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Old Tuesday, December 08, 2015
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Default When life thorws lemon, make lamonade

Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
Nice effort and detailed outline, but you mainly focused on " Life throws lemon and overlooked " make lemonade" and as a result of that, your outline is dis-balanced so all you need to do is to create a very careful, relevant and well balanced essay outline. If you ponder over essay outline by keeping "when life throws you lemon, make lemonade" then you understand it well. Overall your grip is good, but one sided ( strayed )

Very good for your first attempt. You need a lot of practice. Your ideas are relevant, but a little bit of logical connection in an idea, as well as between ideas, is required. Keep posting.

You have explained the lemons of the society but not the way to make lemonade out of them. Even if you talk about it in the middle of your essay of in between paragraphs, your outline must reflect it in some of its points. This key aspect is missing in your outline. [/QUOTE]

Thank you so much for Guidance @bonaparte and @ambavilant. I am solely using this forum for guidance as I don't have time for joining any academy nor do I have any English teacher in contact. Therefore, these criticism and suggestions are very valuable for me. Thank you once again to both of you.

I am posting updated outline along with introduction, Please members, Check.

1. Introduction
2. Lemons of life for individuals and their struggle to make lemonade
2.1. Set back in relations and realization of true nature of people
2.2. Set back in Careers and great achievements afterward Quid-e-Azam-no single case to winning of case for Pakistan Nelson Mandela- 27 years in jail to president of South Africa Steve Jobs – Expelled from own company to greatest inventor of 20th century J.K Rolling – from footpath to Billion dollar club membership Opera Winfrey – from streets facing racial discrimination to most successful talk show
3. Lemons of life for Society and Resultant rise of Greatest Societies
3.1. Natural Calamities and disasters- rise of Empires from Ashes
3.2. Wars Civil War of America and formation of Confederation of America French 30 years’ war and WW 1 and Turkey – Rise of Modern Turkey WW 1 and Germany – Rise of Nazi Germany Atomic attack on Japan – Rise of Technologically advanced Japan
4. Muslim World- Lemons of life – Opportunity to make lemonade
4.1. Islamophobia in the west and greater publicity – An opportunity to publicise positive image
5. Pakistan and lemons of life
5.1. Creation of Bangladesh – 1971 Constitution and greater unity and focus
5.2. Sectarianism – Opportunity to present example of melting pot of all sect of Islam
5.3. Hostile neighborhood – One of most powerful army in the world
5.4. APS Attack – Unity against terrorism – Operation Zarb-e-Azb
6. Conclusion

Success is to be measured by not so much by the position that one reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome. (Booker T. Washington)
Life is a challenge as well as blessing. It throws at us lemons so we can taste the sweetness of lemonade. It is up to us whether we just sit idle and allow ourselves to be drowned into the ocean of lemons or buckle up ourselves, fight back, use these lemons and make lemonade. Every day we see hundreds of examples around us like racism, inequality, social discrimination, biased hatred. Some accept that as fate and do nothing, others stand up and fight back. It is about attitude towards life. It is about way of thinking towards one own self. Our whole history is teem with examples where whole society became bereft of mobilization, still and buried under the pile of lemons, that were actually thrown at them to bless them with the sweetness of lemonade. However, then, from among them, one deny to be like them. He resisted, rose up from that pile and paves way for others to follow him thereby getting the secret of those lemons and recipe of making lemonade. Then life became benevolent for him. Therefore, the rule to succeed in life is very simple: be optimistic. Try to capture every opportunity presented by life in form and make the best of it. Where others fails to acknowledge the power of thinking out of the box, step forward and set example. Life will never stop throwing lemons at us, we have to decide whether to be like failed society or be a hero.
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