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Old Monday, April 02, 2012
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Iftikhar rind Iftikhar rind is offline
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The main culprit here is inflation.If dollar was around 65 to 70 then there might have been less grief. I have watched some international analysts talking that how bad is US economy.After world war 2 its credit rating dropped from AAA to AA ,the dollar is suffering devaluation,how come it still is going strong against our rupee. Well the only problem is that our rupee is on a nosedive path towards devaluation because of the huge loans our gov takes for its pleasure to make new ways for corruption. Who is going to pay back this loan , 'Govt' pssst which government there is no govt in pakistan we live in the wild wild west trying to survive among these barracudas. We the sheeple (people) of Pakistan can do nothing about it why bcoz of democratic system. We have one of the worst illiteracy rates in the world so thats why the illiterate people say our sons have to be clerk in Govt organisations we must support our mpa so that he can help us in bradari and police problems. So we select few Literate people can do nothing about it. The problem is not only democratic system but the whole system including Defence organisations which handled the baloch insurgency problem so poorly that they now only want freedom(which God forbid may be possible due to the personal interests of super powers) I am not in any way endorsing Fuedal Sardars that come on tv shows and whine about miseries of balochistan. They dont give a damn abt baloch people they only shed crocodile tears. Second could somebody explain me why AC are not banned in this country why CNG kits are banned. IF all the house hold consumers stop using their AC the energy shortage could be solved immediately. But as always the decisions in this country are made for the profits of ruling elite and so now they are grabbing Lpg licenses in due time to make it alternate for cng and for that they had to increase the CNG prices. ALAS how miserably powerless we are, we are stuck with this govt and for those who would like to prefer martial law cannot even dream of it now. Not bcoz the establishment is afraid of this govt or supreme court but because unfortunately we have literally no allies in this world not even china anymore cant go into depth for details but long story short " It is not President Zardari responsible for the current mess in out country but all of us the illiterate awam, the mna, mpa , police, lawyers, shopkeepers everybody" if you are a follower of Islam then you would be well aware that the more corrupt the people the more corrupt elite would rule upon them.
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