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SYED KAMRAN ALI SHAH Saturday, December 05, 2015 09:57 PM

[QUOTE=Aamish Bhatti;890119]What I have been able to understand is that Gilgit-Baltistan was parts of Jammu and Kashmir so the resolution of UN also applies on GB. Without referendum GB can not be integrated into Pakistan. But there is no such resolution for FATA. It can be simply made different province without any hindrance.

FATA must be made separate province. Being a part of KPK they will be neglected the way South Punjab is neglected by Lahore today. FATA has its own identity and power should be in the hands of its people and they should not be directed from Peshawer.

A separate province will be better for people of FATA. Mergering FATA with KPK will be beneficial for KPK.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=adan zahra;890317]salam Mr Shah.. as you bother all members of the forum so i would like to participate as well. firstly, i have a cofusion about FATA and G.B why they are seprate?? sorry to say, but i have much narrow views about these things..:confused:[/QUOTE]
It was done by British.They made FATA a separate region for their vested interest. FATA was seperated from NWFP to made a buffer state with Afghanistan.

For more you can google.

sincere khan Saturday, December 05, 2015 10:22 PM

If FATA become a part of KPK, then it will be very good for tribal peoples. FATA will become develop , there will be full peace, education ratio will increased, etc

Sociologist PU Monday, December 07, 2015 07:49 PM

FATA is culturally associated with KPK and naturally a part of KPK. The British keep it separate from rest of the country because of governance issues and problems with Afghanistan. Now the situation is changed and the government should respond to the changed situation.

junaid ejaz Monday, December 07, 2015 08:21 PM

FATA is the territory which lies under pakistan government but GB was the part of azad kashmir. if pakistan want to make FATA a seperate province he could do it without passing any resolution from UN but as said above GB was the part of kashmir. although kashmir is administrated by pakistan government but basically it is a disputed territory. pakistan only through referendum can make it a province

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