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Old Saturday, April 18, 2009
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Preshan Gul Preshan Gul is offline
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Dear sadikkhattak,Emoemar & shah3431

Frankly speaking it astonished me a lot to see the level of inability or unwillingness of you guys to comprehend my point. Frustrated by the overwhelming avariciousness that has encroached upon our society in recent times I just presented a simple observation that our young men are kindling their aspiration for CSP from three ‘Pzz’ rather than from the earnest desire of serving the country. I suggested the example of Doctors leaving their profession; which is otherwise considered very noble and lucrative in our society (though I personally consider every profession noble in its own capacity); for the sake of three Pzz. You may have repudiated my three P theory but you all, overtly or covertly, accepted my basic assumption and differed in details. I do not have any grudge against Doctors competing in CSS exams neither have I any “insecurity”(as one brother assumed in his post) but I can not, in any way, reconcile with the idea that an ASP maintaining status quo is better than a Doctor healing wounded and curing agonized. If the ideal is that by being CSP a Doctor would one day be able to alleviate the plight of millions of oppressed souls by virtue of his role as a policy maker or implementer, it really is a very laudable notion and should be appreciated but a deep look into the matter tells another story. When a Doctor leaves his profession for the sake of joining Civil Service he actually debases his primary profession. He considers it inferior and shows his dissatisfaction with his present lot. So I do not see any reason why after joining Civil Service, keeping in view his present unstable nature, if given the chance he wouldn’t switch to another profession that he has later come to know as better than a CSP. If he can leave his primary profession that he gave some of the best years of his youth and a lot of his mental labors why can not he leave his second profession. So can our poor country afford such wavering adventurists??? I wish our honorable Doctors joining CSS could lessen the plight of poor masses but, unfortunately, I couldn’t find a single instance of a Doctor becoming a Civil Servant and alleviating the plight of “millions” by his policy making in the 62 year history of Pakistan. I hope the present Doctors who desire to join Civil Service in the near future would do this marvel.

Another point raised by a brother in which he tried to quote lawyers and Bankers and other such professions with medical amazed me even more. Are you really oblivious of the fact that administration (which is what CSPs do) is directly related with law??? Do you sincerely feel that knowledge of economics has got nothing to do with administration????

My basic aim in penning down this article was to give the young aspirants an impetus to delve deep into their hearts and analyze the sources of their motivation. I sincerely believe that a young man joining Civil Service for the sake of power can not be, in any way, profitable for this country. I am sorry that my intention in forwarding the example of doctors to prove my point was completely misunderstood and some members tried to knock me down and my ‘gibberish’ angered them a lot. I respect their ideas and arguments sincerely and hope that they would continue to show me ‘the right path’ in the future too.

Originally Posted by Arslan Shaukat
Usually people do join Engineering and Medical professions in Pakistan because their parents wanted them to be an Engineer or Doctor. The ambitions of the son/daughter are ignored, and sometimes they are forced to study till late at nights to fulfil the dream of their parents. But after graduating in an Engineering degree or becoming a Doctor, some people even find it harder to get jobs that match to their qualifications (the same case is more prominent when someone gets an Engineering/MBBS/BDS/D.Pharm degree from an unpopular institute), then the same person finds CSS as an alternate way to gain a prestige in society. And I think they have the right to join CSS as people from other professions do have.
The only reasonable agrument that I came across in this whole discussion.
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Last edited by Princess Royal; Sunday, April 11, 2010 at 08:23 PM. Reason: posts merged
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