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Farrah Zafar Tuesday, March 08, 2011 12:49 PM

[QUOTE=aariz;275947]kindly post the mcqs .[/QUOTE]
Aariz here they are;

NASR KHAN Wednesday, March 09, 2011 12:09 PM

Some corrections plz....
Following corrections to be considered please.....

Mcq no. 1
answer is [color="blue"]jupiter[/color] with 63 moons, satrun 60, uranus 27

mcq no. 14
answer is echo

mcq no. 24
answer is physical change

mcq no. 33
answer is add, subtract, sort and classify info

mcq no. 43
answer is epiphyte

thanks and regards....

mani1 Wednesday, March 09, 2011 12:14 PM

I am pretty amazed people think computers can not classify information. Maybe they need to start living in the 21st century instead of 1970s world of Everyday science books we read. Computers can not only classify information but do alot of other 'ifys' with it to. Computers can think independently too. Every heard of artificial intelligence? Google it up if you havn't

NASR KHAN Wednesday, March 09, 2011 12:19 PM


mani1 Wednesday, March 09, 2011 12:26 PM

Yes I know brother. I was referring to almost 90%+ people at my examination hall who were saying that computers can not classify information

NASR KHAN Wednesday, March 09, 2011 12:37 PM

U r rite...

Actually u raised a great point that aspirants r stuck to the same old books n this causes problems for specially those who r not with science background....

Every book contains many errors....

Please everyone go through net for latest updates....

Regards... :)

SADIA SHAFIQ Saturday, April 02, 2011 12:29 AM


the main function of ribosomes is manipulation of genetic characters.........ribosomes id machinery of genes expression.characters are inherited in coded forma..

[U]mitochondria[/U] has its own genome and center of restorative activity..so power house

[U]lonesome[/U] functioned as food storage

[U]Golgi bodies [/U]is inter cell communication network that link nucleus with other organelles

like mitochondri[U]a chloroplas[/U]t has their own genome...and functioned photosynthesis,

[U]rattle snake.[/U]..California,,America

[U]rhinoceros and chimpanzee[/U] ...Africa

ostrich ..Australia


[U]two forms...[/U]

kinetic ...energy due to motion of body

potential...the body contained energy in state of rest



[U]renewable source[/U] of energy that via recycling can be regained

as solar ,wind,Geo thermal.tidal and so....


[U]galaxy[/U] is luminous body that contained dust ,clouds and stars and existed due cooling of clouds of gases in space..MILKY WAY GALAXY

[U]big bang theory[/U] point toward the origin of universe..and contained H2 .He
the total conversion of H2 to He lead to explosion and after that universe formulated.
Pluto[/U] is not a star coz according to new star definition Pluto gravitational field is so much low that it easy allow other bodies to enter in it.example conversion of meteor into meteorite as convert to ash when reach above 100 km due to earth gravitational field,


SADIA SHAFIQ Saturday, April 02, 2011 12:42 AM

Q3: Differentiate between any Five of the following pairs:-
a) Typhoons and Tornadoes (b) Microscope and Telescope (c) Ultrasonics and Infrasonics (d) Hard water and Heavy water (e) Isotopes and Isomers (f) Antibodies and Antibiotic (g) Antigens and Vaccine

[U]microscope[/U] eye piece and telescope objective lens is long, former to see naked objects and later for celestial body..

[U]antigens[/U] natural defense system and vaccine artificial...one is found in blood plasma and other is weakened or dead germ

[U]isotope[/U] elements differentiable w.r.t atomic mass..as atomic no is same

[U]isomer[/U] having same chemical pr molecular formula but different structural formula
ex,,,iso butane or methyl propane and butane

[U]hard water[/U] contains CO3- and Sulphate of Mg and Ca

[U]heavy water[/U] contain isotopic hydrogen as D2O

[U]antibiotic[/U] natural extractions from plants and animals that kill pathogen

[U]antibodies[/U] are produced by antigens that kill foreign body entering in humans

Fortune Saturday, April 02, 2011 12:47 AM

@ Sadia Shafiq
Would you please mention marks distribution of the parts in each question? In fact, i am not home so, don't have accessibility to question paper and here on net, i have checked from FPSC site, but could not found. Thanks

SADIA SHAFIQ Saturday, April 02, 2011 12:53 AM

of al questions i did not remember,,but these
as cell=5


q 3- 2 mark each

q5..type -1
define type-2..think

and other-5

will tell u coming day..paper nae pas..

12:56 PM (GMT +5)

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