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imbindas Sunday, June 12, 2011 03:17 PM


This department was responsible for the construction and maintenance of roads, buildings, canals, bridges and hospitals.


1.Abu Musa Canal. It was nine miles long. It was cut from Tigris and brought down to Basra.
2.Ma’qal Canal. It was also cut from Tigris. It was named after its supervisor.
3.Saad Canal. It was sixty miles long and was built in a short span of time of only six months. It was also called ‘Amir-ul Mominin’ canal. It joined Nile to the Red Sea. In 18AH there was a great famine in Arabia and the carriage of food supplies was slow and tedious. The caliph ordered the building of this canal as soon as possible and it was done so.


Buildings constructed in Omar’s era were catagorised as follows:
1. Religious. He got thousands of mosques made in his reign.
2. Military. These included forts, cantonments and barracks.
3. Civil. Administrative buildings were called Daar-ul-Amarat. These buildings were classified as:

a. Dewan for keeping official records.
b. Bait-ul-Maal –public treasury
c. Prisons
d. Guest houses

Though Madina had been the centre of pilgrimage since ages, the roads leading to it were in ruins and waterless. Omar got roads and inns built at every stage during the pilgrimage.


In 15AH Omar decided to organize the army into a separate department. Omar said that all Muslims were the soldiers of the religion. He started inducting personnel starting from the Prophets own family and went down to the Ansaars and made a register of all. Salaries were fixed for all participating in wars and stipends given to their families. He also divided the complete list into two parts; the active soldiers and the reserves.
Omar established military headquarters at Iraq, Egypt, Jazirah and Syria and following measures were taken:
Barracks were built for the residence of troops.
Big stables accommodating 4000 horses at one time were made with a view to make available 32,000 horses at short notice for any emergent eventuality.
All military records were placed at specified centres.
Food stores were kept in depots and sent to various places.
He arranged patrols guarding cantonments.
To cater for any naval attack by the Romans he established cantonments at coastal areas.
He ensured the disbursement of timely pay to all soldiers.
Promotions were given in the light of the length of service with a rise in the pay.
He introduced the corps of Sappers and Miners especially for building of roads and bridges.
Espionage and intelligence services were also organized.[/SIZE]

imbindas Sunday, June 12, 2011 03:18 PM


Hazrat Umar occupies an outstanding place in history. Although his rule extended over Arabia, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, and Egypt and other places. An empire much greater than those of Chosroes or the Byzantine’s. He was a benign administrator and never for a moment lost sight of justice and truth in dispension of the state affairs. Unlike the crowns and conquerors in the world, he chose to rule by humility, frugality and piety, far away from pomp and grandeur.

The administrative system of caliphUmar was based on the principles of teachings of Islam. The holy Quran has explicitly laid down the fundamental laws of Islamic policy that the affairs of state should be conducted by consultation and counsel.

Now we shall touch upon some of the administrative skills displayed by the caliphate run such a vast Islamic state.


None of the states around Umar were democratic. Persia had never seen democracy. Romans had this distinction in ancient times but democracy had vanished ages before Umar. Without having any pattern or example set before him, Umar laid the foundation of a democratic state. Umar used to say, “The greater the right or opportunity the public has to interfere, the more democratic the government will be considered”.


The most vital and fundamental aspect of the democratic system was the establishment of a consultative assembly. Whenever an important question came up for decision, the consultative assembly was called and no query was decided without free debate and consent of the majority. The whole body of politic of Islam was divided at that time into two groups, namely the Muhajirin and the Ansaar. They were the leaders of the people and the whole of Arabia looked upon them as their representative.


The great beauty of the democratic system adopted by Omar was that the caliph stands on a level of perfect equality with the common masses in the matter of personal rights and claims no exception from any law. His powers were limited and every citizen had the right to criticize him.

Addressing Omar on one occasion a man repeatedly said, “Fear Allah O’Omar!” When he was rebuked Omar said, “Let him say it .If these people did not exhort me so they would be useless and if I did not listen I would be in the wrong”.

imbindas Sunday, June 12, 2011 03:24 PM

[B]Yezdgird Hears Strange Talk[/B]

Saad received orders that an offer of peace be made to the enemy before fighting was begun. So he chose fourteen chiefs of different tribes to be the envoys of Islam.

Yezdgird held his court to receive the envoys. The court was a mirror of the pomp and glory of Iran. The Iranians wanted to dazzle the eyes of the desert dwellers by the display of their splendour. But the Muslims turned out to be made of a different stuff. With shawls of Yemen flung across their shoulders, leather boots on their feet and whips in their hands, they walked fearlessly into the court. The courtiers and the Emperor alike were amaed at the dauntless bearing of the Arabs.

The peace talks began. Yezdgird asked the envoys what had brought them into his territory. Naaman bin Maqran, the leader of the deputation, came forward and said:

"O king, not long ago we were an ignorant and wild people. Allah had mercy on us. He sent to us His chosen Prophet. The Prophet showed us the path of truth. He called us towards good life and rid us of all evils. He had said that if we accepted his message, we would be successful in this world as well as in the next.

We accepted his message. He then ordered us to carry his message to the people living in the neighborhood. This message is Islam. It is the fountain-head of all good. It clearly tells what is good and what is bad."

"O nobles of Iran, we call you to the path of the holy faith. If you accept it nothing can be like it. We will leave you alone. We will hand you the book of Allah. That will be your guide. You will have to follow its commandments. But if you reject the message of Islam, you will have to pay the jizya and live under us. You will have to give an undertaking that there will be no more injustice of evil doing in your country. If you refuse to accept this offer too, the sword must decide."

[B]Yezdgird calmy heard this speech, then said:[/B]

"O Arabs, not very long ago no people on earth were so wretched or rotten as you. The smallest favor from us was enough to win you. Whenever you did a mischief, we wrote to a frontier chief and he set you right. I advise you to give up your whims of conquest. If you do not have enough food or other necessities, let us know. We will send you supplies. We will also appoint a good ruler over you, that he may treat you kindly."

[B]When the king had finished, Mughira bin Zarara rose and spoke back:[/B]

"O king, we were certainly as wretched as you have said; perhaps worse. We ate dead animals, wore skins and slept on the bare ground. But ever since Allah's chosen Prophet appeared among us, we have totally changed. His wonderful teachings and his lofty example have made us leaders of the world. Even proud kings like you fear us now."

"O king, any further talk is useless. Either accept the chosen Prophet of Allah and bow before his blessed teachings or agree to pay the jizya. If you accept neither of the two things, then wait for the sword to decide."

Mughira's words made the king lose his temper. "By Yazdan," he roared in anger, "if it were not against the law to shed the blood of envoys, I must have got you beheaded. But I am sending Rustam to deal with you. He will bury you and all your commanders in the trenches of Qadisiya. You are going to get nothing from us except dust."

[B]Then the king asked, "Who is the most respectable among you?"[/B]

"I" replied Asim bin Omar.

The king got a basket full or earth and had it placed on Asim's head. Asim galloped away, carrying the basket. He took the basket to the Commander, Saad, and placing it before him said, "Congratulations for the victory! The enemy himself has handed over his soil to us." Then he recounted all that had taken place at the Iranian court.

Saad felt much pleased. He took it as a good omen for Muslim victory. Later events proved that he was right.

imbindas Sunday, June 12, 2011 03:25 PM

[SIZE="2"][B]Rustam Humbled[/B]

With an army of hundred and twenty thousand, Rustam advanced to Qadisiya. Here he dug up for the battle. But he feared the Muslims at heart. So he went on putting off the battle for weeks. Envoys kept coming and going from one side to the other.

The last envoy to visit Rustam was Mughira bin Shaaba. Rustam did all he could to dazzle the eyes of the Arab envoy. He sat on a throne of gold with a crown of diamonds on his head. The whole court was decked with brocades, gold and diamonds.

Mughira got down from his hourse and walked straight to Rustam's throne. He climbed onto it and sat by Rustam's side. All present were taken back. The guards ran forward and made Mughira get down from the throne.

Mughira remained cool. Addressing the courtiers, he said:

"O nobles of Iran, I thought you were wise. But you have proven quite silly. We Muslims do not raise men to the position of gods. The weak among us do not beleive in the overlordship of the strong. I thought you also followed the same practice. I never knew that the strong among you were raised high and were worshipped by the weak. I never knew that you did not believe in the equaitly of men. If I had known that, I would never have come to your court. But let me tell you that you cannot save your empire by these methods. Unrest among the weak will turn the tables against you."

Mughira's speech ended the peace talks. But his words continued to ring in the ears of the Iranian nobles.

imbindas Sunday, June 12, 2011 03:26 PM

[B]Rout of the Iranians
The battle entered the third day. The Iranian elephants were still a problem. Saad asked to Iranian Muslims how best to solve the problem.

"Put out their eyes," they said.

There were two big elephants the led the rest of the herd. Two Muslim warriors took it upon themselves to deal with one of the giant bests. At one and the same time, they put out both its eyes with their spears. Then one of them cut off its trunk. The same thing was done to the second giant beast. Mad with pain both the elephants reeled back into the river. The rest of the herd followed the blinded leaders. From then on, the elephants were seen no more.

The battle raged with full fury the whole day and throughout the night. When morning came, the chiefs of different Arab tribes shouted out to their men to make one final rush. At this call, men jumped down from horses. With drawn swords they thrust themselve into enemy lines. Before noon they were in the heart of the Iranian host. Some of them reached as far deep as Rustam, the Iranian Commander. Sitting on his throne of gold, Rustam was directing the fight. Take by surprise, he jumped down and gave a good fight. But he was slain at last by a Muslim soldier, Halal bin Alqama. Halal jumped onto Rustam's throne of gold and shouted out, "By the Lord of the Kaaba, I have slain Rustam.!"

The death of Rustam completed the Iranian rout. Darufsh-i-Kawiyani fell in Muslim hands. Thirty thousand Iranians were killed. The Muslim loss was eight thousand killed.

[B]Calpih Receives the News[/B]

Omar was very anxious about the outcome of the battle. Each morning, he walked a few miles out of Medina and waited for the messenger of Qadisiya. One day, as he sat waiting, a camel-rider appeared in the distance.

"Wherefrom?" asked Omar, as the man came near.

"From Qadisiya," came the reply, and the man kept galloping on.

Omar ran by his side to keep pace and asked, "But what news have you brought?"

"Allah has granted victory to the Muslims," was the answer.

Thus Omar went on running by the side of the messenger, getting more details from him. When the two reached the town, people greeted Omar as the "Commander of the Faithful". The messenger was taken aback. He had never seen Omar before.

"O Commander, of the Faithful," he said in a low voice, "why did you not tell me who you were?"

"No harm has been done," said Omar. "Please go on with the details of your message."

[B]The Conquest of Iran[/B]

A party of Muslims will take the White Palace of the Iranian Emperor," the Holy Prophet had foretold several years ago.

Madain was the proud capital of Iran. Here lived the mighty Emperor, in his well-known White Palace. The imperial city was not more than forty miles for Qadisiya.

Saad's army rested after the Qadisiya victory for two months. When the men were fresh again, Saad ordered them to march towards Madain. Cities and forts that stood on the way were easily taken. Soon the Muslims reached the banks of the Tigris. The White Palace shimmered in the sun, on the oppostie bank.

The Iranians had destroyed the bridge on the river. So Saad ordered some of his men to get across and make the opposite bank safe for a landing. At once sixty horse-men threw themselves into the river. The sight so frightened the Iranian guards that they ran off, shouting, "The gians have come! The giants have come!"

Saad crossed over with his army. There was no opposition. Yezdgird and his courtiers had already fled.

At last the Muslims were inside the White Palace. Here they met with heaps of precious stones and untold treasures. One-fifth of this rich booty was sent to Medina. The rest was divided among the men. Every soldier got twelve-thousand pieces of gold, in hard cash, in addition to other valuable objects.

Saad and Omar were both grateful to Allah. Their men had shown perfect honesty and uprightness throughout the campaign. [/SIZE]

imbindas Sunday, June 12, 2011 03:32 PM

Strong words from Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A)
[B]After receiving the surrender of Jerusalem and completing the tour of Syria when Caliph Umar was returning to Madina he led the prayer at Jabiah. On this occasion he delivered an address which is preserved in history. The major part of his address was:[/B]

[SIZE="2"]"O ye people I counsel you to read the Qur'an. Try to understand it and ponder over it. Imbibe the teachings of the Qur'an. Then practise what the Quran teaches. The Qur'an is not theoretical; it is a practical code of life. The Qur'an does not bring you the message of the Hereafter only; it is primarily intended to guide you in this life. Mold your life in accordance with the teachings of Islam for that is the way of your well being. By following any other way you will be inviting destruction.

Fear Allah (The One True God), and whatever you want seek from Him. All men are equal. Do not flatter those in authority. Do not seek favors from others. By such acts you demean yourself. And remember that you will get only that is ordained for you, and no one can give you anything against the will of God. Then why seek things from others over which they have no control? Only supplicate God for He alone is the sovereign.

And speak the truth. Do not hesitate to say what you consider to be the truth. Say what you feel. Let your conscience be your guide. Let your intentions be good, for verily God is aware of your intentions. In your deeds your intentions count. Fear God, and fear no one else. Why fear others when you know that whatever sustenance ordained for you by God you will get under all circumstances? And again why fear when you know that death is ordained by God alone and will come only when He wills?

Allah has for the time being made me your ruler. But I am one of you. No special privileges belong to ruler. I have some responsibilities to discharge, and in this I seek your cooperation. Government is a sacred trust, and it is my endeavor not to betray the trust in any way. For the fulfillment of the trust I have to be a watch-man. I have to be strict. I have to enforce discipline. I have to run the administration not on the basis of personal idiosyncrasies; I have to run it in public interest and for promoting the public good. For this we have the guidance in the Book of God. Whatever orders I issue in the course of day to day administration have to conform to the Qur'an. God has favored us with Islam. He sent to us His Messenger (Muhammad, pbuh). He has chosen us for a mission. Let us fulfil that mission. That mission is the promotion of Islam. In Islam lies our safety; if we err we are doomed."[/SIZE]

imbindas Monday, June 13, 2011 02:27 AM

[SIZE="2"][B]Hazrat Umar responding to a Christian Ruler - [/B]

[B]Hazrat Umar's response to a Christian Ruler.[/B]

Once a christian sent few questions to Hazrat Umar (R.A) and asked for their answers from Hazrat Umar (R.A). The questions were as follows:

1- Two children were born from a mother, at same time and day. They both died on same day as well. How can their age differ by one hundred years? Who were they? How is this possible?

2- Where is the piece of land which is exposed only once to sunlight from the creation of the Universe to the Qayamat?

3- Name the grave that was alive? The person buried was alive. The grave travelled with the buried person who came out of the grave, lived and then died?

4- Who is the prisoner who is not allowed to breath in the prison but he is still alive?

After reading these questions, Hazrat Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) called Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas and asked him to draft response to these questions. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas responded as follows:

1- These two brothers are Hazrat Aziz (Peace be upon him) and Hazrat Uzair (Peace be upon him). Both of them born and died on same day. But Allah, by virtue of his utmost command, made Hazrat Uzair (R.A) dead for one hundred years. Hazrat Uzair (Peace be upon him) was alive again, went home, lived for few days and then both brothers died on the same day. This caused a difference of One Hundred years between the ages of two twin brothers.

2- That piece of land is the bottom of the sea where Firoun was drowned. Hazrat Moosa (Peace be upon him) and his followers crossed the sea which as a miracle dried and made way for them to cross. The sunlight was there only at that time. When Firoun tried to follow them, the sea came to its normal position and drowned Firoun and his army.

3- The alive grave and person buried alive were Fish and Hazrat Younis (Peace be upon him). The fish travelled in the sea. Hazrat Younis (Peace be upon him) then came out of the fish, lived for some time and then died.

4- The prisoner who do not breathe in the prison is a child growing inside mother. Allah has not mentioned the breathing of the child inside mother. The child does not breathe but is alive.

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) wrote these answers and Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) sent the answers to the Christian King. The King reviewed the answers and said that there may be some Prophet still alive within muslims because these answers can only be answered by a Prophet.[/SIZE]

imbindas Tuesday, June 14, 2011 12:06 AM

[SIZE="2"][B]Preaching of Islam[/B]

As the viceroy of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) his foremost duty was to spread and preach Islam. As mentioned above, the aim of various battles and wars was to clear the way for the Muslims for preaching Islam. Whenever any army had to attack a place it had to call the inhabitants of the place to Islam. Hadrat Umar was very strict in this respect and he had given standing orders to the commanders not to start war unless they had first invited the people to Islam. If they accepted it, there was no question of war and if they did not, then the war was fought only with those who were not giving a free hand to Muslims to preach the Right Path. No Person was ever forced to forsake his own faith and accept Islam.

The method adopted to preach Islam was demonstration by actual practice. For this purpose he ordered Muslims to establish their own quarters and present the practical shape of Islam before the population. Seeing the truthful way, the inhabitants of the glace were attracted towards Islam. No soldier was allowed to take any property or anything by force from the conquered people.

Because of fair treatment by the Muslims sometimes the whole army of the enemy accepted Islam. After the battle of Qadisiya a battalion of four thousand Persians accepted it. After the victory of Jalula, the chiefs of the place entered the folds of Islam along with the inhabitants. A commander of the army of Yadzgird, named Siyah accepted Islam with his battalion during a battle in Persia. All the inhabitants of the town of Bulhat in Egypt accepted Islam at one time without the use of any force only by seeing the piety of Muslims. A rich merchant and the chief of a place in Egypt, named Shata, accepted Islam with all the inhabitants of the place only after hearing about the character and piety of Muslims at the time when Muslims had not even reached that place. These are orally a few examples to show that Islam spread because of the character of Muslims at that time.

Umar (R.A.) was very strict in ensuring that no Muslims forced any non-Muslim to accept Islam. Through his advice, letters and addresses he made it clear to all the Muslims that they had to adhere to the ways of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) which was the only method to preach Islam. [/SIZE]

imbindas Tuesday, June 14, 2011 12:13 AM

[SIZE="2"][B]Umar is reported to have left the following testament:[/B]

Be kind and generous to the Muhajirun and the Ansar. Those out of them who are good, be good to them; those who are bad overlook their lapses. Be good to the people of the conquered lands. They are the outer line of our defense; they are the target of the anger and distress of our enemies. They contribute to our revenues. They should be taxed only on their surplus wealth. Be gracious to the Bedouins as they are the backbone of the Arab nation. I instruct you to be good to the Dhimmis for they are your responsibility. Do not tax them beyond their capacity. Ensure that they pay the Jizya without undue inconvenience. Fear God, and in all that you do keep His pleasure in view. In the matter of people fear God, and in the matter of Allah do not be afraid of the people. With regard to the people, I enjoin upon you to administer justice with an even hand. See that all the legitimate requirements of the people are met. Be concerned for their welfare. Ensure the safety of their person and property. See that the frontiers of our domains are not violated. Take strong steps to guard the frontiers. In the matter of administration do not prefer the rich to the poor. Be hard against those who violate the law. Show them no mercy. Do not rest content until you have brought the miscreants to book. Treat all the people as equal. Be a pillar of strength for those who are weak and oppressed. Those who are strong but do wrong, make them pay for their wrong-doings. In the distribution of booty and other matters be above nepotism. Let no consideration of relationship or selfish interest weigh with you. The Satan is at large; it may tempt you. Rise above all temptations and perform your duties in accordance with the injunctions of Islam. Get guidance from the Holy Quran and Sunnah. Freely consult the wise men around you. Apply your own mind in difficult cases, and seek light from God. Be simple in your living and your habits. Let there be no show or ostentation about you. Lead life as a model Muslim. As you are the leader of the Muslims, justify your leadership by being the best among them all. May God bless you.


Xeric Wednesday, June 15, 2011 05:40 PM

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