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CSS Competitive Examination The Central Superior Services Examination is conducted every year for induction to Group 17 of the Civil Services

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Old Tuesday, May 30, 2006
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Cool Occupations of CSS Groups

Police Services of Pakistan (PSP):

The Police Service of Pakistan (PSP) is comprised of police officers selected through the Federal Public Service Commission Entry is at the level of Assistant Superintendent
of Police.

Under the old Police Act, the Police had many responsibilities. But with the enforcement of Police Order 2002, it has been given a leadership role alongwith lot more responsibilities and accountabilities. Every new posting is a challenge it is a never ending war against crime, social evils and every day problems of the people residing in a particular area. The local representatives, i-e. Town Nazims, U C Nazims and Councilors at the grassroot level, are the eyes and ears of the Police. They give the information and guidance to serve the people in a better way. Their assistance and coordination are essentially important for the success of an area Police.

With the separation of Investigation and Prosecution, alongwith accountability through the local representatives, the Police is heading towards specialization and professionalism. It has time and energy to do its assigned task, be a part of the community and respond to the needs of the people. The Annual Policing Plan which sets the targets is required to be approved by the local representatives. Responsibility and accountability are, therefore, integrated in this check and balance system. It also signifies that the era of rulers and the ruled as over.

The Local Government system, alongwith Police Order 2002, has given the Police pride and respect. Instead of an instrument of the State power, the Police is now merged with the community to bring peace and prosperity to the nation as a whole. And the local population has responded very positively to this system. Their cooperation with the Police is encouraging. Their assistance in the construction of Police stations, hospitals, clinics, schools, industrial homes etc for the welfare of the Police and the public, and the initiative to establish Medical Camps through voluntary donations of medicines, food items and medical services in disease and flood-affected areas under the umbrella of the Police, are manifestations of some of the local population s support and assistance PSP is a complete way of life dedicated to the people.

District Management Group (DMG):

Having its roots in the former Civil Service of Pakistan (CSP), the District Management Group (DMG) despite the recent historic restructuring of power and authority in Pakistan, continues to maintain its niche of being a central and one of the most coveted Administrative service groups of the Civil Service of Pakistan albeit with a slightly changed scope and mandate. The DMG basically draws its vigor from its singular service structure having forward and backward linkages Its unique service organization, on one hand attracts the top achievers in the civil services examination to this Group, and subsequently this structure having enormous horizontal and vertical mobility chances enables the selected officers to occupy critical and leading administrative positions from the very beginning of their careers. It is again these vast horizontal mobility opportunities, which facilitate most challenging openings to the DMG officers. They usually begin careers as administrative officers of Government at sub-division level responsible for a combination of judicial, executive & administrative functions. While this career opening has changed after the separation of judiciary from executive and devolution however, the DMG officers continue to occupy core administrative assignments in sub-divisions, districts or provincial governments. At the same time the DMG officers continue to have opportunities of serving in either of the three Government levels, their secretariats, in the field or in the semi-autonomous or autonomous bodies. It is this mobility (which continues through out the service progression), which facilities the growth and grooming of the DMG officers in myriad, multiple and crosscutting fields. This career path peculiar to the DMG officers eventually facilitates their entry into the top policy making officers of the country.

With the restructuring of the political & administrative authority after devolution the service structure of DMG was initially seen to be adversely impacted after the abolition of the all-powerful positions of the Assistant Commissioners, Deputy Commissioners and the Commissioners and the abolition of the executive magistracy’s office. Conversely the post devolution scenario has shown that the role and the scope of the administrative cadres especially the DMG officers occupying leadership positions as District Coordinating Officers has increased manifolds. It would not be out of place to mention that in the short moment of uncertainly at the dawn of devolution, the President of Pakistan himself assured the DMG officers about their rote in the affairs of the country saying that he expects the DMG officers to be the standard bearers of devolution. In his letter addressed to each DMG officer he categorically stated that he visualizes the future role of DMG in civil society as of a public service, motivated by the highest ideals of dedication, capability and responsiveness to public needs.

Foreign Services of Pakistan (FSP):

Foreign Service of Pakistan was constituted on an ad hoc basis immediately on the birth of Pakistan. The Service was first given an executive fiat in a decision of the Federal Cabinet in July, 1948. A formal resolution constituting the service was announced in October 1952. It envisaged diplomatic posts in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in the Diplomatic and consular missions of Pakistan abroad. The resolution provided for the posts of (a) Secretary (1), (b) Joint Secretaries (2), (c) Deputy Secretaries (8), and (d) Under Secretaries (16) Posts for Pakistan Diplomatic Missions abroad provided for Ambassadors (17), High Commissioners (5), Ministers (4), Commissioners (1), Deputy High Commissioners (2), Counselors (15), First Secretaries (10), Second Secretaries (19), Third Secretaries (31), Consul General (3), Consul (4), and Vice Consul (7).

Between 1952 and 1960, the cadre strength was constantly kept under review and was enlarged by executive orders in view of the expanding requirements. However, shortage of personnel continued to plague the service. The total strength of the officers gradually increased both at the Headquarters and the Missions. In 1972 the total strength of the officers at the Headquarters and the Missions grew to 323. At present there are 403 officers both at the Headquarters and in our Missions.

The entry into the former Foreign Service of Pakistan through examination began in 1948. The Recruitment to the Officers cadre (Foreign Service of Pakistan) is through the competitive examination conducted annually by the Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC). The Establishment Division in consultation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announces annually the number of vacancies of officers in the Foreign Affairs Group, which vary from year to year. Officers of the Foreign Service of Pakistan undergo common training at the Civil Services Academy, Lahore and later are given six months specialized training at the Foreign Service Academy, Islamabad. The officers also undergo language training which includes Arabic, French, German, Chinese, Spanish etc. The training facilities at the National Institute of Modern Languages are availed to train the officers. Fully funded Language scholarships offered by other countries are also availed. The Ministry thus has a rich reservoir of officers who are well versed in different languages.

The Administrative Reforms introduced in 1973 provided for a unified structure of service with distinct specialized groups.

Customs group:

he Customs Group consists of three different categories of duties and taxes, namely, (1) Customs Duty, (2) Central Excise Duty, and (3) Sales Tax.

Customs service is divided into three major areas of trade activities viz (a) Imports, (b) Exports, and (c) Anti-Smuggling (Preventive) imports is the backbone of customs service which involves payment of customs duty on all the imports into the country. Exports are related with foreign exchange earnings and implementation of Exports Policy. Preventive department deals with anti-smuggling activities focusing mainly on prevention of drug smuggling.

Central Excise service is shrinking day by day. It is now an outdated mode of revenue collection Central Excise Duty is leviable on a few items. With the passage of time it is likely to be diminished.

Sales Tax is the tax of future. It is based upon VAT (Value Added Tax) mode of taxation system. It has been successfully implemented all over the world. Presently, the Sales Tax wing is collecting the largest share of revenue collected by CBR (Central Board of Revenue). It is a growing and expanding service The Sales Tax Act was passed in 1990.

All these three services are under the process of TAX REFORMS. A new vision of revenue collection and reforms has transformed the Customs, Excise and Sales Tax group into a service of the future. By introduction of LARGE TAX PAYERS UNIT and MODEL SALES TAX HOUSE, the Customs, Excise and Sales Tax group has become an agent of change. It is now the most modern, high-tech and forward looking service of the country.

Accounts group:

Pakistan Audit and Accounts Service operates under the constitution 1973, article 144 to 176, and is presently being run through Presidential Order No 23/2001.

The functions and powers of Auditor General Pakistan have been defined in the above mentioned order. The Auditor General enjoys a tenure posting of five years under the constitution. He is responsible to maintain accounts of the public sector organizations and is responsible to conduct audit of the same.

Recently the accounting functions of the Auditor General have been assigned to the Controller General of Accounts. The Controller General functions under the Auditor General of Pakistan. The Auditor General of Pakistan presents the annual accounts of the Ministries and Departments to the Federal and Provincial Public Accounts Committees respectively. The Accounting Offices of the Controller General of Accounts have been mainly divided into three major wings i.e. Civil (Federal / Provincial Governments), Railways and Military Accounts. These three wings are audited by independent offices headed by Directors General at the Federal and Provincial Level. The Audit of Military and Railway Wings is conducted at the Federal Level by the Audit Offices operating at the National Level. The Audit Reports are presented to the Federal Public Accounts Committee by the Auditor General and at the Provincial Level by respective Directors General.

Commerce and Trade group:

Consequent upon the introduction of Administrative Reforms of 1973 aiming to create Civil Services of specialized nature and responsibility, the Trade Service of Pakistan (TSP) was changed into Commerce & Trade Group to administer Export Promotion Bureau, Office of the Chief Controller of Imports & Exports, National Tariff Commission, Trade Marks Registry and Department of Insurance. The posts of Commercial Secretary/Counsellor in Pakistani missions abroad have been kept open to all services, due to the fact that the Office Memorandum under which the Commerce & Trade Group was created did not mention these posts.

Presently 50% posts in foreign missions are encadered in Commerce & Trade Group Departments like Tariff Commission, Office of the Chief Controller of Imports & Exports, Department of Insurance etc. are either working as autonomous bodies or declared as defunct organizations. Export Promotion Bureau has also been decided to be dismembered with the creation of autonomous body dealing with the marketing side. All this has squeezed the group into a smaller entity. As a result, there is no prospect for career planning for the young officers. The people at the helm of affairs may have to find new avenues for providing better career management through encaderment of 100% posts of Commercial Secretary/Counsellor in the foreign missions, encaderment of posts in different departments of the Ministries like Industries and Finance and in Provincial departments dealing with trade and commerce, and through promotional quota in Secretariat Group.

Income Tax group:

Income Tax Department is the wing of the Revenue Division (CBR) dealing with the collection of direct taxes, i.e. Income Tax and Wealth Tax. Very few people know about the specialized nature of the income tax work and the dedication and the hard work it demands. In recent times, there has been a lot of attention on the financial services in the structure of civil bureaucracy. Revenue collection is, by its very nature, an important job and with the ever diminishing foreign aid, the importance of tax collection is now being appreciated by everyone.

Income Tax Department is in the throes of change these days. The business processes, procedures and hierarchy is being remodeled to change the Department to a tax friendly, responsive and efficient organization. This restructuring also involves the reengineering of recruitment process, there is also focus on the implementation of information technology.

The Central Board of Revenue is probably the first government department to have a full-fledged Human Resource Wing with a senior person, of the level of member, heading it. There is considerable focus on evaluating the in vogue business procedures, infact, the present restructuring is aimed at a complete re-engineering of the business process of revenue collection. In a few years time, this Department will have evolved into an efficient tax friendly organization with a lean but highly trained and motivated workforce.

As a part of this strategy, model tax offices have been created at Karachi and Lahore for one or two classes of taxpayers. Further reforms will take into account, the experience gained during the operation of these pilot projects etc. As can be inferred from the focus and emphasis on the restructuring of the Income Tax and Sales Tax Departments, the Government is committed to bring about a positive change in the way the taxpayer and the tax collector interact and perceive each other.

Already there are indications that the Income Tax Group has moved up to number 2 or 3 in the priority list of the candidates aspiring to enter the prestigious civil service of Pakistan.

Information group:

Like other Occupational Groups of the Central Superior Services (CSS), the Information Group plays a vital role in national image building within and abroad. After the completion of Common Training Programme at the Civil Services Academy, Lahore, the probationers join Information Services Academy in Islamabad with a view to acquiring specialized training in media management and public relations. On completion of specialized training, these officers are posted in (1) Press Information Department (PID) (2) External Publicity Wing (EP Wing) (3) Internal Publicity Wing (4) ABC (5) Directorate of Films and Publications (DFP), (6) Cyber Wing etc in the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting.

The Information Group officers posted in Press Information Department (PID) constantly work for the image building of federal ministries and their attached departments. These officers act as a bridge between the government and the media The Press Information Department is a very important department of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting. This department is headed by Grade 21 Information Group officer PID headquarter is situated in Islamabad with its regional offices in Lahore, Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar, Multan, Faisalabad and Hyderabad. The External Publicity Wing (EP Wing) is the attached department of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting headed by a Grade 21 officer of Information Group. EP Wing keeps constant liaison with Pakistani missions/embassies abroad. It also facilitates the visiting foreign journalists The Directorate of Films and Publications prepares documentaries and publications on the culture and civilization of different provinces of Pakistan It also brings out documentaries and special editions on important national occasions.

The Information Group officers are poised to serve in the power corridor They are usually posted as PRO, Press Secretary, Media Manager to Federal Ministers (Ministries) etc The senior officers participate in decision making at the highest level Officers of Grade 18 and above are posted as Press Attaché, Press Counselor and Press Minister at Pakistani missions/embassies abroad These officers project the image of Pakistan and counter the anti Pakistan propaganda The Information Group officers are also posted in corporations and other federal government departments on deputation.

Railways group:

Pakistan Railways forms the life line of the country catering to all its needs for the large scale movement of freight as well as passenger traffic thereby contributing to economic growth and national integration.

Pakistan Railways is a multi-cadre/multi branch organization and can be dubbed as a mini-govt. For running a huge organization like that of Railways, various branches are serving to run the business smoothly. The Railways Commercial & Transportation (C&T) group plays the most important role as such it is the only cadre in Railways, inducted through CSS and is a part of Civil Services Academy Alumni C&T group is also called as operating and management department as it is solely responsible for the promotion of commercial business (freight & passenger) and for overall safety concerning train movement and operations.

Before 1971 Railways was a provincial subject as East and West Pakistan were under one unit system, and prior to 1973, this service was called the Pakistan Railway Service (PRS). Its officers were inducted through competitive examination. The probationary officers were trained at PR Walton Training School, Lahore directly. After 1973, like all other occupational groups, Railways C&T officers inducted through CSS, started its journey along with other occupational groups as commoners. The first Railways commoner was Mr Nasir Zaidi, whereas in 30th CTP almost 15 probationers started their career as probationary officers at CSA Lahore. Railway administration runs the department at three levels i.e. Ministerial level, Headquarter level and at Divisional levels (six divisions). Important policy and strategic matters are sought after at First level, whereas, operational and administrative policies are formulated at Headquarter level by GM Railways and COPS (Chief Operating Superintendent), and train operations and commercial affairs at divisions are carried out at divisional offices under the co-ordination of DS (Divisional Superintendent).

Despite various shortcomings and problems, officers of C&T group are striving for bringing the best in Railways and ultimately in Pakistan and are proud to be a part of Railways family of commoners.

Postal Group:

The Postal Group mainly comprises the Pakistan Post Office which is one of the oldest departments of the Sub-Continent working under Pakistan Post Office Act, 1898. It is one of the largest public sector organizations with over 13,000 post offices dedicated to providing high quality postal and financial services at minimum possible cost. Besides, it also performs a number of important functions on behalf of other Federal and Provincial Government Departments / Institutions which, inter-alia include (1) Post Office Savings Bank, (2) Postal Life Insurance, (3) Civil & Military Pension Payments, (4) Collection of Utility Bills, (5) Renewal of Driving and Arms Licences, (6) Issuing P 1 V Licence etc. Organizational procedure and processes of the Post Office have been mastered through time and experience, and are ingrained In the organizational spirit and ethos.

Direct induction in the Gazetted ranks was a rare practice in Post Office Department. But as a result of reforms introduced in Civil Services structure by the then Prime Minister in the year 1972, the Postal Group was formed and young officers started joining the group regularly every year since 1973.

Until 1985, promotion in the Postal Group was also very rapid. But now a newly inducted officer in B-17 has to wait for about 10 to 12 years for his promotion in BPS-18. Yet the group has an edge over certain other services groups, such as posting in big cities, suitable medical, transport and accommodation facilities for its officers, and deputation to various training courses within and outside the country. The Postal Group is relatively a smaller group. Its present strength is only 183 officers.

The Pakistan Post Office is purely a public services department rendering diverse postal services to the customers with the sole mission of Khidmat, Dianat & Amanat. The dawn of the new millennium has introduced a great development in the postal area across the world, and the Pakistan Post Office today is playing a positive role in conveying and disseminating information and ideas relating to the whole range of human activities in political, social, economic, cultural, industrial and commercial sectors.
["Satisfaction is death of Struggle"]
[Naseer Ahmed Chandio]

Last edited by Last Island; Saturday, February 21, 2009 at 04:20 AM. Reason: Information Added
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Old Tuesday, February 17, 2009
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Default Brief introduction to occupational groups of CSS Pakistan

Military Lands and Cantonment group:

The Military Lands & Cantonment Department is headed by the Director General, Military Lands & Cantonments. He is followed in hierarchy by an Additional Director General, assisted by five Regional Directors (i.e. Karachi, Quetta, Lahore Rawalpindi & Peshawar). They in turn are followed by Cantonment Executive Officers and Military Estates Officers.

The domain of the executive officers extends to cantonments in which they perform municipal and quasi-judicial functions. The executive officers have to generate the funds by levying different taxes/charges.

Each cantonment board is headed by a President Cantonment Board who is a serving armed forces officer and the cantonment executive officer is the Secretary of the Board.
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Last edited by Last Island; Saturday, February 21, 2009 at 04:21 AM. Reason: Merger!
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Old Tuesday, August 13, 2013
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Default All Groups of CSS summary

All Groups of CSS summary
Police Services of Pakistan (PSP):

Definition of Police can be “The civil force of a federal or local government, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order.” Police is the function of that branch of the administrative machinery of government which is charged with the preservation of public order and tranquility, the promotion of the public health, safety, and morals, and the prevention, detection, and punishment of crimes.
In Pakistan Police officers are selected on the rank of ASP (Assistant Superintendent of Police) through CSS and then promoted to SP, SSP, DIG, Addl IG and IG. In Pakistan ASP is the head of city / sub-division (Tehsil) Police whose rank is equivalent to DSP but DSPs are those officers who are promoted from inspector but ASP is selected directly through CSS.
It is the most prestigious and honourable job to serve country through police department. Police is carried out by several federal and provincial police agencies. The four provinces and the Islamabad Capital Territory each have a civilian police force with jurisdiction extending only to the relevant province or territory. At the federal level, there are a number of civilian agencies with nationwide jurisdictions including the Federal Investigation Agency and the National Highways and Motorway Police, as well as several paramilitary forces including the Pakistan Rangers and the Frontier Corps. The most senior officers of all the civilian police forces also form part of the Police Service of Pakistan, which is a component of the civil service of Pakistan.

Pakistan Administrative Services (PAS) / District Management Group (DMG):

Pakistan Administrative Service (PAS), previously known as the District Management Group (DMG), in May 2012 Prime minister of Pakistan announced this new name. Having its roots in the former Civil Service of Pakistan (CSP), The Indian Civil Service (ICS)—also known once as Imperial Civil Service, predecessor of the Civil Service of Pakistan and District Management Group—was established by the British to bolster the British Raj. After Indian independence, the ICS component ceded to Pakistan was renamed the Pakistan Administrative Service. Later it was named the Civil Service of Pakistan. In 1954, an agreement was reached between the Governor General of Pakistan and the governors of the provinces to constitute an All-Pakistan service. Under administrative reforms of 1973, the name of Civil Service of Pakistan was changed to All-Pakistan Unified Group (APUG) of which the PAS and Police Service of Pakistan are now major components.
The starting point for the PAS officers at the district level is the position of Assistant Commissioner of a subdivision. They are entrusted with general management, administration of the State land, revenue matters, coordination between the government departments and (except in Punjab and Sind) law and order.
At senior levels, the PAS Officer can become Secretary of any of the various federal government divisions like Commerce and Trade, Establishment, Housing, Information Technology etc. Likewise in the provincial governments they act as Secretaries for departments such as Education, Health, Home, Services and General Administration etc. and as Additional Chief Secretary, Chairman Planning and Development, and Chief Secretary. The horizontal mobility of the PAS officers ensures wide experience and exposure to the officers who are posted to various command and staff appointments.
The prospects for promotion are very high and the promotion of the PAS officers is very rapid as compared to other occupational groups. The details are as follows:
Requirement for promotion to:
BS-18: Min 5 years of service termination of Probation and passing of Deptt. Exam
BS-19: 12 years of service, MCMC and eligibility score of 60 in PERs
BS-20: 17 years of service, SMC and eligibility score of 70 in PERs
BS-21: 22 years of service, NMC / NDC and eligibility score of 70 in PERs
BS-22: Selected from amongst BS-21 officers of APUG

Foreign Services of Pakistan (FSP):

Foreign Service of Pakistan was formally created in October 1952, after having been an improvised organization since the creation of Pakistan.
After the initial training period, junior officers join the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad and serve as Assistant Directors in the political, administrative or protocol wings. The hierarchy at the Ministry comprises of five stages:
1) Section Officer
2) Director
3) Director General
4) Additional Foreign Secretary
5) Foreign Secretary
Junior officers begin their diplomatic careers abroad as either Third Secretary or Vice Consuls. The hierarchies in Pakistan Embassies/High Commissions/Permanent Missions/Consulates abroad comprise six stages:
1) Third Secretary or Vice Consul
2) Second Secretary
3) First Secretary or Consul
4) Counselor
5) Minister or Consul General
6) Ambassador/High Commissioner/Permanent Representative
The Foreign Policy of Pakistan is based on country's commitment to regional and global peace and security. Pakistan is fully committed to the Charter of the United Nations and believes that inter-state relations should be on the basis of sovereign equality, mutual respect, non-interference in others affairs and peaceful settlement of disputes. Pakistan seeks friendship with all countries of the world in general and with its neighbours in particular.
Pakistan is playing an active role in the international community's efforts to counter extremism and terrorism and is committed to eradicating this menace. It has suffered the most in this struggle in terms of economic and human loss.
Pakistan is playing a constructive role on important global issues like non-proliferation and disarmament, global warming and UNSC reforms. We attach importance to our participation in regional forums like SAARC, SCO, ECO, ARF, and ASEM.

[I]Pakistan Customs Services (PCS):[/I]

Pakistan Customs is the guardian of Pakistan's borders against movement of contra band goods and is a facilitator of bona fide trade. It provides a major source of revenue to the Government of Pakistan in the form of taxes levied on the goods traded across the borders. It also helps to protect the domestic industry, discourage consumptions of luxury goods and stimulate development in the under -developed areas. Customs and Regulatory duties amount up to 15% of the total receipts collected by the Federal Board of Revenue. Pakistan Customs is manned by officers from the Pakistan Customs Service (PCS) which has been one of the premier occupational group amongst Pakistan's civil services. Previously known as the “Customs & Excise group”, it was re-classified as Pakistan Customs Service in November 2010, when the responsibility of Sales Tax & Federal Excise was taken away and a new occupational service developed to collect Sales Tax, Federal Excise and Income Tax namely Inland Revenue Service (IRS). This has given PCS officers an opportunity to focus on their core function of acting as guardian of the nation’s borders against illegitimate trade and regulating bona fide trade. While the role of Pakistan Customs Service has been greatly diminished because of the loss of sales tax and federal excise to IRS, the move has allowed Pakistan Customs Service to become a lean and mean service with enhanced focus on border control.
The anti-smuggling powers delegated previously by Pakistan Customs to Pakistan Rangers and FC were withdrawn in view of expansion of PCS in border regions and now Pakistan Customs is planning to have an enhanced anti-smuggling role in border areas which will allow it to play an important role in national development. The shift in the role of Pakistan Customs from a revenue-collection agency to a border control agency with substantial responsibility in safe-guarding country’s trade policies is what appears to be the future of Pakistan Customs Service.
After CSS officers are appointed on 17th scale on the post of Assistant collector on the post of Assistant collector.
Ranks in Pakistan Custom Services are
Member Customs/ Chief Collector (North/South/Central)
1. Collector of Customs
2. Additional Collector of Customs
3. Deputy Collector of Customs/ Assistant Collector of Customs
4. Assistant Collector/ Superintendent of Customs/ Superintendent of Intelligence & Investigation/ Superintendent of Preventive Services/ Principal Appraiser
5. Deputy Superintendent of Customs/ Senior Intelligence Officer/ Senior Preventive Officer/ Appraissing officer
6. Inspector of Customs/ Intelligence Officer/ Inspector Preventive Services/ Examining Officer
7. Preventive Officer
8. Office Superintendent
9. Head Clerk
10. Wireless Operator
11. Upper Division Clerk
12. Lower Division Clerk
13. Hawaldar/ Kot Gusht
14. Driver
15. Constable

Pakistan Audit and Accounts Service (PAAS):

The Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) Pakistan has a long history of being at the centre of public accountability that goes back to the 19th century when the financial codes and manual for public financial management in the region were first drafted. Since the independence of the country, the SAI Pakistan enjoys a constitutional status that ensures independence and continuity of its operations.
The Auditor General of Pakistan, who is the head of the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) Pakistan, is appointed under Article 168 of the Constitution of the country. His reports are laid before the National, Provincial and District legislatures comprising the elected public representatives and are considered in the Public Accounts Committee of the respective legislatures. His mandate given in the Constitution of the country and supported by subsidiary legislation enables him to develop independent and objective assessments of the process of governance which augment the legislative oversight of the people's representatives on governmental operations.
The SAI Pakistan carries out the following audit activities in accordance with the INTOSAI auditing standards and international best practices:
Financial Attest provided by the SAI Pakistan covers a very broad range of governmental operations. There are three tiers of government (Federal, Provincial and District) and three types of organizations (those on the central accounting network, self-accounting entities budgeted by the government and public sector entities). Financial attest is provided at all tiers and for all categories, except those entities whose accounts are, by law, auditable by private sector auditors.
Regularity and Compliance Audits of expenditure and revenue receipts are conducted under roll over planning for all organizations at all tiers.
Performance Audits focus on the outcomes of various projects and programmes with special emphasis on social sectors.
Special Studies are initiated on matters of pressing importance or urgency which are of significant public interest.
Training, Research and Publications are the main tools of the SAI Pakistan to keep abreast of the developments in the profession. It has a network of training establishments spread across the country, where public servants are trained in auditing, accounting and financial management. Its research operations have produced a Financial Audit Manual, an internationally recognized Financial Audit Methodology with 16 sector-specific Guidelines and a series of Research Papers. Performit – a quarterly magazine published by the SAI Pakistan – is known in the state auditing circles for its quality.
The Auditor General's organization is the only institution mandated by the Constitution to support parliamentary oversight over the raising and utilization of public financial resources. In this capacity, the Auditor General plays a key role in ensuring accountability and transparency in the governmental operations.
The budget of the Auditor General is classified as "charged" expenditure which is discussed in the Parliament but not voted upon. This arrangement provides the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) a considerable degree of independence. About 1500 qualified officers assist the Auditor General in the discharge of his responsibilities. The SAI Pakistan is an equal opportunity employer.
The Auditor General’s organization is the prime institution in the country for ensuring public accountability and fiscal transparency in governmental operations. The organization is expected to bring about improvements in the financial discipline and internal control environment in the executive departments for minimizing the possibility of waste and fraud.

Commerce & Trade Group (PCG):

Consequent upon the introduction of administrative reforms of 1973, aiming to create civil Services of specialized nature and responsibilities; the Trade Service of Pakistan, created in 1967, was changed into Commerce and Trade Group. The officers of Commerce and Trade are entrusted with the responsibility of trade promotion, facilitation, regulation and development through different organizations and Pakistan's commercial missions abroad. The total number of officers in the group is 266.

The officers of Commerce and Trade Group are posted mainly in Ministry of Commerce and its attach departments which include Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP), Pakistan Institute of Trade and Development (PITAD), Directorate General of Trade Organizations (DGTO), Trade Corporation of Pakistan (TCP), National Tariff Commission (NTC) and different insurance organizations. Moreover, their services are also requisited by the ministries dealing with trade and economy such as Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Textile, Ministry of Investment, and Economic Affairs Division and so on.

The Commerce and Trade Group Officers have the role of career commercial diplomats. They are posted in Pakistan commercial missions abroad (presently 62 missions) right from Commercial Secretary to the position of Trade Minister.

The Commerce and Trade officers are paid standard salary ,perks & privileges as determined for each
BPS by the Federal Government .

Ranks in Commerce and Trade Group after passing CSS are:
Assistant Director BS 17
Commercial Secretary BS 18
Commercial Counselor BS19
Consul General BS 20
Minister ( Economic or trade ) BS 21

Income Tax group (ITG):

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) was created on April 1, 1924 through enactment of the Federal Board of Revenue Act, 1924. In 1944, a full-fledged Revenue Division was created under the Ministry of Finance. After independence, this arrangement continued up to 31 August 1960 when on the recommendations of the Administrative Re-organization Committee, FBR was made an attached department of the Ministry of Finance. In 1974, further changes were made to streamline the organization and its functions. Consequently, the post of Chairman FBR was created with the status of ex-officio Additional Secretary and Secretary Finance was relieved of his duties as ex-officio Chairman of the FBR.
By the enactment of FBR Act 2007 in July 2007 the Central Board of Revenue has now become Federal Board of Revenue. The status of FBR as Revenue Division has again been restored.

Income Tax Department is the wing of the Revenue Division (CBR) dealing with the collection of direct taxes, i.e. Income Tax and Wealth Tax. Very few people know about the specialized nature of the income tax work and the dedication and the hard work it demands. In recent times, there has been a lot of attention on the financial services in the structure of civil bureaucracy. Revenue collection is, by its very nature, an important job and with the ever diminishing foreign aid, the importance of tax collection is now being appreciated by everyone.

Income Tax Department is in the throes of change these days. The business processes, procedures and hierarchy is being remodeled to change the Department to a tax friendly, responsive and efficient organization. This restructuring also involves the reengineering of recruitment process, there is also focus on the implementation of information technology.

The Central Board of Revenue is probably the first government department to have a full-fledged Human Resource Wing with a senior person, of the level of member, heading it. There is considerable focus on evaluating the in vogue business procedures, in fact, the present restructuring is aimed at a complete re-engineering of the business process of revenue collection. In a few years time, this Department will have evolved into an efficient tax friendly organization with a lean but highly trained and motivated workforce.

As a part of this strategy, model tax offices have been created at Karachi and Lahore for one or two classes of taxpayers. Further reforms will take into account, the experience gained during the operation of these pilot projects etc. As can be inferred from the focus and emphasis on the restructuring of the Income Tax and Sales Tax Departments, the Government is committed to bring about a positive change in the way the taxpayer and the tax collector interact and perceive each other.

Already there are indications that the Income Tax Group has moved up to number 2 or 3 in the priority list of the candidates aspiring to enter the prestigious civil service of Pakistan.

Information Group (IG)

Like other Occupational Groups of the Central Superior Services (CSS), the Information Group plays a vital role in national image building within and abroad. After the completion of Common Training Programme at the Civil Services Academy, Lahore, the probationers join Information Services Academy in Islamabad with a view to acquiring specialized training in media management and public relations. On completion of specialized training, these officers are posted in (1) Press Information Department (PID) (2) External Publicity Wing (EP Wing) (3) Internal Publicity Wing (4) ABC (5) Directorate of Films and Publications (DFP), (6) Cyber Wing etc in the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting.

The Information Group officers posted in Press Information Department (PID) constantly work for the image building of federal ministries and their attached departments. These officers act as a bridge between the government and the media The Press Information Department is a very important department of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting. This department is headed by Grade 21 Information Group officer PID headquarter is situated in Islamabad with its regional offices in Lahore, Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar, Multan, Faisalabad and Hyderabad. The External Publicity Wing (EP Wing) is the attached department of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting headed by a Grade 21 officer of Information Group. EP Wing keeps constant liaison with Pakistani missions/embassies abroad. It also facilitates the visiting foreign journalists The Directorate of Films and Publications prepares documentaries and publications on the culture and civilization of different provinces of Pakistan It also brings out documentaries and special editions on important national occasions.

The Information Group officers are poised to serve in the power corridor They are usually posted as PRO, Press Secretary, Media Manager to Federal Ministers (Ministries) etc The senior officers participate in decision making at the highest level Officers of Grade 18 and above are posted as Press Attaché, Press Counselor and Press Minister at Pakistani missions/embassies abroad These officers project the image of Pakistan and counter the anti Pakistan propaganda The Information Group officers are also posted in corporations and other federal government departments on deputation.

Railways (Commercial & Transport) Group (RCTG)

The idea of a rail network was first thought of in 1847, with the possibility of Karachi becoming a major seaport. Sir Henry Edward Frere, who was appointed as the Commissioner of Sindh, sought permission from Lord Dalhousie to begin a survey for a Karachi Seaport and a survey for a railway line in 1858. The proposed railway line would be laid from Karachi (city) to Kotri. A steamboat service on the Indus and Chenab rivers would connect Kotri to Multan and from there another railway line would be laid to Lahore and beyond.

On 13 May 1861, the first railway line was opened to the public, between Karachi (city) and Kotri, with a total distance of 105 miles (169 km).

In 1947, at the time of independence, 3,133 route kilometers (1,947 mi) of North Western Railway were transferred to India, leaving 8,122 route kilometers (5,048 mi) to Pakistan. Of this 6,880 route kilometers (4,280 mi) were Broad gauge, 506 kilometers (314 mi) were Meter gauge, and 736 kilometers (457 mi) were Narrow gauge.

Pakistan Railways is a national state-owned rail transport service of Pakistan, head-quartered in Lahore. It is administered by the federal government under the Ministry of Railways. Pakistan Railway provides an important mode of transportation throughout Pakistan. It is commonly referred to as the "life line of the country", by aiding in large-scale movement of people and freight throughout Pakistan.

After completion of CTP officers go to Pakistan Railway Academy Walton Lahore where they have to complete departmental training. The Pakistan Railway Academy originally it was established as Training School at Layallpur (now Faisalabad) in 1925 was shifted to the purpose-built campus named after Col C.E. Walton, the Agent (as the General Manager was then known) of the legendary North Western Railways. In no time, the Walton training School became the hub of the suburb of Lahore which came to acquire its name, WALTON. The Academy is headed by a Director General, assisted by Joint Directors heading each of the Engineering disciplines viz, Civil, Mechanical Engineering, Signaling Telecommunications, Electrical/Electronics and the Traffic (Operations and Commercial) Departments.

Postal Group (PG)

Pakistan Post Office is one of the oldest government departments in the Sub-Continent. In 1867 Post Office department was established by British Government. In 1947, it began functioning as the Department of Post & Telegraph. In 1962 it was separated from the Telegraph & Telephone and started working as an independent attached department.

Pakistan Post is providing postal services in every nook and corner of the country through a network of around 13,000 post offices. Pakistan Post is providing delivery services to about 20 million households and businesses. In addition to its traditional role, the Pakistan Post also performs agency functions on behalf of Federal and Provincial governments, which inter-alias include Savings Bank, Postal Life Insurance, Collection of Taxes, Collection of Electricity, Water, Sui Gas and Telephone bills. Pakistan Post is also providing a universal postal service network in harmony with the Universal Postal Union (UPU) strategy to ensure secure and timely delivery of mail, money and material at affordable cost through utilization of people, process and technology and innovative product offerings.

An autonomous High Powered Postal Services Management Board has been established through Pakistan Postal Services Management Board Ordinance, 2002. The executive management of postal and allied services below the Directorate General is done at three levels – the Circle Level, the Regional Level and Divisional / District Level. Each Circle is headed by a Postmaster General and its territorial jurisdiction extends to a province. In carrying out their responsibilities, the Postmasters General are assisted by the Regional Deputy Postmasters General and Unit Officers at operational level.

After completion of CTP you will undergo Postal Training at Islamabad Postal Staff College and then after training you will be posted as Divisional Superintendent Post Offices (DSPO) BS 18.

Ranks of Postal group are:

Director General BS 21
Divisional Superintendent Post Offices BS 17

Office Management Group (OMG):

The Office Management Group (OMG) is a successor to the erstwhile Central Secretariat Service and was created as a result of the 1973 service reforms.

The officers of the OMG function in the Federal Secretariat at the level of Section Officers (BPS-17 & 18) and are also posted on deputation or under Section 10 of Civil Servant Act, 1973 to provincial governments, attached/subordinate departments, authorities/corporations, District Governments etc. upto the level of BPS-18. The entire cadre of OMG in BPS-19 is elevated/merged into the Secretariat Group (SG), a specialised group consisting of officers of all occupational groups according to an allocated share. They are then posted at senior levels in the federal and provincial secretariats and elsewhere in any government organization/body as part of All Pakistan Unified Group (APUG).

It is a widely held view that the OMG/SG today is a more dynamic and broad-based cadre than its predecessor (Central Secretariat Service). A specialised training programme (STP) which lasts for about 16 weeks at Secretariat Training Institute, Islamabad equips the new entrants with the necessary administrative skills, and mandatory refresher courses/capacity building techniques which are useful and help the officers equip with advanced level modern management skills. Besides, OMG officers are exposed to the multifarious working environment of the Federal Secretariat, which can be rightly called the “engine room” of the Federal Government. OMG officers also work in other field departments and organizations including Pakistani missions abroad, which gives them the necessary breadth of vision and experience to serve their country in senior policy-making roles at the later stages of their careers.
During the Musharraf years, OMG bore the brunt of the military-inspired reforms because induction in OMG was stopped to accommodate the District Management Group in the Secretariat who at the time thought that their role in the districts had been eliminated. However, with the passage of time, the value and utility of the OMG officers became known to all and sundry when DMG officers were unable to effectively work in the Federal Secretariat and induction was re-commenced from CSS 2008 (37th Common Training Programme). Today, most important positions in the Federal Secretariat are occupied by the OMG officers. Moreover, after DMG present PAS, they have the highest share in BS-22 positions of the Secretariat Group and hence end up at the highest levels of Pakistan’s bureaucracy. The ban on new induction for five intervening years means that newer batches can realistically expect very rapid promotion to higher ranks

Military Lands and Cantonment group (MLCG)

The Military Lands and Cantonments Department in indo-Pak sub continent owes its existence to the period starting from 1657 When East India Company having established its foot –hold on the soil of sub Continent was granted charter to make war or peace with “non-Christian people” in India. Originally the Cantonments were the areas set apart by the British for the exclusive use of troops, which emerged as isolated permanent Military Camps, segregated from civil population.

Cantonments in Pakistan are permanent military stationed areas, which are administered by Cantonment Boards under the control of the Military Lands & Cantonments Department (MLCD), Ministry of Defence, Government of Pakistan. Cantonments are established under and governed by the Cantonments Act, 1924. In 2011, there were a total of 48 Cantonments in Pakistan

The Military Lands & Cantonment Department is headed by the Director General, Military Lands & Cantonments. He is followed in hierarchy by an Additional Director General, assisted by five Regional Directors (i.e. Karachi, Quetta, Lahore Rawalpindi & Peshawar). They in turn are followed by Cantonment Executive Officers and Military Estates Officers.

The domain of the executive officers extends to cantonments in which they perform municipal and quasi-judicial functions. The executive officers have to generate the funds by levying different taxes/charges.

Each cantonment board is headed by a President Cantonment Board who is a serving armed forces officer and the cantonment executive officer is the Secretary of the Board.
17 – 19 Grade Officers are posted as CEOs (Cantt Executive Officers) and MEOs (Military Estate officer). In small stations like Risalpur, Mangla, Kharian, Havelian BS-17 officers are usually posted. BS-18 officers are posted to Gujranwala, Sargodha, Hyderabad, Abbottabad or as Additional CEO in big cities. 19 grade officers are posted as CEOs and MEOs at Peshawar, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Multan, Karachi and Quetta.
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Old Saturday, December 19, 2015
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Default Fsp merit

what is the minimum merit for fsp?
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Old Friday, October 16, 2020
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A general question regarding preference of Occupational groups:
If a province has only 3,4 seats, a) how will a person know which occupational group these seats belong to? b) if seats are mentioned with the occupational groups beforehand, then what is the point of choosing rest of 8,9 occupational groups when the seats are of only 2 or 3 occupational groups?

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Old Saturday, October 17, 2020
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Originally Posted by the99th View Post
A general question regarding preference of Occupational groups:
If a province has only 3,4 seats, a) how will a person know which occupational group these seats belong to? b) if seats are mentioned with the occupational groups beforehand, then what is the point of choosing rest of 8,9 occupational groups when the seats are of only 2 or 3 occupational groups?

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At first I used to ask same question. But it's quite simple. You will select occupational groups according to your preferences and they will allocate you in a group which is available according to your merit. So it's same like Punjab. You will never know that for which occupational groups ,seats are there. But yes there is a scheme for allocating quota. This scheme is available on Fpsc site,it shows that how many percentage is given to different provinces in terms of quota.
''Sufficient for us is Allah , and He is the best Disposer of affairs" Al-Quran
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Old Tuesday, October 20, 2020
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Thanks a million sir, for sharing necessary information for CSS students.
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Thanks for the brilliant information.
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Old Monday, January 11, 2021
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Default Gustavo Woltmann

Oh great, You are discussing very important topics, because it's helpful to exam cracks. Thanks for this Gustavo Woltmann
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thankyou for shearing
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