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sarmadalimahar Monday, May 13, 2013 04:57 AM

muhmmad kashif is right
Brother kashif you are right. MQM usually does this in order to pressure the federal as well as provincial governments for give and take. In the former PPP coalition govt, Bhai log used armed tactics to get their work done. now, this time we have yet to see how Mr. Nawaz Sharrif gives them response. if he launched an operation against them, the violence in Karachi would increase manifold. But if he negotiates with them, we will again see violence but on the smaller level. in short, the mayhem and massacre will persist as long as these goons control Karachi.

zafar498872 Monday, May 13, 2013 05:52 AM

Worth point to think
One of frinds say Altaf like afraid animal . Others gave them differant bad but exact names .
Current govt is that who teach them lesson in 92,93.
Altaf is afraid of PML.N ,thats why he butterd and now threatening to peace in order to prove worth of its party .
Of course there was pole rigging in krachi .
Upcoming govt should invite and let them join to govt ,but handle with force and should 1st solve state's main problems like energy crises,inflation,corruption,law and order and terrorism then finally at end confront with this terrorist party to tame them .

khalid hanif Monday, May 13, 2013 07:31 AM

First i was stunnned when i heard such a voice coming out from the well known leader Altaf Bhai (for MQM people).He is asking about the separation of Karachi form the country?No one is responding him against hi heinous statement?Yes we all know that no one will never give him answer as all are scared of him or don't know to say anything.I don't know why we Pakistani people let hopes be nurtured in such an environment where every one has collaborated the criminal elements whether it our media, politicians, court,bureaucracy and so on.What took place in these elections?Every one knows but all dumbs faces are posing nothing.:clap

Ahmadtufail Monday, May 13, 2013 09:47 AM

This post has revealed that MQM is not a political Pakistan Loving party.. If it was, it would have never demanded to detach Karachi....

Patriot Pakistani Monday, May 13, 2013 11:19 AM

A letter shared on a facebook page
Dear Altaf Bhai,

This is in reference to your threats today. I hope you don't take any of this seriously, just like we never take any of what you say too seriously either.

First of all, no matter what your drug/alcohol induced stupor makes you believe, you are not God. You are insignificant just like an insect, with your face plastered across every inch of the city's streets. Sadly, Mortein doesn't make a product that kills you.

Secondly, this is not YOUR city. This is OUR city. Who are you to suggest that Karachi should be separated from Pakistan? The last time we allowed a Britisher to demarcate our country, it was in 1947 after which we asked your red-passport brothers and sisters to get off our land and out of our lives.

Thirdly, politics is politics. Terrorism is terrorism. Call it what it is. You are not a political leader. You are a terrorist running a terrorist organization. You give death threats on public television, you give ultimatums to innocent civilians exercising their rights of a peaceful protest, and then you say you're a political leader. I don't know what you're on these days sir, but I suggest you get yourself checked. I think you're having an identity crisis.

Fourthly, I don't know which city you say you and your band of terrorists represent but it surely isn't Karachi. As for the people you say you fight for - the Mohajirs, the Urdu speaking men and women who lost everything when they migrated to this great land - not even one of them in his/her right mind would identify with you. I am a Mohajir and my family migrated from India. For years we've been told that to protect ourselves, we must support you and your band of terrorists. Today, it ends.

Lastly and most importantly - we all know you suffer from Alzheimer's, you delusional lunatic. But this isn't the 80s anymore when you put guns in the hands of young men and introduced militancy in your politics telling them that they needed to protect themselves from some sort of ethnic cleansing. Pakistan has moved on. And the only reason why you and your party maintain your stance on this ethnic divide is because without it, you have nothing to compete on.

We aren't as divided as your politics suggest - we united in 1947 and it's people like you who have been working to divide us since then. As I said earlier, check the color of your passport. It all makes sense now, you pseudo colonialist scum.

aliraza171 Monday, May 13, 2013 11:33 AM

An appeal to Altaf bahi
Dear Altaf bahi please come to pakistan first and then share your concerns otherwise it is futile to air your anger whether it is genuine or an inside story,the thing is everybody will keep raising fingers on your patriotic(if it is) gestures which you have been showing for five years.

Durrani Abid Monday, May 13, 2013 01:10 PM

Dogs bark but Carvan goes on...
MQM can never be termed as a political party and so Altaf can never be a leader.MQM is a terrorist wing working in the hands of foreign anti Pakistani powers where Altaf himself is sheltered.His barking statements are not new and his cunning mission and ulterior motives behind that mission are no more a secret.He has and will keep on barking because it is the only adjective he and his party is known for.Terrorism will remain the hallmark of their mission and the nucleas of their manifesto Moreover down with the people who vote for them and those who get togather and listen to his such senseless,dramatized,crafty and spiteful speeches,despite they know the very reality.

mujtubazaidi Monday, May 13, 2013 01:14 PM

its an alarming stage now for the establishment,
We must stand united to thwart taliban and MQM, they are both equal criminal,no offense.

Abdullah ktk Monday, May 13, 2013 02:14 PM

[QUOTE=Waqar Abro;597374][B]KARACHI: Reacting to rigging allegations hurled at Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) in the May 11 polls, Altaf Hussain on Sunday night ‘offered establishment’ to detach Karachi from rest of Pakistan if they do not like the public mandate of his party, DawnNews reported.[/B]
Speaking to party workers, he said the party’s mandate in Karachi should be accepted by all. “Despite of illegal and unconstitutional delimitation, Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf could see rigging in Karachi only,” said Hussain. “If polls were rigged in Karachi then where has tsunami disappeared in Punjab,” he questioned.
Snapping at PTI activists, who are currently protesting against alleged rigging in number of constituencies in Karachi, the MQM chief said the party workers will teach the protesters at Teen Talwar a lesson if he orders them to do so.
Hussain threatened to break arms of those who are hatching conspiracies against MQM. He directed the party activists to prepare themselves mentally for his next call. “I am about to set free my enraged followers if opposition against our party is not stopped,” he added.


comment on on this statement...

comment on on this statement...[/QUOTE]

Talibans are not the biggest threat as compare to MQM... dont know why establishment is just a playgoer at all this.

Venerated Monday, May 13, 2013 07:15 PM

chief of army staff secured a position among most influential people of the world but now i forcibly think altaf hussain as more powerful than our army chief because yesterday altaf openly challenged the establishment to keep away from karachi. what is establishment doing???? mqm ko q be lagam chor dia hai???

10:33 PM (GMT +5)

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