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imbindas Thursday, May 26, 2011 06:38 PM

to preserve the Holy Qur’an
[COLOR="Magenta"][B]to preserve the Holy Qur’an[/B][/COLOR]

[SIZE="2"]There were hundreds of Huffaz (i.e., those who committed the whole Holy Qur’an to memory) among the Companions during the life-time of the Holy Prophet but it had not been compiled in the form of a book. The memorization of the Holy Quran continued even after the passing away of the Holy Prophet into the Divine Realm. In various battles, which took place against rebels and false prophets, a number of Huffaz Companions were martyred. In the battle against Musailimah al-Khad-dhab about seventy Huffaz had died. It then occurred to Hazrat ‘Umar that necessary steps should be taken to preserve the Holy Qur’an intact in its original form against every kind of danger and it was not wise to depend exclusively upon those who had learnt it by heart. Therefore, he urged Hazrat Abu Bakr to put it in the form of a book. Other Companions also agreed with Hazrat ‘Umar’s opinion but Hazrat Abu Bakr hesitated in the beginning because it was not done by the Holy Prophet. However after some discussion he agreed to it and appointed Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit for this work who was hesitant at first but later, he too agreed and began the work. Hazrat Umar’s initiation of the idea of compiling the Holy Quran in the form of a “mus-haf” as we see it today is a great contribution to Islam and a great sign that not all new acts in Islam are blameworthy as some schools of thought allege.[/SIZE]

imbindas Thursday, May 26, 2011 06:39 PM

The Salat-ut-Tarawih
[B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Magenta"]The Salat-ut-Tarawih[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]

[SIZE="2"]The Salat-ut-Tarawih (special superogatory daily prayers performed in the Holy month of Ramadan), which was conducted occasionally during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet , was eventually established as a regular congregational practice throughout the month of Ramadan during the days of Khalifa Umar ibn al-Khattab . This accounts for the fact that it is often attributed to Khalifa Umar , on the grounds that he was the first to organize its performance along these lines. Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah ennoble his face) is reported as having said:

“Umar ibn al-Khattab would never have taken such a serious interest in these Tarawih prayers, if it had not been for a certain saying of the Prophet :

‘Around the Heavenly Throne, Allah (Exalted is He) maintains an area called the Enclosure of Sanctity, which consists of radiant light. So many are the angels within its confines, that none but Allah (Almighty and Glorious is He) could ever add up their total number. These angels are utterly devoted to the worshipful service of Allah (Exalted is He) and they never take a moment to relax. When the nights of the month of Ramadan come around, they ask their Lord for permission to descend by turns to the earth below, where they perform the ritual prayers together with the children of Adam. Whenever any member of the Community of Muhammad (prayers and peace of Allah be upon Him) is touched by them, or touches them, that person will experience such blissful happiness and good fortune that he will never again feel miserable or suffer distress.’[/SIZE]

imbindas Thursday, May 26, 2011 09:14 PM

Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) and the Fear of Allah.
[B][SIZE="3"]Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) and the Fear of Allah.

[SIZE="2"]Umar (Iiadhiyallaho anho) would often hold a straw in
his hand and say:
"I wish I were a straw like this."
Sometimes he would say: -8e: a
"I wish my mother had not given birth to me." m3 m
Once he was busy with some important work when a
person came to him and, complaining about some petty
grievance, requested for its redress. Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallaho
anho) laid a lash across his shoulders, saying:
"When I sit for that purpose, you do not come to me
but when I am engaged in other important work you
come with your grievances to interrupt me."
The person walked away. But Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho
anho) sent for him and, handing his whip over to him,
"You now lash me to even the matter."
He said: "I forgive you for the sake of Allah."
Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) went home, prayed a
Salaat of two rakaats in repentance and upbraided himself
"0,U mar! You were low but Allah elevated you. You
were wandering astray but Allah guided you. You were
base but Allah ennobled you and gave you sovereignty
over His people. Now one of them comes and asks you
for redress of the wrong done to him, and you beat
him? What answer have you to give before Allah?"
He kept on chiding himself thus for a very long time.[/SIZE]

imbindas Thursday, May 26, 2011 09:16 PM

[SIZE="2"]Once Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) was going on
his usual round towards Harrah (a suburb of Madinah)
with his slave Aslam, when he saw a distant fire in the
desert. He said:
"There seems to be a camp. Perhaps, it is a caravan
that could not enter the town due to night fall. Let's go
and look after them and arrange for their protection
during the night."
When he reached there, he found a woman and some children.
The children were crying. The woman had a pan of
water over the fire. Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho)
greeted her with salaam and, with her permission, went
near her.
Umar: "Why are these children crying?"
The Woman: "Because they are hungry."
Umar: "What is in the pan?"
The Woman: "Only water to soothe the children, so
that they may go to sleep in the belief
that food is being prepared for them. Ah!
Allah will judge between Umar (Radhiyallaho
anho) and me, on the Day of
Judgement, for neglecting me in my distress.
'Umar (weeping): "May Allah have mercy on you! How
can Umar know of your distress?"
The Woman: "When he is our Amir, he must keep
himself informed about us."
Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) returned to the
towd and straightway went to Baitul-Ma1 to fill a sack with
flour, dates, fat and clothes, and also drew some money.
When the sack was ready, he said to Aslam:
"Now put this sack on my back, Aslam."
Aslam: "No please, Amir-ul-Mo'mineen! I shall carry this
'Umar refused to listen to Aslam, even on his persistant requests
to allow him to carry the sack, and remarked:
"What! Will you carry my load on the Day of Judgement?
I must carr this bag, for it is I who would be
questioned (in the l I ereafter) about this woman."
Aslam most reluctantly placed the bag on Umar's (Radhiyallaho
anho) back, who carried it with a swift pace right to
the woman's tent. Aslam followed at his heels. He put a
little flour and some dates and fat in the pan and began to
stir. He blew (with his mouth) into the fire to kindle it.
Aslam says:
"I saw the smoke passing through his thick beard."
After some time, the pottage was ready. He himself served
it to the family. When they had eaten to their fill, he made
aver to them the little that was left for their next meal. The
children were very happy after their meal and began to
play about merrily. The woman felt very grateful and re- 8 3
marked: .E 4 mS m
"May Allah reward you for your kindness! In fact you
deserve to take the place of Khalifah instead of 'Umar."
'Umar consoled her and said:
"When you come to see the Khalifah, you will find me
He sat for a while at a place close by and kept on watching
the children. He then returned to Madinah. On his way
back, he said to Aslam:
"Do you know why I sat there, Aslam? I had seen them
weeping in distress; I liked to, see them laughing and
happy for some time."
It is said that Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) while
leading Fajr Salaat used to recite 'Kahf', 'Taha' and other
such Soorahs in his Salaat, and would weep so much that
his crying could be heard way back to several rows. Once
he was reciting Surah 'Yusuf' in Fajr. When he came to the
"I only plead for my distress and anguish unto Allah,"
(XII: 86)
he wept so much that he could not recite any further. In
Tahajjud, he would sometimes fall to the ground and
would get indis osed with excessive weeping.
Such was t Ee fear of Allah in Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallaho
anho) whose name struck terror in the hearts of the
mightiest monarchs of his time. Even today, the people are
filled with awe when they read about him. Is there any
person in power today who is prepared to show such kindness
to the people in his charge?[/SIZE]

imbindas Thursday, May 26, 2011 09:20 PM

Hadhrat 'Umar's (Radhiyallaho anho) Daily Allowance
[B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Magenta"]Hadhrat 'Umar's (Radhiyallaho anho) Daily Allowance[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]

Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) also lived by
trade. When he was made Khalifah after Hadhrat Abu Bakr
(Radhivallaho anho), he assembled the people and said to
"I earned my living through trade. As you people have
engaged me as Khalifah, I cannot attend to my business.
Now, what about my living?"
Different amounts of daily allowance from the Bait-ul-Mal
were suggested by different people. Hadhrat Ali (Radhiyallaho
anho) did not speak. 'Umar inquired of him:
"Oh Ali! what is vour suggestion?"
He replied:
"I suggest that you should take such amount as may be
on average be sufficient for vour family."
Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) accepted his suggestion
and a moderate amount was fixed as his daily allowance.
Later on. some people including Hadhrat Ali. Hadhrat
Usman, Hadhrat Zubair and Hadhrat Talhah (Radhivallaho
anhum) once proposed that Hadhrat Umar's (Kadhiyallaho
anho) allowance might be increased, as it was hardlv sufficient
for him. but nobody dared to suggest that to Hadhrat
'Umar (Kadhiyallaho anho). People approached Ummulmomineen
Hadhrat Hafsah (radhivallaho anha), his daughter,
and requested her to ascertain 'Umar's (Kadhivallaho
anho) reaction to the suggestion without mentioning their
names to him. When Hadhrat Hafsah (Kadhiyallaho anha)
talked about it to tladhrat IJmar (Kadhivallaho anho), he
became angry and said:
"Who are the persons making this suggestion?"
Hadhrat Hafsah (Radhiyallaho anha):
"Let me first know your opinion."
Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho):
"If I knew them, I would smite them on their faces
I-jafsah! just tell me what was the Prophet's best dress
in your house?"
Hadhrat Hafsah (Radhiyallaho anha):
"It was a pair of reddish brown clothes, which the
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) wore on Friday or
while receiving some envoy."

Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho):
"What was the best of food that the Prophet (Sallallaho
alaihe wasallam) ever took at your house?"
Hadhrat Hafsah (Radhiyallaho anha):
"Simple barley bread was the only food we used to
take. One day I anointed a piece of bread with the sediments
from an empty butter tin, and he ate it with
relish and offered it to others as well."
Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho):
What was the best bedding that the Prophet ever used
in your house?"
Hadhrat Hafsah (Radhiyallaho anha):
"It was a piece of thick cloth. In the summer it was
spread in four layers, and in the winter in two, half he
spread underneath and with the other half he covered
himself ."
Hadhrat mar (Radhiyallaho anho):
"Hafsah! Go and tell these people that the Prophet
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) has set a standard by his
personal example. I must follow him. My example and
that of my other two companions viz., the Prophet
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) and Abu Bakr (Radhivallaho
anho) is like that of three men travelling on the
same road. The first man started with a provision and
reached the goal. The second followed the first and
joined him. Now the third is on his way. If he follows
their way, he will also join them, otherwise he can
never reach them;'
Such is the life of the person who was a dread for the
monarchs of the world. What a simple life he lived! Once
he was reciting the Khutbah when it was noticed that his
lower cloth had as many as twelve patches, including one
of leather. Once he came late for his Jumu'ah prayer and
told the congregation:
"Excuse me, people! I got late because I was washing
my clothes and had no other clothes to put on."
Once he was having his meal when 'Utbah bin Abi
Farqad (Radhiyallaho anho) asked permission to see him.

He allowed him in and invited him to share the food with
him. 'Utbah (Radhiyallaho anho) started eating, but the
bread was so coarse that he could not swallow it. He said:
"Why don't you use fine flour for your bread,
Mesaid: "Can every Muslim afford fine flour for his
'Utbah replied, "No. Everybody cannot afford it."
He remarked, "Alas! You wish to fulfill all my pleasures
while I am in this world."[/SIZE]

imbindas Thursday, May 26, 2011 09:24 PM

[B][SIZE="2"]Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) vomits out milk of Sadaqah:[/SIZE][/B]

[SIZE="2"]A person once brought some milk for Hadhrat Umar
(Radhiyallaho anho). When he took it, he noted its queer
taste, and asked the person as to how he had come in possession
of the milk. He replied:
"The camels given in Sadaqah were grazing in the
desert, and the attendants gave me this milk out of
what they got from them."
LJpon this. I-iadhrat Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) put his hand
in his throat and vomited all that he had taken.
These God-fearing people not only totally abstained
from 'haraam' food. but were most anxious to avoid anv
doubtful morsel finding its way inside them. They could .c
not dare taking anything that was 'haraam', which is so 2~
usual these days.[/SIZE]

imbindas Friday, May 27, 2011 06:10 AM

[B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Magenta"]Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) does not like his wife to weigh musk[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]

[SIZE="2"]I-ladhrat (Jmar (Kadhiyallaho anhn) once received some
nli~skfr om Bahrain. I-le said:
"I tvant someone to weigh it, so that it mav be equally
distri1)uted among the Muslims.'
llis ~viits?a id: "1 shall weigh it.."
tiiiclhriit Umar (Kadhivallaho anho) kept quiet. A little later
ht: again asked for someone to weigh the musk, and again
his wife volullteered to do so. But he kept quiet this tiine
too. C'lrhen she repeated her offer for the third time, he said:
"I do not like your touching the musk with your hands
(while weighing it) and rubbing those hands on your
body afterwards, as that would amount to something
over and above my legitimate share."
Any other person weighing the musk would, for that
matter, have had the same advantage, but Hadhrat Umar
(Radhiyallaho anha) did not like this preference particularly
for any member of his own family. Look at this scrupulous
anxiety to avoid charge of selfishness.
A similar story is related about Hadhrat Umar bin
Abdul Aziz (Rahmatullah alaih) (who is known as the
second Umar). While he was holding the reins of the Khilafat,
musk belonging to the Bait ul-Maal was being weighed.
He closed his own nostrils, with the remark:
"The use of musk is to smell it."
These were the scruples of the Sahabah, and their successors,
and our elders in Islam.[/SIZE]

imbindas Friday, May 27, 2011 06:14 AM

[B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Magenta"]Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) trying to emulate
Hadhrat Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho anho):[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]

Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates:
"Once the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) asked
for contributions in the path of Allah. In those days, I
was in possession of some wealth. I mused thus, 'Time
and again Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho anho) has surpassed
me in spending for the sake of Allah. I shall by the
Grace of Allah surpass him this time, because I have
just now some wealth with me to spend'. I went home
buoyant with the idea. I divided my whole property
into two exactly equal parts. One I left for my family,
and with the other I rejoined the Prophet (Sallallaho
alaihe wasallam), who accosted me thus:
The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam):
'Did you leave anything for your family, 'Umar?'
'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho):
'Yes, 0 Prophet of '4llah.'
The Prophet (Sallallahd alaihe wasallam):
'How mu~h'?'
'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho):
'Exactly one-half.'
By and by, Hadhrat Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho anho) came
along with his load. It transpired that he had brought
everything that he possessed.
This is what I heard: '
The Prophet (Sa/lallaho alaihe wasallam):
'What did you leave for your family, Abu Bakr?'
Hadhrat Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho anho):
'I have left Allah and his Prophet for them.'
Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) says that on that day
he admitted to himself that he could never hope to surpass
Hadhrat Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho anho).
Allah says in his Holy Book.
"Vie one with another in good works (V:48)."
Such healthy emulation in sacrifice is therefore quite[/SIZE]

imbindas Friday, May 27, 2011 04:58 PM

[B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Magenta"]Hadhrat 'Urnar's (Radhiyallaho anho) wife acts as a

[SIZE="2"]Amir-ul-Mominin Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho),
during the time of his Khilafat, used to patrol the streets
and suburbs of Madinah himself during the night to keep a
watch. During one of his night-patrols, he noticed a camelhair
tent pitched in an open space. He had never seen this
particular tent before. Approaching the tent, he found an
individual sitting outside, and heard a sort of groan coming
out of the tent. Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) greeted
the stranger with "Assalaam-o-alaikum" and sat down
beside him.
Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho):
"Whence brother?"
The person:
"I am from the desert, and a stranger to this place. I
have come to request Amir-ul-Momnin for some help
in my need."
Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho):
"Who is there groaning like this inside the tent?"
The person:
"Please mind your own business."
Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho):
"Do tell me please. May be that I can help you."
The Derson:
"If you must know, inside there is my wife groaning
with labour pains."
Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho):
"Is there anybody else to attend her?"
The person:
"No one."
Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho), thereupon, got up
and hurried homewards. He broached the subject to his
wife Hadhrat Umme-Kulsum (Radhiyallaho anha) thus:
"Allah has brought you an opportunity to receive great
Wife: ' "What is it, 0, Amir-ul-Mominin?"
Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho):
"Yonder, a poor woman of the desert is in child birth,
with none to attend her."
"I am ready to attend her, if it may please you so."
Hadhrat Umme-Kulsum (Radhiyallaho anho) was after
all the daughter of Hadhrat Fatimah (Radhiyallaho anho),
and grand-daughter of the Prophet; how could she hesitate
at the time of such need of a forlorn sister, such a service
and a devotion which Allah loves best?
Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho):
"Then you should make all due haste. Also take a pan,
some butter, provisions and other things needed
during the child birth."
Hadhrat Umme-Kulsum (Radhiyallaho anho) did as she
was bidden and left for the place where the tent was
pitched. Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) followed her
close. She entered the tent, while Hadhrat 'Umar (Radhiyallaho
anho) made a fire and occupied himself with
cooking something which those people could eat. After
some time, Hadhrat Umme-Kulsum (Radhiyallaho anha)
called out from inside the tent,
"Amir-ul-Mominin, congratulate your friend on the
birth of a son."
The person was much embarrassed when he heard the address
of 'Amir-ul-Mominin' and realized the position of the
person who had been serving him. But Hadhrat 'Umar
(Radhiyallaho anho) put all his fears to rest, saying:
"That is all right, there is nothing to worry about."
He then placed the pan near the tent, asking his wife to
take it and feed the woman. She fed her and returned the
pan. Then Hadhrat U'mar (Radhiyallaho anho) asked the
bedouin to partake of the food, as he had kept awake the
whole night.
Having rendered this service, Hadhrat U'mar (Kadhiyallaho
anho) returned home with his wife, telling the person
"Come to me tomorrow, and I shall see what I can do for
Is there any king, nay a petty chief, or even an ordinary
middle class person of our time, who will thus take his
wife out at the dead of night, and out in the wilderness, to
attend a poor strange woman, while he himself gladly engages
in making a fire and cooking food. Leave the worldly
rich aside, how many of the religious people would do
that? We should realize that unless we really follow in the
footsteps of those God-fearing people whom we profess to
look up to as our models, we cannot deserve and wish for
the special blessings that Allah bestowed on them.[/SIZE]

imbindas Sunday, May 29, 2011 04:00 PM

[B][SIZE="2"]Hadhrat 'Umair (Radhiyallaho anho) gives up Eating

[SIZE="2"]In Badr, the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was
sitting in a tent. He exhorted the Sahabah to fight, saying:
"Rise up and race one with another for a Paradise as
wide as are the Heavens and the Earth, prepared for
the Muttaqin."
Hadhrat 'Umair ibnul Humaam (Radhiyallaho anho) was
also listening to this. He exlaimed:
"Bakh! Bakh! (How wonderful)."
The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) asked Hadhrat
'Umair (Radhiyallaho anho) what he rneant by that exclamation.
He said: "I wish to be one of those for whom this Paradise
has been prepared."
The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said:
"Rest assured, you are one of them."
Hadhrat 'Umair (Radhiyallaho anho) then took out a few
dates from his bag and began to eat. While he was eating,
he suddenly said:
"To wait till the dates finish will be a very long time. I
cannot do that."
Saying this, he threw away the dates, and with sword in
hand jumped into the battle-field and fought till he was
In fact, these people appreciated the value of Paradise,
for their Yaqeen was firm. If we too get that Yaqeen in our
hearts, nothing will be too difficult or too much for us.[/SIZE]

imbindas Sunday, May 29, 2011 04:00 PM

[B][SIZE="2"]Hadhrat 'Umar's IRadhiyallaho anho) Emigration to

[SIZE="2"]Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) is well known for
his valour and heroism by one and all. When the Muslims
were very weak in the beginning, the Prophet (Sallallaho
alaihe wasallam) prayed to Allah to strengthen the Muslims
with Hadhrat 'Umar's (Radhiyallaho anho) Islam. This
prayer was answered by Allah in no time, as we have seen
in Chapter I. Hadhrat Abdullah bin Ma'sood (Radhiyallaho
anho) says:
"We could not say our Salaat in the Haram till %mar
had accepted Islam."
Hadhrat Ali (Radhiyallaho anho) says:
Ch. VII: Valour and Heroism 125
"Early emigrants to Madinah left Mecca quietly and
secretly, due'to the fear of Qureysh. But when Hadhrat
'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) decided to emigrate, he
hung his sword from his neck, held his bow in his
hand and took a large number of arrows with him. He
first went to Haram, performed Tawaf most confidently,
said his Salaat most calmly and then went to
the different groups of Quereysh, declaring before each
of them, "Whoso does not mind his mother lamenting
him, his wife becoming a widow and his children
being rendered orphans, he may come out of Mecca
and face me'. There was none to accept his challenge."[/SIZE]

imbindas Monday, May 30, 2011 01:53 PM

[B][SIZE="3"]'Umar's (Radhiyallaho anho) Grief at the Prophet's

None can deny the proverbial valour, courage and
strength of 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho), over whose mention,
even after the lapse of 1400 years, hearts are struck
with awe and respect. Islam could not be professed and
preached openly before 'Umar's coming into its fold. As
soon as he embraced Islam, the Muslims started saying
Salaat in the Haram, as none could dare harm them with
'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) on their side. Notwithstanding
all this, he could not bear the shock of the Prophet passing
away. So much so that he stood with sword in his hand, utterly
confused and bewildered, saying:
"I shall behead the person who says that the Prophet
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) has passed away. The
Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) has only gone to
visit his Lord, just as Moosa (Alayhis salaam) had gone
to Toor. He will shortly return and cut off the hands
and feet of those who were spreading the false news of
his death."
On the other hand, 'Usman (Radhiyallaho anho) was
stunned with grief on this event. He could not utter a single
word, even till the next day, and walked about as if bereft
of speech. Ali (Radhiyallaho anho), too, was in terrible
grief. He was still and motionless. Only Abu Bakr, (Radhiyallaho
anho) for all his love of the Prophet (Sallallaho
alaihe wasallam) as we have seen in the last story, stood
firm as a rock against this terrible storm of grief and did not
lose his mental composure. He calmly entered the Prophet's
house, kissed his forehead and came back to the
people. He called 'Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) to sit down,
and began to address the people. He said:
"Whoso worshipped Muhammad (Sallallaho alaihe
wasallam), let him know that Muhammad is no more,
and whoso worshipped Allah should know that Allah
is Everliving and Eternal. He then recited the following
verse of the Qur'an:
"Muhammad is but a messenger; messengers, the like
of those who have passed away before him. Will it be
that when he dies or is slain, Ye will turn back on your
heels. He who turneth back doth not hurt Allah, and
Allah will reward those who recognise the Truth.
(111: 144)."
As Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho anho) was destined to be
the Khalifah after the Prophet, (Sallalaho alaihe wasallam)
it is significa~t hat, unlike other Sahabah, he behaved with E
the composure and patience that were needed on an occasion
like this. Again. it was Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho
anho) alone who knew better than anybody else about the
regulations regarding the burial, inheritance, etc, of the
Prophet (Sallalaho alaihe wasallam). When difference of
opinion arose among the Sahabah whether the burial place
of the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) be at Mecca or
Madinah or jerusalenl, it was Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho
anho) who settled the difference by saying on the authority
of the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) that the Prophets
are buried where they have died. There were several
other Ahadith known only to Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho
anho) that helped solve many of the other problems arising / out of the death of the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasal- t
lam). Some of these Ahadith were: i
(1) "Prophets have no heirs. All that a Prophet leaves 1 behind is Sadaqah."
(2) "Allah's curse is on the Amir who does not take
proper interest and excercise proper care in the appointment
of his deputies."[/SIZE]

imbindas Sunday, June 05, 2011 12:23 AM

love with the Prophet (PBUH)
[SIZE="2"][B]Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) once said to the Prophet
(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam):[/B]

"0 Prophet of Allah, you are dearer to me
than anybody else in the world except my
own self."
The Prophet: "No body can be a perfect Momin until I am
dearer to him than even his own self."
'Umar: "Now you are dearer to me than my own
The Prophet: "Now, O'Umar." I
The 'Ulama have given two meanings to the concluding
words of the Prophet viz:
(i) "Now you have the real Iman." 1
(ii) "Why is it that it is only now that I am dearer to
you than your own self? This should have been so I
long ago." i
Suhail Tastari (Rahmatullah alaih) says: I
"No one can have the relish of Sunnat until he takes 1
Ch. XII: Love for the Prophet 257
the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) as his Master
arid considers himself his (the Prophet's) slave."[/SIZE]

imbindas Sunday, June 05, 2011 02:02 PM

[B]The severe famine and plague[/B]

In the year 17-18 A.H, Hijaz and Syria were faced by severe famine and drought. Hazrat Umar took steps to get food supplies from Egypt, part of which had been conquered by Hazrat Amr bin al-'As . He sent three big ships of grains to Madinah which were unloaded in the presence of Hadzrat Umar . He himself distributed the grains among the needy.
Hazrat Umar did not take any delicacy (butter etc.) during the famine period. When he was requested to take care of his health, he said, "If I don't taste suffering, how can I know the sufferings of others?"

When the famine became intolerable, he prayed to Allah in a big gathering of Muslims. It has been narrated that the prayers had not even finished when rains started to pour down.

About the same time, plague spread in most parts of Iraq, Syria and Egypt and it caused great havoc not only to civilians but also to the Muslim armies. After the plague, Hazrat Umar went to Syria to inspect the losses caused by the plague. Three important figures, Hazrat Abu Ubaidah, Mu'adh bin Jabal and Yazid bin Abu Sufyan had passed away. He appointed Mu'awiyah bin Abi Sufyan as the Governor of Damascus in place of his brother Yazid bin Abi Sufyan.

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 07:13 AM

Hazrat Umar and first day of Muharram
[SIZE="2"]Hazrat Umar Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu and first day of Muharram

Muharram is the first month of muslim’s calendar year. On the fist day of Muharram Hazrat Umar Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu was martyred by Feroz Lulu – the Iranian slave of Hazrat Mugheera Bin Sha’ba Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu.

Hazrat Umar Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu remained Ameer ul Momineen for 10 years 6 months and 4 days.

There are numerous Sahih ahadith regarding the nobility, grandeur and sublimity of Hazrat Umar Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu. The entire muslim ummah is convinced on the fact that after all the messangers of Allah, Hazrat Abu Bakr Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu stands at the highest esteemed position and after him Hazrat Umar Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu. A very few ahadith are presented here.

Once the son of Hazrat Ali RA asked his father who is the best person after Hazrat Muhammad Salaho Alai Waalai Wasalam, Hazrat Ali Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu said “ Hazrat Abu Bak Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu, then he further asked “who after him”, Hazrat Ali RA said “ Hazrat Umar Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu’. I (son of Hazrat Ali Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu) thought after Hazrat Umar Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu, my father – Hazrat Ali Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu – will name Hazrat Usman Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu, so I myself said after him you are the best. At this Hazrat Ali Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu said “ I am simply a muslim amongst other muslims”. (Bukhari-vol-1, page-517, Abu Dauood-Vol 2, page 288)

In Sahih Bukhari it has been narrated by Hazrat Jabir Bin Abdullah Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu that Hazrat Muhammad said “ While dreaming I found myself entering into Jannah where I also saw Romesa -the wife of Harat Abu Talha Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu- and while hearing the sound of some footsteps I enquired who is this. Someone said it is Bilal Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu. Then I saw a palace where a young woman was sitting. I asked whose palace is this. Someone said that this is that of Hazrat Umar Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu. Then I decided to enter into the palace to see it. But O! Umar at that moment I remembered about your self-esteem (ghairat). At this point Hazrat Umar Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu said may my mother and father sacrifice for you, O ! Rasool ul Allah Salaho ALai Waalai Wasalam will I prefer my self-esteem (ghairat) over you.

At another place it is narrated that at this point Hazrat Umar Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu started crying perhaps with joy. At another place it is narrated that Hazrat Umar Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu said O 1 Rasool ul Allah Salaho ALai Waalai Wasalam it is because of whom we are rewarded with true guidance and resprct. ( Fatah ul Bari 7/55)

In another hadith in Sahih Bukhari it is narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurrairah Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu that Hazrat Muhammad Salaho ALai Waalai Wasalam said that earlier there used to be few people in Bani-Israil who were revealed (ilham) upon by Allah although they were not Nabi (messengers of Allah). If there is any person amongst my ummah capable of being revealed (ilham) upon by Allah, it is Umar Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu.

In another narration the word ‘Mohaddith’ is also used for Hazrat Umar Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu, meaning that he was used to be revealed upon by correct / true things. At another place it is referred that truth always used to engulf his (Hazrat Umar’s Razi ALLAH Taala Anhu) heart (qalb) and tongue. (Fatah ul Bari 7/62) [/SIZE]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 07:19 AM

Love of moula Ali(RA) with Hazrat Umar(RA)
[B]Narrated Ibn Abbas:[/B]

While I was standing amongst the people who were invoking Allah for Umar bin Al-Khattab who was lying (dead) on his bed, a man behind me rested his elbows on my shoulder and said, "(O 'Umar!) May Allah bestow His Mercy on you. I always hoped that Allah will keep you with your two companions, for I often heard Allah's Apostle saying, "I, Abu Bakr and 'Umar were (somewhere). I, Abu Bakr and 'Umar did (something). I, Abu Bakr and 'Umar set out.' So I hoped that Allah will keep you with both of them." I turned back to see that the speaker was Ali bin Abi Talib. - Al-Bukhari Volume 5, Book 57, Number 26

[B]Narrated Ibn Abbas:[/B]

When (the dead body of) 'Umar was put on his deathbed, the people gathered around him and invoked (Allah) and prayed for him before the body was taken away, and I was amongst them. Suddenly I felt somebody taking hold of my shoulder and found out that he was 'Ali bin Abi Talib. 'Ali invoked Allah's Mercy for 'Umar and said, "O 'Umar! You have not left behind you a person whose deeds I like to imitate and meet Allah with more than I like your deeds. By Allah! I always thought that Allah would keep you with your two companions, for very often I used to hear the Prophet saying, 'I, Abu Bakr and 'Umar went (somewhere); I, Abu Bakr and 'Umar entered (somewhere); and I, Abu Bakr and Umar went out."' Al-Bukhari

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 07:20 AM

[SIZE="2"]In the early days of islam....once prophet muhammad(pbuh) went into the kaaba ...took its ghilaf(the cloth on the kaaba) in his hands...turned his face up...and prayed that.....

O the merciful of all...O mighty Allah ..... strenghten islam with the Umar bin Al-Hasham(Abu Jahal) or Umar bin Al-Khattab (Farooq)......

and Allah accepted this request of his beloved prophet(pbuh) ... as a result...islam received ...that gem...whose parallel is never to seen in the whole human history......

which is ranked at 52 in Michael Hart famous " The 100 " ...only two from whole islamic history......

and many great western historians unanimously of the view that if muslims could produce only one umar more...the whole world would be muslim....

When umar went to convert to islam....to Safa ....They said, "Who is it?" I said, "Ibn al-Khattab." They knew my severity against the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, so nobody moved to open the door until he said, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, "Open it for him." They opened it for me, two men grabbed hold of me by the upper arms and brought me to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, who said, "Leave him alone." Then he grabbed me by my shirt and dragged me forcibly towards him and said, "Accept Islam, Ibn al-Khattab. O Allah guide him," and I bore witness and the

Muslims said, "Allahu Akbar!" so loudly that it was heard in the valleys of Makkah .......[/SIZE]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 07:23 AM

Ahadees quoted for Umar(RA) the great
Ahadees quoted

1.prophet(pbuh) describing white palace of umar in jannah
2.prophet(pbuh) giving milk to umar..means knowledge...
3.prophet(pbuh) saw umar with longest shirt means knowledge of deen....
4.shaitan changes the road on which umar travels...
5.muahaddis and mujaddid of this nation...
6.allah put truth on umar tongue...
7.in dispute...quran revealed with umar pow..as ali...also said that..i given before ....
8.allah put truth on umar tongue...
9.prophet(pbuh) said...if thee had prophet after me..it would have umar...
10.prophet(pbuh) looking shaitans of men and jinn which fled from umar.....
11.truth shakes hands with umar...
12.allah place truth on umar tongue as said by abu zar ghaffari...
13.umar is the lamp of people of garden...
14.umar is the locked door of all fitnas..and will be broken...
15.his anger is might and his good pleasure is judgement...
16.shaitan afraid off umar...
17.every angel of heaven respect umar and every shaitan fear of him...
18.prophet(pbuh) said,...after me truth is with umar...
19.prophet(pbuh) dream of buket pulling by umar....
20.shaitan met umar..fell upon face...
21.jibril said that islam will weep over his death...
22.whoever angry wiyth umar..angry with me..whoever loves umar..loves me

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 07:26 AM

Justice Syed Amir Ali about Umar(RA)the great
[SIZE="2"]The death of Umar was a real calamity to Islam. Stern, but just, far-sighted, thoroughly versed in the character of his people, he was especially fitted for the leadership of the unruly Arabs. He had held the helm with a strong hand and severely repressed the natural tendency to demoralization among nomadic tribes and semi-civilized people when coming in contact with the luxury and vices of cities. He had established the Diwan or the Department of Finance, to which was entrusted the administration of the revenues; and had introduced fixed rules for the government of the provinces. He was a man of towering height, strong build, and fair complexion. Of simple habits, austere and frugal, always accessible to the meanest of his subjects, wandering about at night to inquire into the condition of the people, without any guard of court, such was the greatest and the most powerful ruler of the time."[/SIZE]

[B][COLOR="Magenta"]History of the Saracens[/COLOR][/B]
[B]Justice Syed Amir Ali [/B]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 07:29 AM

Shah Waliullah on Umar
[B]Shah Waliullah said[/B]
Imagine the heart of Umar as a house with many gates. At each gate is seated a noble genius. At one gate stands Alexander the Great with all his genius for conquering countries, commanding armies and vanquishing foes. At another gates sits Anushirwan with all his gentleness, magnanimity, justice, and love of his subjects. And yet at another gate sits a spiritual leader like Syed Abdul Qadir Gilani or Khawaja Bahauddin. At another gate sits Hadith specialists like Abu Huraira and Ibn Umar, and yet at another gate sit thinkers of the caliber of Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi and Sheikh Fariduddin Attar. And people are standing around this house and every needy one represents his need to the Imam of his branch of knowledge and goes away satisfied."[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE="2"]Put in simpler words, this tribute means that:

Umar was a great Conqueror, greater than Alexander;
Umar excelled Anushirwan in justice;
Umar was a great spiritual leader;
Umar was a specialist in Hadith;
Umar was a great thinker;
Umar excelled in all branches of knowledge.[/SIZE]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 07:32 AM

The Holy Prophet's Joint Tributes To Abu Bakr And Umar
[SIZE="2"][B][SIZE="2"]The Holy Prophet's Joint Tributes To Abu Bakr And Umar[/SIZE][/B]

[B][COLOR="Magenta"]ox and wolf[/COLOR][/B]

Abu Hurrayrah said:
I heard the Holy Prophet say, 'while a shepherd was in the midst of his flock, a wolf rushed upon it and carried from it a sheep and the shepherd pursued it, the wolf turned to him and said, who will be a protector to it on the day of resurrection-the day when there will be no other shepherd than myself. As a man was driving an ox which he had laden, it turned to him and said, Verily I was not created for this but for tillage."

The companions cried, "Good God! Should an ox talk." The Holy Prophet said:

"I believe in it, and likewise Abu Bakr and Umar."

This is indicative of the Holy Prophet's trust in the faith of Abu Bakr and Umar.

[B][COLOR="Magenta"]two ministers[/COLOR][/B]

The Holy Prophet(pbuh) said:
There was never a prophet but he had two Ministers from the dwellers in heaven and two Ministers from among the dwellers on earth. My two Ministers of the dwellers of heaven are Gabriel and Michael, and of the earth Abu Bakr and Umar'."

right and left[/COLOR][/B]

It is related in a tradition that one day the Holy Prophet entered the mosque with Abu Bakr and Umar, one of them on his right hand, and the other upon his left. He held their hands and said:

"Thus shall we arise on the Day of Judgment."

[B][COLOR="Magenta"]ears and eyes[/COLOR][/B]

According to another tradition, the Holy Prophet looked on Abu Bakr and Umar and said:

"They are my hearing and my sight."

[B][COLOR="Magenta"]no opposition[/COLOR][/B]

Praise be to God, Who has strengthened me with ye two." On one occasion, addressing Abu Bakr and Umar, the Holy Prophet said:

"If you two are agreed upon any matter, I would not oppose you."

the two[/COLOR][/B]

Every prophet has chosen ones among his people and verily my elect from among my companions are Abu Bakr and Umar."

[B][COLOR="Magenta"]love of two[/COLOR][/B]

Love towards Abu Bakr and Umar is faith; hatred towards them is infidelity

the law[/COLOR][/B]

Love towards Abu Bakr and Umar and a knowledge of them is an injunction of the law


Verily I hope for the same benefit for my people by their profession of love towards Abu Bakr and Umar that I hope for them by their profession of faith there is no god but God'."[/SIZE]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 07:35 AM

[B][SIZE="2"]Have you seen such a "Hawk"[/SIZE][/B]

He took particular care to appoint men of approved integrity to high offices under the state. He watched over them like a hawk, and as soon as any lapse on their part came to the notice of Umar immediate action was taken. People were free to complain against their officers. Impartial enquiries were held and when any officer was found guilty he was removed and punished.

All the Governors were required to assemble at Mecca on the occasion of the Hajj, and here any person could complain against any officer. Umar exhorted all concerned to realize that the officers were not meant to rule; they were there to serve the people, and build up a welfare state.

[B][COLOR="Magenta"]his essence[/COLOR][/B]

[B][COLOR="Magenta"]Umar's concept of administration was:[/COLOR][/B]

"By God he that is weakest among you shall be in my eyes the strongest until I have vindicated for him his right. He that is strongest I will treat as the weakest until he complies with law."

No political thinker or ruler since Umar has been able to come forward with a better concept of the purpose of the state than the concept enunciated by Umar. About the ruler and the ruled relationship, Umar said:

"People generally hate their ruler and I seek protection of Allah lest my people should entertain similar feelings about me."

his instructions[/COLOR][/B]

Some of his standing instructions to his executive were: "Avoid vain suspicions; keep away from malice; do not encourage people to cherish vain hopes; be careful in respect of Allah's property in your charge; be accessible to the people; guard yourself against evil men; seek the company of the righteous; attend to your job with due diligence; do not procrastinate in the dispatch of state business; watch your subordinates; take immediate action against those who are corrupt or inefficient; and award merit." All these instructions given 1,400 years ago would be as true today as these were then.

[B][B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]* he burnt the door of Saad bin abi Waqas house in Madyan as it was made of wood..and difficult for a questioner to meet saad...

*he dismissed the greatest warrior of all times..ibne waleed as he gave great amount of money to a poet as a gift...for his qaseeda.....

* he canned the amr bin al'as son for injustice to poor egyptian[/COLOR][/B][/B]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 07:37 AM

[B]Umar and the earthquake...[/B]

once..in medina....came an earthquake..umar took his whip..and lashed the earth 2 3 times..with full force and said...what injustice has umar done on you that you are shaking ????

and the earthquake stopped..and it is said that..afterwards..in his rule...never came any earthquake in medina....

Umar and the Princess of Persia...[/B]

As a POW..the daughter of Irani King..Yazdgard...cme to medina...she was dressed with jewels..and gold..and was very beautiful..as irani women usually are....

umar asked who is she...someone replied...she is the princess of Persia....umar smiled and replied...then she is a fit for a prince only......bring or Prince of Arabia....

Hussain ibne Ali..was brought...and umar gave this to him...and latter accepted islam..named as SherBano..and became mother of imam zainul abideen.....

[B]Umar and Ali...[/B]

umar when went to conquer Jerusalem..made ali..as acting caliph....ali in his life...attended all prayers...behind umar...this shows ali accepted his greatness in deen..knowledge...and caliphate...

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 07:39 AM

[B]Umar and the Azan....[/B]

When the Azan was originally proposed the contents of the call were:

"I testify that there is no god but Allah-come ye to prayers."

Umar suggested, "The words 'I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of God' should be added". A revelation corroborated this suggestion.

Umar and the Aisha innocence....[/B]

When there was an imputation against the conduct of 'Ayesha, Umar said that this was a grievous calumny. Later a verse was revealed declaring the episode as a calumny and establishing 'Ayesha's innocence.

Umar and the Abdullah ibne Ubai....[/B]

'Abdullah b. Ubbay though a Muslim was insincere in his professions and was the enemy of God and the Holy Prophet. When he died the Holy Prophet led his funeral prayer. Umar suggested that the Holy Prophet should not pray at the funeral of those who were the enemies of God and the Prophet. A verse was later revealed enjoining the Holy Prophet not to pray at the funeral of those who were the enemies of God and His Prophet

[B]Umar and the Permission ....
The practice was that people went to see the Holy Prophet unannounced. Umar suggested that all visitors should seek permission before being admitted to the presence of the Holy Prophet. A verse was later revealed enjoining the asking of permission before entering the presence of the Holy Prophet.

Umar and the murder he did ....[/B]

Once two persons to a dispute referred the case to the Holy Prophet and the Holy Prophet gave his verdict. One of them appealed against the decision of the Holy Prophet. Umar slew him with his sword. A verse was revealed absolving Umar from the death of the person who did not believe in the judgment of the Holy Prophet.

Umar and the Gibrael....
Once a Jew said to Umar, "Verily Gabriel who speaks to your Master is our enemy." Umar retorted, "Whosoever is an enemy to God, or His angels, or His Apostles, or Gabriel, or Michael, verily God is an enemy to the unbelievers." Later a verse was revealed declaring that God was the enemy of unbelievers.

[B][COLOR="Magenta"]In nutshell ....prophet(peace be upon him )repeatedly said that...

God speaks through the tongue of Umar.[/COLOR][/B]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 07:40 AM

[SIZE="2"][B]Ali on Umar death....[/B]

Seeing the face of Umar, Ali said:

"Salutations of God to thee,
Verily, there is no man
Other than this shrouded one,
Whose deeds I envy."

[B]Usman on umar death....[/B]

'Usman seeing the face of Umar said:

"Out of us, who can equal Umar?"

[B]Sa'id bin Zaid on umar death....[/B]

Sa'id bin Zaid, the brother-in-law of Umar, wept grievously. He was asked why he was weeping so profusely. He said:

"I am not weeping for Umar. I am weeping for Islam in which cracks will appear after his death.

Hafsa on umar death....[/B]

I am bearing this bereavement with patience,
The Holy Qur'an condoles me,
You are not alone to die,
Every one is to die in turn."

Bint Abi Hashma on umar death....[/B]

We mourn the death of Umar
Who disentangled every knot,
Who solved every difficulty,
Who put an end to all mischief,
Who revived the Sunnat of the Holy Prophet,
He has departed from this world
Free from all blame."

[B]Wife on umar death....[/B]

Another wife of Umar mourned his death in the following terms:

"The death of Umar has overwhelmed me with such grief
That the entire world now appears to be a place of sorrow and distress."

Aatika on umar death....[/B]

Atika the wife of Umar burst into the following elegy on the death of Umar:

"Eye, let thy tears and weeping be abundant,
Death has afflicted me in the fall of a horseman
Distinguished in the day of battle and of contumely,
The stay of faith, the defense against inclement fortune,
And a champion unto the afflicted and oppressed,
Say unto the hopeless die,
Since Death hath given us to drink the cup of dissolution."

She also said:

"Firoz has deprived us of such a fair complexioned, fair minded person
Who was fastidious about his prayers
Who was regular in the recitation of the Holy Qur'an,
Who was a source of strength for the weak;
And who was stern and harsh against the oppressors."[/SIZE]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 07:43 AM

[SIZE="2"][B]Tribute of Ali....[/B]

When Umar became the Caliph, there were some people who approved of his caliphate and there were some who disagreed. During his caliphate he administered the affairs of the State strictly on the lines laid down by the Holy Prophet and his successor Abu Bakr. He followed them in the same way as a child follows its mother. Verily he was a pillar of strength for the weak, the poor, and the aggrieved. He was for the Muslims a source of honor, prosperity and victory. Nothing stood in his way in promoting the cause of Truth. He was so discriminating in truth that we come to believe that the angel spoke through his tongue. By being converted to Islam, he became a source of honor and strength for Islam His migration was a cause of strengthening the religion of Islam. God made the infidels fear Umar, and the pious Muslims love him. As he was very harsh with the enemies of Islam, the Holy Prophet compared Umar to Gabriel. As he had a fiery temper the Holy Prophet compared him to Nuh, O ye Muslims bear in mind that after the Holy Prophet, among his followers the two best persons were Abu Bakr, and Umar."

[B][COLOR="Magenta"]Ali used to say, "When the righteous are mentioned, then be quick and mention Umar." Ali also said "We used to say not without reason that the Divine Presence spoke by the tongue of Umar."

[B]Tribute of Ibne Abbas....[/B]

May God bless the soul of Umar. By God he was a pillar of strength for Islam. He was the shelter for the orphans and the widows. By his conduct he fortified the faith of others. He was a model Muslim. The weak relied on him for the redress of their grievances. He was a great helper of the people. As a Caliph he promoted the interests of Islam. Under him the standard of Islam was carried east and west, and the call to prayers could be heard in plains and on hills even in distant lands. In the states when he was hard or humble he maintained the dignity of Islam. He remembered God at all times. He was indeed the gem of a man. May Allah humiliate the person who talks ill of Umar, or bears him any enmity."

Tribute of Ibne Masood....[/B]

If the wisdom of Umar were placed in the scale of a balance, and the wisdom of living things upon the earth in the other scale, the wisdom of Umar would outweigh them, and verily the people used to think that Umar carried nine-tenth of the wisdom of the world."

Verily Umar was the most learned of us all in the Book of God, and most profoundly versed in the religious ordinances of Allah."

Umar was the fort of Islam. The people could enter the fort but could not come out of it. With the death of Umar that fort has fallen and now people would come out of it.....

[B]Tribute of Abbas....[/B]
I was a neighbor of Umar. After the Holy Prophet I have not found any person superior to Umar in the love of God. He spent the greater part of night in prayer. Throughout the day he worked hard to win the pleasure of Allah".

[B]Tribute of Saeed b. Zaid ....[/B]

With the death of Umar, Islam has come to grief. His death has caused a breach in the citadel of Islam which would not be filled up."

[B]Tribute of Abu Hudhaifa ....[/B]

It is as if the wisdom of mankind lay hidden in the bossom of Umar. By Allah I know not a man whom the reproof of the censurer in what relateth to the service of God, does not touch, but Umar." He also said, "In the time of Umar Islam attained the climax of glory. After his death Islam will have to face difficulties."

Tribute of Abu Talha Ansari ....[/B]

By God, there is no Muslim household which has not suffered because of the death of Umar."

Tribute of Abu 'Ubaida bin Al-Jarah....[/B]

When Umar will die, Islam will be disgraced. I do not wish that I should survive Umar. I wish to die during the life-time of Umar."[/SIZE]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 07:44 AM

[SIZE="2"][B]Somebody Stop Him !!!!![/B]
this was the sentence whih jews..christians.....and zorastriats used to say during the life of umar .....!!!!!![/COLOR][/B]

1.He was unique in his power of discrimination. The Holy Prophet conferred on him the title of 'Al-Farooq'.

2.Among his contemporaries he was the foremost in the matter of knowledge and learning.

3.He had the unique distinction of having his views confirmed by the Holy Quran.

4.His superiority over his contemporaries was acknowledged when the Holy Prophet said that if there was to be a prophet after him, it would have been Umar.

5.He was the first Muslim ruler to be known by the title of Amir-ul-Mo'minin.

6.The conquests made by him exceeded in extent the conquests made by any other Muslim ruler throughout the course of history.

7.He was the first Muslim ruler to establish public treasury.

8.He was the first Muslim ruler to establish courts of justice and appoint judges.

He was the first Muslim ruler to establish the Army Department and assign 9.regular salaries to the men in the armed forces.

10.He was the first to create army reserves.

11.He established the land revenue department for the first time.

12.He was the first ruler under whom the survey and assessment work of lands was undertaken.

13.He was the first Muslim ruler to take a census.

14.He was the first Muslim ruler to strike coins.

15.He was the first Muslim ruler to dig canals.

16.He was the first Muslim ruler to found cities.

17.He was the first Muslim ruler to divide the country into provinces and provinces into districts.

18.He imposed the customs duty for the first time.

19.He was the first to set up jails.

20.He was the first to organize the Police Department.

21.He was the first among the Muslim rulers to establish Military Centers and Military Cantonments at strategic points.

22.He established cavalry. He set up stables at strategic points. He created the distinction of pedigree and nonpedigree horses.

23.He established guest-houses in all cities. He established rest-houses on the road from Madina to Mecca for the comfort of travelers.

24.He provided for the care and bringing up of foundlings.

25.He laid down that no Arab could be made a slave.

26.He gave stipends to the poor.

27.He established schools throughout the country. He allowed liberal salaries to school teachers.

28.He was the first who instituted the prayers of Tarawih in congregation in the mosque in the month of Ramazan.

29.He was the first to formulate the principle of Qiyas.

30.He had the formula "Prayer is better than sleep" inserted in the call for morning prayers.

31.He was the first to provide light in mosques at nights.

32.He was the first to provide salaries for Imams and Muezzins.

33.He was the first to organize sermons in mosques.

34.He was the first to punish for writing satires and lampoons.

35.He was the first to prohibit the mention of women's names in lyric poems, an ancient custom in Arabia.

36.He was the first to inflict eighty stripes for indulgence in wine.

37.He was the first to prohibit 'Muta'ah'-marriage for a limited term.

38.He was the first to forbid the sale of female slaves, who had borne children to their masters.

39.He was the first who assembled the people to prayers over the dead with four Takbirs.

40.He was the first to enlarge and pave the Prophet's mosque at Madina.

41.He was the first to expel non-Muslims from Arabia. The Jews from Hijaz were transferred to Syria, and the Christians from Nijran were transferred to Kufah.

42.He was the first to place the law of inheritance on a sound basis.

43.He was the first to establish trusts.[/SIZE]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 07:48 AM

Have you seen such a Father ?
[SIZE="2"][B]Have you seen such a Father ?[/B]

Abu Shahma ..was one of the son of umar...took active part in Egypt battles..and after conquest of Egypt..lived there in the city of Fustat....once he drank some wine with his friend company...became unconcious...and the next day went to Governor of Egypt..Amr bin Al'as..to impose Hadd on him..Amr bin Al.as said that..you drank it in compamy..and already repented...so no need of punishment now....as prophet(pbuh) also used to say..if you commit some sin...then repent to allah..allah will have a greatmercy to forgive...

Abu Shahma did not agree..so instead of giving him 80 lashes in public..Amr bin Al'as lshed him inside his house compound and shaved his head also....

The strict intelligence system of umar...gave all this repoert to umar..in medina...which instantly wrote the severe letter to Amr bin Al'as that you have done the severe mistake and dishonesty by punishing him inside compound insted of punishing him publicly...umar ordered that...sent my son..on naked camel to medina as early...when son reached medina..hefell ill...and hardly can walk...umar ordered to punish his son in medina in front of public...one of the greatest sahabi of prophet(pbuh) Abdur rehman Auf..said that he already received punishment ...son said that ..plz..wait till i recover.....

umar turned down every request..his son was lashed in front of all people in medina...his son which was already sick..could not bare these lashes ... after few strips..he became unconcious...and 3 or 4 days after...died as a martyr...by the order of his own great and just father !!!!! [/SIZE]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 07:52 AM

[SIZE="2"][B]When Umar wept bitterly....[/B]

On return from conquering Jerusalem..he met near jordan...an old woman...he asked about her condition ..she said..Woe to umar...he has done nothing for me...umar said..while he was sitting thousands of miles away...how can he know...every person condition...of his regime....

The woman shouted with anger...if he does not know the conditiuonof his people...then why he rule on us....and umar wept bitterly on hearing this....

[B]Stones in the Kettle...[/B]

with his servant ..Asim..umar was on usual roam of madina streets ..came across a house in which children weeping...umar inquired that..a woman was there with spponing the kettle having stones and water in it..with the plea that...no food is available for children....

Umar instantly went Baitul Mal...took all neccessities in a bag on his back..Asim said that..give this bag to me...umar replied..on qiyyamah ..you also take my burden....

Umar came that women home..and helped her in cooking food..and then feed her children while he was watching that....

[B]Stipend of Children .......[/B]

Once umar was wandering in madina streets at night came across a weeping child...umar said t mother..what a sort of mother you are.....she replied that...i am trying to wean him..as stipend from umar will start after weaning....

Umar replied..this is cruelty to small child...the woman shouted with anger that...this cruelty is mere responsibility of umar...as she did not recognize umar....umar with tears in his eyes replied that...how much innocent children ..did you harm..O umar....

and he ordered very next day that stipend of every child in 25 Lakh sq, miles regime will get stipend from the day of his birth....[/SIZE]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 07:54 AM

[SIZE="2"][B] Umar and Wine.....[/B]

Drinking was very common among the Quraish. Some accounts say that during the days of ignorance even Umar was a wine bibbler. When Umar became a Muslim, he never touched wine. Umar was a great thinker. He thought that as under the influence of drink one becomes oblivious of his duties and responsibilities, drink must be prohibited by an injunction from God. Umar often talked to the Holy Prophet on the subject, and prayed for an injunction to enforce prohibition.

At Madina the following verse was revealed to the Holy prophet:
They ask you about wine and games of chance. Say 'They lead to great sin, and have some use for men. But the sin inherent in them exceeds their usefulness." (2: 219) The Holy Prophet informed Umar of this revelation. Umar said: 'Holy Prophet. This is not enough, pray to God for a specific injunction."

Some time later came another revelation, namely: "Believers! wine, games of chance, idols, and diving arrows are abominations which are the handiwork of the Devil. Avoid them so that you may prosper." (5: 90)

When Umar was informed of this revelation, he said: "Holy Prophet; this is a negative provision. Pray to God to give some positive injunction."

Then another verse was revealed which provided: "The Devil intends that by means of wine, games of chance, he should provoke enmity and hatred among you; and stop you from remembering Allah and saying your prayers. Will you not keep them away from them?" (5: 91)

This verse provided the necessary sanction for the prohibition of drinking. In spite of this injunction many Muslims continued to indulge in drinking.

[B] Umar Wisdom......[/B]
When Umar became the Caliph, and the Muslim conquests extended east and west, bringing prosperity to the Muslims, Umar felt that in order to safeguard the purity of faith some hard and fast policy about drinking should be laid down. While the Holy Qur'an provided specific punishments for some offences, no penalty was specified in the case of drinking. That made some of the wine bibblers take the plea that if God intended prohibition, the penalty for the offence would have been prescribed.

[B] Case in Shura ....[/B]
In shura ..umar asked ...is it lawful or unlawful ...all shura decided that unlawful....

then umar asked ..what punishment ..as quran is silent about that....

Intellect and Ruling of Ali ......[/B]

Ali argued that the offence of drinking was of the same species as calumny for under the influence of drink one was apt to say many things which he should not have otherwise said. In the case of calumny the Holy Quran provided punishment as follows:

"Give eighty lashes to each one,

Of those who accuse honorable women; But do not support their accusation with four witnesses.

Do not accept their testimony,

For it is they who break the law."

Ali advised that for drinking the same penalty i. e. eighty lashes should be provided. This advice was accepted by Umar.....

Orders of Umar....[/B]
Drinking is banned under the Holy Quran. If any Muslim drinks and pleads that this was lawful then cut off his head for what he says is a violation of the Holy Word. If he says that it is unlawful but that he fell into error then give him eighty lashes publicly."

These instructions were enforced vigorously, and the Muslim society was practically rid of the evil of drinking.....[/SIZE]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 07:55 AM

[SIZE="2"][B]Umar control of Sexual Laxity[/B]

* while arab poetry was famous for vulgarity..and loving affairs..umar put a strict ban on naming the ladies in poetic verses...and all those who broke theis laws..those poets were punished and flogged

* when many people statrted taking Mutah as a curtain of legal prostitution...umar banned this practise of Mutah.....Umar elaborated that the purpose of marriage was to set up homes with a view to getting children and Mutah negated such objects. Moreover in the case of Mutah the children born of such union were to be subject to social disability which was detrimental to social order.

*Divorce is the worst allowed thing ......umar banned the 3 divorces at a time....to save the institution of house..and ordered that 3 divorces at a time will be consider only 1...

* with the conquest of Iraq and Syria....the beautiful women attracted the muslims warriors and they started giving talaqs to thier arabian wifes to marry them

Hudhaifa was the administrator of al Madina and he married a Christian beauty of Iraq. When this was brought to the notice of Umar he required Hudhaifa to divorce the Christian beauty, Hudhaifa said that he would not comply with the order unless he was told whether his marriage was unlawful or else; the Caliph referred to the authority under which he wanted him (Hudhaifa) to divorce his legally wedded wife.

Umar wrote to say that the marriage he had contracted was not unlawful, but he had been advised to divorce the Christian beauty as it was bound to adversely affect the interests of Arab ladies. Moreover if the Muslims married non-Muslim ladies merely for their beauty that would encourage sexual laxity. Thereupon Hudhaifa divorced his Christian wife.[/SIZE]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 08:01 AM

[SIZE="2"][B]Why umar not appointed Ali..Usman..talha and Zubair as Governor .....[/B]

Around Umar there were such prominent persons as Usman Ali, Zubair, Talha and others. Umar did not offer them any office. Some one asked Umar why did he not appoint such prominent persons as Governors. Umar said, "These notables occupy a high status because of their virtues and other qualities. I do not appoint them as Governors lest for any lapse they may lose the prominence they enjoy at present."
Governor of Kufa...a headache !!!!![/B]

The appointment of Governor for Kufa became a matter of great headache for Umar. If he appointed a man who was harsh and stern the people complained against him. If he appointed a soft hearted man, the people took advantage of his leniency. Umar wanted his comrades to advise him regarding the selection of a right man for the office of the Governor of Kufa. One man rose up to say that he could suggest a man who would be the fittest person for the job: Umar enquired who was he, and the man said,", Abdullah bin Umar" Umar said, "May God curse you, you want that I should expose myself to the criticism that I have appointed my son to a high office. That can never be".

Umar Bud-Dua to Kufis !!!!!![/B]
It is related that the people of Kufa pelted their Governor with stones. When Umar heard of this he was much annoyed. He was distracted even in his prayer. When he came to the salutation he said:

"O God verily they have put confusion on me. O Allah you put confusion upon them, and place over them a youth of the Banu Thaqif who may rule over them after the manner of the rule of the time of Ignorance."

[B]This forecast came true when al Hajjaj came to rule over Iraq in the time of the Umayyads.is !!!!!![/B][/SIZE]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 08:03 AM

[SIZE="2"][B]Umar ....at the heights of Politics.....[/B]

umar 25 lakh Sq.miles glorious regime was divided into about 13 provinces .....

*.arabiaa has 2 provinces..makkah and medina

*iraq has 2 provinces...basra and kufa

*in upper eupharates and tigris..jazira was a province

*syria was a province

*persia has 3 provinces...persia..khurasan...azarbaijan

*egypt was divided into 2 provinces upper and lower egypt

Each province was divided into districts...Persia alone had 47 districts.(such a great dynasty that umar conquered thats why zorastrain got out of control)..total were more than 100 .....

[B]Each province was held by a governor or wali ..other governor level officers were[/B]

1.chief secretary
2.secretary revenue
3.secretary army
4.police officer
5.treasury officer
6.chief judge

at district level..mainly 2 officers

1.Amil...responsible for general administration
2.qadi..for justice issues

[B]Famous umar Governors.....[/B]

(1) Abu Ubaidah was the Governor of Syria

(2) Yazid b Abi Sufyan became the Governor of Syria after the death of Abu Ubaidah.
(3) Amir Mu'awiyah became the Governor of Syria after the death of his brother Yazid.
(4) Amr b. al-Aas was the Governor of Egypt.
(5) Saad b Abi Waqqas was the Governor of Kufah.
(6) Utbah b Ghazwan was the Governor of Basra.
(7) Abu Musa Ashari succeeded Utbah as the Governor of Basra.
(8) Itab b Usaid was the Governor of Mecca;
(9) Ayyad b Ghanam was the Governor of Jazira.

* every appointment was made by wriiten orders of umar

*the officer to take chare reaching province ..gathered all people..and old one used to left charge so all people know the new officer..

*it is taken oath that from them that they will not
*eat fine flour
*wear fine clothes
*ride a turkish horse
*keep guard on house
*close thier door

*A complete investigation of pre and post income of every officer...if any differences..strict action by umar and his land and wealth was grabbed by government..


umar intelligence system was the best...his chief intelligence officer was Muhammad bin muslama ansari...undisputed personality.....while sitting in madina..umar also knew what is happening in the far village of khurasan..thousands of miles away...the all officers used to tremble with fear of this intelligence of umar....sometimes Muslma himself reached the spot and decided..sometimes set it to umar at medina..also inquiry commission sometimes set up for justice....[/SIZE]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 08:06 AM

[SIZE="2"]It was narrated from ‘Aamir ibn Waathilah that Naafi’ ibn ‘Abd al-Haarith met ‘Umar in ‘Usfaan, and ‘Umar had appointed him as governor of Makkah. ‘Umar said, “Who have you appointed in charge of the people of the valley?” He said, “Ibn Abza.” ‘Umar asked, “Who is Ibn Abza?” He said, “One of our freed slaves.” Umar said, “Have you appointed over them a freed slave?!” He said, “He is well-versed in the Book of Allaah and he has knowledge of the laws of inheritance.” ‘Umar said: “Your Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Indeed, by this Book, Allaah would exalt some people and degrade others.’”
(Narrated by Muslim, 817)

This shows that genrally umar[ra] would prefer men were knowledgable in religious matters over those who were ignorant no matter what their social standing was ....
The person in this event is abdul rehman b abza[ra] who was a companion and a relibale narrater of ahadith[/SIZE]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 08:08 AM

[B]The man who vanished the 2500 yeras super power of Persia from the face of earth.....the man who shattered the Roman Eastern Empire ...the second supreme power in few years....the man who was all in all of 25 lakhs Sq. miles....and the man from which kings trembled and shivvered ...with fear and terror.....[/B]

[B][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]and see ...this man....how he spent his life......[/COLOR][/B]

[B][COLOR="Magenta"]* Anas said: I saw between 'Umar's shoulder-blades, four patches in his shirt.

* Abu 'Uthman an-Nahdi said: I saw 'Umar wearing a waist-wrapper patched with leather.

*Abdullah ibn 'Amir ibn Rabi'ah said: I performed the Hajj with 'Umar and he did not pitch a tent of goat's hair nor of wool. He used to throw the upper part of his ihram and his leather mat over a bush and seek shelter underneath it.

*Abdullah ibn 'Isa said: There were two dark furrows in 'Umar's face from his weeping.

*Al-Hasan said: 'Umar used to pass by an ayah in his wird (daily portion set aside to recite) and he would fall down (in a faint) until he revived after some days.

* Anas said: I entered a walled garden and heard 'Umar saying, while there was a wall between us, ''Umar ibn al-Khattab, Amir al-Muminin. Well done! Well done! By Allah, you will fear Allah, Ibn al-Khattab or Allah will punish you.

* Abdullah ibn 'Amir ibn Rabi'ah said: I saw 'Umar take up a straw from the ground and say, 'I wish I was this straw. I wish I was nothing. I wish that my mother had not given birth to me.

*Abdullah ibn 'Umar ibn Hafs said: 'Umar carried a skin full of water upon his neck. Someone spoke to him about that and he said, 'My self was filling me with conceit and I wished to humble it.

*Muhammad ibn Sirin said: An in-law of 'Umar's came to see him and asked him to give him something from the bait al-mal and 'Umar refused him and said, 'Do you want me to meet Allah as a treacherous King?' Then he gave him from his own property ten thousand dirhams.

* Anas said: 'Umar's stomach rumbled from eating olive oil the year of the droughthe had forbidden himself clarified butterand he tapped on his stomach with his finger and said, 'There is nothing else for us, until the people have the means of living.

*Sufyan ibn 'Uyaynah said: 'Umar ibn al-Khattab said, 'The person I like most is the one who points out to me my defects.

*Ibn 'Umar said: I never saw 'Umar become angry, and then Allah was mentioned in his presence or he was made to fear, or a person would recite an ayah from the Qur'an in his presence, but that he stopped short of what he meant to do

* Bilal said to Aslam, 'How do you find 'Umar?' He said, 'The best of people, except that when he becomes angry it is a mighty matter.' Bilal said, 'If I was with him when he became angry, I would recite Qur'an to him until his anger went

* Al-Ahwas ibn Hakim said, narrating from his father: 'Umar was brought meat dressed with clarified butter and he refused to eat the two of them. He said, 'Both of them are seasonings.' All of the aforegoing are from Ibn Sa'd.

* Al-Hasan said: 'Umar said, 'It is an easy thing by which I put right a people, that I exchange them an amir in place of an amir

* Zirr said: I went out with the people of Madinah on the day of 'Eid and I saw 'Umar walking barefoot, an old man, balding, of a tawny colour, left-handed, tall, towering over people as if he were on a riding beast. Al-Waqidi said: It is not known among us that 'Umar was tawny, unless he saw him in the year of the drought, because his colour changed when he ate olive oil.

* Ubaydah ibn 'Umayr said: 'Umar used to overtop the people in height[/COLOR][/B]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 08:11 AM

[SIZE="2"][B]Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, said:[/B]

The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'While I was asleep I saw myself in the Garden, and there was a woman performing wudu' beside a palace. I said, "Whose is this palace?" They said, "It belongs to 'Umar." Then I remembered your jealousy and turned away.' 'Umar wept and said, 'Could I be jealous of you, Messenger of Allah?'

*Ibn 'Umar narrated that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said,[/B]

'While I was asleep I drank meaning milk until I saw satiation flowing in my nails, and then I passed it to 'Umar.They said, 'How did you interpret it, Messenger of Allah?' He said, 'Knowledge.

*Abu Sa'id al-Khudri, may Allah be pleased with him, said: I heard the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, saying,[/B]

'While I was sleeping I saw people being shown to me and they had shirts on. Some of them reached to the breast, and some of them reached lower than that. 'Umar was shown to me and he had on a shirt which he was dragging along.' They said, 'How did you interpret it, Messenger of Allah?' He said, 'The deen.'



Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas said[/B]: The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'Ibn al-Khattab, by Him in Whose hand is my self, the shaytan never met you travelling on a road but that he would travel on a road other than your road.

*Abu Hurairah said:[/B]
The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'There were in the nations before you people who were inspired, and if there is one in my ummah it is 'Umar.



Ibn 'Umar related that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said,[/B]

'Allah has put the truth upon 'Umar's tongue and (in) his heart.

*Ibn 'Umar said:[/B] No affair ever happened among people and they spoke about it and 'Umar spoke about it but that the Qur'an was revealed confirming what 'Umar said.

* Uqbah ibn 'Amir said: [/B]The Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family and grant them peace, said,

'If there were to be a prophet after me it would be 'Umar ibn al-Khattab.' This hadith has been narrated by Abu Sa'id al-Khudri, 'Ismah ibn Malik and Ibn 'Umar.

*A'ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, said: The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said,[/B]

'I am looking at the shaytans of the Jinn and men who have fled from 'Umar


*Ubayy ibn Ka'b said:[/B] The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'The first one whom the Truth will shake hands with is 'Umar, the first He will greet (with the greeting of peace), and the first He will take by the hand and enter into the Garden.

[B]*""""""""""" Abu Dharr Ghaffari """"""""said[/B]: The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said,

'Truly Allah has placed the truth upon the tongue of 'Umar, it speaks by him (or he speaks by it)

*Ibn 'Umar said[/B]: The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said,

''Umar is the lamp of the people of the Garden.' This hadith was narrated by Abu Hurairah and As-Sa'b ibn Juththamah

[B]* Uthman ibn Madh'un said[/B]: The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'This one is the lock upon the fitnah (sedition and trials),' and he indicated 'Umar with his hand. 'There will remain a door strongly locked between you and the fitnah as long as this one lives among you

*Ibn 'Abbas,[/B] may Allah be pleased with both him and his father, said:

Jibril came to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and said, 'Greet 'Umar with the greeting of peace and inform him that his anger is might and his good pleasure is judgement.

* A'ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, said that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'The shaytan is afraid of 'Umar

[B]* Ibn 'Abbas, may Allah be pleased with both of them (i.e. Ibn 'Abbas and his father 'Abbas), said: The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said,[/B]

'There is no angel in the heaven that does not respect 'Umar, and no shaytan on the earth but that he is afraid of 'Umar

*Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, said:[/B] The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'Allah glories in the people of 'Arafah generally and He glories in 'Umar particularly.' It has been narrated in a hadith of Ibn 'Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them both.[/SIZE]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 08:12 AM

[SIZE="2"][B]Al-Fadl ibn 'Abbas said:[/B] The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'The truth, after me, is with 'Umar wherever he is.

[B]*Ibn 'Umar and Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with both of them, said: The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said,[/B] 'While I was asleep I saw myself at a well upon which was a bucket, so I drew from it as long as Allah willed. Then later Abu Bakr took it and drew a full bucket or two, and in his drawing there was some weakness, and Allah will forgive him. Then 'Umar ibn al-Khattab came and drew water and it became transformed in his hand into a large bucket, and I have not seen a chief of the people do wonderful deeds such as he did, until the people had satisfied their thirst and settled down (there by the water)....

*The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said,[/B] 'The shaytan has not met 'Umar since he accepted Islam but that he fell upon his face.' This hadith has been narrated also by Sadisah from Hafsah.

*Ubayy ibn Ka'b said: The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'Jibril said to me, [/B]"Let Islam weep over the death of 'Umar ....

Abu Sa'id al-Khudri said:[/B] The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'Whoever is angry with 'Umar is angry with me. Whoever loves 'Umar loves me. Allah glories in the people on the evening of 'Arafah generally, and He glories in 'Umar particularly. Allah has not sent a prophet except that he put among his ummah an inspired man and if there is one such in my ummah then it is 'Umar.' They said, 'Prophet of Allah, how inspired?' He said, 'The angels speak by his tongue.' ......[/SIZE]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 08:17 AM

[B]* There is not on the face of the earth a man more beloved to me than 'Umar[/B].
[B][COLOR="Magenta"](Abu bakr)[/COLOR][/B]

* Someone said to Abu Bakr during his (last) illness, 'What will you say to your Lord, when you have appointed 'Umar?' He said, 'I will say to Him, "I have appointed over them the best of them[/B]
[COLOR="Magenta"](Abu Bakr)[/COLOR]

[B]*When the right-acting ones are mentioned then begin with 'Umar. We did not think it unlikely that as-Sakinah (the Divine Presence) spoke with the tongue of 'Umar.[/B]
[B][COLOR="Magenta"]( Ali , the lion of God)[/COLOR][/B]

[B]*I have never seen anyone after the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, from the time he died, more perceptive and more liberally [B][COLOR="Magenta"]generous than 'Umar.[/B]
(Ibne Umar)[/COLOR][/B]

[B]*Even if the knowledge of 'Umar were to be put in one scale of a balance and the knowledge of every living being on the earth were put in the other scale, the knowledge of 'Umar would outweigh their knowledge. They used to hold the view that he had gone (i.e. died) with nine-tenths of knowledge.[/B]
[B][COLOR="Magenta"](Abdullah Ibne Masood)[/COLOR][/B]

[B]*It is as if the knowledge of mankind was concealed in the understanding of 'Umar.[/B]

[B]*By Allah, I do not know a man whom the blame of the one who blames, [B][COLOR="Magenta"]for the sake of Allah, does not overcome, except for 'Umar.[/B]

[B]* Umar'He was, by Allah, skilful in managing affairs, absolutely unique[/B]

[B]*As for Abu Bakr, he did not want the world and it did not want him. As for 'Umar, the world wanted him but he did not want it. As for us, we have rolled over in it (like an animal in the dust).[/B]
*Ali entered upon 'Umarand he was shroudedand said, 'The mercy of Allah upon you! There is no-one I would prefer to meet Allah with that which is in his page (the record of his actions), after the companionship of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, than this shrouded one.[/B]
[B][COLOR="Magenta"](Jabir bin Abdullah)[/COLOR][/B]

[B]* When the right-acting ones are remembered, then begin with 'Umar. Truly 'Umar was the most knowledgeable of us of the Book of Allah, and the most understanding (literally: having the most fiqh) of us of the deen of Allah, exalted is He.[/B]
[B][COLOR="Magenta"](Abdullah ibne Masood)[/COLOR][/B]

[B]*Abu Bakr was the good, all of it.'
Umar was like the apprehensive bird which thinks that on every path there is a snare to catch it.
Ali and he said, 'He was full of resolve, sound judgement, knowledge and valour....[/B]
[B][COLOR="Magenta"](Abdullah ibne Abbas)[/COLOR][/B]

[B]* Umar ibn al-Khattab said to Ka'b al-Ahbar, 'How do you find my description?' He said, 'I find your description to be a horn of iron.' He asked, 'What is a horn of iron?' He said, 'A strong commander who, for the sake of Allah, the censure of the one who blames does not overcome.' He said, 'Then what?' He said, 'There will be after you a khalifah whom a wrong-doing group will kill.' He said, 'Then what?' He said, 'Then there will be the trial (affliction).[/B]
[B][COLOR="Magenta"]('Umayr ibn Rabi'ah)[/COLOR][/B]

* Umar ibn al-Khattab excelled people in four: the affair of the prisoners on the Day of Badr, he ordered that they should be killed and Allah revealed, 'If it were not for a decree of Allah which had preceded ...' (Qur'an 8: 68) to the end of the ayah; and in the matter of the hijab, he ordered the women of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, to veil themselves, so Zaynab said to him, 'And really you are responsible over us Ibn al-Khattab, and the revelation descends upon us in our houses?' So Allah revealed, 'Then if you ask them for some item ...' (Qur'an 33: 53) to the end of the ayah; and by the supplication of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, 'O Allah, help Islam with 'Umar'; and in his view of Abu Bakr, for he was the first one to pledge allegiance to him.[/B]
[B][COLOR="Magenta"](Abdullah ibne Masood)[/COLOR][/B]

We used to say that the shaytans were chained and shackled during the amirate of 'Umar, then when he was struck they spread abroad.[/B]

*News of 'Umar was slow in reaching Abu Musa so he went to a woman who had a shaytan in her, and asked her about him. She said, 'Wait until my shaytan comes to me.' Then he came and she asked him about him. He said, 'I left him dressed with a piece of cloth as a waist-wrapper, smearing the camels of the sadaqah (of the zakah) with tar (against the mange or scab). And that is a man whom a shaytan does not see but that he falls flat on his nostrils; the angel is between his two eyes and the Ruh al-Quds (Jibril) speaks with his tongue[/B]
[B][COLOR="Magenta"](Salim ibn 'Abdullah)[/COLOR][/B]

[B]*Whoever claimed that 'Ali had more right to authority than Abu Bakr and 'Umar has made a mistake and has accused Abu Bakr, 'Umar and all the Muhajirun and the Ansar of making a mistake.[/B]
[B][COLOR="Magenta"](Sufyan ath-Thawri )[/COLOR][/B]

*No-one in whom there is any good advances 'Ali before Abu Bakr and 'Umar.[B][COLOR="Magenta"][/B]

*Do you grasp who Abu Bakr and 'Umar were? They were the father and mother of Islam.[/B]
[B][COLOR="Magenta"](Abu Usama)[/COLOR][/B]

*I am quit of whoever mentions Abu Bakr and 'Umar with anything but good.[/B]
[B][COLOR="Magenta"](Imam Jaffar Sadiq)[/COLOR][/B]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 08:18 AM

[SIZE="2"]'Umar used to hold a view and Qur'an would be revealed with (confirmation of) it.


In the Qur'an there are some of the views of 'Umar.
[B](Ali , the lion of God)[/B]

When people said one thing and 'Umar said another, the Qur'an would be revealed with the like of what 'Umar said.
[B](Ibne Umar)[/B]

I agreed with my Lord in three things; I said, 'Messenger of Allah, if only we were to take the Station of Ibrahim as a place of prayer,' and there was revealed, '... and take the Station of Ibrahim as a place of prayer.' (Qur'an 2: 125). I said, 'Messenger of Allah, both good and bad people come to visit your wives; if only you would order them to wear hijabs,' and the ayah of the hijab was revealed. The wives of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, united in jealousy, and so I said, 'Perhaps his Lord, if he divorces you, will give him in exchange wives better than you, ...' and it was revealed just like that (with exactly the same words, see Qur'an 66: 5).
[B](Umar , the Great )[/B]

'The Qur'an was revealed in agreement with him on the prisoners at Badr, on the hijab, on the Station of Ibrahim and on the prohibition of wine.' He added a fifth instance. Its hadith is that he said, 'O Allah, make clear to us about wine with an explanation which relieves us from all doubt.' Then Allah revealed its prohibition.
[B]( At-Tahdhib of an-Nawawi)[/B]

'Umar said, 'I was in agreement with my Lord in four things: this ayah was revealed, "And certainly We have created man from an extraction of clay," (Qur'an 23: 12) and when it was revealed I said, "So blessed be Allah the best of creators," and then it was revealed, "So blessed be Allah the best of creators."' (Qur'an 95: 8). Here he mentioned a sixth instance. The hadith has another chain of transmission from Ibn 'Abbas.
[B]( Anas bin Malik)[/B]

''Umar agreed with his Lord in twenty-one situations,' and he mentioned these six (aforementioned). He augmented as a seventh the story of 'Abdullah ibn Ubayy. I say: Its hadith is in the sound traditions from him ('Umar). He said, 'When 'Abdullah ibn Ubayy died, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family and grant them peace, was invited to perform the funeral prayer over him so he stood up for that. I rose up until I stood up close to his chest and said, "Messenger of Allah, is it over the enemy of Allah, Ibn Ubayy, who said one day such-and-such?" Then, by Allah, it wasn't very long until it was revealed, "And do not pray over one of them ever ..." (Qur'an 9: 84) to the conclusion of the ayah' 8. 'They ask you about wine ...' (Qur'an 2: 219) to the end of the ayah.
[B](Fada'il al-Imamayn of Abu 'Abdullah ash-Shaybani )[/B]

'O you who believe, do not approach the prayer ...' (Qur'an 4: 43) to the end of the ayah. I say that the two of them, along with the ayah from Al-Ma'idah, are one instance, and the three are in the preceding hadith. 10. When the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, increased in seeking forgiveness for a people, 'Umar said, 'It is equal to them.' Then Allah revealed, 'It is equal to them whether you seek forgiveness for them . . .' (Qur'an 63: 2) to the end of the ayah. This hadith has been narrated of Ibn 'Abbas.
[B](Fada'il al-Imamayn of Abu 'Abdullah ash-Shaybani )[/B]

When he, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, sought the advice of the Companions with respect to the story of the slander (of 'A'ishah) 'Umar said, 'Who married you to her, Messenger of Allah?' He said, 'Allah.' He said, 'Do you think that your Lord would conceal a defect of hers from you? Glory be to You, this is huge slander!' (Qur'an 24: 16). Then the revelation came down just like that..
[B](Fada'il al-Imamayn of Abu 'Abdullah ash-Shaybani )[/B]

His story in the fast when he made love to his wife after waking from sleep (before the pre-dawn meal)and that was forbidden in the beginning of Islamand so it was revealed, 'It is permitted to you on the night of the fast ...' (Qur'an 2: 187) to the end of the ayah. 14. His words, Exalted is He, 'Whoever is an enemy to Jibril ...' (Qur'an 2: 97) to the end of the ayah. I say that it has been narrated from many different narrators the best of which is from 'Abd ar-Rahman ibn Abi Layla that: A Jew met 'Umar and said, 'Jibril, whom your companion mentions, is an enemy to us.' So 'Umar said, 'Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels and His messengers and Jibril and Mika'il, then truly Allah is an enemy to the disbelievers.' So it was revealed on the tongue of 'Umar...
[B](Fada'il al-Imamayn of Abu 'Abdullah ash-Shaybani )[/B][/SIZE]

imbindas Tuesday, June 07, 2011 08:20 AM

His words, Exalted is He, 'Then no! By your Lord, they do not believe ...' (Qur'an 4: 65) to the end of the ayah. I say that its story has been narrated from Abu'l-Aswad. He said: Two men brought a dispute to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family and grant them peace, and he gave judgement between them. The one who had judgement given against him said, 'Let us go to 'Umar ibn al-Khattab,' and so the two of them went to him. The man said, 'The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, gave judgement in my favour against this man and he said, "Let us go to 'Umar."' 'Umar said, 'Is it like that?' He said, 'Yes.' So 'Umar said, 'Stay where you are until I come out to you.' Then he came out to them wrapping his sword in his garment and struck the one who had said, 'Let us go to 'Umar,' and killed him. The other returned and said, 'Messenger of Allah, 'Umar killedby Allah!my companion.' So he said, 'I wouldn't have thought that 'Umar would have ventured to kill a believer.' Then Allah revealed, 'Then no! By your Lord they do not believe ...' to the end of the ayah. He declared, there was to be no retaliation or compensation for the blood of the man and declared 'Umar free from any wrong in his killing. There is another text that supports this story which I have related in At-Tafsir al-Musnad.

[B]( Fada'il al-Imamayn of Abu 'Abdullah ash-Shaybani)[/B]

Seeking permission to enter. That was because his servant entered his room when he was sleeping and he said, 'O Allah, forbid entrance.' Then the ayah of seeking permission to enter was revealed.

[B]( Fada'il al-Imamayn of Abu 'Abdullah ash-Shaybani)[/B]

His saying about the Jews, 'They are a confounded people.'

[B]( Fada'il al-Imamayn of Abu 'Abdullah ash-Shaybani)[/B]

His words, exalted is He, 'Many of the first ones and many of the latter ones.' (Qur'an 56: 39-40). I say that Jabir ibn 'Abdullah narrated its story and that it is in the Asbab an-Nuzul.
( Fada'il al-Imamayn of Abu 'Abdullah ash-Shaybani)[/B]

The lifting (abrogation) of the recitation of, 'The older man and the older woman when they commit adultery ....' to the end of the ayah (an ayah whose judgement remains valid although it is not in the mushaf and is not recited).
( Fada'il al-Imamayn of Abu 'Abdullah ash-Shaybani)[/B]

His words on the Day of Uhud when Abu Sufyan said, 'Is so-and-so among the people?" ('Umar said) "We will not answer him,' and the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, agreed with him.

[B]( Fada'il al-Imamayn of Abu 'Abdullah ash-Shaybani)[/B]

We join to this that Ka'b al-Ahbar said, 'Woe to the king of the earth from the King of heaven.' Then 'Umar said, 'Except for whoever takes himself to account.' Ka'b said, 'By the One in Whose hand is my soul it is in the Tawrah. You have carried it on (the words of the verse) consecutively.' Then 'Umar fell prostrate.
( Fada'il al-Imamayn of Abu 'Abdullah ash-Shaybani)[/B]

Then I have seen in Al-Kamil of Ibn 'Adi from 'Umar that Bilal used to say, when he called the adhan, 'I witness that there is no god but Allah. Come to prayer.' Then 'Umar said to him, 'Say after it, "I witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."' The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'Say as 'Umar said.'
( Fada'il al-Imamayn of Abu 'Abdullah ash-Shaybani)[/B][/SIZE]

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