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Old Saturday, February 09, 2008
Wazeer Wazeer is offline
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Default In the search of best religion ?

Hi! Religion is a very important part of our life. We live and fight because of this and even give it priority on the family and relation .I thought I must say something regarding which is my perception and could be wrong.,There is no doubt that religion is an essential element but it is seen that all religion including islam are 40 percent reality and 60 % assumption which create sects and secular .I know many will say that sects are created in confusion but I would disagree because each sect have a scholor and scholor make sects by having a deep knowledge so saying this that sects are finishable is an stupied act and suits to NGO or seculars who does not study in depth and .I know All religion came to heal humanity but have they succeded so far . I know its wrong to judge religion through personalties but to understand religion offensive and defensive behavior lets us take Adolf hitler adn osama bin laden who have influnced world then any other personalities religiosuly .they both are comparable in using offensive vergion of abrahimic religion like islam and chiristinatity so does it mean that these religion does not posses these (defensive and offensive) element within their selves unlike budhisim,sufisim which lacks both and therefore liked by seculars , moderates and more importantly ethinic and national politicain . I do not think budhisim and sufisim can achieive anything for humanity as they tell u to be not offensive but in religion we have to defend ourselves and its writeen in the hadith .I think ,neither adolf hitler was wrong and nor usama , bush or zionsit regime are they are doing nothing but saving their religion and contributing in making superior to it .we did every thing in our power to not let chiristion or jews to overcome on us when we were strong ,they are doing now by calling us terrorist after being powerfull both economically and scientificaly.,On the other hand musluim missionaries bleive that their mission will not end untill and unless there is a single non musluim person left on the earth because they bleive that islam is the last destiny of humman being (becsue its a divine word instaead of poor humman thinking of aristole who talks about democracy ) and humanity have reached to a point after tribalisim ,racisim , nationalisim plurilisim, communisim and capitlaisim where it needs a system like islam which is a perfect and is a combination of (social ,political ,ecnomcial peices ) therefore usama (despite being a son of rich man) and thousend of other folowing him are so ambitious in creating so called musluim state for which they face resistance from both musluim state and western states. western specially american are no duoubt right in being sensitive to their values and nation because from decades they are feeding both black and asian musluim and now their american values are beign threadened by these fanatics .sir,the fight between these three religon did not started after 9 11 .this conflict has the longest history in humanity .sometime they are defensive adn sometime we are so what is needed the ultimate recogniation of what suffering humanit y had because of these religion and asking Religious scholors ,historian , politcal ,social and econimcla intellectuals to recongnize the best because at the end of the day its all about being the best. Isnt it?
I criticize because i am not an authority and i love because i do not mean it .
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