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Old Wednesday, August 08, 2007
DMG DMG is offline
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the topic is " image of islam in west n responsibilites of ummah"...this essay should be attempted in two parts as it has gotten two clearly parts that is:

1: image of islam in west
2: responsibilites of ummah

in my opinion, first part requires knowledge n second part requires creativity.

in css, one must show some sort of uniqueness in ones it is really a tricky every body would have written tht.... image of islam is not not in west in part 1 n oic in part same stuff from every candidate...

as far as 4000-5000 words r concerned... even 50000 words can be written on this topic but time didnt permit...

u wrote mostly on part 1 as done by many candidates n did a little justice with part 2 which i think was the core part bcuz when v talk abt responsibilites of ummah we know nothing but examiner will give credit for something new...

pray 4 ur success...

analyse mine one also:

also wrote the same outline was...


1: History of islam from Hazrat adam to date.
2: Meaning of word islam.
3: image of islam in the days of prophets.
4: islam after prophet Mohammad ( SAW).
5: clash of civilizations
6: distortion of islam by muslims
7: wrong concept of islam in west
8: allegations of west against islam
a: half witness of woman
b: no right of inheritance ( half to woman )
c: man n woman...not equal
d: seclusion
e :job not allowed to woman
f: no right of education ( statistics of majority of muslim nations )
g:women cant drive ( case of saudi arb )
h : man is a step ahead than woman ( reference from quran )
i: woman cant be head of state
j : couple of more.....
9: clarification by muslims ( reference from quran for each of the above allegations )
10: Why islam has distorted image in west ????
11: Answer lies in the propaganda of western specially american n israeli MEDIA
12: Agenda setting by western media( couple of examples)
13: reasons for disinforming western people by media
a: muslim wealth ( oil )
b: wants to prove muslims as terrorist in order to get support of people
14:current image of islam in west


1: wrong diagnosis of disease
a: its not war against islam but muslim wealth
2: wrong wrong prescription i.e extremism
3: extremism is proving counter productive for west.
4: need of the hour
a: unity ( oic)
5: proposed changes in the structure of oic
a: all nations should give part of their sovereignity to oic
b: west should deal with oic for oil instead of indiviual nations.
c: there must be common currency for oic as euro
d: islamic channel for countering western media
a: shun extremisiom
b: achieve 100 percent education
7: conclusion
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