employment to the citizens.
• We want education. We believe without education,one will not get awareness of self

[B]Critical analysis[/B]
Black civil rights movement, initiated a 100 years after the civil war played an important role in integrating blacks into each and every sphere of American life. it instilled in them love for themselves and made them confident of their existence.many prominent individuals like martin luther king and Malcolm x played an important role in this regard.in addition, organizations such as MIA,SNCC,sclc AND core also deserve due respect.

civil rights movement was the movemt launched by the blacks in response to their dismal condition ad their low status in the society.through non-violent and violent measures, they succeeded in getting the due share.

sadafnoorelahi Saturday, October 26, 2013 12:55 AM


Q:6. write a comprehensive note on the civil rights movement with a particular mention to the American women and the blacks.

[B]comments,criticism and suggestions are strongly encouraged.[/B]

With the growing awareness of civil rights movement of blacks,other parts of the society which felt they were marginalized and disadvantaged also begin to seek equal rights. not since suffrage movement, had any feminist movement been strong enough to influence the status of women. the civil rights movement for women rights began to take control in 1960s.

[B]Causes of civil rights movement for women[/B]

a) [COLOR="Blue"]Unequal treatment in jobs[/COLOR]: with a few exceptions women were refused highly paid jobs. many women were even paid less for the same task than their male counterpart. with the result of their remaining dependent on men in economic sector.

b) [COLOR="blue"]Feminine mystique[/COLOR]: in 1963, betty friedin wrote a book “ feminie mystique” aimed at targeting the traditional role of women. it dealt with “ the problem that has no name”. she criticized that women participation should be much more than just entertaining their husband, looking after children and other such domestic responsiblities.

c) [COLOR="blue"]Cult of household women:[/COLOR] many educated middle class women were encouraged to prioritize their husbands and children by refusing full time jobs. young women were encouraged to drop out of colleges early and adopt the “cult of household” i.e assume their domestic responsibilities.

d) [COLOR="blue"]Abortion and birth control: [/COLOR]particularly the availability of birth control options such as pills galvanized many women to seek the legitimacy of the practice.

e) [COLOR="blue"] Media:[/COLOR] numerous magazines and tv shows also begin to persuade women to focus on their role as a domestic woman. in 1960,only 40% students in undergraduate schools were women. even a fewer number of women pursued advanced degrees.

f) [COLOR="blue"]Domino’s effect:[/COLOR] women were encouraged by the civil rights movement initiated by African americans and they too begin to depend equality.

g) [COLOR="blue"]Political participation:[/COLOR] despite suffrage,only 19 women were in congress.their participation in political process was nomional.

However, the major reason that led to the civil rights movement was the unhappiness of women towards their traditional role.

Following three years of “feminine mystique” a movement, the like of which had only been seen in suffrage movement, begin to sweep the American society. Betty friedin, along with the the number of other women right activists formed an organization “ national organization for women” which sought to “integrate women in the mainstream American society”.
Trashcans named “freedom trashcans” were placed everywhere and women were encouraged to throw the symbols of female suppression in them. Everywhere women beigin to throw false eyelashes, haircurlers and bras into the cans.


[COLOR="blue"]“the equality enshrined in constitution shall not be reduced by U.s or any state on the basis of sex”[/COLOR]

This is a part of section 1 of the equal rights amendment, originally introduced by women in 1923. The feminist movement of 1960s aimed to ratify the amendment. Gloria steinmem delivered persuasive speeches in house of respresentatives and senate. Thirty out of thirty-eight necessary states ratified easily. however,it was then that an opposition movement also led by women emerged. it was very organized and aimed at undermining the efforts of the women rights movement. the opposition opined that the passage of such an act would change the very character of the American society. This led to the decline in the influence of the civil rights movement and ratification could not be achieved by the required number of states.

When civil rights act was being debated on in the congress in 1964, some traditional congress men included the clause of gender in it.they felt that such an action would weaken up the act. but the strategy overturned and when it was being considered, Now also projected its support in its favour.

[B]Abortion: [/B]perhaps no issue received such an overwhelming response as did the issue of abortion. Earlier the issue was controlled under the federal legislation which prohibited the practice. however,women right activists complained on the plea that such prohibition instigated women to adopt black market practices and to operate on themselves.
Slowly and gradually, the practice was legalized in California and new York.still there was no ruling from the supreme court. But roe vs wade case caused country wide stir. A woman in texas roe demanded legalization of the practice. In texas practice was still forbidden. finally, senate and representatives decided in its favour. Women were ecstatic.
Nevertheless, strong opposition emerged from the roman catholics and fundamentalist protestants.it was a war of beliefs. those who held the belief that life begins at conception felt that abortion was murder. On the contrary, the group in opposition felt that it was curbing the rights of women.
At the end, two groups pro- choice and pro life emerged.pro life tried to lobby senators and representatives and also passed a legislation for life. However since 1973, the debate is on. George bush even introduced gag-rule prohibiting the practitioners in federal hospitals to voice the choice. but bill Clinton removed such a law.

[B]Effects of women rights movement
• As more and more women begin to struggle for their equality. it led to the preference of careers over families resulting in late marriages.
• birth rate plummeted.
• Women from unhappy marriages begin to move out of them
• Divorce rate escalated.
• More and more women begin to get education.in 1980,majority of undergradiuates comprised of women

[B]Critical analysis:[/B]
Encouraged by the civil rights movement of African American,women too demanded an equality. Numerous reasons such as discrimination in jobs selection, and wages. even female education was discouraged. women were irritated by the “cult of household” and thus sought equal participation in all walks of life. NOW, freedom trashcans, demand for legalization of abortion were a part of the process.the movement played an important role in greater involvement of women in the society.

[B]Conclusion: [/B]women rights movement of 1970s was aimed at greater involvement in the society and end to sexual discrimination. Although, it faced many obstacles but overall it was a success.

sadafnoorelahi Sunday, October 27, 2013 12:46 AM

Discuss the American efforts to build a New World Order after the end of the Cold war. Comment on its success or failure.

6. Critically examine U.S role as a peace maker in the post-Cold war era,with particular reference to the Balkans and South Asia.

write a note on modern feminism

naveed bhutto, kindly can you make an outline of these questions.i have myself failed to find suitable answers in this regard. ushistory.org,too is not of much help in his matter.

exclusively Sunday, October 27, 2013 03:12 AM

[B]@Naveed Bhutto[/B]
Could you please let us know the [B]important topics[/B] for US History CSS 2014 or study plan....

[B]Thanks in anticipatioin[/B]

Naveed_Bhuutto Thursday, October 31, 2013 04:02 AM

[QUOTE=sadafnoorelahi;656242]Discuss the internal and external factors that led the U.S on an imperialist path at the end of the 19th century?[/QUOTE]

[/B]1. Introduction

Civil war kept US restrained from Foreiegn Affairs. However, the dawn of 1880's revived. US interest in oversea's expansion and this era onward is marked as "American Road to Imperialism".

[/B]2. Internal factors
a. Industrial development of country
b. US interest in countries where it surplus capital could be invested
c. Doctrines of racial superioity
i.e Manifest Destiny/Monroe Doctrine
d. Religious Factor
e. Naval Policy
g. Role of Leaders

[/B]3. External Factors
a. Eurpoean Policy of Imperialism/Colonization
b. Open Door Diplomacy
c. Theory of Social Darwinism
d. Dollar Diplomacy
e. Issue of Panama Canal
f. Roosevelt Corollary

[/B]4. Outcome of US Imperialism
a. America deeply involved in Latin America and Far East
b. Helped America emerge as world super power

[/B]5. Critical Analysis

[/B]6. Conclusion

sadafnoorelahi Saturday, November 02, 2013 12:27 AM

[SIZE="3"][B]comments, criticism and suggestions are strongly encouraged.[/B][/SIZE]

[B]Describe the evolution of muslim community in U.S[/B]

muslims make up less than 1% of the amercian people today. It is believed that more than 10% of the African slaves imported to colonial America were muslims. the spread of islam was suppressed in the plantations. From 1880s to 1914, a large number of ottoman muslims and muslims from other arab countries have immigrated to U.S for the prospects of better life among many other reasons. Muslim population however sprang up in the 20th century largely due to immigration, high birth rate and the conversion of people to islam in prisons and urban cities.

[B]History of muslim community in U.S:[/B]

Exact date of the arrival of ancient muslims to U.S is not known. however, many theorists hold the way that muslims arrived even long before the voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1492. Many moors and turks were brought to U.S and they intermarried with local people leading to an increase in the muslim number. Between 1740 to 1815, the number further escalated. In 1803, a falula muslim, ben ali came to sapelo islands. while enslaved, he became an imam or spiritual leader of a group of 80 muslims. He was known to be a practicing muslims, fasting, establishing prayers and even wearing kaftan. He also becamean author of a muslim journal rasala In 1840, many Americans were captured by the Algiers and they wrote about their captivity moments which gave the Americans their first experience of true arabs.

Before world war I, many muslims from yemen and ottoman empire immigrated to U.S they had aspired of prospering in U.S and then returning to their homeland. But the hardships of early 20th century America prevented them from prospering and so they settled permanently in U.S.

[B]Modern muslim community[/B]

American muslims are the most racially diverse religious group in U.S. The establishment of the modern muslim community is divided into two periods i.e from post world war I era and the last few decades. According to the statistics, in 2005, greater number of muslims gained legal permanent residenship of U.S then in the past few decades-95000. This number continued to soar and in 2009, there were 115,000 muslims getting permanent residence of the country.

These individuals have been attracted to the “ land of opportunities” by several reasons, such as education, job opportunities, better living standards and more liberties. Certain individuals also are attracted by the religious liberty of the country, while, many islamist, too come to the country with an intention to reform the “ open environment”. Some get integrated in the societies, while others leave dejected.

Many native muslim Americans are from the African descent which constitute less than a quarter of the community. Chinese muslims, known as hui, remain distinct from other muslim communities and continue to be interwoven in there Chinese community.

[B]Islamic organizations[/B]
In 1906, some Bosnian muslims set up the first Sunday Islamic school with the curriculum designed by a Bosnian sheikh who had graduated from alazhar. This gave rise to the concept of Islamic organizations. In 1907, tartar community from Poland established first muslim organization called American mohammedan association. In 1915, the first muslim mosque was established in the country. Five years later , an Islamic mission was setup by an Indian ahmadiyya muslim and the same year alsadiq mosque was also established. Next year in 1921, a building was built specifically to be a mosque.

Between 1920 to 1930, the number of mosques has increased at a tremendous rate that by 1954, 20 mosques were present. However, a large number of mosques have been constructed in the past few decades. The number of muslim community has risen exponentially in the 20th century due to the increase in muslim immigrants, spread of islam in prison and also the high birth rate among the muslims. According to the researchers 72% of the American muslims are immigrants or second generations muslims.

[B]Muslim community in US-today[/B]

[COLOR="Blue"][B]Education and employment: [/B][/COLOR]

unlike the general perception, the muslims in U.S are prosperous. Among the south asian countries, the largest Pakistani community well educated and well-to-do people. these individuals are professionals, doctors, enginners, teachers etc. it is even believed that many of them are more educated and better earning than the white Americans.


muslims community has its own cultural gatherings, comedy groups, musical bands etc . they meet at festivals to revive their culture.
Political involvement: many muslims are proactive in American politics. It is even believed that in the aftermath of 9/11, many such muslims also helped the American authorities in getting to the terrorists.

[COLOR="blue"][B]Religion [/B][/COLOR]:

U.S has never imposed any religious belief on her citizens. Many of the early American settlers had fled their countries to escape religious persecution and to enjoy religious liberty. Thomas Jefferson, third U.S president also advocated religious freedom. Muslims in U.S comprise of sunni majority, shia minority, ahmaddiya group and certain other sects as in other countries. All have their own places of worship and they follow their religion as graciously as anywhere.

[B]Critical analysis[/B]: comprising of only 1% of the population, the number of muslim communities is increasing steadily. For a significant period of time, muslims existed as non-entities in the countries, but in the recent time their number and influence has increased. American muslims, include reverts, immigrants and African descent muslims.

[B]Conclusion[/B]: muslim community has evolved over many centuries in the U.S however, only in the last few decades there number has soared rapidly.they are now well integrated in the society, enjoying all the rights and privilidges like any other American.

sadafnoorelahi Friday, November 08, 2013 06:30 AM

[SIZE="4"][B]comments, criticism and suggestions are strongly encouraged. [U]naveed sir [/U]can you make a critical analysis of this question. although i have tries, but it lacks something. will be grateful to you.[/B][/SIZE]

[B]:7. will the 21st century as well be an American century or will the USA be obscured by new superpowers like China or the EU?[/B]

[B]Introduction[/B]: history has witnessed the rise and fall of many civilizations, cultures, and empires. In the past military strength was the only “balancing factor” or the determinant of supremacy. no doubt, military strength is important today as well but other factors such as ideological stability, economic strength, political influence are also gaining significance.

[B]Multipolar to unipolar:[/B]

[B][COLOR="Blue"]World war 1: [/COLOR][/B]whenever a country tends to pursue its imperialist designs to expand its sphere, it faces opposite from force or allied forces. Same was the case in the past. 20th century was the excellent example of the time when many strong forces had clash of interest leading to world war 1. Till then, u.s had followed an isolationst policy. But in 1917, it attacked germany, defeating it and established its foothold in the international world.

[B][COLOR="blue"]World war 2:[/COLOR][/B] the deadly war ended up with the use of deadly weapons. Both u.s and u.s.s.r had fought as allies in the war and both had become strong. Each wanted to establish its supremacy and the clash of interest led to the cold war, an era marked by bipolar world order.the cold war dominated the end of the twentieth century. In 1991, disintegration of u.s.s.r with the fall of berlin, made u.s the unofficial leader of the world. The then president of u.s, George bush coined the term “new world order” which was essentially a unipolar world.

[B][COLOR="blue"]u.s hegemony[/COLOR][/B]
Richard Nixon, the former u.s president delineated in his book “in the arena”, factors that determine the clout of a country, namely military strength, economic power, commonality of interest, state craft, political stability, ideological appeal.
u.s has enjoyed an unchallenged status of a superpower in the last two decades due to its supremacy over all the nations in the abovementioned elements. berzenski, former NSA said
[B][CENTER]“u.s hegemony is great but its depth is shallow due to domestic and external factors”[/CENTER][/B]

a) [B][COLOR="blue"]Economic gian[/COLOR][/B]t: u.s has a GDP of 15.1 trillion dollars. It has the largest economy of the world unsurpassed by any single country.

B) [B][COLOR="blue"]military strength: [/COLOR][/B]the military strength of u.s is unmatched. It has 1.4 million active army personnel. Its combat forces comprise of fighter planes, carrier ships. It has tests antiballistic missile shield capacity.

c) [B][COLOR="blue"]ideological leader[/COLOR][/B]: u.s has led all the countries of the world to follow democratic norms. It was with this objective that league of nations after world war 1 and u.n after world war 2 was established.

d) [B][COLOR="blue"]commonality of interest[/COLOR][/B]: u.s has commonality of interest with all the major countries of the world. The fact, however, is that it does not enjoy absolute influence in the matter as a result of emerging china, resurging Russia, and regional powers iran and Venezuela.

[B]End to the u.s hegemony:[/B]

Although, it is a fact that u.s is the single most strong country of the time. But it is believed that other countries are determined to surpass it in the changing paradigms. The emergence of new powers is natural, u.s could have maintained an unchallenged status but its policies have greatly undermined it. U.s has adopted a unilateral approach instead of a multilateral approach which will ultimately challenge its status as the super power.

a) [B][COLOR="blue"]Energy crises: [/COLOR][/B]energy is the life blood of any economy. No country can develop and even sustain its industrial sector without energy. This has led to a competition amongst the countries for the availability of cheap energy resources. In the 21st century, foreign policy of a country is determined by its energy demands. However, in the pursuit of energy resources, u.s has adopted a confrontational strategy. The invasion of Iraq was an episode of the strategy.

b) [B][COLOR="blue"]U.s invasion of Iraq:[/COLOR][/B] the invasion of Iraq has dealt a severe blow to u.s in terms of all resources, human and financial. As of 2000, u.s had a surplus of 100 billion dollars, however after 2007, it had a financial deficit of 700 billion dollars and in 2011, it further increased to 800 billion dollars. These figures indicate that u.s is in no position to pursue further wars unilaterally. In addition, the inability of the u.s to get approval of unsc on invasion of Iraq has left a blemish on the u.s reputation. U.s and u.k have been alienated by their western allies, france and germany and super powers china and Russia.

c) [B][COLOR="blue"]Democratic hypocricy: [/COLOR][/B]u.s pledges to be a strong supporter of democracy and democratic norms. However, this is only in theory. It’s policy in foreign relations is determined by its imperialist and financial interests. particularly, u.s relationship with the arab countries of the middle east has exposed the hollowness of its ideology.

[B]Emerging multipolar world:[/B]

u.s has dominated the world scenario in the aftermath of the cold war. Nevertheless, it is believed that its position is set to be toppled by emerging powers, Russia, china, japan. Eu etc.

a) [B][COLOR="blue"]economic factors: [/COLOR][/B]although u.s is the largest economy of the world, japan has greater per capita income than u.s . u.s has a financial deficit of 800 billion dollars whereas china has a surplus of 150 billion dollars annually. Recent economic shut down of October 2013 has also inflicted a loss of billions to the economy. At the same time, china has a pursued a consistent GDP growth rate of 9.5 % in the past decade. Russia’s economy has tripled following the increase in oil and natural gas prices. According to a financial analyst hass,
[B][CENTER]“ u.s economy accopunts to 25% of the world total, but it is set to decline as it does not reveal the real and projected differential of u.s economy and asian giants”[/CENTER][/B]

b) [B][COLOR="blue"]military strength:[/COLOR][/B] no doubt, u.s has a great military strength, but it is not assuradelly marked in contrast to other powers, e.u in one hand and communist countries on the other. All the major powers of the world are nuclear states. China has directly tested “anti satellite missile” and “cruise killer”. Likewise, Russia claims to have developed and tested its antiballistic missile shield capacity in the cold war.

c) [B][COLOR="blue"]Political influence: [/COLOR][/B]the political influence of u.s has been seriously challenged by iran and north korea. In addition, the latest Syrian crises, in which china and Russia have intervened and prevented a war also indicates the declining strength of the u.s.

[B]Emerging world powers:[/B]

It is believed that world is heading towards a multipolar political system where, power will not be concentrated in the hands of a few but several countries. All the countries with any specific distinction will be involved in international affairs. Besides u.s,japan, china, e.u, india will have economic power. Nevertheless, Saudi arabia, iran middle eastern countries will enjoy appeal due to the richness of resources. Russia will enjoy strength for both the factors. A number of countries will become prominent due to their geostrategic location namely Pakistan, turkey, Ukraine, central asian countries as they are in the link routes of the energy passage. Organizations like u.n and even regional organizations saarc, asean eu, sco will also become energy centres.

[B]Critical analysis[/B]: u.s has been the uncrowned king in the past few decades due to its military capability, economic strength, ideological appeal. But it is believed that its faulty policies and the natural process of emergence of new energy centres is set to topple the supremacy of u.s

Naveed_Bhuutto Friday, November 08, 2013 06:56 AM

[QUOTE=sadafnoorelahi;666178][SIZE="4"][B]comments, criticism and suggestions are strongly encouraged. [U]naveed sir [/U]can you make a critical analysis of this question. although i have tries, but it lacks something. will be grateful to you.[/B][/SIZE]

[B]:7. will the 21st century as well be an American century or will the USA be obscured by new superpowers like China or the EU?[/B]

[B]Introduction[/B]: history has witnessed the rise and fall of many civilizations, cultures, and empires. In the past military strength was the only “balancing factor” or the determinant of supremacy. no doubt, military strength is important today as well but other factors such as ideological stability, economic strength, political influence are also gaining significance.

[B]Multipolar to unipolar:[/B]

[B][COLOR="Blue"]World war 1: [/COLOR][/B]whenever a country tends to pursue its imperialist designs to expand its sphere, it faces opposite from force or allied forces. Same was the case in the past. 20th century was the excellent example of the time when many strong forces had clash of interest leading to world war 1. Till then, u.s had followed an isolationst policy. But in 1917, it attacked germany, defeating it and established its foothold in the international world.

[B][COLOR="blue"]World war 2:[/COLOR][/B] the deadly war ended up with the use of deadly weapons. Both u.s and u.s.s.r had fought as allies in the war and both had become strong. Each wanted to establish its supremacy and the clash of interest led to the cold war, an era marked by bipolar world order.the cold war dominated the end of the twentieth century. In 1991, disintegration of u.s.s.r with the fall of berlin, made u.s the unofficial leader of the world. The then president of u.s, George bush coined the term “new world order” which was essentially a unipolar world.

[B][COLOR="blue"]u.s hegemony[/COLOR][/B]
Richard Nixon, the former u.s president delineated in his book “in the arena”, factors that determine the clout of a country, namely military strength, economic power, commonality of interest, state craft, political stability, ideological appeal.
u.s has enjoyed an unchallenged status of a superpower in the last two decades due to its supremacy over all the nations in the abovementioned elements. berzenski, former NSA said
[B][CENTER]“u.s hegemony is great but its depth is shallow due to domestic and external factors”[/CENTER][/B]

a) [B][COLOR="blue"]Economic gian[/COLOR][/B]t: u.s has a GDP of 15.1 trillion dollars. It has the largest economy of the world unsurpassed by any single country.

B) [B][COLOR="blue"]military strength: [/COLOR][/B]the military strength of u.s is unmatched. It has 1.4 million active army personnel. Its combat forces comprise of fighter planes, carrier ships. It has tests antiballistic missile shield capacity.

c) [B][COLOR="blue"]ideological leader[/COLOR][/B]: u.s has led all the countries of the world to follow democratic norms. It was with this objective that league of nations after world war 1 and u.n after world war 2 was established.

d) [B][COLOR="blue"]commonality of interest[/COLOR][/B]: u.s has commonality of interest with all the major countries of the world. The fact, however, is that it does not enjoy absolute influence in the matter as a result of emerging china, resurging Russia, and regional powers iran and Venezuela.

[B]End to the u.s hegemony:[/B]

Although, it is a fact that u.s is the single most strong country of the time. But it is believed that other countries are determined to surpass it in the changing paradigms. The emergence of new powers is natural, u.s could have maintained an unchallenged status but its policies have greatly undermined it. U.s has adopted a unilateral approach instead of a multilateral approach which will ultimately challenge its status as the super power.

a) [B][COLOR="blue"]Energy crises: [/COLOR][/B]energy is the life blood of any economy. No country can develop and even sustain its industrial sector without energy. This has led to a competition amongst the countries for the availability of cheap energy resources. In the 21st century, foreign policy of a country is determined by its energy demands. However, in the pursuit of energy resources, u.s has adopted a confrontational strategy. The invasion of Iraq was an episode of the strategy.

b) [B][COLOR="blue"]U.s invasion of Iraq:[/COLOR][/B] the invasion of Iraq has dealt a severe blow to u.s in terms of all resources, human and financial. As of 2000, u.s had a surplus of 100 billion dollars, however after 2007, it had a financial deficit of 700 billion dollars and in 2011, it further increased to 800 billion dollars. These figures indicate that u.s is in no position to pursue further wars unilaterally. In addition, the inability of the u.s to get approval of unsc on invasion of Iraq has left a blemish on the u.s reputation. U.s and u.k have been alienated by their western allies, france and germany and super powers china and Russia.

c) [B][COLOR="blue"]Democratic hypocricy: [/COLOR][/B]u.s pledges to be a strong supporter of democracy and democratic norms. However, this is only in theory. It’s policy in foreign relations is determined by its imperialist and financial interests. particularly, u.s relationship with the arab countries of the middle east has exposed the hollowness of its ideology.

[B]Emerging multipolar world:[/B]

u.s has dominated the world scenario in the aftermath of the cold war. Nevertheless, it is believed that its position is set to be toppled by emerging powers, Russia, china, japan. Eu etc.

a) [B][COLOR="blue"]economic factors: [/COLOR][/B]although u.s is the largest economy of the world, japan has greater per capita income than u.s . u.s has a financial deficit of 800 billion dollars whereas china has a surplus of 150 billion dollars annually. Recent economic shut down of October 2013 has also inflicted a loss of billions to the economy. At the same time, china has a pursued a consistent GDP growth rate of 9.5 % in the past decade. Russia’s economy has tripled following the increase in oil and natural gas prices. According to a financial analyst hass,
[B][CENTER]“ u.s economy accopunts to 25% of the world total, but it is set to decline as it does not reveal the real and projected differential of u.s economy and asian giants”[/CENTER][/B]

b) [B][COLOR="blue"]military strength:[/COLOR][/B] no doubt, u.s has a great military strength, but it is not assuradelly marked in contrast to other powers, e.u in one hand and communist countries on the other. All the major powers of the world are nuclear states. China has directly tested “anti satellite missile” and “cruise killer”. Likewise, Russia claims to have developed and tested its antiballistic missile shield capacity in the cold war.

c) [B][COLOR="blue"]Political influence: [/COLOR][/B]the political influence of u.s has been seriously challenged by iran and north korea. In addition, the latest Syrian crises, in which china and Russia have intervened and prevented a war also indicates the declining strength of the u.s.

[B]Emerging world powers:[/B]

It is believed that world is heading towards a multipolar political system where, power will not be concentrated in the hands of a few but several countries. All the countries with any specific distinction will be involved in international affairs. Besides u.s,japan, china, e.u, india will have economic power. Nevertheless, Saudi arabia, iran middle eastern countries will enjoy appeal due to the richness of resources. Russia will enjoy strength for both the factors. A number of countries will become prominent due to their geostrategic location namely Pakistan, turkey, Ukraine, central asian countries as they are in the link routes of the energy passage. Organizations like u.n and even regional organizations saarc, asean eu, sco will also become energy centres.

[B]Critical analysis[/B]: u.s has been the uncrowned king in the past few decades due to its military capability, economic strength, ideological appeal. But it is believed that its faulty policies and the natural process of emergence of new energy centres is set to topple the supremacy of u.s[/QUOTE]

[B]@Sadaf Noor[/B]: [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]1st of all I must admit that you are doing a Great Job. Hats Off to you for helping Aspirants here on this forum. Even i myself don't write such lengthy answers :)[/COLOR][/B]

[B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Critical Analysis[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[B]Although every cloud has a silver lining but when it comes to world super power, the world don't really seems have an alternate at present. To be World Super Power one need a strong military, impartial judiciary, economic supremacy and space technology to lead the world. China no doubt is emerging as the new economic power of the world but neither it posses a military that strong to control the world nor it's judiciary is impartial. European Union itself is in crisis and had been asking for economic assistance and help from China and USA.

Although the wrong policies of USA in past few decades had held them to a low, but keeping in mind the period of Great Depression, Civil War and Economic crisis of 2008; USA have this tendency to rise and come out of difficult situations. The only thing they need to work is change in their policies and No wonders USA can still be the world leader for 21st century.[/B]

sadafnoorelahi Monday, November 11, 2013 12:46 AM

comments, criticism and suggestions are strongly encouraged.

[B]trace out the grounds of augmentation of the US financial system in the post WW II epoch.[/B]


After the world war II, many Americans were nervous that the decline in military spending would bring back the days of great depression. On the contrary, the pent up consumer demand heralded an era characterized by economic prosperity. Automobile industry began to produce new cars and a number of new industries such as aviation grew by leaps and bounds. The gross national product went up from 200, 000 dollars in 1940 to 300,000 and 500,000 in 1950 and 1960, successively. There was an increase in single home buying due to the decline in mortgage pricing.

[B]Factors responsible for the financial growth[/B]

a) [B][COLOR="Blue"]Industrial-military compex[/COLOR][/B]: during world war II, there was an increased demand for war supplies. This led to the development of a strong industrial-military complex (term coined by FDR). However, the demand did not end up with the war.as iron curtain desceded across most of the European countries, u.s supplied arms to such countries to fight communism. An economic package was also introduced for the war-torn countries. This created newer markets for u.s.

b) [B][COLOR="blue"]Change in American workforce[/COLOR][/B]: studies conducted of the era showed that at one time, number of people providing services equaled and even surpassed the workers providing goods. Labour union succeeded in getting long-term contracts and other benefits for their workers. By 1956, majority of the workers had white collared jobs instead of blue collared.

c) [B][COLOR="blue"]Agricultural sector: [/COLOR][/B]on the contrary, agricultural sector faced extreme competition. Due to technological advancement, mass production occurred which increased the competition. Small family farms could not keep up with the race. Eventually, many farmers left the work and went to cities to get high paid jobs. Studies conducted showed that the economic boom was largely a consequence of such farmers getting high pad jobs.

d) [B][COLOR="blue"]Agricultural productivity[/COLOR][/B]: this period also showed a high level of agricultural productivity due to

• Variety of strains in green revolution
• Pesticides
• Fertilizers

e) [B][COLOR="blue"]Instituitional economies[/COLOR][/B]: according to institutional economists, much of the economic prosperity was a result of establishment of institutions such as bretton woods system,which ensured the stablity of international economy.

f) [B][COLOR="blue"]Keynesian economy:[/COLOR][/B] Keynesian economy was introduced which ensured financial repression, and low nominal rates

g) [B][COLOR="blue"]Libertain economy:[/COLOR][/B] some analysts hold the view that Keynesian economy plan was thawed by the death of FDR, inexperience of Truman and conservative policies of congress which wanted to cut down taxes and provided open market economy. These reforms led to economic prosperity.

h) [B][COLOR="blue"]Lifestyle change[/COLOR][/B]: the increase in purchase of single-family homes and ownership of cars led many people to move from cities to suburban areas. Technological innovations particularly air-conditioning caused growth in hot-belt areas of Miami, Houston etc. federally funded highways also facilitated transportation. As a result, people begin to migrate from cities to suburbs, a process completed by 1960s. even industries opened up in less crowded areas.

i) [B][COLOR="blue"]Business expansion:[/COLOR][/B] the end of world war II led to an expansion in many businesses. Business conglomerates begin to emerge in large numbers. American telephone and telegraph purchased Sheldon hotels, vis a vis car, continental hotels etc.

j) [B][COLOR="blue"]Increase in capitalism[/COLOR][/B]: with the end of world war II, u.s made increasing efforts to restructure global economic system and created IMF and world bank in order to lay the foundation of international capitalism.

k) [B][COLOR="blue"]Council of economic affairs:[/COLOR][/B] in u.s , council of economic affairs was set up to analyse and to provide suitable advice in matters relating to domestic and international economic policies. He council introduced number of reforms:

• Greater relaxation in taxation
• Setting up quantitative targets
• Cyclical model was replaced by growth model

[B]Effects [/B]
The period often termed as the golden era of capitalism had many social, economic and political effects including the emergence of baby boomer generation. This period included cold war, postmodernism, civil rights movement, second round of feminism etc.

[B]Inflation woes: [/B
]even in 1960s many analysts had begin to realize that economic prosperity was coming to its end. Many factors led to the decline of this golden era, most notably,
• Oil crises of 1973
• Stock market collapses
• Bretton wood agreement failed

[B]Critical analysis: [/B]the end of world war II, marked the beginning of an epoch of economic boom, growth and prosperity. There were major changes in work force, industries and even the lifestyle of common Americans. This era of opulence was not only restricted to U.S.A, but also observed in a number of European countries . however, this period ended up with the end of brettonwood agreement failure, oil crises and similar and domestic and international causes.

sadafnoorelahi Wednesday, November 13, 2013 12:30 AM

[SIZE="4"]naveed bhutto sir are we suppose to write critical analysis with persons? or only events? how would you write a critical analysis of benjamin franklin?kindly help.[/SIZE]

[B] write a note on benjamin franklin.[/B]

[CENTER][B]" well done is better than well said" (benjamin franklin)[/B][/CENTER]

[B]Biography[/B]: he was born in 1706. His father wanted to educate him to become a cleric, but he could not afford his education for years. He attended school for a year. As he was very fond of studying, so he worked as an apprentice to his brother who was a printer. His brother james introduced the first boston “newspaper”. most of the contributions were made by close relatives and friends. Benjamin franklin also wanted to contribute, but knew his brother would not agree. so he contributed anonymously as ”[COLOR="Blue"] widow dogood[/COLOR]” . the idea was an instant hit. After sometimes, Benjamin acknowledged to being the anonymous writer. After a little while, james was arrested for openly denouncing clerics. While he was away, Benjamin managed the newspaper. James was not happy over this and upon his release often beat up Benjamin. benjamin fled to Philadelphia.

[COLOR="blue"][B]Benjamin franklin- a printer:[/B][/COLOR]
In Philadelphia, Benjamin franklin worked diligently. He borrowed some money and set up his own business of printing. His work soon earned good repute and he even got contracts from government. he started publication of “poor richard’s almanac”. In those days almanac were published, annually. They contained recipes, weather forecast etc. “poor richard’s almanac” became popular soon due to its critical outlook.

[B][COLOR="blue"]Benjamin franklin-a social worker:[/COLOR][/B]
Between 1730s to 1740s, he worked for paving, cleaning and lighting of roads. He agitated for environmental cause. He also joined up a group of individuals to set up a hospital in Philadelphia. Establishment of a library council also goes to his credit. He established American philosophical society, the first literary society.
In those days, fires were very common, often leading to disastrous consequences. He organized fire control union for efficient management of fire.

[B][COLOR="blue"]Benjamin franklin-a scientist:[/COLOR][/B]
Benjamin franklin retired as a printer in 1950s and focused on science, research and knowledge finding. This was nothing new for him as he had already formed a stove more popularly known as Benjamin stove. It was very effective in warming homes. Swim fins, bifocals are some other inventions of Benjamin franklin.
He also conducted experiments on electricity to determine its nature and was much appreciated.

[B][COLOR="blue"]Benjamin franklin and politics:[/COLOR][/B]
Benjamin franklin initially, was a loyal Englishman. The violent protest of Americans against stamp act changed his views. He worked for the repeal of the act. He was a member of the second continental congess in 1775. He was the first man to inspire Americans to rise up for their independence.

[B][COLOR="blue"]Declaration of independence: [/COLOR][/B]
Although declaration of independence was drafted by Thomas jeffeson, its very essence was proposed by Benjamin franklin.
After the declaration, he went to france as an ambassador. It was his easy and warm personality that led the French to conclude treaty with Americans. Due to his affable manners, he was able to secure loans for America. He also played an effective role in treaty of paris.

He died in 1790 as a “harmonious human multitude”.

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