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Mahvish Shahid Saturday, March 03, 2012 05:57 PM

Geography Papers 2012


Q.2. Bring out scientific definition of rock and highlight the process and degree of metamorphism with explicit examples.

Q.3. Evaluate physical weathering and its occurrences in different climate areas over the globe.

Q.4. Introduce Atlantic Ocean with its flows configuration as a unique phenomena.

Q.5. Illustrate and suggest merits of dot method while handling demographic data of Pakistan.

Q.6. Present glaciated morphology through various stages.

Q.7. Discuss salient features of Western European type of climate with its impact on experiencing societies.

Q.8. Write short notes on any two f the following.

(i) Tectonic Plates
(ii) Block mountains.
(iii) International dateline
(iv) Isostasy


soloflyer Saturday, March 03, 2012 06:06 PM



1. Describe the appearance and mode of living of the following African peoples and name the regions where they live TODAY.
1. Bushmen 2. Berbers 3. Pigmies
2. A population map of Asia shows that most people live on or near the river basins and coasts. Give reasons for this distribution.
3. Certain Australian Farms are specialized in dairy farming and others in beef production. Give a reasoned account of the distribution of these industries and illustrate by a sketch map.
4. Name the chief agricultural products of South Asia and indicate the chief producing areas on a sketch map.
5. Account for the recent floods in the Indus basin and its impact on agricultural lands and their productivity.
6. In what ways does the import and export trade of Pakistan differ from that of her western neighbours?
7. Write shorts notes on any two of the following
1. Manufacturing industries in China
2. Fisheries in Japan
3. Rural to Urban Migration in Pakistan
4. Recent Trends in International Relations within SAARC

NADEEMANJUM92 Saturday, March 03, 2012 06:26 PM


1) METAMORPHIC rock in which the minerals are lined up parallel to each other is referred as:
a) Foliated
b) Lithified
c) Clastic
d) None of these

2) The equatorial westerlies spread across south-east Asia from?
a) Pacific ocean
b) Indian ocean
c) Atlantic ocean
d) None of these

3) The continental anticyclone of Siberia and northern Canada originate:
a) Warm air mass
b) Occluded air mass
c) Cold air mass
d) None of these

4) Study which relates to evolution of land forms is called:
a) Mycorrlizel
b) Ecology
c) Geomorphology
d) None of these

5) Rainfall caused by air rising up the slopes of mountains is termed as:
a) Conventional
b) Orographic
c) Conductional
d) None of these

6) The receding of falling tide, i.e. after high tide and before low tide is known as:
a) Ebb
b) Neap
c) Spring
d) None of these

7) Uvalva , dolines and poije are associated with:
a) Scree region
b) Hummoky region
c) Karst region
d) None of these

8) Mediterranean climate region lies between:
a) 35-45 degree N & S Lat.
b) 40-50 degree N & S Lat.
c) 50-60 degree N & S Lat.
d) None of these

9) When the source of light is in the Centre of the globe then it is referred to:
a) Zenithal sereographic projection
b) Zenithal orthographic projection
c) Zenithal gnomic projection
d) None of these

10) “Statistics” for geographers is authored by:
a) P. Hagget
b) S. Gregory
c) F. Scholz
d) None of these

11) Meandering is derived from a river Meander of:
a) Poland
b) Turkey
c) France
d) None of these

12) Which of the following is not a low cloud:
a) Cumulo-nimbus
b) Cirrostratus
c) Stratus
d) None of these

13) Jet streams are common in :
a) Plateaus
b) Atmosphere
c) Oceans
d) None of these

14) Which of the following is not affecting the visibility:
a) Dew
b) Fog
c) Haze
d) None of these

15) The oldest map showing location of river is Euphrates is a clay tablet dating back:
a) 288 BC
b) 388 BC
c) 488 BC
d) None of these

16) Humboldt current is washing coastline of:
a) Argentine & Uruguay
b) Angola & Namibia
c) Chile & Peru
d) None of these

17) Depth of sea and ocean is reckoned by:
a) Meters
b) Fathoms
c) Feet
d) None of these

18) Isohyet is a line passing the places having equal:
a) Height above the sea level
b) Sunshine
c) Rainfall
d) None of these

19) Scale graticule and purpose are indicatives of:
a) Gradient
b) Map
c) Earth quake
d) None of these

20) Which of the following represents seasonal winds:
a) Trades
b) Westerlies
c) Monsoon
d) None of these

Marks 20 Time 30 Mins[/B]

1) An equal exchange of cultural items such as ideas of behaviours between two regions reflects:
a) Transculturation
b) Assimilation
c) Transformation
d) None of these

2) The view point that the key force in the development culture of humanity is known as:
a) Environmental determinism
b) Possibilism
c) Climate change
d) None of these

3) Inca and Mayan cultures were prevailed in the:
a) Atlas mountains
b) Rocky mountains
c) Andes mountains
d) None of these

4) In the past------------------------------------- remained the leading theatre of gigantic transhumance
a) South East Asia
b) West Asia
c) Central Asia
d) None of these

5) Mongols were basically
a) Pastorlists
b) Agriculturists
c) Traders
d) None of these

6) Indus civilization has had established barter trade links with:
a) Mesopotamia
b) Nile civilization
c) Australian aborigines
d) None of these

7) Landscapes exist not only in space but through time and cannot be detached from:
a) Economic context
b) Regional context
c) Historical context
d) None of these

8) The U.S belongs to which stage of demographic transition:
a) Low deaths & high births
b) Low births & low deaths
c) Extremely low births
d) None of these

9) Which is not one of the four major components of the local decision?
a) Prime interest rate
b) Fiscal policy
c) Business cycle
d) None of these

10) Agglomeration considers all of the following except:
a) Scale
b) Scope
c) Complexity
d) None of these

11) What is not an economic tool in development?
a) Location Quotient
b) Comparative advantage
c) Central place theory
d) None of these

12) The city of Antananarivo is located in:
a) Rwanda
b) Madagascar
c) Mozambique
d) None of these

13) Greenland is governed by which European country?
a) Finland
b) Sweden
c) Denmark
d) None of these

14) The Indian Pacific rail road is located in which country?
a) Canada
b) Australia
c) Mexico
d) None of these

15) Seminar on karez-an indigenous water management system in Baluchistan held in Islamabad on 22 December 2011 was sponsored by:
d) None of these

16) Terraced fields are common in the?
a) Middle East
b) Far East
c) Tundra
d) None of these

17) The three major categories of resources are:
a) Human, capital and natural
b) Capital, machine and building
c) Human, capital and renewable
d) None of these

18) Cement industry is generally located near the:
a) Market
b) Source of labour
c) Source of raw material
d) None of these

19) Who is the following geographers first use the term pragmatic Possibilism?
a) G. Tatham
b) C. Rites
c) G. Taylor
d) None of these

20) Which of the following soils is found in the coniferous forests?
a) Latozois
b) Podzois
c) Chernozem
d) None of these

Arslan Shaukat Saturday, March 03, 2012 06:29 PM

[CENTER][B]Geography Paper I[/B]

1) Metamorphic rock in which the minerals are lined up parallel to each other is referred as:

[B]a) Foliated[/B]
b) Lithified
c) Clastic
d) None of these

2) The equatorial westerlies spread across south-east Asia from?

a) Pacific ocean
[B]b) Indian ocean[/B] ([URL]http://books.google.com.pk/books?id=Xs9LiGpNX-AC&pg=PA289&lpg=PA289&dq=The+equatorial+westerlies+spread+across+south-east+Asia+from&source=bl&ots=Hidz6qCsQ0&sig=_ndm2t-KEtjE2tyAoHZz2Zg4uPI&hl=en[/URL])
c) Atlantic ocean
d) None of these

3) The continental anticyclone of Siberia and northern Canada originate:

a) Warm air mass
b) Occluded air mass
[B]c) Cold air mass[/B]
d) None of these

4) Study which relates to evolution of land forms is called:

a) Mycorrlizel
b) Ecology
[B]c) Geomorphology[/B]
d) None of these

5) Rainfall caused by air rising up the slopes of mountains is termed as:

a) Conventional
[B]b) Orographic[/B]
c) Conductional
d) None of these

6) The receding of falling tide, i.e. after high tide and before low tide is known as:

[B]a) Ebb[/B]
b) Neap
c) Spring
d) None of these

7) Uvalva , dolines and poije are associated with:

a) Scree region
b) Hummoky region
[B]c) Karst region[/B]
d) None of these

8) Mediterranean climate region lies between:

a) 35-45 degree N & S Lat.
b) 40-50 degree N & S Lat.
c) 50-60 degree N & S Lat.
[B]d) None of these[/B] ([URL]http://www.google.com.pk/url?q=http://www.absoluteaxarquia.com/articles/garden.html&sa=U&ei=6dh6T96qF6KisQKju4SCAw&ved=0CC4QFjAJ&usg=AFQjCNG7WZ25PU-J8KhsVktxmFb4IzxD4w[/URL])

9) When the source of light is in the Centre of the globe then it is referred to:

a) Zenithal sereographic projection
b) Zenithal orthographic projection
[B]c) Zenithal gnomic projection[/B]
d) None of these

10) “Statistics” for geographers is authored by:

a) P. Hagget
[B]b) S. Gregory [/B]
c) F. Scholz
d) None of these

11) Meandering is derived from a river Meander of:

a) Poland
[B]b) Turkey[/B]
c) France
d) None of these

12) Which of the following is not a low cloud:

[B]a) Cumulo-nimbus [/B]
b) Cirrostratus
c) Stratus
d) None of these

13) Jet streams are common in :

a) Plateaus
[B]b) Atmosphere[/B]
c) Oceans
d) None of these

14) Which of the following is not affecting the visibility:

[B]a) Dew[/B]
b) Fog
c) Haze
d) None of these

15) The oldest map showing location of river is Euphrates is a clay tablet dating

[B]a) 288 BC[/B]
b) 388 BC
c) 488 BC
d) None of these

16) Humboldt current is washing coastline of:

a) Argentine & Uruguay
b) Angola & Namibia
[B]c) Chile & Peru [/B]
d) None of these

17) Depth of sea and ocean is reckoned by:

a) Meters
[B]b) Fathoms[/B]
c) Feet
d) None of these

18) Isohyet is a line passing the places having equal:

a) Height above the sea level
b) Sunshine
[B]c) Rainfall[/B]
d) None of these

19) Scale graticule and purpose are indicatives of:

a) Gradient
[B]b) Map[/B]
c) Earth quake
d) None of these

20) Which of the following represents seasonal winds:

a) Trades
b) Westerlies
[B]c) Monsoon[/B]
d) None of these

[CENTER][B]Geography Paper II

1) An equal exchange of cultural items such as ideas of behaviors between two regions reflects:

[B]a) Transculturation[/B]
b) Assimilation
c) Transformation
d) None of these

2) The view point that the key force in the development culture of humanity is known as:

a) Environmental determinism
[B]b) Possibilism[/B]
c) Climate change
d) None of these

3) Inca and Mayan cultures were prevailed in the:

a) Atlas mountains
b) Rocky mountains
[B]c) Andes mountains[/B]
d) None of these

4) In the past------------------------------------- remained the leading theatre of gigantic transhumance

[B]a) South East Asia[/B]
b) West Asia
c) Central Asia
d) None of these

5) Mongols were basically

[B]a) Pastorlists[/B]
b) Agriculturists
c) Traders
d) None of these

6) Indus civilization has had established barter trade links with:

[B]a) Mesopotamia[/B]
b) Nile civilization
c) Australian aborigines
d) None of these

7) Landscapes exist not only in space but through time and cannot be detached from:

a) Economic context
[B]b) Regional context[/B]
c) Historical context
d) None of these

8) The U.S belongs to which stage of demographic transition:

a) Low deaths & high births
[B]b) Low births & low deaths[/B]
c) Extremely low births
d) None of these

9) Which is not one of the four major components of the local decision?

a) Prime interest rate
[B]b) Fiscal policy[/B]
c) Business cycle
d) None of these

10) Agglomeration considers all of the following except:

a) Scale
b) Scope
[B]c) Complexity[/B]
d) None of these

11) What is not an economic tool in development?

a) Location Quotient
b) Comparative advantage
[B]c) Central place theory[/B]
d) None of these

12) The city of Antananarivo is located in:

a) Rwanda
[B]b) Madagascar[/B]
c) Mozambique
d) None of these

13) Greenland is governed by which European country?

a) Finland
b) Sweden
[B]c) Denmark[/B]
d) None of these

14) The Indian Pacific rail road is located in which country?

a) Canada
[B]b) Australia[/B]
c) Mexico
d) None of these

15) Seminar on karez-an indigenous water management system in Baluchistan held in Islamabad on 22 December 2011 was sponsored by:

[B]a) IUCN[/B]
d) None of these

16) Terraced fields are common in the?

a) Middle East
b) Far East
[B]c) Tundra [/B]
d) None of these

17) The three major categories of resources are:

[B]a) Human, capital and natural[/B]
b) Capital, machine and building
c) Human, capital and renewable
d) None of these

18) Cement industry is generally located near the:

a) Market
b) Source of labour
[B]c) Source of raw material[/B]
d) None of these

19) Who is the following geographers first use the term pragmatic Possibilism?

[B]a) G. Tatham[/B]
b) C. Rites
c) G. Taylor
d) None of these

20) Which of the following soils is found in the coniferous forests?

a) Latozois
[B]b) Podzois[/B]
c) Chernozem
d) None of these

Naveed_Bhuutto Saturday, March 03, 2012 06:39 PM

[B]Introduce Atlantic ocean with its floor configuration as a unique phenomenon.[/B]

Can any one tell me de answer to this question please???

MobeenBhatti Saturday, March 03, 2012 08:23 PM

[QUOTE=Naveed_Bhuutto;409572][SIZE="4"][B][I]Introduce Atlantic ocean with its floor configuration as a unique phenomenon.[/I][/B][/SIZE]

Can any one tell me de answer to this question please???[/QUOTE]

I didn't answer this but I think it had to do something with mid-Atlantic ridge, some famous deep trenches and the large continental shelf off east coast USA. It was the "unique" part that troubled me so I left this question.

It was really sad that I spent so much time learning all the ocean currents :(

MobeenBhatti Saturday, March 03, 2012 08:32 PM

I am really curious to know if someone attempted the Australia dairy and cattle farm question and why? My first thought: Who on earth would prepare for this?

JS1325 Saturday, March 03, 2012 10:04 PM

If you look at the other papers especially the optionals, you will be able to chalk out the visible change in trend of exams. MCQs are not the usual 20 juicy questions which you can bag by cramming last 10 years' past papers. The subjective questions were as analytical as they could be made and we are calling them the shocker. Yes indeed these are shockers we have received in each exam but this might be the beginning of a new epoch in css where cramming won't serve anyone and the sound knowledge base will matter. We should be rejoicing if FPSC has decided to offer a level playing field to all candidates rather than calling these shockers.

soloflyer Saturday, March 03, 2012 10:13 PM

[QUOTE=rubraiz;409661] If you look at the other papers especially the optionals, you will be able to chalk out the visible change in trend of exams. MCQs are not the usual 20 juicy questions which you can bag by cramming last 10 years' past papers. The subjective questions were as analytical as they could be made and we are calling them the shocker. Yes indeed these are shockers we have received in each exam but this might be the beginning of a new epoch in css where cramming won't serve anyone and the sound knowledge base will matter. We should be rejoicing if FPSC has decided to offer a level playing field to all candidates rather than calling these shockers.[/QUOTE]

have you seen the paper? or have you prepared for the paper and appeared in it? though this is not directed at me but i would like to clear one thing brother...analytical approach works in papers like sociology and journalism or say the compulsory papers. in a paper like geography there is no analytical reasoning involved. if you see the paper-II , you will know that some of the questions were out of the blue. no matter which exam in the world you sit there is always a pattern ...and all these guys are saying here is that this pattern is not according to the pattern and there is no rocket science if FPSC starts giving those questions that the students cannot solve ...let me be the maker and i too can set a paper that everyone will find hard to solve ...and then i can get all the applauds that i made a tough paper?

umarabbas Saturday, March 03, 2012 10:22 PM

[QUOTE=Naveed_Bhuutto;409572][SIZE="4"][B][I]Introduce Atlantic ocean with its floor configuration as a unique phenomenon.[/I][/B][/SIZE]

Can any one tell me de answer to this question please???[/QUOTE]

I think it was about the Continental Shelf and Slope being Passive unlike the Pacific one which is an Active Shelf. Secondly it is marked by Divergent Plate Boundary which makes it an expanding Ocean unlike the Pacific which is squeezing in. Ofcourse, the rest of the things were to be written too viz Shelf, Slope, Rise, Abyssal Plains, Abyssal Hills, Mid-Atlantic Ridge etc.. (this is what i wrote):cow

saff Saturday, March 03, 2012 10:22 PM

Maya civilization in Andes
Indus valley civilization had trade ties with Mesopotamia
Mongols were pastriolists
And that city Ant..SOmething is the capital of Madagascar

Please lets put up more mcqs.. what were the mcqs?

P.s. I took it for the first time and its unfair that they gave such a tough exam because some people did well last time... are they intentionally set out to fail people? Its so stupid.. if they are changing the exam pattern they should work on changing their mind sets first

JS1325 Saturday, March 03, 2012 10:39 PM

[QUOTE=soloflyer;409663]have you seen the paper? or have you prepared for the paper and appeared in it? though this is not directed at me but i would like to clear one thing brother...analytical approach works in papers like sociology and journalism or say the compulsory papers. in a paper like geography there is no analytical reasoning involved. if you see the paper-II , you will know that some of the questions were out of the blue. no matter which exam in the world you sit there is always a pattern ...and all these guys are saying here is that this pattern is not according to the pattern and there is no rocket science if FPSC starts giving those questions that the students cannot solve ...let me be the maker and i too can set a paper that everyone will find hard to solve ...and then i can get all the applauds that i made a tough paper?[/QUOTE]

None of the questions was out of the course. The Australian Dairy thing is included in Economic Geography's portion called [B]Economic Activities : primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary Activity: agricultural systems subsistence, intensive, extensive, mechanized and mixed farming[/B]. So there is no point complining that it was out of the pattern. The pattern you are talking about favours those who cram the 20 questions from the Dogar cram series or Jahangir Cram series or whatever that thing is called.

And, I am not pointing at anyone here and please don't be so naive. We are all grown men here. I am just pointing out what I believe FPSC is doing.

And you said if I prepared it or not, you should know that I have also born what occurred between 2 to 5 pm today. I believe you should consider yourself lucky that you have cleared 2011 (MashALLAH) when geography paper (let's not talk about others) was not so unexpected. So, all I mean to say here is that I believe FPSC is going to rout the cram series thing and as far as my opinion goes, I am in favour of it. I don't care if I fail or pass this year. Failing playing fair does not hurt as much as failing when playing at an unlevelled field does brother.

zaheer baloch Saturday, March 03, 2012 10:44 PM

[QUOTE=rubraiz;409678]None of the questions was out of the course. The Australian Dairy thing is included in Economic Geography's portion called [B]Economic Activities : primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary Activity: agricultural systems subsistence, intensive, extensive, mechanized and mixed farming[/B]. So there is no point complining that it was out of the pattern. The pattern you are talking about favours those who cram the 20 questions from the Dogar cram series or Jahangir Cram series or whatever that thing is called.

And, I am not pointing at anyone here and please don't be so naive. We are all grown men here. I am just pointing out what I believe FPSC is doing.

And you said if I prepared it or not, you should know that I have also born what occurred between 2 to 5 pm today. I believe you should consider yourself lucky that you have cleared 2011 (MashALLAH) when geography paper (let's not talk about others) was not so unexpected. So, all I mean to say here is that I believe FPSC is going to rout the cram series thing and as far as my opinion goes, I am in favour of it. I don't care if I fail or pass this year. Failing playing fair does not hurt as much as failing when playing at an unlevelled field does brother.[/QUOTE]

Can you please comment on this question ... is it a part of syllabub ??

1. Describe the appearance and mode of living of the following African peoples and name the regions where they live TODAY.
A. Bushmen B. Berbers C. Pigmies

umarabbas Saturday, March 03, 2012 10:45 PM

[QUOTE=zaheer baloch;409682]Can you please comment on this question ... is it a part of syllabub ??

1. Describe the appearance and mode of living of the following African peoples and name the regions where they live TODAY.
A. Bushmen B. Berbers C. Pigmies[/QUOTE]

Yaar its in Demography :P Although never asked about :D....!!

soloflyer Saturday, March 03, 2012 10:50 PM

[QUOTE=rubraiz;409678]None of the questions was out of the course. The Australian Dairy thing is included in Economic Geography's portion called [B]Economic Activities : primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary Activity: agricultural systems subsistence, intensive, extensive, mechanized and mixed farming[/B]. So there is no point complining that it was out of the pattern. The pattern you are talking about favours those who cram the 20 questions from the Dogar cram series or Jahangir Cram series or whatever that thing is called.

And, I am not pointing at anyone here and please don't be so naive. We are all grown men here. I am just pointing out what I believe FPSC is doing.

And you said if I prepared it or not, you should know that I have also born what occurred between 2 to 5 pm today. I believe you should consider yourself lucky that you have cleared 2011 (MashALLAH) when geography paper (let's not talk about others) was not so unexpected. So, all I mean to say here is that I believe FPSC is going to rout the cram series thing and as far as my opinion goes, I am in favour of it. I don't care if I fail or pass this year. Failing playing fair does not hurt as much as failing when playing at an unlevelled field does brother.[/QUOTE]

well i always consider myself lucky and the more i work hard the more luck favors me:)...yes when did i say that the paper is out of course? i know that where did that question come from and i even know that it is written in economic geography by fazle karim khan and i had read it in 2011 and 2012 too brother. FPSC is not discouraging cramming, the next year you will see again may be it will be the same kind of paper as it was in 2011. yes cramming of all sorts must be discouraged but if the paper is tough one should accept it :) and not be a hero that yes it was such an easy paper..
P.S . i hope you too get lucky this time

JS1325 Saturday, March 03, 2012 11:04 PM

[QUOTE=soloflyer;409690]well i always consider myself lucky and the more i work hard the more luck favors me:)...yes when did i say that the paper is out of course? i know that where did that question come from and i even know that it is written in economic geography by fazle karim khan and i had read it in 2011 and 2012 too brother. FPSC is not discouraging cramming, the next year you will see again may be it will be the same kind of paper as it was in 2011. yes cramming of all sorts must be discouraged but if the paper is tough one should accept it :) and not be a hero that yes it was such an easy paper..
P.S . i hope you too get lucky this time[/QUOTE]

My opinion is not based on the geography exam only. I have said before and I repeat, other optionals which I have sat for, I have seen the deviations.

P.S. Inferring from the discusion going on this thread, I guess getting lucky wouldn't be easy this time around

soloflyer Saturday, March 03, 2012 11:12 PM

[QUOTE=rubraiz;409695]My opinion is not based on the geography exam only. I have said before and I repeat, other optionals which I have sat for, I have seen the deviations.

P.S. Inferring from the discusion going on this thread, I guess getting lucky wouldn't be easy this time around[/QUOTE]

yes and i fully support that deviations like the one in journalism or sociology. but the problem is that these deviations are not permanent either. like last time my british history paper was totally opinion based and this time it was more related to cramming. similarly even in Geo paper 2 , check the question of major crops in south asia and their major regions.
now all these regions have to be crammed otherwise one cannot write the answer.
anyways goodluck to you

mani1 Saturday, March 03, 2012 11:33 PM

I like the current pattern of opinion based and non-conventional questions. This should be continued and enhanced for 2012. The aim should be to pass no more than 400 in written so that people do not go through torture of waiting as we are doing for 2011

soloflyer Sunday, March 04, 2012 12:04 AM

[QUOTE=mani1;409702]I like the current pattern of opinion based and non-conventional questions. This should be continued and enhanced for 2012. The aim should be to pass no more than 400 in written so that people do not go through torture of waiting as we are doing for 2011[/QUOTE]

that would make interview redundant:) and that they will not allow and even with easy papers they can fail as many as they want to :P

greenhorn Sunday, March 04, 2012 12:21 AM

i feel sorry for thsoe who opted this subject this time. Its totally unfair on the fpsc side to maek such an awkward paper. If u look at political science, it was straight forward so those candidates who opted Political sciene would have edge over geography students, this will surely hurt the final merit list as well and many will bite the dust in the end. sorry geography folks..

mani1 Sunday, March 04, 2012 01:15 AM

Not in a mood to debate but thats just how I like it. I like tough papers which create competition and discourage cramming and encourage analytical and deep study. You may think otherwise and I respect your opinion but to each his own :)

mechrose37 Sunday, March 04, 2012 11:27 AM

I have observed that views of passed candidates change immensely after passing exams.Before the papers,one is praying for easy and simple papers.Once one has passed exams,he expects others to do well in even in very tough papers.

We must have feel for others in same manner as we feel and sympathise with ourselves.Seniors should encourage juniors instead of scare them away.One bad paper of Geography does not put a seal upon on the fact that Geo is no more a scoring subject.Both papers were unexpected in very soft terms but for next year,one should be determined to work hard and do well next year.

Wali Ahad Sunday, March 04, 2012 12:09 PM

Dear Geography-takers,

let me ease your torment through a verse [URL="http://quran.com/2/216"][B]"perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not"[/B] _Surah Al Baqarah_216[/URL]

please do NOT lose hope...(real or perceived) difficulty level of papers has NO bearing on the marks whatsoever....the [U]Islamic history paper[/U] of 2010 was the EASIEST paper in the history (:pp ) yet majority of the candidates scored very low marks in it..most of us couldnt even exceed 100/200!! yours truly got 92/200, despite getting 17/20 objectives right in EACH paper :hurt ..[U]journalism [/U]of 2010 was also an easy one (communication, mag journalism, PR etc) there i got 20/20 objectives correct, yet my score was 47/100 !! :0

on the other hand, [U]business administration paper[/U] felt like a "difficult" one since there was no numerical (/scoring) question (yup, theoretical questions even in the financial portion!) and many weird objectives related to data storage/IT whatever....still, the scores were pretty good (i got 64)

so dont worry..stay focused! if anything, the difficulty level is directly proportional to marks :dd (i.e the greater the diff level, the greater the marks obtained)

kashifaslam Monday, March 05, 2012 01:44 AM

my personal experience with gegraphy is quite good

despite having a shaky paper 2 in my attempt and a so so paper 1

i stll got 148 / 200 paper 1 = 77 paper 2 = 71

i remember i cud attempt only 3 question in paper 1 and onky 2 in paper 2

but i try to be focussed and attempted all questions
u can use ur knowledge and try to answers by relevant topics if u dun know the exact answers
in the end . its the effort that matters ... and ALLAH knows best how to reward

sajjad sadique Tuesday, March 06, 2012 10:57 AM

[QUOTE=kashifaslam;410126]my personal experience with gegraphy is quite good

despite having a shaky paper 2 in my attempt and a so so paper 1

i stll got 148 / 200 paper 1 = 77 paper 2 = 71

i remember i cud attempt only 3 question in paper 1 and onky 2 in paper 2

but i try to be focussed and attempted all questions
u can use ur knowledge and try to answers by relevant topics if u dun know the exact answers
in the end . its the effort that matters ... and ALLAH knows best how to reward[/QUOTE]

sir u've elevated my hopes......thanks
i attempted 4 in paper 1 and in paper II 2 questions were excellent one based on my previous knowlegde of agriculture and last one was terrible...i was so confused that istead of whole asia i could focus only on south asia regarding population density...
but what keeps us driving is hope.....Allah khyr kray

wasfagillani Tuesday, March 06, 2012 04:32 PM

the paper was from PMS course....if u see the topics given by PMS then u'll come to know....rest paper was unexpected...as it was from PMS course that includes few more topics than CSS course

Sehriiish Thursday, March 08, 2012 07:13 PM

Come On people.. It is CSS not metric exams... U people should make Ur mind for all such unexpected papers... They are there to judge u people by giving such Questions otherwise it will b really difficult for them to select people who really deserves to be a CSP officer...!!! May b both papers were unexpected but they were not difficult to solve...!!! My both papers were gud Alhamdulliah Although they were unexpected for me as well but i really felt that day, that i am giving exams of CSS :) Gudluck to everyone!!!:))

Arslan Shaukat Monday, March 12, 2012 02:41 PM

Geography Paper 2 MCQs
I am posting some MCQs of paper 2. Please members post more MCQs that you remember. Also check my answers and post the right ones with logic.:clap

1. Who amongst the following geographers first used the term 'Pragmatic Possibilism' ?
C. Ritter (b) [B]G. Tatham[/B] (c) J. Brunhes (d) G. Taylor
Allah jane kon basher? My answer was b

2. Pacific Indian Railway

3. Mongols profession was?
[B]Pastrolists[/B] b. Farmer c. bla bla

4. Greenland administered by
[B]Denmark[/B] b. Finland

5. Antananarvio is capital of
[B]Madagascar[/B] b. Mozambique

6. On 22 dec, 2011 Which organization held a seminar in Baluchistan on Karez?

7. ‘Meanders’ term originated from
[B]Turkey[/B] b. France c. bla bla bla
8. Indus valley civilization trade links

9. Maya civilization……………………….

Ranjha M S Monday, March 12, 2012 05:39 PM

I am still awaiting Geography-genious Syda Sabaht's comments on Geography paper 2012.

As far as mcqs of Paper I of were concerned mcqs were somewhat conventional and easier as compared to geo II.

Few of them that I can recall.

1-Poljes and dolines assossociated with which type of land forms. ---Karst region.
2-What is the science of studying land forms.-------morphology
3-Mediterraneans region falls in latitude----- 40-50 north and south.
4-lines on a map connecting points having same amount of rainfall---isohytes

Later on I shall try to post remaining ones

Arslan Shaukat Tuesday, March 13, 2012 11:39 AM

Medditeranian Climatic Region
Dear Ranjha!

Medditeranian Claimatic Region falls between 40degN and 40degS lattitude. I wonder if this option was there in the options! Do you reckon?

Please post remaining MCQs of Paper 1 for the benefit of the CSS community here.

Muhammad humayun Tuesday, March 13, 2012 06:11 PM

geography paper discussion
Asslamo Alikum! Both papers of Geog 2012 were difficult. What was meant to the question that

" Introduce Atlantic Ocean with its flows configuration as a unique phenomena?"
"Evaluate physical weathering and its occurrences in different climate areas over the globe?"

Plz seniors put some light to both of these questions. thanxxx

umarabbas Tuesday, March 13, 2012 10:42 PM

[QUOTE=Muhammad humayun;413159]Asslamo Alikum! Both papers of Geog 2012 were difficult. What was meant to the question that

" Introduce Atlantic Ocean with its flows configuration as a unique phenomena?"
"Evaluate physical weathering and its occurrences in different climate areas over the globe?"

Plz seniors put some light to both of these questions. thanxxx[/QUOTE]

Humayun! i will be in deep trouble if the question read flows instead of floor configuration. It was floor configuration. One needed to discuss the floor configuration of the Atlantic Ocean i.e. its continental shelf, mid atlantic ridge etc as you travel from the east coast of USA to the West Coast of Europe. Its unique features could be highlighted while comparing with the pacific ocean. like the width of the contiental shelf, the dormancy of the continental slope! plus the pacific ocean is a contracting ocean while the atlantic ocean is an expanding ocean! that's all i could write there. perhaps there was more to add!

in the second question about weathering i wrote what physical weathering was and what the types were (or the forces in other words) and then highlighted the climates where they occur...like high altitudes, places of extreme temperatures, deserts etc! once again perhaps there was more to add which i dont know about

SYEDA SABAHAT Wednesday, March 14, 2012 07:43 PM

[QUOTE=umarabbas;413237]Humayun! i will be in deep trouble if the question read flows instead of floor configuration. It was floor configuration. One needed to discuss the floor configuration of the Atlantic Ocean i.e. its continental shelf, mid atlantic ridge etc as you travel from the east coast of USA to the West Coast of Europe. Its unique features could be highlighted while comparing with the pacific ocean. like the width of the contiental shelf, the dormancy of the continental slope! plus the pacific ocean is a contracting ocean while the atlantic ocean is an expanding ocean! that's all i could write there. perhaps there was more to add!

in the second question about weathering i wrote what physical weathering was and what the types were (or the forces in other words) and then highlighted the climates where they occur...like high altitudes, places of extreme temperatures, deserts etc! once again perhaps there was more to add which i dont know about[/QUOTE]

yes umarabbas bahi you are right. papers were not difficult,infact they asked unexpected questions this time.

as far as the first question is concerned its all about configuration floor of atlantic ocean.
the answers goes like this
1) floor (its surroundings and depth)
2) continental shelf ( its %, its bank)
3)mid atlanic ridge
5) deep or trenches( famous is Puerto Rico deep)
6)islands in north atlantic oceans
7) marginal seas

2nd question is already answered by umar bahi.

Skylimit Wednesday, March 14, 2012 09:15 PM

[QUOTE=umarabbas;413237]Humayun! i will be in deep trouble if the question read flows instead of floor configuration. It was floor configuration. One needed to discuss the floor configuration of the Atlantic Ocean i.e. its continental shelf, mid atlantic ridge etc as you travel from the east coast of USA to the West Coast of Europe. Its unique features could be highlighted while comparing with the pacific ocean. like the width of the contiental shelf, the dormancy of the continental slope! plus the pacific ocean is a contracting ocean while the atlantic ocean is an expanding ocean! that's all i could write there. perhaps there was more to add!

in the second question about weathering i wrote what physical weathering was and what the types were (or the forces in other words) and then highlighted the climates where they occur...like high altitudes, places of extreme temperatures, deserts etc! once again perhaps there was more to add which i dont know about[/QUOTE]

To be precise, the question about physical weathering should revolve around this:

1- Repeated heating and cooling
2- Repeated wetting and drying
3- Frost Action
4- Biotic Factors

Now in all above headings, one has to give definition of each and the associated climate where this phenomena takes place. Obviously even the names of above headings suggest what could be the climates experiencing the above phenomena.

umarabbas Wednesday, March 14, 2012 09:29 PM

[QUOTE=Skylimit;413519]To be precise, the question about physical weathering should revolve around this:

1- Repeated heating and cooling
2- Repeated wetting and drying
3- Frost Action
4- Biotic Factors

Now in all above headings, one has to give definition of each and the associated climate where this phenomena takes place. Obviously even the names of above headings suggest what could be the climates experiencing the above phenomena.[/QUOTE]

I guess Biotic Weathering was the third type of weathering....like physical, chemical and biotic!

Kamran Wednesday, March 14, 2012 09:42 PM

[QUOTE=umarabbas;413527]I guess Biotic Weathering was the third type of weathering....like physical, chemical and biotic![/QUOTE]

and how about question no 3. glaciers wala?

umarabbas Wednesday, March 14, 2012 09:58 PM

[QUOTE=Kamran;413532]and how about question no 3. glaciers wala?[/QUOTE]

the question was "Present glaciated morphology through various stages"...

since morphology means "The Shape of the land" and the way i understood the word stages was "creation of the glacier, the flow of the glacier, and then the retreat or termination of the glacier"

so what i wrote was the landforms of all the three stages: starting from corrie, and ended on terminal moraines and erratics etc...!! i may have missed stuff because they were too many...

and yes, since we were asked to "Present" the information, therefore i drew them also!

Kamran Wednesday, March 14, 2012 10:31 PM

[QUOTE=umarabbas;413537]the question was "Present glaciated morphology through various stages"...

since morphology means "The Shape of the land" and the way i understood the word stages was "creation of the glacier, the flow of the glacier, and then the retreat or termination of the glacier"

so what i wrote was the landforms of all the three stages: starting from corrie, and ended on terminal moraines and erratics etc...!! i may have missed stuff because they were too many...

and yes, since we were asked to "Present" the information, therefore i drew them also![/QUOTE]

Thank you bro.I wish Geography remains scoring this time as well :)

umershahzad225 Friday, March 16, 2012 01:55 AM

plz... help me in mcq: mayan civilization is in andes. is it right or wrong

I think that it is not in andes because andes is the region of south america. And mayan people never reached there.

Plzzz.... students upload more mcq's of geography paper II

SYEDA SABAHAT Friday, March 16, 2012 07:55 PM

salam to all.

geography guys i am not feeling bad at all. infact i am surprised that how FPSC managed to made such a tough paper of specially geography 1 specially, i was expecting the same for paper 2.

friends don`t worry ap ye mat socho k paper kitna tough tha ap ye socho k apne kya sekha, ab to apko pattern pata chal gaya ho ga to work hard for the next time. disappoint bilkul nhi hona CSP intne kamzoor nhi hotay.

mane kahen parha k koi keh raha tha k its a blunder to opt geography to ma ye btate chalon janab ho sakta ha k ap koi aur subject opt kerte to us ma bhi yehi hota to ap kya kehte.

no doubt geography is a scoring subject and it will remain due to changing political scenarios the subject geography has gained more importance so that they made tough paper to see your grip on this subject.

friends in the last i just remember these lines

[B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Success will never lower its level to accomodate us.We have to raise our level to get it. Remember for every bird GOD provides food, but not in the nest.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]

BEST OF LUCK to all. INSHALLAH jo ALLAH pak behtar samjhen ge wohi ho ga so just relax.

regards sabahat

12:22 PM (GMT +5)

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