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Old Monday, January 30, 2012
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Originally Posted by azeegum View Post
Well, even if the order 2000 was introduced or order 1861 was reverted to tackle corruption, but the underlying conditions of corruption still persist egregiously.

I want to talk over that issue so i brought this topic under dicussion.this will highlight the corruption of police institute - a mojor institute of our government .so what you have researched or have please ratify here.

Originally Posted by azeegum View Post
Let us just understand the key factors included in the weakness which are as follows:

• Economic: Inadequate pay, pensions and public service provision, plus large
you pointed here headings .And that might be borrowed some where else but it shows your deep conception regarding topic. you are poniting governmntal flaws .Due to these flaws govenmnet has to suffer corruption menace. what safeguards and oppotunities should be introduced ?? my stance is where is moral part of pubic and why they gave votes to feuds? I have seen many packages that has been intoduced by government but MNA esp MPAz gulped these hefty amounts .corruption starts from that level .public level corruption is very minute or negligebile if one is going to cpmpare with these person who hold office of government

Originally Posted by azeegum View Post
• Social/cultural: Conflict between demands of modern bureaucracy and demands of baradri, family, ethnic and other ties; social pressures for ostentatious demonstration of wealth, dowry and to provide for one’s children
very striking ponit.YOU bring into discussion the conflict that has hampered the democratic process. what are demands of modern bureucracy . they want well furnished bangalows .power and prestige .that tussle of power is actual cause of corruption . so NAZIMS or feuds powers are reverted back to commissionerate system .what you think will this system will sustain without corruption .if yes,then how??

Originally Posted by azeegum View Post
• Political: the feudal power structure at the rural level; low levels of political
competition; political instability, and intermittent military rule, have weakened
institutions; with poor example set by politicians

what is feudal structure at village level . low level of political copmetition will be in Areas of sind and baluchistan or in punjab? what you say ? military wreacked havoc in past now it is playing behind the scene .what is memo scnadal .it is mimltary and nawaz manipulation . why DG ISI went to muslim conutries to overthrow the govenment ,zardari recent so-called illness tour has some mystic designs .because our all policies are being set up in UAE - THE centre of USA power which was carved out in 1971 . becuase UAE was part of saudI arabi .SO RECENT CRISIS in yemen is just lust of this global power who want to rule over young south Asia .

Originally Posted by azeegum View Post
• Legal and judicial: Justice is inaccessible, slow and selective, encouraging
contempt for the law and an attitude of "everyone for themselves".

Originally Posted by azeegum View Post
Talking about Anna Hazzare's proposed Jan Lokpall Bill...
Key features of the proposed bill include:
  • To establish a central government anti-corruption institution called Lokpal, supported by Lokayukta at the state level
  • As in the case of the Supreme Court and Cabinet Secretariat, the Lokpal will be supervised by the Cabinet Secretary and the Election Commission. As a result, it will be completely independent of the government and free from ministerial influence in its investigations.
  • Members will be appointed by judges, Indian Administrative Service officers with a clean record, private citizens and constitutional authorities through a transparent and participatory process.
  • A selection committee will invite short-listed candidates for interviews, video recordings of which will thereafter be made public.
  • Every month on its website, the Lokayukta will publish a list of cases dealt with, brief details of each, their outcome and any action taken or proposed. It will also publish lists of all cases received by the Lokayukta during the previous month, cases dealt with and those which are pending.
  • Investigations of each case must be completed in one year. Any resulting trials should be concluded in the following year, giving a total maximum process time of two years.
  • Losses to the government by a corrupt individual will be recovered at the time of conviction.

recent report about corruption shows south Asia has most corrupt countries in the world . these bill which you have mention in points are suggestion how we can check corruption level at lower level and national level . judges are apponited by president not by CJ . this is ,though ironical our CJ has no power . how this institution can work .NRO case is only the case of corruption??.why CJ do no call to NAB or others. where is media .All these want to become hero like IK sonami .some spice,some delicicious news which will rise their popularity graph and nothing else .All authorities are in hand of parliamnet .my opinion is all institutions should be given power in their own domain and government `s job should be to serve as check and NAB ,other will check the govenment .so accountibilty on both sides is needed .how it can be implemented it is a question ??

I was busy so I could not reply soon .if feudal system is major cause of corruption if we talk about adminstartive corruption then what do you think LGO order 2001 replacement will work .according to me it will work .the current govt has co-ordinated all the institution via constitution .and this govt has introduced number of constitutional reforms which was never done in the pak history .According to me,its a major development which will strenghtened the democratic process
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