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Old Tuesday, January 31, 2012
azeegum azeegum is offline
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Originally Posted by SADIA SHAFIQ View Post

1. I want to talk over that issue so i brought this topic under dicussion.this will highlight the corruption of police institute - a mojor institute of our government .so what you have researched or have please ratify here.

2. you pointed here headings .And that might be borrowed some where else but it shows your deep conception regarding topic. you are poniting governmntal flaws .Due to these flaws govenmnet has to suffer corruption menace. what safeguards and oppotunities should be introduced ?? my stance is where is moral part of pubic and why they gave votes to feuds? I have seen many packages that has been intoduced by government but MNA esp MPAz gulped these hefty amounts .corruption starts from that level .public level corruption is very minute or negligebile if one is going to cpmpare with these person who hold office of government

3. very striking ponit.YOU bring into discussion the conflict that has hampered the democratic process. what are demands of modern bureucracy . they want well furnished bangalows .power and prestige .that tussle of power is actual cause of corruption . so NAZIMS or feuds powers are reverted back to commissionerate system .what you think will this system will sustain without corruption .if yes,then how??

4. what is feudal structure at village level . low level of political copmetition will be in Areas of sind and baluchistan or in punjab? what you say ? military wreacked havoc in past now it is playing behind the scene .what is memo scnadal .it is mimltary and nawaz manipulation . why DG ISI went to muslim conutries to overthrow the govenment ,zardari recent so-called illness tour has some mystic designs .because our all policies are being set up in UAE - THE centre of USA power which was carved out in 1971 . becuase UAE was part of saudI arabi .SO RECENT CRISIS in yemen is just lust of this global power who want to rule over young south Asia .

(a). recent report about corruption shows south Asia has most corrupt countries in the world . these bill which you have mention in points are suggestion how we can check corruption level at lower level and national level . judges are apponited by president not by CJ . this is ,though ironical our CJ has no power . how this institution can work .NRO case is only the case of corruption??.why CJ do no call to NAB or others. where is media .All these want to become hero like IK sonami .some spice,some delicicious news which will rise their popularity graph and nothing else .All authorities are in hand of parliamnet .my opinion is all institutions should be given power in their own domain and government `s job should be to serve as check and NAB ,other will check the govenment .so accountibilty on both sides is needed .how it can be implemented it is a question ??

(b). I was busy so I could not reply soon .if feudal system is major cause of corruption if we talk about adminstartive corruption then what do you think LGO order 2001 replacement will work .according to me it will work .the current govt has co-ordinated all the institution via constitution .and this govt has introduced number of constitutional reforms which was never done in the pak history .According to me,its a major development which will strenghtened the democratic process[/B]
Welcome back Sadia, it's nice to see you again. I hope you are doing well in life!

Coming to the point, I have numbered each of your points and addressed them individually as follows:

I just have a sketchy idea of the Police Act 1861. So I passed on a general remark instead of going into the details. I don't even know whether the said police act is active in other provinces, but it was due to ensuing violence in Karachi recently that forced the administration to restore the police act of 1861 and commissionerate system in the province of Sindh. Land Revenue Act 198 was also amended at the same time. Among the benefits of the said police act is that a complainant would only have to deal with one police official only, which will solve the problem of dealing with many officials and avoiding the possibility of bribe and extortion. I heard common people saying it in Urdu with reference to the new changes "Kam az kam Rishwat ki ek table kam ho gai hai". According to the investigation wing of the department, the departments have been merged and that might affect the overall performance of the department. The changes made through the act may also prove cosmetic if there is no real implementation of plan.

Well, I agree with your stance that people have to play their role. They shouldn't only abstain themselves from invloving in corruption but also do not elect the corrupt politicians to hold the reigns of power. The saying of our holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is a recall here "Those who take bribe and those give both will be sent to the hell." This proves both are responsible.

Well, I have written about local government system below addressing one of your point, but I just have a sketchy knowledge about the commissionary system. However, for a comparison between the commissionerate system and Local Government System, I have the following blog to share: Read it completely:
Chagatai Khan: Commissionerate System VS Local Government System.

The feudal power structure at village is very much a case of might is right. You know those who are rich can participate in election and no one from the common run of people come on the forefront and compete with them and as a result the feudal are the only option available to the people who they vote for. It is more because of the lack of education and general awareness in interior parts of our country in all four provinces. The situation in Sindh is worse. People are not wary of the fact that they should vote because they want to be served and their basic problems should be addressed so that quality of life could be improved- they need to realize that no feudal can arrogate to himself the right to play with their future by exploiting their positions when they come in power on the strength of the votes of these poor people...


Yes I agree with you that the state institutions should work within their domain and do not meddle into the affairs of each other. We already have laws with regard to the accountability. The role of Public accountability bodies, anti-corruption agencies, and law enforcement agencies is very crucial here. They can ensure the implementation as the framework is available there...

I don't know if LGO Order 2001 replacement is going to work. But again I will write about LG system by throwing light based on my knowledge.

The need for devolving power and responsibility for social delivery is increasingly acknowledged by development agencies and several developing countries. Development activity is no longer considered the prerogative of centralized states. Instead of this, representative local level administrative and political units are considered better placed to provide basic services to people. Simultaneously, the role of community participation is considered essential within the devolution process for ensuring quality service and accountability to empower the democratic process.

You know a lively debate has been observed to have proliferated about the reforms in LG system since 2008. Everyone has participated from all walks of life in the debate. Therefore more is expected from policy makers to improve the performance of local government by bringing reforms to ensure the provision of the best services to the citizens of the state. By definition, local governments are the level of government and public administration closest to citizens, and for that reason can be effective in providing many public services.Therefore, the ultimate test of the Devolution Plan should be viewed in its ability of having created low tiers of government which have improved the lives of common people. Furthermore, effective local governments are an important determining factor in the overall legitimacy and stability of institutions of democratic governance. But just assigning new responsibilities to local officials, without attending to the institutional incentives to be responsive to citizen needs and responsible for outcomes, does not necessarily improve upon prior arrangements. It is almost recently that the provinces have directly reformed their local government systems in an open and consultative manner. In past the local government systems were instead imposed on the provinces. During military-led governments, devolution took place from the provinces to the lower levels instead of commencing from the center, which is believed to weaken the provinces dissipate the influence of political parties. Well, if LG system is to be promulgated like you have endorsed above, then it should should hammer out an agreed framework for the local government system in all provinces of Pakistan.

This is what I have on my part for now...

Real richness is that you are so expensive that no one can buy your character.
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SADIA SHAFIQ (Tuesday, January 31, 2012)