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Old Sunday, May 24, 2015
nelblueblue nelblueblue is offline
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what's the hell black standard is,and also false flag...Don't create confusion... just be straight and to the point

@rao rameez
Some corrections
It was Gaddafi who proposed"Gold dinar" for Libya and that this dinar was not meant for OIC.Bhutto and Sadam had never idealized such prophecy.

Next comes self radicalized ideology
Kindly read my first post"BACID" belief ,attachment,commitment,involvement and dedication.It serves the best mechanism of how Radical ideology develops within an individual.For your info a child doesn't possess such ideology unless or until social,psychological and drugs factor doesnot reinforce a person into such radical precepts.Because radicalization is conditioned to ones believe ,perception and behaviours.Since behaviour is influenced by ambience ,where a person lives.So is prone to be influenced by such ideas when superiority complexes and notion of ABSOLUTE TRUTH is left unchecked.
This is the reason why I particularly laid exceptional emphasis on" multiple sources to ascertain the truth" and also on "parents vigilance" in this regard.
Sometimes our limited precepts in religiosity create aqueducts to stereotypes and prejudices,which is rebonded to such an extant that we dare to kill a person if he /she disagree with our thinkings.Here sectarianism originates.
So it doesn't matter whether you are PhD or student but possess enough planings in mind about Cataclysm.Than seek refuge in like minded social circle.
This whole process consumes years not days to develop.At that time if parents bother about their children ,than I am betting situation would be different.

black standard vs isil monogram
Again a mistake.I don't know what is your black standard?But isil tag contains kalma with circle` inside thisAllah and rasool is written.Its background is black and words are written with white .(I hope I didn't reverse the case)

isil +Taliban+Alnusra+many offshoots are just meant to divert the basics of Islam and in fact they themselves are adopting a diverted path.

Next comes position of Russia and China:
They are just "paper tiger".Look at Berzizinkis book- Grand Chessboard : American primacy and Geostrategic imeratives.
according to author
China: a REGIONAL hegemon not global power,due to ethnic clashes in western region of china+Economy is localized to few eastern cities+resentment among the people due to economic imbalancement +southern sea issue+Indo American factor+Taiwan +japan+Korea+geoimperitives+Supremacy of America on Eurasean plate+us presence in eastern sea.will never fulfil its dream.

Russia: already ethnically balkanized+former Yugoslaviak model failure+CIS are run by pro western puppet ruler+Fate of Russian survival is contingent to NATO(this is the reason why Russia didnt oppose Bretton woods agreement +NATO formation but has shown concern in natos expansion+Ukraine (America has controlled this region+up til now America has successfully kicked the Russia from reaching warm water +fate of Russia is democracy not communism.

China has already open up its door for giant capitallist and it is no more different from the tones of western case of Gwadar it has competitive edge to Middle east petro politics to run its industry.Still it has no outstanding military budget nor innovation whereas America is worlds largest technology innovation hub.
American UNIS ,imf,military industrial complex and drugs and medicines (heroin ,marijuanaand aloparhic drugs )cartels are the backbone of American economy.While china is export competitive and dependet on western investment in EEZ(exclusive economic zone)

This whole process just mirged the Muslims that USA is hunting China and Russia as well.
While reality is something different.Remember on Afghanistan issue both countries are just mame?

I think so its more than enough to prove my stance.
Oic,Arab leage, opec and Gcc are nothing more than dustbins is meant for just fogging the mirror or to arrange fresh bailout packages from imf and to design some military contracts to finance isil and oh I forgotten Vietnam of ksa ,I mean Yeman insurgency.

Than how can I define Pakistan?

Ethnic cauldron ,sophisticated sectarian mosaic model,tutelage of west,scapegoat of Afghanistan and Dollar earner because of geography otherwise we are no more than a Banana Republic.(check out the competency of its leaders and also their patriotism)
Pardon me for my stance but that's true.
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