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MAA_LLM Tuesday, December 06, 2011 12:36 AM

Important Question...
[SIZE="4"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Blue"][QUOTE=courageneverdies;380283]Though the question is not for me, yet I think it would not be inapt if I answer it. The test is scheduled for 23 of December. And AD ANF and DAD ASF both are on the same date...


Br, yea aap kia Geo news ki tarah hamaray hosh urra kar ghaeb ho gaey ho:D

can u kindly confirm this news and also if its true, then when approximately roll no. slips will be issued?

2ndly a very important question to you and to all seniors, that in syllabus for AD ANF, there is no mention of General Knowledge(GK) and Current Affairs(CA), so are these two really not going to be asked?????
Although they are not mentioned in the syllabus which mean they will not to be asked from, but I am a bit unsure because many, in fact large number of members said earlier that GK&CA will be included in GENERAL RECRUITMENT.
So kindly elaborate with authenticity. Thanks and Waiting.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

courageneverdies Tuesday, December 06, 2011 01:09 AM


Br, yea aap kia Geo news ki tarah hamaray hosh urra kar ghaeb ho gaey ho:D

can u kindly confirm this news and also if its true, then when approximately roll no. slips will be issued?

2ndly a very important question to you and to all seniors, that in syllabus for AD ANF, there is no mention of General Knowledge(GK) and Current Affairs(CA), so are these two really not going to be asked?????
Although they are not mentioned in the syllabus which mean they will not to be asked from, but I am a bit unsure because many, in fact large number of members said earlier that GK&CA will be included in GENERAL RECRUITMENT.
So kindly elaborate with authenticity. Thanks and Waiting.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE]

Yeah, bro it is true. 23 is the test date. And since GK & CA are not included so questions wouldn't be about these. However, you may be worried about the proportion of questions from the announced syllabus. It may vary. As in AD FPSC test, where about 60% of professional test came from Public Administration and Personnel Management. Whereas, 2-3 questions came from the rest of the topics e.g. FPSC act, PPRA rules etc etc... It is just to give you a thought that despite FPSC confines the test within the syllabus announced, nonetheless, you should expect some surprises :)


Farrah Zafar Wednesday, December 07, 2011 07:09 PM

[QUOTE=Invincible;382152][B]Major Acts (Edition 2009-2010).

Does it cover the whole syllabus ?

GanXTeR Wednesday, December 07, 2011 07:18 PM

[QUOTE=Farrah Zafar;382513]Does it cover the whole syllabus ?[/QUOTE]
Major Acts :O

u dont need to buy major acts coz all imp acts/laws are compiled in a book called MAJOR ACTs....bare act of the prescribed acts are sufficient ..search these laws on net most probably in pdf..!!

if u find guide for this job that would be more beneficial for u..!!

Invincible Wednesday, December 07, 2011 10:10 PM

[QUOTE=Farrah Zafar;382513]Does it cover the whole syllabus ?[/QUOTE]

[B]It will cover four topics.To buy a guide on given topic is not a bad idea even.


M MAZHAR JADOON Wednesday, December 07, 2011 10:55 PM

Potential hazards of drugs for general public
[QUOTE=saba mehmood;382493]kindly do share material on this topic

Potential hazards of drugs for general public[/QUOTE]

Potential hazards of drugs for general public related material found on web is hereby reproduced for further analysis:

"The dangers

Drug use can never be 100 per cent safe but it is not always as dangerous as many people think. The dangers of drug use depend on drug, set and setting factors.

The drug bit is everything connected with the drug and how it is used. The set bit is everything connected with the person who is using the drugs. The setting bit is about what the person is doing at the time, where they are, the environment they live in etc.

The basic principal is that drug dangers are the result of interactions between drug, set and setting.

The drug

Drugs are not all the same. Different drugs have different dangers associated with them.

Some drugs (such as alcohol, heroin and tranquillisers) have a sedative effect which slow down the way the body and brain function. They can have a numbing effect that produces drowsiness if a lot is taken. Other drugs (such as amphetamine, cocaine, crack and ecstasy) have a stimulant effect giving a rush of energy and making people more alert. A third group of drugs (such as LSD and magic mushrooms and to a lesser extent cannabis and ecstasy) have a hallucinogenic effect. This means they tend to alter the way the user feels, sees, hears, tastes or smells.

Sedative drugs like alcohol and heroin can lead to fatal overdose if a lot is taken. They can also affect co-ordination making accidents more likely. Use of sedatives can also lead to physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms while others drugs like cannabis cannot.

Stimulant drugs can produce anxiety or panic attacks particularly if taken in large quantities. They can also be particularly dangerous for people who have heart or blood pressure problems.

Hallucinogenic drugs sometimes produce very disturbing experiences and may lead to erratic or dangerous behaviour by the user, especially if they are already unstable. And of course some drugs are legal to use and others are not. Being arrested and getting a conviction can lead to all sorts of problems.

The dangers of drug use will also depend on:

How much is taken The more that is taken the greater the danger. Taking too much of a sedative drug can lead to a fatal overdose. Taking a large dose of a stimulant drug can lead to panic attacks or even in extreme cases, psychotic behaviour (where all sense of reality is lost). Taking a large dose of a hallucinogenic drug may lead to disturbing experiences. Taking a high dose of a many drugs can lead to a lack of co-ordination and increase the likelihood of accidents.
How often the drug is taken The more often a drug is taken, the greater the risks to your health, particularly if the body hasn’t had time to recover. With some drugs a tolerance can develop and more needs to be taken in order to keep getting an effect. If heavy, frequent use is followed by a period of non-use tolerance levels drop. Taking the same amount of drug needed with high tolerance levels can bring on an overdose, especially with drugs like heroin. Not all drugs produce tolerance. LSD has its own safeguard against tolerance. If it taken too frequently it just stops working. No matter how much is taken there will be no effect at all.
Other things in drugs Many illegal drugs, especially in powder or pill form, have other drugs or substances mixed in with them. These can change the effect of the drugs and contribute to dangers.
Drug mixtures Combining drugs can produce unpredictable and sometimes dangerous effects. In particular, mixtures of sedative drugs can be very dangerous. Many reported drug overdoses involve mixtures of alcohol and tranquillisers or opiates.
How a drug is taken The method of use will influence the effect the drug has and its possible dangers. Injecting drugs has a very quick and intense effect. Snorting or inhaling drugs can also have a quick but slightly less intensive effect. Smoking drugs produces a slower, more subtle effect sometimes. The slowest effect of all is eating or drinking a drug.
Drug dangers also vary with the method used to take them:

Injecting is particularly risky because it is difficult to know how much is being taken. Injection also carries the risk of infection by blood borne diseases if any injecting equipment is shared. Highest profile recently has been given to HIV, the virus that leads to AIDS, but there are also risks from Hepatitis B and C, another very serious blood borne disease.
Eating or drinking a drug can be risky if people take a lot in one go. The effects tend to be slow but once they come on it is too late to do anything about it. Examples are drinking too much alcohol in a short space of time or eating a lump of cannabis. In such cases people can suddenly feel very drunk or stoned and become very disorientated.
Snorting drugs like amphetamine or cocaine powder up the nose on a regular basis can lead to damage to the nasal membranes although this risk has sometimes been exaggerated.
There are more or less dangerous ways of inhaling solvents such as glues, gases and aerosols. Squirting solvents into a large plastic bag and then placing the bag over the head has lead to death by suffocation. Squirting aerosols or butane straight down the throat has lead to deaths through freezing of the airways. Squirting onto a rag or small bag then inhaling is not as dangerous.
Smoking a drug is a relatively less dangerous method of use although regular smoking can damage the respiratory system especially if the drug is smoked with tobacco, as is often the case with cannabis."

saba mehmood Saturday, December 10, 2011 07:31 AM

narcotics substances act 1997
kindly do guide me regarding this act, kia yhi act h jo hum ko kern ah plz plz tell me

Hasan Raza Awan Saturday, December 10, 2011 09:04 AM

[QUOTE=saba mehmood;383705]kindly do guide me regarding this act, kia yhi act h jo hum ko kern ah plz plz tell me

saba follow the link below and click on the firs option

[url=http://www.google.com.pk/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=WVu&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&sa=X&ei=gdniTv-vHMvZ4QTZtvz5BA&ved=0CBkQvwUoAQ&q=anti+narcotics+acts&spell=1&biw=1440&bih=761]anti narcotics acts - Google Search[/url]

Ali Mubashir Saturday, December 10, 2011 12:21 PM

[QUOTE=saba mehmood;383705]kindly do guide me regarding this act, kia yhi act h jo hum ko kern ah plz plz tell me

yes saba this is the right act regarding narcotics that we are required to study.
note: we have two acts of narcotics in pakistan.
1 anti narcotics force act act 1997
2 narcotics substance act 1997
we according to syllabus are required to go for second one the [B]narcotics substance act.[/B]
the link u have mentioned is absolutely right.

Azhar Hussain Shah Monday, December 12, 2011 03:25 PM

i received the slip today. date of test is 23 December.
best of luck to all.

07:53 AM (GMT +5)

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