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silenthunter Monday, July 23, 2012 11:01 AM

The future of Pakistan is bright or we are going to further in to Abyss?:thinking

alihashmatkhoso Monday, July 23, 2012 11:33 AM

[QUOTE=silenthunter;457310]The future of Pakistan is bright or we are going to further in to Abyss?:thinking[/QUOTE]
dear this world is existing cause of hope. and one's thinking will support to his future situation. positive hopes, courages thinking, and confidence building of individuals will change the the image of country. Pakistan's matter we are existing as a backward country on the world mape, unstable, weak economy, poor law and order situation are name of Pakistan. now let me take a glance on Pakistan, Pakistan posses four seasons for agriculture, black gold (coal) which is enough to improve our economy and to vanish existing energy crisis, renewable resources in Pakistan, wind energy 1046 km coastline of sindh has been identified as having wind power potential 50,000 mw, solar energy. the solar potential exists in southern parts of country where it receives2,142 kwh of solar irradition per year. and the best river system is quite able to pull pak. on the top and a lot of others. now what we needed just awareness of masses and spirit to do something for our country. masses moving toward this. b/w our development and we have just distance of strong decisions which will be cover very soon and our Pakistan will become a stable, developed and peaceful country. conclusion of above discussion is that Pakistan's future is bright....

mano g Monday, July 23, 2012 03:25 PM

[QUOTE=silenthunter;457310]The future of Pakistan is bright or we are going to further in to Abyss?:thinking[/QUOTE]

Future of Pakistan is bright but we have to put in our efforts to make it bright, just criticizing the system is not the solution, Allah Almighty has given all of us a domain and some powers, we are answerable for that. Do your best and be hopeful, we have a shining tomorrow!

rose_pak Monday, July 23, 2012 03:41 PM

There is great potential in Pakistan ranging from mineral resources of salt to nuclear technology, human resources to precious natural resources. However, we must be mindful of challenges - population bulge, increasing disparity and impoverishment, and the biggest, Educational Emergency.

So, its on our shoulders now to take care of our beloved Pakistan by diverting its challenges into opportunities. However, I believe it would be a far fetched idea unless some steps towards full accountability, time bound service delivery, basic minimum human life standardization and grass root level empowerment is done.

khuhro Monday, July 23, 2012 08:47 PM

[QUOTE=silenthunter;457310]The future of Pakistan is bright or we are going to further in to Abyss?:thinking[/QUOTE]

[B]Geo-Strategic Location:[/B]
Located in the heart of Asia, Pakistan is gateway to energy rich Central Asian States, Financially liquid Gulf States and economically advanced Far Eastern Countries. This strategic advantage alone makes Pakistan a market place teeming with possibilities.

[B]Trained Workforce:[/B]
With a population of 160 million people, the country offers both a lucrative consumer market as well as a well trained competent workforce. Add to that a business friendly environment, robust economic indicators, untapped investment opportunities and a growing world class infrastructure; this large, trained and productive population, therefore, represents a big opportunity for Pakistan to benefit from its demographic dividends which can fuel Pakistan’s growth for the next fifty years.

[B]Economic Outlook:[/B]
Pakistan is one of the fastest growing economies of the world having touched a record GDP growth rate of 8.4% in 2005. Average growth during last four year has been 7%. Foreign investment has risen sharply from an average of US$400 million in the 1990s to over US$9 billion in 2007-08.

[B]Investment Policies:[/B]
Current investment policies have been tailor made to suit investor needs. Pakistan’s policy trends have been consistent, with Liberalization, De-regulation, Privatization, and Facilitation being its cornerstones.

Financial Markets:
The capital markets are being modernized, and reforms have resulted in development of infrastructure in the stock exchanges of the country, The Federal Board of Revenue has facilitated structural reform in tax and tariffs.

[B]Pakistan has:[/B]
• 2nd largest Salt mine
• 5th largest Gold mine
• 5th largest Coal reserves
• 7th largest Copper mine

[B]Pakistan is:[/B]
• 11th largest Wheat producer
• 12th largest Rice producer
• 5th largest milk produce

REF: [url]http://potentialofpakistan.com/main.html[/url]

However Pakistan is facing some problems due to socio-economic and Geo-political situation. well on other hand our past weak policies are responsible for this scenario that we are facing today. Long rule of dictators made our country in this worst situation. Taliban are brain-child of one our Mullah dictator and result is in front of us after more the thirty years. however, Pakistan is also facing [B]lack of education, poor health facility, poor law and order situation, price hike[/B] and many more issues that can be solved if they deal with determination

samia fakhar Monday, July 23, 2012 09:38 PM

Pakistan is a rich country with poor management and pathetic exploitation of resources of poor people. No doubt we should hope for the best, the best thing we can do in our capacity in such scenario but a part from this now this is the time to join hands and raise our voices against exploitation of rights of our country but I am sorry it is not so easy as just to have a debate on the issue on socail media but we have to work hard in our range and adore to other's polity in favour of our beloved PAKISTAN.:oo:oo

silenthunter Tuesday, July 24, 2012 08:53 AM

don't you think that we have to extricate ourselves from the shackles of traditions that hinder in the development of our country and individuals. Our culture no doubt is a beautiful culture but still there are some loop wholes that needs to be needs to be filled by youth and enlighten people.

as they say when there is a will there is away, so i am very optimistic and as Parmenidus said long time ago Change is an inevitable process it occur all we have to do is to be ready for it.

samia fakhar Tuesday, July 24, 2012 01:03 PM

[QUOTE=silenthunter;457721]don't you think that we have to extricate ourselves from the shackles of traditions that hinder in the development of our country and individuals. Our culture no doubt is a beautiful culture but still there are some loop wholes that needs to be needs to be filled by youth and enlighten people.[/QUOTE]

well, i am stern believer of dynamic characteristic of culture. No culture can't be without change and if a culture is static it means it is dead culture which now in modern era of globalisation is next to impossible. "Change is the very spice of life." No doubt our culture is also changing which is appreciatable at many fronts, but still there are many things which have been penetrated in our society for many years and need modification in the best interest of our society and country and have the status of our SOCIAL VALUES. No doubt our culture is marvellous and has binded in such a manner that it saves our values to collapse but still we should be very much optimistic for the change but only if it has no contradiction with our primrary and vital religious, economic and social norms and values. we should accept the cultural change in our best interest and should be critical for pros and cons of the agents of the change.:D

desertrain Thursday, July 26, 2012 02:56 PM

If things exist the way they are now then I fear that the name 'Pakistan' would confine to the pages of history only.

The way things are, clearly indicates a dark future for our country.
I see no single leader or person that is truly sincere with this land. And , those who claim , I dont see them planning a better strategy to remove evils from Our land.

We demand for good governance but who would govern such nation , where each and every person is dipped in betrayal with this country.
Not Just here but everywhere , even in Other countries you would see Paki's doing their best to break the rules. Indulge in Crimes etc.

Of what use our Geographic location is ?
What would we do on such resources when we cudnt raise a single person to utilize them.
Things we cudnt do in 60 years , why do I beleive in doing it in few years ?

Fact is that we have No potential, we are only surviving like those of animals.

Just hopes and Nothing else.
May Allah protect this country !!

samia fakhar Thursday, July 26, 2012 05:37 PM

[QUOTE=desertrain;458600]If things exist the way they are now then I fear that the name 'Pakistan' would confine to the pages of history only.

The way things are, clearly indicates a dark future for our country.
I see no single leader or person that is truly sincere with this land. And , those who claim , I dont see them planning a better strategy to remove evils from Our land.

We demand for good governance but who would govern such nation , where each and every person is dipped in betrayal with this country.
Not Just here but everywhere , even in Other countries you would see Paki's doing their best to break the rules. Indulge in Crimes etc.

Of what use our Geographic location is ?
What would we do on such resources when we cudnt raise a single person to utilize them.
Things we cudnt do in 60 years , why do I beleive in doing it in few years ?

Fact is that we have No potential, we are only surviving like those of animals.

Just hopes and Nothing else.
May Allah protect this country !![/QUOTE]

no this is not the case... why should our youth be so hopeless that they are talking about disintegration of Pakistan (Allah forbids) and saying that Pakistan will be part of pages of any history book.... Yes I admit that there are few things which need to be corrected but still we have the rays of hopes... why are we always look for any initiative from our leaders? we can do our work in our capacity for our country... no doubt our work will not be in proportion of work which will be done by our leaders but still we can take a step ahead. We should not only focus on sincerety of our leaders but we should also analyse that how much we are sincere with our country? and again this is your misconception that every where only Pakistani's are creating mess... crimes in the western countries are even more severe... take the case of our eastern neighbouring country which claim to be a secular state, beating a school girl by many men is just the gist of severity of human right violation of that so called secular state... america claiming to be one of the civilized nations has the authority of running Guantanamu Bay, well I am not going in details of monopoly of america on whole world (I just quote these two example to show that in Pakistan neither there is any Guantanamu bay nor we can even imagine of beating a girl on roads and our people will tolerate the incidence).. I am not saying that we do not have any problem but extreme hopelessness always creates the place for extreme hopefulness... we should be hopeful and we should take start from our home... charity begins at home...

~BraveHeart~ Thursday, July 26, 2012 06:04 PM

[QUOTE=samia fakhar;458653]no this is not the case... why should our youth be so hopeless that they are talking about disintegration of Pakistan (Allah forbids) and saying that Pakistan will be part of pages of any history book.... Yes I admit that there are few things which need to be corrected but still we have the rays of hopes... why are we always look for any initiative from our leaders? we can do our work in our capacity for our country... no doubt our work will not be in proportion of work which will be done by our leaders but still we can take a step ahead. We should not only focus on sincerety of our leaders but we should also analyse that how much we are sincere with our country? and again this is your misconception that every where only Pakistani's are creating mess... crimes in the western countries are even more severe... take the case of our eastern neighbouring country which claim to be a secular state, beating a school girl by many men is just the gist of severity of human right violation of that so called secular state... america claiming to be one of the civilized nations has the authority of running Guantanamu Bay, well I am not going in details of monopoly of america on whole world (I just quote these two example to show that in Pakistan neither there is any Guantanamu bay nor we can even imagine of beating a girl on roads and our people will tolerate the incidence).. I am not saying that we do not have any problem but extreme hopelessness always creates the place for extreme hopefulness... we should be hopeful and we should take start from our home... charity begins at home...[/QUOTE]
@ Samia Fakhar, I really appreciate your optimistic view on our coutry. "A man's country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle and patriotism is loyalty to that principle." I just want to add a small view of mine that the day when we all will be together( Punjabi,Sindhi,Balochi,Pathan,all others),, as you can better judge the recent scenerio,[B] by which It is crystal clear that we are dragging the future of Pakistan in gloom !! By making seperate Provinces or depriving any Province by accession of His due rights we can only produce hatred amongst us not UNITY!![/B]

desertrain Thursday, July 26, 2012 10:27 PM

Sister I completely Agree with you. Its hopelessness that nourishes the human hope. And we should always look for the good instead of Giving Up !!

But the thing is that Not only we need a Competent leader but we are also having troubles with our People.
Where would you find sincere people for this country ?

Near to My house there are two short bridges. More than 100 years have now passed to that bridge. And they are still in better condition. Just because it was Built by English Engineers during their rule.

While few months before , there was a project of rebuilding the main Gate of Our university campus.
They built it , the next day it fell down and two workers died underneath.
Just because the engineer to whom the project was given used substandard material just to cut costs.

Every single person is involved in curruption. From driver to Engineer, to doctor to busnessman.

When such are the conditions of our people , why should I think then that things will get better in future ?

You quoted about Guantanamo bay- well , then it Must be in Your Knowledge that the captives in this bay arent Americans.

No matter how ruthless their Govt is for the rest of the countries ( it is something related to International relations) but their own people have been provided with all kind of facilities.
Atleast they have got privileges as a normal citizen should have.

You said beating a girl to death. Well, kidnapping, killings and child labour is at rife here.

You might disapprove of what I said. But trust me , if u ever have a chance to visit some foreign country ,do observe our people.
When people are crossing the road , the only car that wont stop for them would be driven by a Pakistani.
The person that u find quarrelsome would be Pakistani.
The only person staring at people would be from here.

I just dont understand why only WE ?
It will take long long to change the minds of people. Words doesnt carry power. We shall get more into practical.

Beleive Me , other nations are hundred years ahead of us.
And you said charity begins at home- but who will take the first step ? We ? If we , then when ?

samia fakhar Friday, July 27, 2012 01:12 PM

[QUOTE=~BraveHeart~;458655]@ Samia Fakhar, I really appreciate your optimistic view on our coutry. "A man's country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle and patriotism is loyalty to that principle." I just want to add a small view of mine that the day when we all will be together( Punjabi,Sindhi,Balochi,Pathan,all others),, as you can better judge the recent scenerio,[B] by which It is crystal clear that we are dragging the future of Pakistan in gloom !! By making seperate Provinces or depriving any Province by accession of His due rights we can only produce hatred amongst us not UNITY!![/B][/QUOTE]

I agree that if we will make some people of the country deprived, the situation will turn to the incidence of 1970s (Allah forbids) but we should keep in mind that 1971 Bangalis were used by foreign forces in their interests and now we Pakistani can't afford to become the tools of anti Pakistan forces... I hope u are understanding... we all have the contribution in the prospect of the country... Have you ever not forward a joke about Pathan or Punjabi to your friend? It may be a small act but only this single act creating the different identities such as Pathan, Punjabi, Balochi and Sindhi rather than Pakistani? Isn't it? Why are we talking about that a policies are compeling people of a province to demand seperation (I hope u are getting me) no doubt, policy makers have the great contribution but we -the masses- are also playing our part? have you ever the chance to live with people other than your language? what have you noticed? Have you not passed from the situation when your friends are taunting and asking very odd questions about ur sect? Can't we question a near by mosque MULLA if he is criticing a particular sect in his religioius speeches? If we all the part and parcel of these acts then i think so I am right that charity begins at home... no doubt the situation is getting gloomy day by day but we as Pakistanis should play our part at least.... we sholud not let any one to play with our sentiments, become a tool in their hands and we should be aware that if these people are not sincere with their mother land and trying to disintegrate her then how is it possible that they will be sincere with us...?

[QUOTE=desertrain;458721]Sister I completely Agree with you. Its hopelessness that nourishes the human hope. And we should always look for the good instead of Giving Up !!

But the thing is that Not only we need a Competent leader but we are also having troubles with our People.
Where would you find sincere people for this country ?

Near to My house there are two short bridges. More than 100 years have now passed to that bridge. And they are still in better condition. Just because it was Built by English Engineers during their rule.

While few months before , there was a project of rebuilding the main Gate of Our university campus.
They built it , the next day it fell down and two workers died underneath.
Just because the engineer to whom the project was given used substandard material just to cut costs.

Every single person is involved in curruption. From driver to Engineer, to doctor to busnessman.

When such are the conditions of our people , why should I think then that things will get better in future ?

You quoted about Guantanamo bay- well , then it Must be in Your Knowledge that the captives in this bay arent Americans.

No matter how ruthless their Govt is for the rest of the countries ( it is something related to International relations) but their own people have been provided with all kind of facilities.
Atleast they have got privileges as a normal citizen should have.

You said beating a girl to death. Well, kidnapping, killings and child labour is at rife here.

You might disapprove of what I said. But trust me , if u ever have a chance to visit some foreign country ,do observe our people.
When people are crossing the road , the only car that wont stop for them would be driven by a Pakistani.
The person that u find quarrelsome would be Pakistani.
The only person staring at people would be from here.

I just dont understand why only WE ?
It will take long long to change the minds of people. Words doesnt carry power. We shall get more into practical.

Beleive Me , other nations are hundred years ahead of us.
And you said charity begins at home- but who will take the first step ? We ? If we , then when ?[/QUOTE]

Thanks for calling me sister first of all:bow:bow... well brother there are many things you mentioned in your comment and i will appreciate your observations as well:dd:dd...
ur first question: Where would you find sincere people for this country ?
well i will find a sincere person on this very forum and that is DESERTRAIN. isn't it? tell me are u not sincere with Pakistan? there are many peolpe like you who are thinking about the situation and this is even satisfactory thing that we the masses are not sleeping... and if we are conscious about the situation then we can play our part. as educated people we can at least clearify the minds of our uneducated people about the patriotism.. a very small act but very encouraging and a good contribution in our capacity.
second thing you said that every single person is involved in corruption. well to my mind this corruption is a moral crime as well... we as student and as professionals how much is we pouring into our responsibities? tell me if as a student you will get the chance to cheat in exam will yuo lose this opportunity? i think so a big NOT... (I am not talking about u brother i am just quoting an example to show the moral corruption of our nation. my stance is clear we can't expect any good change from our leaders if we will not take initiative from our side) you said that each and every person is corrupt but who is that each and every person? are not we?
now about Gauntanamu bay... well i know their are no American in guantanamu bay but their are human beings. I just quoted the example that the so called civilized courties are crossing their limits of human right violation but they are very good in blaming others....
you said that American government is providing facilities to their citizens but there are two things in this as well... America is snatching the rights of others and pouring it in to country... Iraq war was a oil game in Afghanistan she has its own interest.. so it is also not fair to snatch the right of others and give it to her own people.. (here we should think as a human being not as American. If might is right then this prosperity is also questionalbe)
well about beating girl I say that there is zero chance of occurance of incidence... why? because I think so people of Pakistan is not so insensitive that a gang is beating a girl on the road and you will not notice it or will not take an action.... no doubt there are criminal factors in our society but our common people are not alike... I am not saying "PAKISTAN MAIN DODH KI NEHRAIN BEH RAHI HAIN" but we should be opitimistic... developed nations have also started from scratches why not we? and we have not to take start from scratches... trust me we have potentials but we have ta take initiative...

desertrain Saturday, July 28, 2012 04:10 PM

Never thought somebody would ever look on me as a brother. Its the first time somebody ever called me brother - sounds good , thanx sister !! :)

Back to the topic :
I am holding high Regards for your Sincere wishes and for your great devotion to the future of this country :b .
Your Thoughts are worth Considering. And I hope Many of Us including me would atleast try once to act on these after reading them ..
You aswell try to act on them :d

you will find desertrain- a sincere person on this forum, well thanx , haha. But you will find many more sincere people on the same forum but only ON forum. Outside this forum , hmm, things doesnt remain the same. We are all dependent on each other , on the system that we are in. The circumstances around us that have laid bondages upon us arent that easy to escape. There is a huge difference in Just Talking and doing things.

Well , you said America is facilitating her people with the rights and facilities that they have snatched from others ? Well, No Doubt , you are right !! But what are we doing ? Snatching rights from our own people and facilitating ourselves from them, isnt it so ?
Dont u see the people around you involved in such acts ?
Atleast their masses are restricted to themselves , living in their own boundaries.

See the difference ..

Human Rights violation - well, but first u have to provide Ur own people with their rights and when u accomplish this then sure you can show them the right way by taking a futher step of thinking on global level.
But first atleast try to acheive the former one ..

Last Night I switched on the Tv around 2'oclock - a host with 3 young black beard scholars , in a live program, discussing 'Khayanat'. The scholars went on to describing Khayanat and then continued listing its types , further illustrating the different categories of Khayanat. The host though a clean shaved but he too appeared to have a good knowledge of Islam.
The discussion continued but my mind got stucked on the very thought that Masha Allah , God has bestowed our people with such a great Knowledge, every person knows what Islam is. Ask a Nursery class Kid and he would even tell you what Khayanat is. I mean Khayanat is Khayanat , why to go in such a huge discussion abt this type and that type ?
Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong , then why to go into categories of right and wrong ?
Why are we always into such minor things? I mean couldnt we come Up with something better ?
Western people are buying lands on Moon and we havent yet decided what is right and what is wrong.
The time that we waste on discussing issues could be utilized in implenting them practically, isnt it ?

Everybody knows the ill-consequences of Infusion or mixing up impure or unwanted things into milk and all other edibles but the practice itself is common. unethical behaviour , even have a look on the behaviour of teachers with their students.
These few things are an essentials of a good and morally developed society and we have NoNe of them here.

The Next thing that captured my mind was that inspite of such a Great knowledge, the prevalence of awareness among our people- beleive me we all know our weaknesses , we all know the mistakes our predecessors made , and we all are well aware of whats still dragging us into such mess- yet Nobody has taken a bold step in fixing the defects.
Each and single person is involved in 'If he do this', 'If we do this', 'If he had done this' ..
But when will we do this ?
We havent yet produced an honest shopkeeper and we are wishing for an incurruptible leader ?

Trust me !! Our lives are totally based on theories. Practically we all are Nill.
You tell me , you have a great deal of knowledge, but how many people around u have changed themselves ?

Atleast the people around me have the same mindsets that they used to have before the difference is only that before they knew less and today they know more.

samia fakhar Saturday, July 28, 2012 06:57 PM

[QUOTE=desertrain;459380]Never thought somebody would ever look on me as a brother. Its the first time somebody ever called me brother - sounds good , thanx sister !! :)

Back to the topic :
I am holding high Regards for your Sincere wishes and for your great devotion to the future of this country :b .
Your Thoughts are worth Considering. And I hope Many of Us including me would atleast try once to act on these after reading them ..
You aswell try to act on them :d

you will find desertrain- a sincere person on this forum, well thanx , haha. But you will find many more sincere people on the same forum but only ON forum. Outside this forum , hmm, things doesnt remain the same. We are all dependent on each other , on the system that we are in. The circumstances around us that have laid bondages upon us arent that easy to escape. There is a huge difference in Just Talking and doing things.

Well , you said America is facilitating her people with the rights and facilities that they have snatched from others ? Well, No Doubt , you are right !! But what are we doing ? Snatching rights from our own people and facilitating ourselves from them, isnt it so ?
Dont u see the people around you involved in such acts ?
Atleast their masses are restricted to themselves , living in their own boundaries.

See the difference ..

Human Rights violation - well, but first u have to provide Ur own people with their rights and when u accomplish this then sure you can show them the right way by taking a futher step of thinking on global level.
But first atleast try to acheive the former one ..

Last Night I switched on the Tv around 2'oclock - a host with 3 young black beard scholars , in a live program, discussing 'Khayanat'. The scholars went on to describing Khayanat and then continued listing its types , further illustrating the different categories of Khayanat. The host though a clean shaved but he too appeared to have a good knowledge of Islam.
The discussion continued but my mind got stucked on the very thought that Masha Allah , God has bestowed our people with such a great Knowledge, every person knows what Islam is. Ask a Nursery class Kid and he would even tell you what Khayanat is. I mean Khayanat is Khayanat , why to go in such a huge discussion abt this type and that type ?
Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong , then why to go into categories of right and wrong ?
Why are we always into such minor things? I mean couldnt we come Up with something better ?
Western people are buying lands on Moon and we havent yet decided what is right and what is wrong.
The time that we waste on discussing issues could be utilized in implenting them practically, isnt it ?

Everybody knows the ill-consequences of Infusion or mixing up impure or unwanted things into milk and all other edibles but the practice itself is common. unethical behaviour , even have a look on the behaviour of teachers with their students.
These few things are an essentials of a good and morally developed society and we have NoNe of them here.

The Next thing that captured my mind was that inspite of such a Great knowledge, the prevalence of awareness among our people- beleive me we all know our weaknesses , we all know the mistakes our predecessors made , and we all are well aware of whats still dragging us into such mess- yet Nobody has taken a bold step in fixing the defects.
Each and single person is involved in 'If he do this', 'If we do this', 'If he had done this' ..
But when will we do this ?
We havent yet produced an honest shopkeeper and we are wishing for an incurruptible leader ?

Trust me !! Our lives are totally based on theories. Practically we all are Nill.
You tell me , you have a great deal of knowledge, but how many people around u have changed themselves ?

Atleast the people around me have the same mindsets that they used to have before the difference is only that before they knew less and today they know more.[/QUOTE]

well brother very thought provoking questions by you... means you have philosophical approach toward the issues.. hmmmmmm Aristotle type of mind:):):):) good keep it up. U are far good than the people who do not want ot even think about :vic:vic:vic
Now u raised many questions which need thorough analysis of your stance and requires months I think so to answer... but I am very clear in my arguments... I am saying that no doubt there are political, moral, economic, educational, social and religious problems in our society. some of them are created by us and some of them are created for us by others. we have problem with our social febrics no doubt but we must have the hope and we must have the courage to take the start if not at group level we can take start at individual level... plz I do not want ot see young generation of my country so hopeless. what are u talking and thinking about? you are future of Pakistan.. there is ray of hope.. why should we always look at the dark side of picture? why should we not try to look at the brighter side? May be this brighter side is dim but still it is brighter... If I can find a sincere person on the forum then of course i will find it in my profession as well... there are sincere people and we can not completely rule out the possibility. trust me but we have to pay incentive to them and that incentive to my mind is just to join hand with them if not practically we can agree with them and we can show regards for them . I think so it will be great incentive for them... losing hope is prohibited in Islam. we have national heros as well who worked hard for the country despite all these questions and scenarios in their mind...
last but not the least I do not know why but I always face the same comment from the people on the forum that there durable difference in acts and deeds but my brother trust me this difference is just a step ahead from us... see we if we can't take the fate of our country in our hand but we can work in our capacity... if we are sincere with our profession and trying to bring our friends and colleagues on the board then we are doing a lot.. we can't afford to be the part of system anymore... I can't be corrupt because my friend or colleague is corrupt any more...

desertrain Sunday, July 29, 2012 02:16 AM

- Nice words from you sister-
Its good to see , we still have a number of patriots among us.
You'v stirred up my emotions.

Anyway, little drops make sea. And I hope the number grows in this near future.

May Allah help us all in accomplishing our dreams and May he confer Pakistan with his special favour. Salam !!

shakeel ghori Sunday, July 29, 2012 10:13 AM

[QUOTE=samia fakhar;459449]well brother very thought provoking questions by you... means you have philosophical approach toward the issues.. hmmmmmm Aristotle type of mind:):):):) good keep it up. U are far good than the people who do not want ot even think about :vic:vic:vic
Now u raised many questions which need thorough analysis of your stance and requires months I think so to answer... but I am very clear in my arguments... I am saying that no doubt there are political, moral, economic, educational, social and religious problems in our society. some of them are created by us and some of them are created for us by others. we have problem with our social febrics no doubt but we must have the hope and we must have the courage to take the start if not at group level we can take start at individual level... plz I do not want ot see young generation of my country so hopeless. what are u talking and thinking about? you are future of Pakistan.. there is ray of hope.. why should we always look at the dark side of picture? why should we not try to look at the brighter side? May be this brighter side is dim but still it is brighter... If I can find a sincere person on the forum then of course i will find it in my profession as well... there are sincere people and we can not completely rule out the possibility. trust me but we have to pay incentive to them and that incentive to my mind is just to join hand with them if not practically we can agree with them and we can show regards for them . I think so it will be great incentive for them... losing hope is prohibited in Islam. we have national heros as well who worked hard for the country despite all these questions and scenarios in their mind...
last but not the least I do not know why but I always face the same comment from the people on the forum that there durable difference in acts and deeds but my brother trust me this difference is just a step ahead from us... see we if we can't take the fate of our country in our hand but we can work in our capacity... if we are sincere with our profession and trying to bring our friends and colleagues on the board then we are doing a lot.. we can't afford to be the part of system anymore... I can't be corrupt because my friend or colleague is corrupt any more...
I second you. Hope sustains the world. We should not cease hope and start thinking that everything is going to end in disaster. Undoubtedly, many things need to be resolved for our progress. But it is also true that with such haphazard state of mind, it will be herculean task for our youth to cope with such problems. We will have to encourage ourselves to deal with the enormity of circumstances. Just trace back the history and try to search what we were before and soon after the independence of Pakistan. Indeed we have progressed a lot so far. What still needed is a will to change the status quo..

samia fakhar Sunday, July 29, 2012 11:19 AM

[QUOTE=desertrain;459593]- Nice words from you sister-
Its good to see , we still have a number of patriots among us.
You'v stirred up my emotions.

Anyway, little drops make sea. And I hope the number grows in this near future.

May Allah help us all in accomplishing our dreams and May he confer Pakistan with his special favour. Salam !![/QUOTE]

and I am waiting for the day.

williamholt Wednesday, August 01, 2012 11:51 AM

Patriotism is a devotion to one's country, excluding differences caused by the dependencies of the term's meaning upon context, geography and philosophy. In a generalized sense applicable to all countries and peoples, patriotism is a devotion to one's country.

Lewand2owski Tuesday, August 14, 2012 06:48 AM

No doubt our culture is also changing which is appreciatable at many fronts, but still there are many things which have been penetrated in our society for many years and need modification in the best interest of our society and country and have the status of our SOCIAL VALUES. No doubt our culture is marvellous and has binded in such a manner that it saves our values to collapse but still we should be very much optimistic for the change but only if it has no contradiction with our primrary and vital religious, economic and social norms and values.

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