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Old Wednesday, May 31, 2006
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Naseer Ahmed Chandio Naseer Ahmed Chandio is offline
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Arrow Figures of Speech

Hi Friends,

Here is given a complete list of 'Figures of Speech'; it must be helpfull for the aspirants of English Litrature:

Rhetorical Devices and Figures of Speech

allegory hypallage
alliteration hyperbaton
anacoluthon hyperbole
anadiplosis hysteron proteron
anaphora innuendo
anastrophe irony
antiphrasis isocolon
antistrophe litotes
antithesis meiosis
antonomasia metaphor
Aporia metonymy
apostrophe onomatopoeia
assonance oxymoron
Bathos paradox
cacophemism paralipsis
catachresis paronomasia
chiasmus periphrasis
circumlocution personification
diacope pleonasm
dysphemism prolepsis
echoism prosopopoeia
Ellipsis Pun
enallage rhetorical question
epanalepsis sarcasm
epanorthosis simile
epiphora syllepsis
epistrophe symploce
epizeuxis synecdoche
euphemism tautology
euphony transferred epithet
euphuism trope
hendiadys zeugma

allegory [al•le•go•ry || 'ælɪgərɪ]
n. representation of abstract or moral concepts in art or literature by means of concrete things or events; symbolic narrative, fable, parable, metaphor, analogy

alliteration [al•lit•er•ation || ə‚lɪtə'reɪʃn]
n. use of similar phonetic sounds at the beginning of adjoining words

anacoluthon [ˌanəkə'lu:θɒn, -θ(ə)n]
■ noun (plural anacolutha -θə) a construction in which the expected grammatical sequence is absent, for example while in the garden, the door banged shut.

n. (Linguistics) rhetorical repetition of the last word of a clause at the beginning of next clause

n. (Linguistics) repetition of a word or phrase at the start of successive phrases (usually for emphasis)

anastrophe [ə'nastrəfi]
■ noun Rhetoric the inversion of the usual order of words or clauses.

1. the use of a word in a sense opposite to its normal sense (especially in irony)

n. chorus in a Greek ode
antithesis [an•tith•e•sis || æn'tɪθɪsɪs]

n. opposite, contrast
antonomasia [ˌantənə'meɪzɪə, anˌtɒnə-]
■ noun Linguistics the substitution of an epithet or title for a proper name. ▶the use of a proper name to express a general idea (e.g. a Scrooge for a miser).

n. expression of doubt (rhetoric); theoretical difficulty, contradiction (logic)
apostrophe [a•pos•tro•phe || ə'pɒstrəfɪ]

n. punctuation mark used to indicate omission of letters or possession; digression in a discourse to someone not present
assonance [as•so•nance || 'æsənəns]

n. resemblance of sounds in words or in syllables
bathos [ba•thos || 'beɪθɒs]

n. melodrama, absurdity (in writing or speech)

n. misuse of words; stretching a metaphor, using a word inaccurately in a metaphorical way

n. (Rhetoric) reversal in the order of words in two otherwise parallel phrases (i.e. I went to school, to work went they)

circumlocution [cir•cum•lo•cu•tion || ‚sɜːkəmlə'kjuːʃn]
n. excessive wordiness, verbosity

dysphemism ['dɪsfɪmɪz(ə)m]
■ noun a derogatory or unpleasant term used instead of a pleasant or neutral one.

ellipsis [el'lip•sis || -sɪs]
n. omission of a word or words (Grammar); omission of words in order to avoid redundancy (Grammar); mark resembling three periods ( ... ) or two dashes ( -- ) that is used to indicate an omission of words

enallage Noun
1. a substitution of part of speech or gender or number or tense etc. (e.g., editorial `we' for `I')
(hypernym) rhetorical device

the repetition of a word or phrase after intervening language, as in the first line of Algernon Charles Swinburne's "Itylus"

1. immediate rephrasing for intensification or justification; "Seems, madam! Nay, it is"
(hypernym) rhetorical

n. overflow of tears from the eye caused by constriction or blockage of the tear ducts (Medicine); repetition of a word (Rhetoric)

epistrophe [ɪ'pɪstrəfi, ɛ-]
■ noun the repetition of a word at the end of successive clauses or sentences.

euphemism [eu•phe•mism || 'juːfɪmɪzəm]
n. substitution of a milder or socially acceptable word or phrase for one that is harsher or more unpleasant

n. phrase that uses two words connected by a conjunction to express a complex concept

hypallage [hʌɪ'palədʒi:, hɪ-]
■ noun Rhetoric a transposition of the natural relations of two elements in a proposition, e.g. in the sentence ‘Melissa shook her doubtful curls’.

hyperbaton [hʌɪ'pə:bətɒn]
■ noun Rhetoric an inversion of the normal order of words, especially for emphasis, as in ‘this I must see’

hyperbole [hy'per•bo•le || haɪ'pɜrbəlɪ /-'pɜːb-]
n. exaggeration or overstatement intended for effect
hysteron proteron [ˌhɪstərɒn'prɒtərɒn]
■ noun Rhetoric a figure of speech in which the natural order of elements is reversed.

innuendo [ˌɪnjʊ'ɛndəʊ]
■ noun (plural innuendoes or innuendos) an allusive or oblique remark, typically a suggestive or disparaging one.

The word innuendo dates from the 16th century. It is a Latin word meaning literally 'by nodding at, by pointing to', from nuere 'to nod'. It was first used in legal documents in the sense 'that is to say', serving as a formula to introduce an explanation or aside as in 'he (innuendo the plaintiff) is a thief'. Hence it came to be used as a noun referring to such an aside; in particular it served as a pointer to the libellous or slanderous meaning alleged to be conveyed by a word or expression that was not in itself actionable.

irony [i•ron•y || 'aɪə(r)nɪ]
n. sarcasm, speech or writing which is intended to communicate a meaning contrary to its literal sense; contrast between what is expected or desired and reality

n. manner of speaking which uses a negative to state a positive
meiosis [maɪ'əʊsɪs]
n. process of cell division which occurs in the maturation of sex cells (Biology)

metaphor [met•a•phor || 'metəfɔr /'metəfə,'metəfɔː]
n. simile, poetic substitution of one thing for another in order to suggest comparison or resemblance; mundane thing that is used as a symbol for an abstract concept

metonymy [me•ton•y•my || mɪ'tɑnɪmɪ /mɪ'tɒnɪmɪ]
n. figure of speech that uses one object in place of another related concept (ex: using "the throne" to refer to the monarchy)

onomatopoeia [on•o•mat•o•poe•ia || ‚ɑnəʊmætəʊ'pɪːə /‚ɒn-]
n. use or formation of words which sound like the meaning they represent (i.e. ding-dong)

oxymoron ['ɑksɪ'mɔrɑn /'ɒksɪ'mɔːrɒn]
n. expression composed of combined contrasts (e.g. "thunderous silence")

paradox [par•a•dox || 'pærədɑks /-dɒks]
n. statement that seems to be self-contradictory; false statement, untrue statement

paralipsis [ˌparə'lɪpsɪs]
■ noun Rhetoric the device of giving emphasis by professing to say little or nothing of a subject, as in not to mention their unpaid debts.

paronomasia ['pærənəʊ'meɪʒə /-'meɪzɪə]
n. word game, pun, use of a word to create a humorous effect

periphrasis [pe•riph•ra•sis || pə'rɪfrəsɪs]
n. indirect speech, circumlocution; indirect expression, expression phrased in a roundabout manner

personification [per•son•i•fi•ca•tion || pɜr‚sɑnɪfɪ'keɪʃn /pɜː‚sɒ-]
n. act of ascribing human qualities to an inhuman object; embodiment, incarnation; symbol; model, example

pleonasm [ple•o•nasm || 'plɪəʊnæzm]
n. verbosity, excessive wordiness, redundancy

prolepsis [prəʊ'lepsɪs]
n. anticipation of an event; description of an event before it could have taken place

prosopopoeia [ˌprɒsəpə'pi:ə]
■ noun a figure of speech in which an abstract thing is personified or an imagined or absent person is represented as speaking
pun [pʌn]

n. play on words, humorous use of words in order to create several possible meanings

v. make a play on words, use words humorously to create several possible meanings
rhetorical question
question whose answer is clear, question that was asked solely for the purpose of making an impression

rhetorical [rhe•tor•i•cal || rɪ'tɑrɪkl ,-'tɔ- /-'tɒr-]
adj. pertaining to rhetoric; bombastic, unnecessarily ornate

sarcasm [sar•casm || 'sɑrkæzəm /'sɑːk]
n. satire, irony, use of caustic or scornful remarks

simile [sim•i•le || 'sɪmɪlɪ]
n. instance in which two dissimilar items are compared using the words "like" or "as"

syllepsis [syl•lep•sis || sɪ'lepsɪs]
n. instance in which a word modifies or governs two or more words in the same sentence but only grammatically agrees with one (Grammar)

1. repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning and another at the end of successive clauses, i.e., simultaneous use of anaphora and epistrophe
(hypernym) repetition

synecdoche [syn•ec•do•che || sɪ'nekdəkɪ]
n. figure of speech in which a part is used to represent the whole or the whole for the part (i.e.
"wheels" for "car")

tautology [tau•tol•o•gy || tɔ'tɑlədʒɪ /-'tɒl-]
n. needless repetition of same idea in different words

trope [trəʊp]
n. figure of speech, any rhetorical device in which words are used not in accordance with their literal meaning; phrase interpolated into a text for purposes of emphasis (Literature)

zeugma ['zju:gmə]
■ noun a figure of speech in which a word applies to two others in different senses (e.g. John and his driving licence expired last week).
["Satisfaction is death of Struggle"]
[Naseer Ahmed Chandio]
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