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Amina Gilaani Thursday, September 19, 2013 02:06 PM

yep u r right they r just using Muslims

Gotam Thursday, September 19, 2013 02:10 PM

[QUOTE=Amina Gilaani;650045]yep [COLOR="Red"][B]u r[/B][/COLOR] right they [COLOR="Red"][B]r[/B][/COLOR] just using Muslims[/QUOTE]

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Anousha Thursday, September 19, 2013 07:28 PM

I cant get even if Syria attacked with Chemical weapons on Damascus . Why the US intervening and willing for a war ?????? :/

Chintoo2010 Thursday, September 19, 2013 08:26 PM

Because America has assumed the role of International Police itself.
Amazingly, democracy and people of USA are endangered even a pebble thrown in a river thousands of miles away from it.

Defence of US is so fragile that it was endangered by the people moving on donkeys in the barren rocky mountains of Tora-Bora, Afghanistan & US instigated global War or Terror killing thousands of innocent people in Afghanistan.

They are powerful and they need no reason to invade a country.

In Afghanistan, they discovered Al-Qaeda and in Iraq aluminium tubes were enough for alleging her to possess WMDs and rebuffed the reports of its own experts that it was not a big issue.

Pakistan already burning. G.I.Joe Retaliation has depicted what they consider us & our Nukes.

Iran under threat.

In Syria, they are trying their best to invade.

What is left now? Saudi Arabia; which is governed by pro-US Kings & princess. Ummah is divided and has never attempted seriously to counter US. Only Russia can stop US from attacking Syria, otherwise KSA had deliberately requested US to attack Syria (what a shame).

We, the muslims are paying US for killing our coreligionists for the sake of sectarian differences. We are ourselves cruel and not the US.

Arsalanthahim Friday, October 11, 2013 06:00 PM

USA war In Syria is not like the war in Afghanistan. It is just like the war in Iraq where USA violated the article 51 of UNO by saying that Iraq has nuclear program but USA failed in finding the nuclear weapons in Iraq.

keenTHEquest Friday, October 11, 2013 09:30 PM

It could be world war three!

but the economy of usa is in the hands of Israel, may be it indirectly.

mhmmdkashif Friday, October 11, 2013 09:55 PM

[QUOTE=keenTHEquest;658304]It could be world war three!

but the economy of usa is in the hands of Israel, may be it indirectly.[/QUOTE]

Not entirely in hands of Israel but their niche seems so influential that it could cause a US govt shut down :)

badarkolachi Saturday, October 12, 2013 02:20 PM

America can never attack syria
there is no denying the fact that the international system is the only wall which has bound the countries not to go for world warIII, now at this juncture of time if she goes to war without taking into confidence other countries, there would be huge cry and would face real criticism from far and wide. thus in order to save herself from severe criticism she would never attack syria but would explore united nations investigation option.

Chintoo2010 Sunday, October 13, 2013 07:59 PM

America will now invest in the proxy wars in Syria more than before.

Why American people do not understand that 1/3rd of the victims of illegal aggression of US Army in its so called war on terror are innocents children who have done no harm to US and its freedom.

These killing by the US Army from Palestine to Somalia, from Afghanistan to Iraq, & to their next target on the name of the freedom of their people is Mass Murder and not the collateral damage & America is responsible for it.

War on terror is a cover for military aggression for gaining control of the resources of the western asia. This is Trading blood for oil & a genocide.

Is whole world especially the Muslims not terrified by the military might of US?
Are the supreme crimes of US Soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq are not the crimes against the humanity & open violation of UN Charters & International Law.

What to say more, these terrorist intentions of the US are legitmised and when the people of the country put a legitimate resistance against illegal occupation of their country, mass killings and rape of their women, they are called terrorists. What a world are we living in???? People demanding respect for humanity are named terrorists.

US Soldiers are not defending the freedom of its people thousand miles away from their country rather they are laying the foundations of military bases in these countries to control world Oil resources (middle east & Caspian sea). They are not defending democracy, they are establishing the economic occupation to continue after army operations.

US Army invades other countries on flimsy & false grounds on the name of freedom of people and what they give to them are Curfews, detentions, blood on the streets, mass rape of women, total disaster of the infrastructure, death squads, check points, collapsed society & millions of orphans and widows, constant violence, practice of all modern weapons & tanks on streets on unarmed civilians of that country by US Soldiers and much more..........World never knew such nefarious and horrendous acts by any army before COLD WAR.

It is the America who has brought modern weapon on the streets, it is the America which used Atomic Bombs in wars, it is the very America who has spread its Army throughout the world in pursuit of its vested interests and it is the America which has created Talibans (proxy war against Soviet) in alliance with Pakistan (repercussions thereof are being faced by us too today) and it is the America which has started chasing its own created Talibans when they were no more useful...........it is the America which appreciates democracy and freedom but allows invasions to other countries, ceases their freedom, thunders its streets and civilians with bombings, firings and kills millions of innocent people and snatch everything they have.

A power has to arise to stop US otherwise they are master in creating wars and cause of wars too.........They are mighty today......they need no reasons to invade a sovereign state.......Russia is maintaining its position but is too weak to fight US or check it.......SCO (Russian NATO) like organizations have to strengthen itself and make an effective bloc to stop US from its international hegemony. Wars do not end wars rather they perpetuate more wars and this what America is doing.

[B][B][U]No Justice No Peace[/U][/B][/B]

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