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Hassan02 Saturday, October 11, 2014 09:52 PM

[QUOTE=The Shah Ends;765141]Why is Mr Sincer Khan bound to show you that specific excerpt? :thinking
Sir if you are this much interested to have a look at it, then please ''Google it'' :dd
Once you found that excerpt, share it with me too. :)
Thanks in anticipation. :)[/QUOTE]

Then keep waiting bro, because people like Sincer Khan are good only for rhetoric. When someone asks them for actual hard evidence they disappear. I've read the book too and didn't find anything objectionable, her only crime is that she doesn't make Pakistan sound like heaven.

The Shah Ends Saturday, October 11, 2014 10:35 PM

[QUOTE=Hassan02;765152]Then keep waiting bro, because people like Sincer Khan are good only for rhetoric. When someone asks them for actual hard evidence they disappear. I've read the book too and didn't find anything objectionable, her only crime is that she doesn't make Pakistan sound like heaven.[/QUOTE]

She didn't write that book, by the way. :)
Do not target someone like this. Everyone can opine, you know, freedom of speech should prevail they say. We have to respect each others opinion even if that opposes ours. :happy:

Hassan02 Saturday, October 11, 2014 10:42 PM

[QUOTE=The Shah Ends;765169]She didn't write that book, by the way. :)

As good as written by her. The fact that someone else did the actual writing is of no consequence since a small girl can hardly be expected to write a full length book :)

Gypsified Saturday, October 11, 2014 10:48 PM

[QUOTE]Why is Mr Sincer Khan bound to show you that specific excerpt?
Sir if you are this much interested to have a look at it, then please ''Google it''
Once you found that excerpt, share it with me too.
Thanks in anticipation.[/QUOTE]

How very witty. But don't worry, I'm reading all the comments. The reason I demanded the excerpt, the reason which seems to have bypassed you, was that Mr. Khan himself stated that Malala said certain things in her book. Now I know it was a shamefaced lie, but I gave Mr. Khan a chance to produce any such excerpt. He failed, as was excepted. I take it you can read simple English?

Why didn't I share the excerpt? Because it does not exist. Which is why 'Google it' won't help either.

And just to further clarify, there are about half a dozen lies Mr. Khan (who claims to have read the book) have lumped on that teenage girl. But since I don't like to indulge in conversations that fall beyond the minimum required intellect (by my own standards, yes), I preferred to ignore the whole twaddle.

Hope this satisfied you? If not, I'll be willing to oblige more. Oh, and you're welcome.

sincere khan Sunday, October 12, 2014 04:24 PM

[QUOTE=Gypsified;765181]How very witty. But don't worry, I'm reading all the comments. The reason I demanded the excerpt, the reason which seems to have bypassed you, was that Mr. Khan himself stated that Malala said certain things in her book. Now I know it was a shamefaced lie, but I gave Mr. Khan a chance to produce any such excerpt. He failed, as was excepted. I take it you can read simple English?

Why didn't I share the excerpt? Because it does not exist. Which is why 'Google it' won't help either.

And just to further clarify, there are about half a dozen lies Mr. Khan (who claims to have read the book) have lumped on that teenage girl. But since I don't like to indulge in conversations that fall beyond the minimum required intellect (by my own standards, yes), I preferred to ignore the whole twaddle.

Hope this satisfied you? If not, I'll be willing to oblige more. Oh, and you're welcome.[/QUOTE]

My Dear I told you that this place is not suitable for discussion so if you want then please meet with me i will provide you every evidence and proof...

Gypsified Sunday, October 12, 2014 04:56 PM

[QUOTE]My Dear I told you that this place is not suitable for discussion so if you want then please meet with me i will provide you every evidence and proof...[/QUOTE]

This is a perfectly suitable place for discussion. If you think otherwise, you should have refrained from participating in this thread in the first place. If you have any evidence, just copy and past it. If not, please stop wasting my and everyone else's time. Thank you.

sincere khan Sunday, October 12, 2014 05:02 PM

Waaoh Dear it show that you are a traitor, talking against Pak Army. My dear you want to become like Malala and want a Nobel prize but listen that it need Luck +Media Attraction, so if you have any Link with Media then its easy for you to become famous as well as to become rich like Malaala but one thing you will called a traitor of Pakistan because only a traitor of pakistan can do it. a patriotic and Peace Loving Person Cant do it LIke Imran Khan, Edhi, and secondly there are a lot of other Pakhtoon girls, They are speaking for Education and for their rights but Media only chose Malala. there is something secret that Only Malaala Why ..........

Gypsified Sunday, October 12, 2014 05:10 PM

[QUOTE]Waaoh Dear it show that you are a traitor, talking against Pak Army. My dear you want to become like Malala and want a Nobel prize but listen that it need Luck +Media Attraction, so if you have any Link with Media then its easy for you to become famous as well as to become rich like Malaala but one thing you will called a traitor of Pakistan because only a traitor of pakistan can do it. a patriotic and Peace Loving Person Cant do it LIke Imran Khan, Edhi, and secondly there are a lot of other Pakhtoon girls, They are speaking for Education and for their rights but Media only chose Malala. there is something secret that Only Malaala Why ..........[/QUOTE]

Ahan. Like I said, I have neither the time nor inclination to indulge in low IQ twaddle.

No evidence, then?

sincere khan Sunday, October 12, 2014 05:22 PM

The BBC quoted Tariq Khattack, editor of the Pakistan Observer, condemning the prize and Malala:

“She is a normal, useless type of a girl. Nothing in her is special at all. She’s selling what the West will buy.”

Gypsified Sunday, October 12, 2014 05:34 PM

Go ahead, quote Ansar Abbai and Mullah Fazlullah too.

sincere khan Sunday, October 12, 2014 05:35 PM

According to her, her ideal is Obama and she imagines of the Stone-Age when she see's a woman in veil and she remembers Firon when she see's a man with beard.

Iqbal Khan, a Local Journalist, said the schoolgirl had left the local population at risk of attack.
“We all know that secular forces were conspiring against Islam and these forces were using Malala to defame Islam, something in which they would never succeed,” he said.
A day earlier the Pakistan Taliban had renewed its threat to kill the 16-year-old and also warned bookshops not to stock her new memoir or risk attack.

Shoiab Khan, who works in a local bank, said the right decision had been made.
“She doesn’t deserve it at all,” he said, adding that there was widespread opposition to her efforts to get girls into school, a campaign many believed was being orchestrated by shadowy foreign forces.
“What about thousands of children who are here, under the shadow of Taliban and risk their lives every day? Malala’s interviews overseas will not help girls here

My Dear your view is wrong Im Liberal, Secular, and western Minded. i was fighting with many peoples when they were talking against Malala but after reading some news about Malala and his father i decided that its true . Malala is an agent of Pakistan Enemy. I Don't Pray five time a day. Im liberal, secular and Angrez type Boy but Im not against Islam. i don't Follow Islam but don't talk against Islam and Pakistan while Malala case is different she is talking against Islam as well as Pakistan :sleeping:sleeping

Gypsified Sunday, October 12, 2014 05:42 PM

Please carry on your drivel. I'm off for my evening tea. I prefer that over the kind of fish market conversation you are forcing me into.

Have a nice day. Come back when you have any evidence.

sincere khan Sunday, October 12, 2014 05:45 PM

dear you told me that provide evidence to you , so i did

Roqayyah Sunday, October 12, 2014 06:00 PM

An excerpt from Her book i'm malala

One of their most heated debates in that first year was over a novel. The book was called ''The Satanic Verses" by Salman Rushdie, and it was a parody of the Prophet’s life set in Bombay. Muslims widely considered it blasphemous and it provoked so much outrage that it seemed people were talking of little else. The odd thing was no one had even noticed the publication of the book to start with – it wasn’t actually on sale in Pakistan – but then a series of articles appeared in Urdu newspapers by a mullah close to our intelligence service, berating the book as offensive to the Prophet and saying it was the duty of good Muslims to protest. Soon mullahs all over Pakistan were denouncing the book, calling for it to be banned, and angry demonstrations were held. The most violent took place in Islamabad on 12 February 1989, when American flags were set alight in front of the American Centre – even though Rushdie and his publishers were British. Police fired into the crowd, and five people were killed. The anger wasn’t just in Pakistan. Two days later Ayatollah
Khomeini, the supreme leader of Iran, issued a fatwa calling for Rushdie’s assassination.
My father’s college held a heated debate in a packed room. Many students argued that the book should be banned and burned and the fatwa upheld. My father also saw the book as offensive to Islam but believes strongly in freedom of speech. ‘First, let’s read the book and then why not respond with our own book,’ he suggested. He ended by asking in a thundering voice my grandfather would have been proud of, ‘Is Islam such a weak religion that it cannot tolerate a book written against it? Not my Islam!’[/CENTER][/LEFT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [page #28 ]

Surely islam never a weak religion, but can we allow any person to express his freedom against our holy prophet (peace be upon him) ? and then we close the debate by saying that's his freedom to speak what ever he wants?

Hassan02 Sunday, October 12, 2014 06:55 PM

[QUOTE=sincer khan;765383]My Dear I told you that this place is not suitable for discussion so if you want then please meet with me i will provide you every evidence and proof...[/QUOTE]

What is wrong with this place?

[QUOTE=sincer khan;765401]The BBC quoted Tariq Khattack, editor of the Pakistan Observer, condemning the prize and Malala:

“She is a normal, useless type of a girl. Nothing in her is special at all. She’s selling what the West will buy.”[/QUOTE]

What does it matter what this Tariq guy says? Do you have no opinions of your own and go by whatever the editor of the Pakistan Observer says?

[QUOTE=sincer khan;765409]According to her, her ideal is Obama and she imagines of the Stone-Age when she see's a woman in veil and she remembers Firon when she see's a man with beard.[/QUOTE]

What wrong with idolizing Obama? He has come a very long way in his life. Tell me, would you not want to be as successful as Obama? Also, anyone who has lived under taliban rule would be afraid of bearded people, that's a natural reaction. How about you move to Waziristan, the you'll know how well your beloved Taliban treat people.

[QUOTE]Iqbal Khan, a Local Journalist, said the schoolgirl had left the local population at risk of attack.
“We all know that secular forces were conspiring against Islam and these forces were using Malala to defame Islam, something in which they would never succeed,” he said.
A day earlier the Pakistan Taliban had renewed its threat to kill the 16-year-old and also warned bookshops not to stock her new memoir or risk attack.

So you have no arguments of your own and need the opinions of other people to make your point? BTW, please tell me how Malala has defamed Islam? Nothing can defame Islam more than the savages who shot a little girl.

[QUOTE]Shoiab Khan, who works in a local bank, said the right decision had been made.
“She doesn’t deserve it at all,” he said, adding that there was widespread opposition to her efforts to get girls into school, a campaign many believed was being orchestrated by shadowy foreign forces.
“What about thousands of children who are here, under the shadow of Taliban and risk their lives every day? Malala’s interviews overseas will not help girls here[/QUOTE]

Hahaha, so now Shoaib Khan, a local banker will tell us what to think. Come up with something original man.

sincere khan Sunday, October 12, 2014 07:03 PM

Dear i read your all comments and one of your point you talked against Pak Army..Is Malala fighting with Taliban and Zaliman while Pak army :wait:wait

Hassan02 Sunday, October 12, 2014 07:06 PM

Surely islam never a weak religion, but can we allow any person to express his freedom against our holy prophet (peace be upon him) ? and then we close the debate by saying that's his freedom to speak what ever he wants?[/QUOTE]

No! God forbid that you listen to someone's opinion! As soon as someone says anything against Islam kill him and then say "Islam is a religion of peace". Malala's father was wrong, he should have taken out a rally and burned shops and cars.

[QUOTE=sincer khan;765437]Dear i read your all comments and one of your point you talked against Pak Army..Is Malala fighting with Taliban and Zaliman while Pak army :wait:wait[/QUOTE]


sincere khan Sunday, October 12, 2014 07:11 PM

Dear. You don't know about Malala and his Nobel . The Nobel Won by Pakistan Media with International Media. if Media Want then tum Farsh Se Arsh Pe ja Sakty Ho :sleep:

Hassan02 Sunday, October 12, 2014 08:26 PM

[QUOTE=sincer khan;765445]Dear. You don't know about Malala and his Nobel . The Nobel Won by Pakistan Media with International Media. if Media Want then tum Farsh Se Arsh Pe ja Sakty Ho :sleep:[/QUOTE]

OK man, whatever you say.

Sumaira Zia Sunday, October 12, 2014 11:36 PM

[QUOTE=sincer khan;764744]Yes that's the main point why UN didnt award Nobel prize to him And why to Malala because there is something secret. she show our wrong image to the world. and now whole world think that pakistan is unsafe country for womans[/QUOTE]
Definitely: all this was to reveal Pakistan as a terrorist state. :(

Aaqib Javed Monday, October 13, 2014 05:12 AM

Salute Sir Gypsified for standing up to this nonsense. One needs to have a really large heart, full of courage and patience, to bear such garbage.

Now wonder we are in this pithole, when we have 'gems' like Sincer Khan. I feel sorry for him. Has he been a [B]sincere[/B] learner, he would have learned a lot from you by now. But sadly he is keen only to show off his obstinacy. His Loss.

Last Island Monday, October 13, 2014 06:44 AM

[QUOTE=Gypsified;764706]I But there is no sight more delightful than seeing a teenage girl making all the [COLOR=Red]bigots and intellectually and morally degraded creatures [/COLOR]bubbling with hatred and yelling obscenities. [/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Shafqat Ali Samo;764763]iam very happy that man has not done any thing for pakistan as young girl malala did that. so nevr try to wrote[COLOR=Red] ur nero minded thought [/COLOR]as any body can b hurted[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Hassan02;764832]Don't really care about who wins the peace prize, but its heartening to see[COLOR=Red] bigots and fanatics such as Sincer Khan[/COLOR] on fire. May you burn brightly my friends![/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=wasiq ullah;765082] the [COLOR=Red]bloodiest person[/COLOR] and the noblest award, is it not a joke??? [COLOR="Black"][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Aaqib Javed;765579]Salute Sir Gypsified for [COLOR=Red]standing up to this nonsense[/COLOR]. One needs to have a really large heart, full of courage and patience, [COLOR=Red]to bear such garbage[/COLOR].[/QUOTE]

I knew the fate of this thread ever since it was created. Forget about Malala. All of you better learn to hold a discussion, that too with tolerance and without abusing others.

[QUOTE=qasimk;764775].even one of my female friend said please don;t talk about [COLOR=Red]that ho*....[/COLOR]. God knows who is right [/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=qasimk;764741]as i read your post i had a piffany that Mr.Eidhi lived his whole life [COLOR=Red]like an A hole. [/COLOR][/QUOTE]

This is my first and last warning to you. Watch your words. You cannot use foul words and slangs secretly and escape consequences easily.

sincere khan Monday, October 13, 2014 10:45 AM

[QUOTE=Aaqib Javed;765579]Salute Sir Gypsified for standing up to this nonsense. One needs to have a really large heart, full of courage and patience, to bear such garbage.

Now wonder we are in this pithole, when we have 'gems' like Sincer Khan. I feel sorry for him. Has he been a [B]sincere[/B] learner, he would have learned a lot from you by now. But sadly he is keen only to show off his obstinacy. His Loss.[/QUOTE]

My Dear you are still a Child . don't know anything please Go and read her book first and then take participation in this discussion..

Anna Angela Monday, October 13, 2014 12:03 PM

OMG! Too long thread, didn't read yet.

- 17 year old Pakistani girl striving for female education: Nobel Peace Prize

- PhD neuro scientist Pakistani woman: Rotting in US prison.


Gypsified Monday, October 13, 2014 01:34 PM

[QUOTE]All of you better learn to hold a discussion, that too with tolerance and without abusing others.

Now that you are educating us about tolerance and telling us how to "hold discussions", you might want to have a look at this too:
Waaoh Dear it show that you are a traitor, talking against Pak Army. My dear you want to become like Malala and want a Nobel prize but listen that it need Luck +Media Attraction, so if you have any Link with Media then its easy for you to become famous as well as to become rich like Malaala but one thing you will called a traitor of Pakistan because only a traitor of pakistan can do it. a patriotic and Peace Loving Person Cant do it LIke Imran Khan, Edhi, and secondly there are a lot of other Pakhtoon girls, They are speaking for Education and for their rights but Media only chose Malala. there is something secret that Only Malaala Why ..........[/QUOTE]

Apparently, it's wrong (and amounts to abusing) to call something nonsense and bigoted (even though both are pretty evident) but quite all right to dish out certificates of treason and get personal. Just a new definition of tolerance, I suppose, just like your own definitions of halal and haram.

Now go ahead, delete this comment too, as is customary on this forum.

Aaqib Javed Monday, October 13, 2014 02:21 PM

Malala FAQ
Malala FAQ

1: "She is settled in UK now, this is so not patriotic & defeats the purpose"

Would you advise her with your sanity intact to come back to Pakistan? I wouldn't.

She is in a school studying - getting education herself, that was what she voiced her concerns about in the first place. At least her cause of education can be supported.

She cannot be in Pakistan due to obvious factor - she is too vulnerable to be in such a volatile country.

2: "What has she been doing since getting shot? nothing!"

She has been working for Syrian displaced people - she was there at a point where people were reaching the border on foot. She spent some time there working for rehabilitation of refugees & making a makeshift school for displaced.

She has setup Malala Fund, and has lobbied and convinced people like #AneglinaJolie & Google VP #MeganSmith to be on the board.
She has raised pledges of $3million for education in developing countries to be distributed by #ClintonGlobalInitiative.

Working with #GlobalPartnershipforEducation, she has helped first-ever youth delegation at a #WorldEducationConference in Brussels, to help youngsters like her reach out to World Leaders to do more for education.

She was one of the few global voices heard very clearly about the Boko Haram abduction of 100s of school girls. She met Nigerian President to prioritize negotiations for release of girls with extremist group.

She influenced Pakistan's Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gillani to establish an IT lab & provide IT teachers in her native Swat Valley's Govt. College for Women.

She hopes to continue doing similar work - but for that she needs more finances & support.

Oh & she has helped her illiterate mom read & write. How many teens have accomplished that ?

3: "Nobel was given to Obama - it's bull crap"

It could be bullcrap for all I care. Anything that is said against Nobel Prize is a critique on it's selection criteria, not on Malala or countless great people who are recognized by it including Mandela.

But I would make an observation. Nobel peace prize is given to people who are currently "Active" to support their efforts financially & raise their profile to a higher level that their effort receive more support. This is somewhat of a pre-emptive award & has backfired many a times e.g. when Obama committed an end of Iraq War but would later continue to support & launch many wars in Middle East.

Malala has only just begun, Noble Prize will help her achieve more attention & more finances for her cause. I will say Kudos to that.

By Muhammed Ali.

Hassan02 Monday, October 13, 2014 02:57 PM

[QUOTE=Sumaira Zia;765534]Definitely: all this was to reveal Pakistan as a terrorist state. :([/QUOTE]

What is there to reveal? Pakistan has a terrorism problem, everyone knows this. The Western blind isn't blind, that they would need a little girl to tell them about Pakistan.

[QUOTE=Anna Angela;765661]
- PhD neuro scientist Pakistani woman: Rotting in US prison.[/QUOTE]

There are lots of highly educated criminals rotting in jail. Being educated doesn't mean you get a get-out-of-jail-free card.

[QUOTE=sincer khan;765628]My Dear you are still a Child . don't know anything please Go and read her book first and then take participation in this discussion..[/QUOTE]

You keep talking about her book, but you don't tell us what's wrong with it.

incredible one Monday, October 13, 2014 06:29 PM

Well done Mallalah.:clap

Roqayyah Monday, October 13, 2014 06:33 PM

[SIZE="3"]Did mohammad ali jinah really negotiated for a piece of real estate for us?

[B]My father says the problem is that Jinnah negotiated a piece of real estate
for us but not a state.[/B][/SIZE] (page # 50)

qasimk Monday, October 13, 2014 08:57 PM

[QUOTE=RAO RAMEEZ;764947]Malala has opened gate for other Pakistanis to have noble prize. She has increased the credibility of Pakistan. Not only for people working for welfare of society but also researchers in Chemistry,Medicine,Physics.
Previously, lame excuses like Noble Prize will never be given to Muslims or Pakistanis etc because it is a western based prize etc etc.
Why Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi,Ansar Barni, Faiz Ahmad Faiz , Edhi are not given or even nominated properly for noble prize?
Answer is simple. Pakistanis are never taken seriously in this regard. Their literary and scientific works were thrown in the dustbins. There language has been never given the due importance despite of one of the biggest language in the world. We have to bring our country in the limelight with positive aspects.
Our religious masses have failed to secure the mark. They have used religion just to hide their weaknesses. Our Maulvis use religion to hide their utmost ineptness in every other matter of life. Our religious veiled women have used their "Hijab" to en-veil their misdeeds and past and to have soft corners and praises in male dominated societies. Misinterpretation of religion and it's use for their personal gains is now a common norm in our societies. We judge others according to Pure Religious values and when it comes to "us" we devise the interpretation according to our needs and desires.

As far as this "Agent" term is used. It's the history of man kind that he is always inclined toward a developed society and a develop minds.

Malala case is no different. Yes, she do not want to live in a society with Dual Character Long Bearded men. She do not want to live in the rugged remote mountains with even no proper sanitary system, no good and proper schools and backward in all technology.

I don't know what this Orthodox Pathan mind is...At first time they given Fatwas against the modern technology saying it as "Shaitani Charkha"...This "Shaitani Charkhas" are found in abundance and in whole sale in their markets. Everybody knows they are the biggest Smugglers of technology. Afghanistan the so called fort of Islam is the largest producer of Opium.
In our Urban areas our Mothers always dissuade us to get out of our homes during the Noon, Mid night saying " Pathan ajae ga bache pakarhne wala, phir jaa kar Peshawar baich de ga"...

It's better we have freedom of women (not "Maadar Pidr"). But at least an extent what is the need of time. We must appreciate Malala in this case whatsoever she is an American Agent or Yehudi Lobbyist.
Puri Qaum ki Ghulami se behtar he Azadi Aurat ki.

Please dont be a stereotype brother dont say molvies as a whole molvies and Pathans as all pathans... please avoid this stereotype....

RAO RAMEEZ Monday, October 13, 2014 09:05 PM

This is the epic. Thanx for telling me that i burn the midnight oil to get a boy. In majority of cases girls are made to sit at home by their in laws. we all know how crazy our mothers are for doctor bahu and how nefarious they become of the same doctor when she pursue her career.
Why is there so much of emphasis on "seeing" a woman, come on woman is not an extinct specie to be kept in zoo to "see", if they come out of their homes to study or to earn that with in the limits of social norms no one must get hysteric. The thinking that all women out there must be seen or made girlfriend is the reason why men bind their own wives at home.
The beauty of Iqbal's poetry is that it can be twisted to suit personal interests as i m doing now. this one is for those who talk mountains against women freedom just because a mere illusion of a woman makes a "kotahi" in their "parwaaz"
haha..Well I never wrote for the sake of making some point...I just write to have some relaxation after hectic routine of prep.But, I'll still defend my stance.
What ground realities are? Every body knows. Yes, Mid night oils are burnt as well as the mobile batteries..:8: Unfortunately, we've been through all experiences and you can't deny you haven't...If any one haven't..It's not my mistake...He/She must find a good wardrobe or fashion designer+beauty parlour.
For the sake of pursuing your career you can't avoid your responsibilities. Handling your infants to child cares and mid wives or old grand nanny...
Don't you think a suckling neonate deserves her mother to be more with him then going to job??? For at least 4-5 years he/she deserves her mother more for better and early mental and physical growth.
See what will happen if same attitude is shown by men...
Wife: You never give me time
Husband : I wanna pursue my career..
Wife : Where is "my" part of "your" salary?
Husband : Oh spent on skill developing workshop..Pursuing the career.
About "Seeing" a woman...You can't divert your hormonal tendencies physiologically...It's same same like 2-3 girls gather and start judging and discussing every passing-by boy.Simple.
Twisting the meaning of something is not specific for IQBAL's poetry...You can twist any verbal piece of communication.
Mere illusion of women leads to pervaaz men kotahi...It's quite definite thing..Every body knows..Not much tricky..:)

Roqayyah Monday, October 13, 2014 09:22 PM

So there should be no different dress code for muslim women if they want to play any game?

[B]As a nation we have always been good at hockey, but Zia made our female hockey players wear baggy trousers instead of shorts, and stopped women playing some sports altogether.[/B] (page # 21)

[B]Many of our madrasas or religious schools were opened at that time, and in all schools religious studies, what we call deeniyat, was replaced by Islamiyat, or Islamic studies, which children in Pakistan still have to do today. Our history textbooks were rewritten to describe Pakistan as a ‘fortress of Islam’, which made it seem as if we had existed far longer than since 1947, and denounced Hindus and Jews. Anyone reading them might think we won the three wars we have fought and lost against our great enemy India.[/B] (page #22)

So there should be no islamic studies in school syllabus? In history sindh is called as "fortress of islam" instead pakistan.

Her views on burqa:

[B]Wearing a burqa is like walking inside big fabric shuttlecock with only a grille to see through and on hot days it’s like an oven.
[/B] (page #38)

This is perhaps the soft image of islam she wants to show to international media, and perhaps applying islamic values like burqa, beard, introducing modest dress code for women players, reforming islamiyat syllabus, and showing pakistan as fortress of islam is as hard image of islam. Perhaps her approach toward fighting for education is to mock islamic values and following islamic traditions will be an obstacle in progress of a country.

RAO RAMEEZ Monday, October 13, 2014 09:27 PM

[QUOTE=qasimk;765894]Please dont be a stereotype brother dont say molvies as a whole molvies and Pathans as all pathans... please avoid this stereotype....[/QUOTE]

No it's not directed towards Maulvis or Pathans...Just those with dual faces...Every body knows Pathans had been proven as sole contributors in the development of sub-continent...Malala herself is...

RAO RAMEEZ Monday, October 13, 2014 09:52 PM

[QUOTE=Roqayyah;765899]So there should be no different dress code for muslim women if they want to play any game?

[B]As a nation we have always been good at hockey, but Zia made our female hockey players wear baggy trousers instead of shorts, and stopped women playing some sports altogether.[/B] (page # 21)

[B]Many of our madrasas or religious schools were opened at that time, and in all schools religious studies, what we call deeniyat, was replaced by Islamiyat, or Islamic studies, which children in Pakistan still have to do today. Our history textbooks were rewritten to describe Pakistan as a ‘fortress of Islam’, which made it seem as if we had existed far longer than since 1947, and denounced Hindus and Jews. Anyone reading them might think we won the three wars we have fought and lost against our great enemy India.[/B] (page #22)

So there should be no islamic studies in school syllabus? In history sindh is called as "fortress of islam" instead pakistan.

Her views on burqa:

[B]Wearing a burqa is like walking inside big fabric shuttlecock with only a grille to see through and on hot days it’s like an oven.
[/B] (page #38)

This is perhaps the soft image of islam she wants to show to international media, and perhaps applying islamic values like burqa, beard, introducing modest dress code for women players, reforming islamiyat syllabus, and showing pakistan as fortress of islam is as hard image of islam. Perhaps her approach toward fighting for education is to mock islamic values and following islamic traditions will be an obstacle in progress of a country.[/QUOTE]

You must better understand the background of Malala...Imagine yourself living in the same area having imprints on your minds of cruel acts by Talibans since child hood...She don't know what is the true status of Pardah and Beard in Islam due to her rational type family back ground...
It's not her mistake that she hates them...It's theirs..The Religious cult called Talibans the Saviors of Islam...

Roqayyah Monday, October 13, 2014 10:16 PM

[QUOTE=RAO RAMEEZ;765909]You must better understand the background of Malala...Imagine yourself living in the same area having imprints on your minds of cruel acts by Talibans since child hood...She don't know what is the true status of Pardah and Beard in Islam due to her rational type family back ground...
It's not her mistake that she hates them...It's theirs..The Religious cult called Talibans the Saviors of Islam...[/QUOTE]

A well educated person must do research on the topics which he/she is going to quote in a piece of writing, and being educational activist she surely have read everything about islamic values. By reading her book its more seem like she is against the reforms of zia, that encourage taliban to establish islamic shariah of their own choice. Quoting her father thoughts about jinnah's struggle for pakistan as "negotiating for a piece of real estate instead state", calling a blasphemous book by ahmad rushdie as "freedom of speech" . Undoubtedly she has discussed the sensitive topics in her book, which shows a different image as media is symbolising her "female educational activist".

mhmmdkashif Monday, October 13, 2014 10:39 PM

Well all the 'liberal' guys jumped upon poor sincere khan and berated and belittled him, he was only trying to 'present his conservative views' in his 'traditional style' :D. My sympathies are with you khan. Guys please note that the approach with which you were trying to point out his 'intellectual bankruptcy' was displaying 'humane bankruptcy' in yourself :waiting

Gypsified Monday, October 13, 2014 10:53 PM

[QUOTE]Well all the 'liberal' guys jumped upon poor sincere khan and berated and belittled him, he was only trying to 'present his conservative views' in his 'traditional style' . My sympathies are with you khan. Guys please note that the approach with which you were trying to point out his 'intellectual bankruptcy' was displaying 'humane bankruptcy' in yourself[/QUOTE]

Well my friend, if a certain conservative person launches into calling others agents of Israel and America and traitor and speaks one lie after another (indeed, a typical conservative view which is also the norm of 'educated' people masquerading as 'moderate' Muslims) then yeah, people will not respond by presenting roses.

mhmmdkashif Monday, October 13, 2014 10:58 PM

[QUOTE=Gypsified;765932]Well my friend, if a certain conservative person launches into calling others agents of Israel and America and traitor and speaks one lie after another (indeed, a very conservative view which is also the norm of 'educated' people masquerading as 'moderate' Muslims) then yeah, people will not respond by presenting roses.[/QUOTE]

Well yeah I can understand that, but see this blaming and traitor labelling starts from 'top' (you know what i mean :D) and it's become a normal part of our culture. So ordinary people just say these kinds of things, you should stand above that I guess after reading that he was kind of an 'innocent guy' there is no point in going into 'intellectualism with him' :D.

RAO RAMEEZ Monday, October 13, 2014 10:59 PM

[QUOTE=Roqayyah;765914]A well educated person must do research on the topics which he/she is going to quote in a piece of writing, and being educational activist she surely have read everything about islamic values. By reading her book its more seem like she is against the reforms of zia, that encourage taliban to establish islamic shariah of their own choice. Quoting her father thoughts about jinnah's struggle for pakistan as "negotiating for a piece of real estate instead state", calling a blasphemous book by ahmad rushdie as "freedom of speech" . Undoubtedly she has discussed the sensitive topics in her book, which shows a different image as media is symbolising her "female educational activist".[/QUOTE]

I doubt she is "well-educated"...Now a days even our well educated people don't know the true status of Sunnah in our religious life...Well Zia was religious extremist every body knows just like Talibans. Her father thoughts are not "her" thoughts (Everyone has a way to see the things)...Ahmad Rushdie issue is really blasphemous but she did n't got noble prize for writing for Rushdie...
From my personal point of view the book is not written by her exactly. She was just dictated to do so. The real thing is her stand against the oppressions brought to her society by religious extremists. She stood firm even after getting a bullet and getting paralysed from one side of her face.

It's also a general situation of the present era. If a man in beard do something wrong we start blaming "Islam". Keeping beard is not ultimate Islam...Islam had not came so that people should start keeping beards (A way to judge by Umer bin AbdulAziz)..Malala is doing the same thing. The thing just helped her to bring her in the limelight because she is saying the same words anti-Islamic lobbies are spreading..
The cause she got the Nobel Prize is Important. And it's important as well that her noble prize is bringing Pakistan a lot of respect and attention as well.
Now it's time for us to combat all the harm she brought to the name of Islam and Pakistan by showing them the real picture. They are just waiting to find any breach in the status of Islam and Islamic Countries...Just like "Saving Face" of Shereen Obaid Chennoi...Surely there is not one Malala in Pakistan. Their are millions who have tuned their minds according to her.
She got Noble prize..Take it as an other issue as it's cause was different...She brought harm to Islam is an other issue..
It's same like Mohsin Naqvi was loved due to his Poetry but was killed due to his religious matters...(An absurd but nearly comparable example)

Gypsified Monday, October 13, 2014 11:03 PM

[QUOTE]you should stand above that I guess after reading that he was kind of an 'innocent guy' there is no point in going into 'intellectualism with him'[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I figured that, which I why I decided to just ignore him.

09:52 PM (GMT +5)

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