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Old Thursday, October 03, 2013
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daniyalahmed daniyalahmed is offline
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Two wrongs don't make a right. War on terror is being waged for different reason, it's a totally different topic, scope of which is not in the purview of this discussion. Human life is sacred, it should be protected at all costs. I am not justifying war on terror, if war on terror is wrong, so is capital punishment - both for the simple reason of human cost. You cannot justify capital punishment, apparently because, more people have died during war on terror. It's illogical, ludicrous and fallacy ridden argument.

By dragging, war on terror, what are you implying? confusing topic? Please stick to the topic under discussion. What has war on terror, got to do with the discussion at hand? I am bamboozled.

Please clarify, what are you implying? I can only say one thing, you cannot compare apples with oranges. So, your first point is totally illogical.

As far as the context is concerned. Human societies are evolving. We have invented remedies like penicillin that prevent growth of bacteria, we have made major break through in medical science. We are getting better by the day. Herbert Spencer, a renowned sociologist also pointed out, that societies are evolving. With trial and error, we are learning from past mistakes. We are improving and progressing. Wars have ceased to be bloody affairs. Only 2 lac 27,000 people have died within a decade. A single raid of Genghis Khan was worth 100,000 lives. Hence, we can safely conclude, that barbarity is being curtailed. We have international multi - lateral institutions, that prevent warfare. The problem with UN is that there is uni - polar world, with a very strong super power in the form of US. Once, countries like China and Russia catch up, we will see a more important role of UN. It's just a matter of time, before the world ushers into an era of universal peace. Please, don't be nihilist.

Unfortunately, the theory of punishment, were created from scriptures. The concept of original sin and subsequent punishment of adam and eve, created a myth that humans being are innately unworthy of doing any good. Hence, they are to be reformed through punishment. Even god banished adam from garden of eden, because he had sinned and as a consequence, he had to suffer in this world. From, there this stems the theory that punishment is the only cure for sin.

From education, I dont mean academic education. From education, I mean ethics, code of conduct, how to behave and how to curtail desire. This is education. Rational expectation theory means, that people make choices, the one that suits them is opted, the one that doesn't suit is left out. By education, you increase the "cost" associated with a course of action.

I am not your ill wisher, otherwise, I would have prayed, that you have first hand experience of our legal/judicial and law enforcement system. Right from the lodging of FIR, to hearing, this system is corrupt. Someone said in this forum, that we have loopholes in our legal system, for that we have to strengthen our legal system, rather then abolishing capital punishment. My response is, for god sake, till your legal system is not perfect, you cannot appropriate a life of any person. A flawed system is likely to take the life of an innocent person, which you are unwilling or unable to understand. Allah says in quaran, If anyone takes a life, without a reason, it is as if, he has killed the entire mankind. Only exception is in the course of law. But in our legal system, people simply do not get justice. Hence, taking life in the name of justice, without having any essence of justice, is both incorrect, naive and stupid.

I again summarize.

1. Pakistan legal system is so corrupt, you cannot even imagine. From the filing of FIR, to hearing of cases, the entire process is painstaking and corrupt to the core. In this corrupt system, innocent people are hanged. First get your system right, then enforce a heinous punishment, like capital punishment. Otherwise, accept your flawed, corrupt and inefficient judicial system and abolish capital punishment. In this way, you will prevent innocent people from dying. Also, by abolishing capital punishment countless people who have been victims of draconian laws like Hudood ordinace and Blasphemy law, would get reprieve.

2. Respect Human life. Ensure all means to save human life. By killing a murderer, you prevent him with a chance to redeem himself and reform.
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