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Sociologist PU Saturday, January 12, 2013 05:31 PM

Who is after Hazara Community in Quetta and why ?
Very sad chain of events in Quetta city where the people belonging to Hazara Community are being murdered without any mercy :angry:

I wonder why they are being targeted and which is the group after them ? What wrong they have done and why the Government with all its State power unable to nab the culprits ?

If anybody has the answers of these questions, plz make us informed.

Muhammad T S Awan Saturday, January 12, 2013 06:19 PM


For getting information about Hazara community, scroll to wikipedia, [URL]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hazara_people[/URL].

At Quetta, they are mainly settled at Hazra Town and Mehr Abad, Alambardar Road. They are mainly Shia Muslims, and as such they get attacks from the Sunni militants notably Laskhere Jhangvi (which is an offshoot of defunct SSP _ Supah Sahaba Pakistan).

Another factor may be their being non-Baloch (but this is very very little factor). Further, the Hazara community in Afghanistan faced lot of troubles from Taliban Regime at Kabul and since many of Taliban leaders got shelter in and around Quetta and they back/support/fund LeJ (Lashkare Jhangvi) so there may be a link to these killings with the Afghan Talibans... .....

I have just found another link, have a look; [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Hazaras_in_Quetta"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Hazaras_in_Quetta


mjkhan Saturday, January 12, 2013 08:41 PM

Its shia community that is being targeted not Hazara.And there are constant reports of shia killings from karachi as well.

Two of our family members also got killed in Quetta attack.

Sarmad Ehsan Saturday, January 12, 2013 09:23 PM

The blast in Mangora ,Sawat in Tablighi Markaz....They ain't Shia...

Malmeena Khan Saturday, January 12, 2013 11:49 PM

[QUOTE=Sociologist PU;541210]Very sad chain of events in Quetta city where the people belonging to Hazara Community are being murdered without any mercy :angry:

I wonder why they are being targeted and which is the group after them ? What wrong they have done and why the Government with all its State power unable to nab the culprits ?

If anybody has the answers of these questions, plz make us informed.[/QUOTE]

Whoever did it it's a brutal and inhumane act. However, another question is that why shia killings happen in KPK, Balochistan and Sindh ? Why not in Punjab ? Ain't there shia's living. Whereas Lashkar e Jhangvi's main and original grounds are from Jhang. Where shia sunnis live happily and camly.

Is it the failure of KPK, Balochistan and Sindh's govt or something else ?

seher bano Saturday, January 12, 2013 11:58 PM

No rule of law, chaos, barbarism is the order of the day in our fragile country. The sectarian killing In Quetta is open extremism. More than hundred people have been put to death in 4 suicide attacks in Quetta City. What is happening there, where is the Government. Shockingly, the behavior of the CM of the province is strikingly non-serious. in fact, he was offering tissue papers to the victims' families. how pity is this. Moreover, Shia community, despite after passing three days, are not willing to bury the dead bodies of their loved ones. They are demanding only one thing and that is JUSTICE. the culprits of the incident will face the wrath of almighty ALLAH very soon... INShALLAH.

Cute Badshah Sunday, January 13, 2013 12:11 AM

Why the Hazara?
[QUOTE=Sociologist PU;541210]
I wonder why they are being targeted and which is the group after them ? What wrong they have done and why the Government with all its State power unable to nab the culprits ?

The Shia of Quetta are called Hazara. (Or Azra, in the local vernacular.) They are not new settlers leaked as refugees from the recent wars in Afghanistan. One commander-in-chief of the Pakistan Army in the 1960s, Gen. Musa Khan, was a Hazara. But after his death he was buried in Iran, which means the Hazara have never felt at home in Balochistan. This of course doesn’t mean there are no Hazara cemeteries in Quetta—far from it.

But the recent killings can be traced to the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan in 1996 and their assault of the Shia-dominated northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif in 1997. After the Taliban went around the city punishing people for un-Islamic behaviour (unveiled women, pictures depicting human figures, etc…) the Hazara of Mazar-e-Sharif rebelled and killed “thousands” of them.

A year later, the Taliban returned and sacked Mazar-e-Sharif and killed and raped to their heart’s content with some help, some say, from youths of Pakistan’s anti-Shia outfit, Sipah-e-Sahaba. They also besieged the central Afghanistan region of Bamian, the home of the majority Hazara, and took their revenge by forcing them to die of starvation in the hundreds. Today, the Hazara of Quetta are victims of the same undying passion for revenge. Only today the Taliban are aligned with Pakistan’s own fanatic sectarian militias: Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and Jaish-e-Muhammad, also allies of Al Qaeda.

The Taliban leadership being released out of Pakistani jails—not to mention those who comprise the Quetta Shura—are anticipating another bout of civil war in Afghanistan as the first batches of NATO forces start leaving in 2013. The Hazara are not “ghali” (extremist) Shia as claimed by some; they are the normal Twelvers inhabiting Pakistan; and their faith came from 17th century Iran. But they are now in the crosshairs.


Malmeena Khan Sunday, January 13, 2013 12:20 AM

[QUOTE=seher bano;541349]Shockingly, the behavior of the CM of the province is strikingly non-serious. in fact, he was offering tissue papers to the victims' families. how pity is this.[/QUOTE]

And you still call him a CM ? How ridiculous is that a mentally unstable person is ruling a province ? It's the fate of our country to have such non-serious and self-centered people are given the right of democracy to be elected. It's shameful that instead of using some mournful words, he just mocked at the miseries of miserable families of departed souls ?

sajidnuml Sunday, January 13, 2013 12:25 AM

Whether it is a sectarian war, Baloch insurgency or Talibinization or MQM terrorism in karachi the motive is one: to destabilize Pakistan as much as possible. together with bad governance poor economy and corruption Pakistan is drifting towards a worst disaster from which it could not easily recover.
Surprisingly,government is busy plundering the country making new records in corruption and bad governance.
On the other main opposition is busy in ensuring that It will have the next chance to plunder the country. No political party has come up with a plan to free the country from the morass of civil war like situation. At least all parties conference could have been called to devise certain policy measures to establish peace in the country. This is what democracy means but who cares, all they want is power.
It is really sorry state of affairs!

Invincible Sunday, January 13, 2013 01:18 AM

[QUOTE=Malmeena Khan;541355]And you still call him a CM ? How ridiculous is that a mentally unstable person is ruling a province ? It's the fate of our country to have such non-serious and self-centered people are given the right of democracy to be elected. It's shameful that instead of using some mournful words, he just mocked at the miseries of miserable families of departed souls ?[/QUOTE]

[B][B]I hardly expect anything from this CM who is not even level-headed but where is General Kiyani (Who had sweated to rescue Malala) , he should come at least & console them -- Families of the killed persons are calling him.They are refusing to bury their dead after twin bombings in Quetta; vowing to continue their sit-in protest until the army takes over security.

Unfortunately, everyone is awfully engulfed in Long March Tale.[/B][/B]

Ghost Rider Sunday, January 13, 2013 01:37 AM

I think doors for military intervention are being opened.

Take a look in the last chain of events;

1. Qadri demand.
2. LOC military demand.
3. Balochistan Insurgency and Army intervention demand in the province.
4.Army demand for delimitation issue of karachi.
5.KP Army demand.
6.Institutional confrontation

Good luck Generals.
Our politicians really deserve you. Don't forget to flogging them publicly.

sajidnuml Sunday, January 13, 2013 02:27 AM

[QUOTE=Sociologist PU;541210]Very sad chain of events in Quetta city where the people belonging to Hazara Community are being murdered without any mercy :angry:

I wonder why they are being targeted and which is the group after them ? What wrong they have done and why the Government with all its State power unable to nab the culprits ?

If anybody has the answers of these questions, plz make us informed.[/QUOTE]

It can be linked to sectarianism as they belong to Shia sect, but in my personal view unabated massacre of this particular community has been used as a tactic.[B] It is tactic because Targeting a particular community creates more fear and has divisive social and political effects. [/B]

Certainly the enemy has more in mind then to kill unarmed common citizens just because they happen to profess a different sect.

It is tactic because It gives false notion of security to some communities therefore dividing the people in different camps. It generates soft corners and sympathies. It equally breeds hatred and contempt for other communities. It makes the goal of social integration far more difficult after the state restores peace and order crushing the perpetrators finally.

It is notorious tact because it destroys image of Pakistan as being the most intolerant country in the world.
[B]It has more dangerous after effects then killing a handful of people God Forbid on Mall Road. [/B]

Mere killing a large number of people just to create panic and anarchy will unite the people against the enemy.

As to your second question why the state is unable to nab the culprits, I would say that there is a problem with the state authorities since state authorities have been patronizing some extremest outfits which share the same scorn for Shias, they may not be the perpetrators but they feel satisfied when a common enemy is Targeted.It might be one of the factors state does not act. State authorities might be under pressure from those allies.

But it is sure that perpetrators of the violence have direct and indirect sympathies of a major chunk of our [I]ill educated[/I] and uneducated people who are of the firm belief that Shias are apostates and they must be eliminated. These people are everywhere. They serve as pressure groups who do not want that culprits shall be brought to book. why they shall be, after all they are doing good job! Terrible!!

comm786 Sunday, January 13, 2013 03:12 AM

leave these innocent rulers:? of Pakistan for one second and lets think about some others i.e judiciary,military,bureaucracy and up to certain extent 'media' and public.
erase military and bureaucracy too!

now just have a look at ''judiciary'', at one time it may intervene all kinds of state affairs-even going against military generals-from steel mill privatization to death of single person,but no mercy for 103 innocent and unfortunate people??

Media, especially electronic (except bbc and dawn)...pardon me here, it can organize talk shows and can provide exclusive coverage to all recent and older long march but can't help those who are sitting at mercy of weather, with temperature below zero, and at a high risk of being attacked again(BBC).

Civil society can rise for malala but not for this sad figure of ''103''.

mjkhan Sunday, January 13, 2013 04:16 AM

[QUOTE=sajidnuml;541379]It can be linked to sectarianism as they belong to Shia sect, but in my personal view unabated massacre of this particular community has been used as a tactic.[B] It is tactic because Targeting a particular community creates more fear and has divisive social and political effects. [/B]

Certainly the enemy has more in mind then to kill unarmed common citizens just because they happen to profess a different sect.

It is tactic because It gives false notion of security to some communities therefore dividing the people in different camps. It generates soft corners and sympathies. It equally breeds hatred and contempt for other communities. It makes the goal of social integration far more difficult after the state restores peace and order crushing the perpetrators finally.

It is notorious tact because it destroys image of Pakistan as being the most intolerant country in the world.
[B]It has more dangerous after effects then killing a handful of people God Forbid on Mall Road. [/B]

Mere killing a large number of people just to create panic and anarchy will unite the people against the enemy.

As to your second question why the state is unable to nab the culprits, I would say that there is a problem with the state authorities since state authorities have been patronizing some extremest outfits which share the same scorn for Shias, they may not be the perpetrators but they feel satisfied when a common enemy is Targeted.It might be one of the factors state does not act. State authorities might be under pressure from those allies.

But it is sure that perpetrators of the violence have direct and indirect sympathies of a major chunk of our [I]ill educated[/I] and uneducated people who are of the firm belief that Shias are apostates and they must be eliminated. These people are everywhere. They serve as pressure groups who do not want that culprits shall be brought to book. why they shall be, after all they are doing good job! Terrible!![/QUOTE]

Very well said,mate.

Yeah in short,if i have understood correctly what you wanted to say and what i believe in,behind this sectarian violence the target is PAKISTAN.

But every action has a reaction and our innocent people have a habit of falling prey to circumstances.State should intervene immediately to stop what is happening at the moment.

Personally i seriously dislike the demands of shias for military intervention.But when i look at the circumstances in Quetta existing from the last many months i just keep my mouth shut because they are right in their demand if the civilian government cannot provide them assurance of safety of their lives.GOD knows who wants to take advantage out of all this.Pity,shame on us.

Shahid Shakoor Sunday, January 13, 2013 04:40 AM

i am afraid by reading all this........where we are going.....who is responsible for all .......i believe by reading history whenever violences like this arise and govt cannot control all this then something bigger is going to happen...before this happening we should alert by all means

Sociologist PU Sunday, January 13, 2013 09:54 AM

Hazara Tribes are divided in Quetta and Bamiyan (Afghanistan) where the Hazara Militia have joined American forces to butcher children and rape women of Taliban. Taliban are taking their revenge in Pakistan. Its nothing but war of dollar and trible revenge. Instead of painting it a sectarian strife we should wait till the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan and should not try to cripple the life in Pakistan on institgation and directions of Iranian intellegence agencies: Ayetullah Durrani, a PPP minister from Balouchistan. What do you say about his statement of Ayet Ullah Durrani?

(Just read this info on net) is it true ?

aliasghar95 Sunday, January 13, 2013 02:54 PM

[QUOTE=Sociologist PU;541417]Hazara Tribes are divided in Quetta and Bamiyan (Afghanistan) where the Hazara Militia have joined American forces to butcher children and rape women of Taliban. Taliban are taking their revenge in Pakistan. Its nothing but war of dollar and trible revenge. Instead of painting it a sectarian strife we should wait till the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan and should not try to cripple the life in Pakistan on institgation and directions of Iranian intellegence agencies: Ayetullah Durrani, a PPP minister from Balouchistan. What do you say about his statement of Ayet Ullah Durrani?

(Just read this info on net) is it true ?[/QUOTE]

I have spent 20 years of my life in Quetta and from 2002 to 2009 I worked in city you mentioned Bamyan. The info you mentioned is not true, may be you misguided. That is not the reason of violence in Quetta. In Afghan army the %age of Pashthoons are far higher then Hazara people. Pashthoons soldiers also fight together with coalition forces against Taliban. Why Hazaras are targeted in Quetta I will mention in next comment.

Usman Cheema Sunday, January 13, 2013 02:54 PM

The law enforcement agencies have failed miserably and comprehensively, the shameless rulers have lost every bit of credibility and currently possess absolutely no right to govern, we can not afford another ML regime, Judiciary is unable to enforce its own decisions, an imported revolutionary with no plan has decided to bring a revolution. Isn't this the worst hour of Pakistan's political history? In these bleakest of times there is not even a ray of hope from anywhere. May Allah save this country but again God helps those who help themselves!


aliasghar95 Sunday, January 13, 2013 03:17 PM

I will tell you, depends you believe it or not
I am a Hazara from Quetta. In last bomb blast I lost some of my far relatives and friends. But one friend of mine was very dear to me we were class fellows in school. Latest-At temperature bellow zero , over 100 bodies are still lying on the ground on the road from last three days not buried yet demanding the government to take action, but usual false hope will given.

I will tell you who and why Hazaras are targeting. It is bit disappointing and many will not agree with me at all, except those who has deep analysis and fair thinking.

I claim that that the Hazaras are planned to be killed by state agencies eg ISI and MI etc.
Why? to raise and prepare Hazaras to defend Pakistan against Baloch freedom fighter and save Pakistan from further partition. To force Hazaras creating an attacking group within them and then state agencies will support them with money, training, arms and providing them hides and will not arrest Hazara fighters and will give then free hand to slaughter Baloch people in the name of revenge. Pak state agencies will give same support to Hazara fighters which they are giving now to Lashker Jangwi etc.

mjkhan Sunday, January 13, 2013 04:58 PM

[QUOTE=Sociologist PU;541417]Hazara Tribes are divided in Quetta and Bamiyan (Afghanistan) where the Hazara Militia have joined American forces to butcher children and rape women of Taliban. Taliban are taking their revenge in Pakistan. Its nothing but war of dollar and trible revenge. Instead of painting it a sectarian strife we should wait till the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan and should not try to cripple the life in Pakistan on institgation and directions of Iranian intellegence agencies: Ayetullah Durrani, a PPP minister from Balouchistan. What do you say about his statement of Ayet Ullah Durrani?

(Just read this info on net) is it true ?[/QUOTE]

I might have bought your point but you are missing the fact that shias are being killed in karachi as well.And you are also forgetting that buses of the pilgrims from Punjab towards Iran were burnt down just because they were shias.They were not Hazara people.

Again a lot of us are in ignorance of what actually is happening with shias in Gilgit and surrounding areas or Northern Pakistan.

But again as said by a member that Lashkar e jhangvi(SSP) is the most strongest in Punjab and sectarian violence is least in there.So you may have a case.But the bottom line is that humans are being killed irrespective of the basis of killing.

And though Hazara people are calling for military intervention in Balochistan but there is a big faction in shias who believe that ISI and military has always kept a closed eye towards Lashkar e jhangvi and such outfits just because of some of their interests.

Can someone on earth believe that those people are sitting in extreme cold weather with dead bodies on the roads from the last two or three days and no one from the Govt. is going there just to console them let alone the assurances of justice.

emraankhattak Sunday, January 13, 2013 05:11 PM

We can protest, we can call United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) to investigate into the probe about LoC and we applaud this decision to keep intact Pakistan sovereignty. But, here, 100 of people were slaughtered in Quetta and our callous government is dull and have her focus on intimidating Tahir-ul-Qadri instead of caring for the poor Hazars.whereas, our oppostion parties are waiting for their turns as a respected member pointed out previously.While some are busy in attacking our ideologies and droning our beloved Quaid-e-Azam.we are Pakistanis and our beloved leader addressed us in the following manner.
August 11, 1947 address of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, to themembers of the Pakistan Constituent Assembly, to the status of a national covenant.
In that address the Quaid said, among other things, the following:
“You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed - that has nothing to do with the business of the State...We are starting with this fundamental principle that we are all citizens and equal citizens of one State...I think we should keep that in front of us as our ideal and you will find that in due course Hindus would cease to be Hindus and Muslims would cease to be Muslims, not in the religious sense, because that is the personal faith of each individual, but in the political sense as citizens of the State.”

Malmeena Khan Sunday, January 13, 2013 05:26 PM

[QUOTE=aliasghar95;541498]I am a Hazara from Quetta. In last bomb blast I lost some of my far relatives and friends. But one friend of mine was very dear to me we were class fellows in school. Latest-At temperature bellow zero , over 100 bodies are still lying on the ground on the road from last three days not buried yet demanding the government to take action, but usual false hope will given.

I will tell you who and why Hazaras are targeting. It is bit disappointing and many will not agree with me at all, except those who has deep analysis and fair thinking.

I claim that that the Hazaras are planned to be killed by state agencies eg ISI and MI etc.
Why? to raise and prepare Hazaras to defend Pakistan against Baloch freedom fighter and save Pakistan from further partition. To force Hazaras creating an attacking group within them and then state agencies will support them with money, training, arms and providing them hides and will not arrest Hazara fighters and will give then free hand to slaughter Baloch people in the name of revenge. Pak state agencies will give same support to Hazara fighters which they are giving now to Lashker Jangwi etc.[/QUOTE]

Well, this could be a rare reason of all the situation. But still it can not be denied. However, ISI can overcome the BLA or other baloch freedom fighters. So it doesn't need hazara fighters to get help from them. I personally have analyzed the situation , but it would be too earlier to say speak it out due to some reasons.

kiyani Sunday, January 13, 2013 05:28 PM

[I]Mei yeh kis k naam likho'n jo alam guzar rahy hain
mery shehar jal rahy hain, mery log mar rahy hain

Koi rkhta ho k gul ho, koi shak ho k shajar ho
woh hawa-e-gulistan hai k sabhi bikhar rhy hain

kabhi rehmatain thi nazil isi khita-e-zamee'n pr
wohi khita-e-zamee'n hai k azab utar rahy hain

wohi tairo'n k jhurmat jo hawa mei jhoolty thy
woh fiza ko tk rhy hain, yeh kaisy alam guzar rahy hain

koi or tou nahi ps-e-khanjer azmai
hm hi qatal kr rahy hain, hm hi qatal ho rhy hain!

[SIZE="2"]Wohi qatil, wohi hakim, wohi munsif thehra
Aqarba mery karain khoon ka dawa kis sai?[/SIZE]

[SIZE="3"]Kahan hai arz-o-sama ka khalik k chahato'n ki ragain quraidy
hawas ki surkhi rukh-e-bashr ka haseen ghaza bni hui hai
koi maseeha idhr bhi daikhy, koi tou charagiri ko utry...
aasman ka chehra lahu sai tr hai zameen janaza bni hui hai...[/SIZE][/CENTER]

mhmmdkashif Sunday, January 13, 2013 05:40 PM

What is the real issue in Quetta???
The incidents in Quetta are truly heart throbbing and soul shaking, it deserves more condemnation and demand for justice then I can call for here :(. But since yesterday I have been thinking what is the actual problem and who is killing poor people there. Is it a sectarian conflict (extremist sunni militants targeting shias) or an ethnic conflict (Baluchi Nationalist militants targeting Hazara community) or both (Baluchi and Religious militants have joined hands or atleast their interest have converged at this point)??? Comments plz.

marilatif Sunday, January 13, 2013 05:55 PM

In my point of view, killing of hazaras is not associated with freedom movement by Balochistan liberation organization ([B]BLO[/B]). Genocide of hazaras is a sectarian confilct in which only shias are being killed by organizations like Jaish e Muhammadi and Sipah e Sahaba. Balochi fighters are not killing Hazaras. They are fighting with security forces and probably with Punjabi ethnic people living in Quetta. Their aim is to separate Balochistan, for which Hazaras are not a bottleneck. Nor do they think that Hazaras are in any way responsible for their plights.

Moreover, Balochistan is an old issue which has roots in formation of one unit and dissolution of Balochistan government by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. While this sectarian issue is only a few years old.

So I believe both issues are distinct from each other and need to be tackled separatly.


Pireh Memon Sunday, January 13, 2013 06:12 PM

Shia Genocide
People! As per you, how can we best stop 'Shia Genocide'? Thanks !!

Muhammad T S Awan Sunday, January 13, 2013 06:21 PM

[QUOTE=mjkhan;541293]Its shia community that is being targeted not Hazara.And there are constant reports of shia killings from karachi as well.

Two of our family members also got killed in Quetta attack.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Malmeena Khan;541347]Whoever did it it's a brutal and inhumane act. However, another question is that why shia killings happen in KPK, Balochistan and Sindh ? Why not in Punjab ? Ain't there shia's living. Whereas Lashkar e Jhangvi's main and original grounds are from Jhang. Where shia sunnis live happily and camly.

Is it the failure of KPK, Balochistan and Sindh's govt or something else ?[/QUOTE]

As stated in previous post, the LeJ is being supported/backed/funded by so called Afghan and Pk Talibans and since these brothers are stated in and around Quetta, so their great target is Hazarra people. LeJ is not having such a support/back in Punjab so there are less troubles there...

We all are together on this national tragedy ... may ALLAH bless all of us, amin.
[QUOTE=Cute Badshah;541353]One commander-in-chief of the Pakistan Army in the 1960s, Gen. Musa Khan, was a Hazara. But after his death he was buried in Iran, which means the Hazara have never felt at home in Balochistan. This of course doesn’t mean there are no Hazara cemeteries in Quetta—far from it.

But the recent killings can be traced to the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan in 1996 and their assault of the Shia-dominated northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif in 1997. After the Taliban went around the city punishing people for un-Islamic behaviour (unveiled women, pictures depicting human figures, etc…) the Hazara of Mazar-e-Sharif rebelled and killed “thousands” of them.


Some wrongs in this newspaper clip,

i). Burrial of General Mussa Khan (who also remained Governor of Balochistan) at Iran was not due to the reason that he felt his roots at Iran. It is said that his wife was an Iranian national and she was burried at Mashhad, so he had desired to be burried in that city where his beloved wife was burried.... ..

ii). The 1997 massacre of Taliban at Mazar-e-Sharif was not done by Hazzara rebellion, rather it was done by one Uzbek General Abdul Maalik Pehalwan, who got tussles with holder of Mazar-e-Sharif General Rashid Dostum. Pehalwan had made some agreements with Taliban to get them enter into Mazar-e-Sharif and exodus of Dostum and taking another General Ismail, who allegedly had killed brother of Abdul Maalik Pehalaan. But when Talibans were in Mazar-e-Sharif and they started disarmming the forces of Pehalwan, he felt that Taliban will kill him so he rebelled and killed around 3000 Talibans there. Next year, Talibans attacked to take revenge and since the city was having a good number Hazarra people so they were killed as well (Mazar-e-Sharif is perhaps having Tajik people in majority)....

[QUOTE=sajidnuml;541379].................But it is sure that perpetrators of the violence have direct and indirect sympathies of a major chunk of our ill educated and uneducated people who are of the firm belief that Shias are apostates and they must be eliminated. These people are everywhere. They serve as pressure groups who do not want that culprits shall be brought to book. why they shall be, after all they are doing good job! Terrible!![/QUOTE]

Really a terrible and unfortunate thing, at this time greater so called Mullahs should come forward and show their support to such atrocious killings of Shia Hazara Muslims. But alas nobody will come forward even not the Sheikh ul Islam Qadri sb... ..

[QUOTE=Sociologist PU;541417]Hazara Tribes are divided in Quetta and Bamiyan (Afghanistan) where the Hazara Militia have joined American forces to butcher children and rape women of Taliban. Taliban are taking their revenge in Pakistan. Its nothing but war of dollar and trible revenge. Instead of painting it a sectarian strife we should wait till the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan and should not try to cripple the life in Pakistan on institgation and directions of Iranian intellegence agencies: Ayetullah Durrani, a PPP minister from Balouchistan. What do you say about his statement of Ayet Ullah Durrani?

(Just read this info on net) is it true ?[/QUOTE]

Nope, this is not true... Hazarra are not the only people in US forces and they are nor considered to be more fighting thn Uzbeks (perhaps Uzbeks are considered to be toughest fighters amongst tribes of north and west of Afghanistan)

[QUOTE=aliasghar95;541498]I am a Hazara from Quetta. In last bomb blast I lost some of my far relatives and friends. But one friend of mine was very dear to me we were class fellows in school. Latest-At temperature bellow zero , over 100 bodies are still lying on the ground on the road from last three days not buried yet demanding the government to take action, but usual false hope will given.

I will tell you who and why Hazaras are targeting. It is bit disappointing and many will not agree with me at all, except those who has deep analysis and fair thinking.

I claim that that the Hazaras are planned to be killed by state agencies eg ISI and MI etc. Why? to raise and prepare Hazaras to defend Pakistan against Baloch freedom fighter and save Pakistan from further partition. To force Hazaras creating an attacking group within them and then state agencies will support them with money, training, arms and providing them hides and will not arrest Hazara fighters and will give then free hand to slaughter Baloch people in the name of revenge. Pak state agencies will give same support to Hazara fighters which they are giving now to Lashker Jangwi etc.[/QUOTE]

Really sad thing to hear about your near ones demise, may Almighty give you patience.... I do not have deep analysis and fair thinking, but with little thinking perhaps the things you have been telling does not seem to be valid. The backing to LeJ is from the so called Talibans............

[QUOTE=mhmmdkashif;541554]The incidents in Quetta are truly heart throbbing and soul shaking, it deserves more condemnation and demand for justice then I can call for here :(. But since yesterday I have been thinking what is the actual problem and who is killing poor people there. Is it a sectarian conflict (extremist sunni militants targeting shias) or an ethnic conflict (Baluchi Nationalist militants targeting Hazara community) or both (Baluchi and Religious militants have joined hands or atleast their interest have converged at this point)??? Comments plz.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=marilatif;541555]In my point of view, killing of hazaras is not associated with freedom movement by Balochistan liberation organization ([B]BLO[/B]). Genocide of hazaras is a sectarian confilct in which only shias are being killed by organizations like Jaish e Muhammadi and Sipah e Sahaba. Balochi fighters are not killing Hazaras. They are fighting with security forces and probably with Punjabi ethnic people living in Quetta. Their aim is to separate Balochistan, for which Hazaras are not a bottleneck. Nor do they think that Hazaras are in any way responsible for their plights.

Moreover, Balochistan is an old issue which has roots in formation of one unit and dissolution of Balochistan government by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. While this sectarian issue is only a few years old.

So I believe both issues are distinct from each other and need to be tackled separatly.

As said by Marilatif, both issues are seperate and distinct, this is being done by LeJ against Hazara... defunct SSP is perhaps not much involved in Quetta. It is only LeJ and unfortunately a failure of our state machinery...

[QUOTE=Pireh Memon;541559]People! As per you, how can we best stop 'Shia Genocide'? Thanks !![/QUOTE]

Kindly do not use this word 'Shia Genocide', though as per some definition, it can be termed as genocide but in greater spectrum it is not genocide..

Malmeena Khan Sunday, January 13, 2013 06:37 PM

I am just fed up of this Taliban drama. It should be ended now. All country is put on fire due to these hell conspiracies. We just demand peace by any means. That's all.

mhmmdkashif Sunday, January 13, 2013 06:46 PM

[QUOTE=Muhammad T S Awan;541565]
As said by Marilatif, both issues are seperate and distinct, this is being done by LeJ against Hazara... defunct SSP is perhaps not much involved in Quetta. It is only LeJ and unfortunately a failure of our state machinery...

hmmm, so should I assume whether this conflict has sectarian origins or ethnic origins (it seems to have both), it has to do with Taliban only (in either case), not Baluchi militants :thinking .

Malmeena Khan Sunday, January 13, 2013 07:02 PM

[QUOTE=mhmmdkashif;541590]hmmm, so should I assume whether this conflict has sectarian origins or ethnic origins (it seems to have both), it has to do with Taliban only (in either case), not Baluchi militants :thinking .[/QUOTE]


Muhammad T S Awan Sunday, January 13, 2013 07:03 PM

[QUOTE=mhmmdkashif;541590]hmmm, so should I assume whether this conflict has sectarian origins or ethnic origins (it seems to have both), it has to do with Taliban only (in either case), not Baluchi militants :thinking .[/QUOTE]

It can probably be said that this issue is having more sectarian roots (Shia Hazara - Sunni LeJ) and very little ethnic problems (Afghan Hazara - Afghan Pashtun Taliban) without having any direct linkage to Baloch militants (BLA/BRA etc)....

President and PM had met early today and PM is at Quetta now meeting with high profile officers in the province. There is a possibility of some thing coming out of these meetings... Perhaps there may be some decision with regard to giving the control of city to proper army...At the same time there may be some demands for replacement/removal/suspension of IG FC, IG Balochistan and CM Balochistan....

To sum up, a possible solution (at least for the time being which may be having long lasting effects) may be in offing.

mhmmdkashif Sunday, January 13, 2013 07:08 PM

[QUOTE=Muhammad T S Awan;541596]It can probably be said that this issue is having more sectarian roots and very little ethnic problems without having any direct linkage to Baloch militants....

Ok Baluch militants apart, it is also a fact that there is an element of Pakhtun nationalism amongst Taliban, and since Taliban is a conglomerate, some elements (SSP, LeJ etc) are attacking Hazaras for religious reasons and some are attacking them for tribal and ethnic reasons. And as far as Baluchis are concerned, they don't care, but it serves them a bit indirectly since Hazaras live in Baluchistan and they have mostly remained loyal to the state and Pakistan Army. Am I rite to assume so???

Muhammad T S Awan Sunday, January 13, 2013 07:18 PM

[QUOTE=mhmmdkashif;541599]Ok Baluch militants apart, it is also a fact that there is an element of Pakhtun nationalism amongst Taliban, and since Taliban is a conglomerate, some elements (SSP, LeJ etc) are attacking Hazaras for religious reasons and some are attacking them for tribal and ethnic reasons. And as far as Baluchis are concerned, they don't care, but it serves them a bit indirectly since Hazaras live in Baluchistan and they have mostly remained loyal to the state and Pakistan Army. Am I rite to assume so???[/QUOTE]


Hmm, there may be many ifs/buts/possibilities etc...

Perhaps this may not be the thing in totality. Though there has been some Pakhtun nationalism amongst Taliban (which at the same time may not be a major instigating force), yet possibly LeJ/SSP etc are attacking Hazarras for religious reasons with back end support/funding from the people who may be having some ethnic issues! There may be some indirect benefit to Baloch but they may not be involved directly...........................

Syed Rehmat ullah shah Sunday, January 13, 2013 07:19 PM

I Read all threats carefully, Different people pointing diffrent people...but the result i got because some of above people donot have knowledge about enviornment of balochistan.

10 to 11 january 2013 there were seven Bomb blasts in Quetta City,

Ist blast was at Baldia plaza Meezan chok on FC Militants , The attack responsibility accepted by BLA ( Baloch Liberation Army) Remember this attack was on FC militant....now Question arises why they target FC militants The answer by BLA
" approximately 20 days before this attack a Hidden operation is started in Mashkay Balochistan by Pakistan army who show cruelty to thier the women children and old ages, they burn their Homes, torture young boys, even torture Mother of their commander Dr. Allah nazar.
In Result BLA millitants attacked on sargodha bus at cant area of karachi and Quetta Mezan chok, Some People are point out whole baloch people as Responsible for attack they are totally wrong , kindly use your comman sense don't Spread Hateness between Hazara and Baloch people due to Some people,

Now a Days the situation of balochistan is Critical than Kashmir but our Media is sleeping and kept thier fingers on thier mouths, there are Several points which i can't write here with detail due to shortage of time which shows cruelty of agencies pakistan govt with balochistan people,

3 blasts were on HAZARA community at Alamdar road Lashkar e jhangvi accepted Responsiablity why they always Attack on them its similar reason as taliban attack on shia in KPK , Sindh,

According to them Shia abuses Sahaba R.A , Hazrat Ayesha R.A more other reasons due to which they called them Kafir, according to them they are kafir and hitting of Hazaras Shia is Jihad .

Another blasts were in different places of Quetta such As at hazar ganji Neto containers targeted, but the Question is that at time of this Target by 3 bike Riders Ist they fired on containers The Authority of Police Delegated to the FC at Quetta, if Police is corrupt then how these blasts occured even enviornment was totally fearfull securities too tight, like Carfio.

Its Seem like the attackers have very strong back who allowing to do attacks in balochistan, All games are playing by the agencies to turn the situation from one side to other side , they are involved in balochistan more than other provinces because Innocence of People of balochistan, Dull Government of the state,

Malmeena Khan Sunday, January 13, 2013 07:21 PM

[QUOTE=mhmmdkashif;541590]hmmm, so should I assume whether this conflict has sectarian origins or ethnic origins (it seems to have both), it has to do with Taliban only (in either case), not Baluchi militants :thinking .[/QUOTE]

If it's so then Taliban are all Pashtoons only. :haha:haha Because they're said to be the caretakers of Islam. While besides the stage is someone else :ph34r:. Now if taliban are involved then definitely army shall launch an operation in Quetta and other areas where Taliban type population is dwelling. And again let the army kill innocent civilians. It's because the operation clean up continued in KPK has brought no success except killing innocents there as well by drone attacks. What is the result ? Have they got any success ? Military operations are done to get some positive result against terror elements. But here the situation goes otherwise. :sick

Does it not seem ill-logical ?

mhmmdkashif Sunday, January 13, 2013 07:29 PM

[QUOTE=Malmeena Khan;541605]While besides the stage is someone else :ph34r:. [/QUOTE]

Well dear sis whoever is behind the scenes, if someone unleashes a dog on you you will deal with the dog first and then with the person who unleashed it :dd.

[QUOTE=Malmeena Khan;541605]Now if taliban are involved then definitely army shall launch an operation in Quetta and other areas where Taliban type population is dwelling. And again let the army kill innocent civilians. It's because the operation clean up continued in KPK has brought no success except killing innocents there as well by drone attacks. What is the result ? Have they got any success ? Military operations are done to get some positive result against terror elements. But here the situation goes otherwise. :sick

Does it not seem ill-logical ?[/QUOTE]

The Army will not launch any operation in Quetta, it would be disastrous if it does. However, as some brothers have already hinted at, the agencies may attempt flaring up the situation to create an atmosphere for easy toppling of the government. Already we are witnessing lock downs and road blocks simultaneously in many areas of the country, and police and the government is no where to be found.

Syed Rehmat ullah shah Sunday, January 13, 2013 07:39 PM

[QUOTE=mhmmdkashif;541614]The Army will not launch any operation in Quetta, it would be disastrous if it does. However, as some brothers have already hinted at, the agencies may attempt flaring up the situation to create an atmosphere for easy toppling of the government. Already we are witnessing lock downs and road blocks simultaneously in many areas of the country, and police and the government is no where to be found.[/QUOTE]
Army Operation is Started in Mashkay area of Balochistan!!!

mhmmdkashif Sunday, January 13, 2013 07:42 PM

[QUOTE=Syed Rehmat ullah shah;541616]Army Operation is Started in Mashkay area of Balochistan!!![/QUOTE]

oops :lier, its against Baluchi militants rite???

AzharNadeem Sunday, January 13, 2013 07:45 PM

Protesting Dead bodies is no more a fiction
Alamdar Road protest has proved two things.
1. [URL="http://pakistantribune.com.pk/696/protesting-death-bodiesesa-des-ha-mera.html"]Pretesting dead bodies[/URL] in no more a fiction or part of some horror movie.
2. There is no end to shamelessness.

I love Pakistan but i am ashamed of being a Pakistani. I don't see see any end to voilence

Syed Rehmat ullah shah Sunday, January 13, 2013 07:49 PM

[QUOTE=mhmmdkashif;541620]oops :lier, its against Baluchi militants rite???[/QUOTE]
whatever Depends on your Perception but for me they are Women, children and old age...

10:14 PM (GMT +5)

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