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Old Sunday, August 12, 2012
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Default Prof Muzaffar Bokhari's Expansion.

Truth is Beauty, Beauty Truth

“Truth is beauty, beauty truth. That is all ye know on earth And all you need to know.

These lines occur in Keats's famous poem 'Ode on a Grecian Urn.' In these lines, the poet emphasises the identity of beauty and truth. According to him, only truth represents beauty, a fact all humans should bear in mind. Great truths are communicated by works of art: literature, sculpture, architecture, paintings, films or other effective media. Every portrait painted is either a truth or a lie or a mixture of the two. Its beauty depends on the degree of truth, and honesty depicted in it. An artist who puts his heart and soul in his work and applies true tones of colour, theme and dedication, is able to produce a beautiful piece. It would be a synthesis of beauty and truth. In fact, beauty and truth, like arts and sciences, form together a kind of commonwealth in which each serves the other. Whatever else truth may be, there is no doubt as to its being valuable, not merely in the sense that it is good to look at, but also it does good to those who see it, know it and act upon it. Like truth, beauty is dynamic and vital; no wonder the poet links them to be the same.

That truth is beauty, beauty truth, is most significantly illustrated by the beauty that lies in the creative arts. Truth when depicted in a piece of art — a painting, a poem, a musical lyric or a symbolic dance — becomes a personified beauty. The painter, the poet, the musician or the dancer makes the truth so beautiful that it permeates the whole being of the viewer, the reader or the listener. It leaves a life-long impression on the mind provided one is receptive and the message conveyed by the artist is infinitely true. Thus, beauty is truth and truth is beauty. This is the basic truth which all humans should know. Without the realisation of the beautiful, without the refinement of the heart and consciousness, earthly existence would become cruel and deadly. However, enchanting from outside, falsehood is ugly inside. Truth, even if bitter at times, is essentially and ultimately beautiful.

Monday, September 01, 2008 JWT


I think therefore I am,” said Descartes, the famous French philosopher. For him our thoughts determine us as entities. This is true to a very large extent, as our actions are preceded by thoughts, either at the conscious or unconscious level. However, thoughts being at an abstract level are not tangible enough to be taken notice of. Hence, we are judged only by our deeds. A person is known by his deeds. If a person is helpful, polite and considerate in his actions towards his fellow-beings, he is known as a kind person. The converse is equally true. A mean, rude and selfish person is regarded as bad. Our behaviour, 'good' or 'bad', certainly shapes our persona and determines our personality. Thus, our deeds determine us as they condition our behaviour and pre-dispose us to act in a certain way. Some believe that “man is master of his destiny.” This means by will-power alone we can fully determine and control our actions and thereby change the course of fate. This brings us to the central question of philosophy — free-will vs. pre-determination. But many people believe in the inscrutable hand of fate before which man is helpless. However, the philosophical tradition of deeds determining fate cannot easily be dismissed. The old Biblical saying may be quoted here — “As you sow, so shall ye reap.” This concept implies that we are a product of our actions — both past and present. This boils down to the fact that our deeds determine us. On the other hand, if we believe in the existence of free-will, then we alone determine our deeds and are completely in control of our lives. This implies that we determine our deeds.

ye reap.” This concept implies that we are a product of our actions — both past and present. This boils down to the fact that our deeds determine us. On the other hand, if we believe in the existence of free-will, then we alone determine our deeds and are completely in control of our lives. This implies that we determine our deeds.

Perhaps both concepts are equally true and it depends on the immediate circumstances. Sometimes we may determine our deeds and at other times our deeds may determine us. We may say that we and our deeds are inextricably linked, and determined and governed by each other. It means a good deed determines that we become good and by becoming good we determine that our future deeds are good, and the wheel comes full circle.


The word 'truth' is an abstract noun, but we use many adjectives to describe it: the plain truth, the simple truth, the honest truth, the sober truth, the exact truth, etc. From these phrases it emerges that truth is associated with plainness, simplicity, honesty, sobriety, accuracy, etc. — all desirable, ethically correct virtues.

However, we also use expressions like the bitter truth and the naked truth and this hints at the fact that truth is not always palatable. It is often an impediment, an embarrassment, a disappointment or even a threat. When truth becomes an unwanted stumbling block, man resorts to a cover-up, called a lie. If we probe the anatomy of a lie we come up with all that is undesirable, imperfect, corrupt, negative and vicious in human nature. Truth is light and every falsehood symbolises darkness and every time we lie we are actually attempting to obscure light and bring on darkness.

What we must discover is whether one can succeed in snuffing out the candle of truth altogether. Is the prevailing darkness final or does the darkness at noon give way to light as is observed in an eclipse? An eclipse is a natural phenomenon when a temporary shadow is cast on the sun or the moon. After a predictable time-span, the shadow passes and the sun or the moon begins shining in all its glory. It is to be seen whether the same is the case when an untruth tries to eclipse the truth. History gives us countless examples proving that truth has sometimes been obscured, but never obliterated. Shakespeare's plays often underscore the triumph of good over evil, virtue over vice, truth over falsehood. Tolstoy believed that truth, beauty and goodness combined was a force potent enough to
vanquish evil for ever. In the modern everyday world too there is fresh evidence daily of the subversion of truth for various reasons. Scams and scandals rock economic and political foundations at frequent intervals but the very fact that they are labelled as such indicates that the eclipse will be over and the truth will soon be out. Philip Lee Ralph says: People still believe, deep in their hearts, that truth is stronger than falsehood and will triumph over it: that integrity is better than expediency, that right is better than might.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008
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Old Tuesday, August 14, 2012
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Knowledge of Power

People may think that it is might that rules. Indeed, even now there are many worshippers of brute power. But a little thinking will show that it is knowledge that rules the world. A man of knowledge possesses immense influence. He has the knowledge of the men and matters around him which mystify or baffle the ignorant. If he is a scientist, he studies the phenomena of nature and chains the mighty forces of nature and enlists them to human service. Thus today the forces of nature give us light, energy, comfort and power. A man of knowledge understands his fellow men and judges them rightly. That is why it becomes easy for him to lead them. He inspires confidence which an ignorant man, however, powerful he otherwise may be, is incapable of doing. In times of danger the man of knowledge proves himself to be a man of resource. Lastly, such a man knows himself and understands himself. There is no knowledge greater than the knowledge of self. Knowing oneself means mastering one’s passions and controlling one’s faculties. These give one immense power.

So the men of knowledge have always achieved wonders. Ulysses, the Greek hero, contributed more to the capture of troy by his wisdom than Ajax did by his strength, or Achilles did by his courage. It was Archimedes the savant, (a very knowledgeable person) who saved Syracuse from Marcellus and his soldiers when the combined efforts of the army and fleet of King Hiero of Syracuse could do very little. Roger Bacon, the medieval scientist, was thought to have supernatural powers, because of his immense knowledge. The Bible says ‘Wisdom strengthens the wise more than ten mighty men which are in the city.’ Hence, it can safely be said that ‘Knowledge is Power’.[/B]

Last edited by Shooting Star; Tuesday, August 14, 2012 at 11:01 PM. Reason: on author's request...
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Old Tuesday, August 14, 2012
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In the era of superpower rivalry, it was felt that to be prepared for war was one of the most effective means of preserving peace. At first hearing, this piece of advice sounds plausible. It means that if a nation is well-armed and ready for war, other nations will be chary of attacking it. In this way it will avoid war and have peace. Whereas an unarmed nation will be an easy prey to any enemy. No doubt there is an element of truth in it. But does preparation for war really make for peace? Let us examine this statement. A tree must be judged by its fruit. In 1914, all the big nations of Europe (except, perhaps, England) were armed to the teeth.

What was the result? Peace? No, war _____ the most widespread and devastating war in the world’s history. It was the enormous enlargement of armies and fleets, the crushing burden of ever-growing armaments, and the mutual fear and suspicion engendered thereby, which finally resulted in the explosion of the first Great War. The lesson of that Great War is that if you prepare for war you will have war. This has since been proved time and again renew in the second World War, in the wars between India and Pakistan, in the Gulf War. That method of securing peace has failed miserably.

We must take another motto: If you would have peace, prepare for place. Let the nations prepare for peace, by cultivating mutual goodwill, by the amicable settlement of disputes by arbitration, by agreeing to universal disarmament by friendly co-operation instead of suspicious rivalry. Ultimately to preserve peace, the causes of war need to be eliminated. The disparities between the rich and the poor, between the exploiters and the exploited, have to be eliminated. It is not arming oneself with weapons, but arming oneself with knowledge, development and belief in the unity of mankind which can herald an era of peace.


Democracy has been described as the best form of government. But the best may not be good. When we say that something is good, it means it possesses intrinsic goodness, an absolute quality. Something which is “the best” is always in relation or comparison to other things. Democracy may be the best form of government but only in relation to various other forms of government hitherto tried by man. Democracy is certainly not a flawless or ideal system of government. Man is still groping in the dark to discover an ideal system. The ideal may be unachievable but man, as a result of his continued search, may discover a vastly improved system in place of the democracy we know of today. Democracy has obvious evils though the nature and magnitude of these evils may differ from country to country. Democracy can’t effectively deal with evils originating from economic insecurity, inherent weaknesses of capitalism, liberty taken as licence, exploitative and dictatorial tendencies of “democratic” rulers, religious extremism, corruption, and the character and mindset of the rulers as well as the ruled. According to certain ‘sages’ the cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy. “Like curing the like” may be a golden principle of Homeopathy, but it does not certainly apply to politics. Here the therapy has got to be different. ‘Unlike curing the unlike’ would be more to the point.

Those who believe in the doctrine of ‘more democracy’ are either naïve, self-styled intellectuals for whom simplistic solutions to grave problems are perfectly satisfactory or those clever vested interests who wish to continue, election after election, their loot and plunder. We, in Pakistan; have seen many general elections and each time the brand of rulers these elections throw up happens to be worse than the previous one. I do not wish to suggest that democracy should be done away with. What I emphasize is that the evils of democracy should be dealt with an iron hand. They should be crushed as and when they raise their head. If we do not nip the evil in the bud, it will assume menacing proportions by the time next elections and held. ‘More democracy’ theory is simply casuistry _______ the use of clever arguments to trick people. Surely one would not advise a diabetic to eat more sweets if he wishes to get rid of diabetes.

Liberty is Not a Personal Affair; it is a Social Contract

His religion, his political beliefs, the way he lives his life so long as it does not affect others adversely, are one his personal affairs. But the bounds of his liberty do not extend beyond that. He can claim liberty but not licence. Immunity from all law and all restraint is anarchy. It jeopardises liberty rather than preserve it. In the absence of laws made by the State, the law of jungle is likely to prevail. That would hardly be conducive to the promotion of liberty. The freedom one demands ought to teach one to respect the freedom of others. If an individual does not respect the freedom of others, they will not respect his. By challenging their freedom, he will only be putting his freedom in peril. He is free to believe in what he likes but if his views clash with the views held by others, he must allow them the freedom to hold theirs.

The liberty of one individual has always to be restrained so that the liberty of others may be adequately accommodated, for liberty is not a personal affair only but a social contract. One has the liberty to play a guitar in one’s house, but one must play it in such a way that one does not disturb others, for they have the liberty to enjoy uninterrupted hours of work or sleep. John Stuart Mills gives a very apt remark, “The liberty of the individual must be thus far limited, he must not make himself a nuisance to other people.” Charles, Baron de Montesquieu clinches the whole issue when he says, “Liberty is the right to do everything which the laws allow.”


It was the well known German poet and philosopher Goethe, who wrote this thought provoking line which inspires us to know the real meaning of life. Ordinarily, life appears to us as an admixture of similarities and dissimilarities, birth and death, sorrow and happiness. Similarly contemplation and action are two important facts of life. One is likely to get a contemplative mood every now and then, followed by an urge to go for instantaneous action.

Contemplation can be interpreted in two ways. According to the first interpretation, it is akin to meditation and is a positive quality. It helps one to acquire peace of mind and tranquility. Particularly, when a person faces adverse circumstances and is denied hope, he has no course left open to him but to derive sustenance from contemplation and meditation in order to recover his confidence and recharge the battery of his mind. On the other hand, contemplation can also imply just brooding over the past happenings. This is the worst kind of mental exercise which any sensible person should dislike to perform. Such a state of mind makes him utterly inactive. He loses all initiative, desire and enthusiasm, Goethe referred to as bad. Every great man’s story of success is a story of his actions. All the great statesmen, builders of nations scientists explorers, navigators, mountaineers, sportsmen have been men of action. Similarly, business and trade have developed tremendously simply because some men of action have worked in this field. All these people did not just brood over their failure, nor did they just spend their lives in idle contemplation. They rose to the occasion, fought the challenges of life valiantly and ultimately succeeded in their objectives. These great men learnt the secret of success which, according to them, consists in action, and not in idle contemplation.
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Old Tuesday, November 13, 2012
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Cowards die many times before their death The valiant never taste of death but once

This famous quotation occurs in Shake-speare's play Julius Caesar. These lines reflect Caesar's attitude to death. Death is a necessary and inevitable end of life. Nobody has ever conquered death. Death comes to all — kings and beggars, rich and poor, princes in their castles and destitutes in their huts. Death lays its icy hands upon all creatures without distinction or discrimination. Knowing the omnipotence of death, it is the height of folly for a man to tremble with fear at the thought of death. It is extreme cowardice to shrink from the dangers of life, and a mark of bravery to face them. A coward lives in constant dread; his heart sinks at the prospect of death which like the sword of Damocles is hanging over his head. The outbreak of war, a riot, the tremors of an earthquake, the prospect of a famine or a flood, a minor illness — all these make the coward shudder with fear because he thinks that he is the first target for these instruments of death. He eyes his food with suspicion lest there should be poison in it. If he stands on the sea shore or a river bank, a wave of fear sweeps over him at the idea of being accidentally drowned. As he walks along a road, he is over-careful not to step down the pavement lest he should be run over by some vehicle. He knows that death pounces upon a man suddenly and in a variety of ways and therefore his life becomes a continuous nightmare. Surely, he suffers a thousand times more pain and agony at the imaginary approach of death than by the event itself.

A brave man, on the contrary, maintains an attitude of defiance towards death. He realises the fact that death must come sooner or later and that it is no use lamenting this fact. Besides, with courage and resolution, one may well evade death many times. A brave man experiences death only when it actually overtakes him, and even then he makes light of the pain that accompanies death. Robert Browning, in one of his poems, throws a challenge at death which he regards as the arch enemy of man. We should learn to adopt a stoical attitude towards death and not suffer the torments of death in our imagination when we are still alive and kicking.

What is this life so full of care We have no time to stand and stare

Life is not worth living if it is full of worries and anxieties and if all the time we are working or thinking about our work.
Life becomes worth living only if, besides the performance of our duties, we save enough “time to stand and stare.” Leisure is essential for the true enjoyment of life.

The world is full of beauty and charm. If we are all the time occupied with work we are bound to miss all that beauty and charm. The rainbow in the sky, the moonlight, the dew drops on flowers and grass, the fascinating spectacle of sunrise and sunset — these are all marvels of Nature. But if we have no time to see and enjoy them, we are denying to ourselves some of the greatest pleasures of life. These rights should send a thrill through our bodies. They should increase our interest in life and gladden our hearts. But that is possible only if we have time to see them. It is, in fact, criminal on our part not to find time for the enjoyment of the beauties of nature.

Apart from Nature, there is much in life to interest us provided we have leisure for the purpose. We are often in too much haste and hurry to stand anywhere and observe the things and people around us. The variety of people, the variations in their moods, the different expressions on their faces, these are all interesting to an observant onlooker. But the onlooker must not be in a hurry to reach his office or the place of his business. Nor must we forget feminine beauty and fashion. Then there are beautiful objects of art and the artistes themselves. All these deserve our wholehearted attention and appreciation. We shall only be enhancing our enjoyment of life if we find time to stand and stare at them. Our minds will be soothed and calmed. The irony of fate in case of today's man is that in a bid to make his life pleasant and pleasurable with the help of wealth, he has unwittingly deprived himself of true enjoyment of life. Material pursuits do not guarantee happiness. 'Return to Nature' is the right remedy for the shattered nerves of the modern man.

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Old Wednesday, November 14, 2012
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Truth is Stranger than Fiction

There is a general tendency to read fiction (novels and short stories) in order to find thrill and excitement and thus to relieve the boredom of life. What people don't realise is that truth or actual happenings of life provide more excitement and thrill than fiction. We read stories of crime and detection because we feel the need for sensation. This is somehow our psychological requirement. But crimes actually committed, their gory details, the difficult but interesting process of their investigation, are more sensational than fictional crimes and their detection. In ingenuity, planning and brutality, actual crimes surpass the crimes committed in the fiction. Matricide, patricide, homicide, suicide are all reported by newspapers and the accounts of these are hair-raising. Bank hold-ups, highway robberies, smuggling, abduction, kidnapping, rape these are similar other outrages as reported by newspapers are more sensational and fascinating than imaginary account of these happenings given by story writers. The assassination of president Kennedy followed by the murder of the alleged assassin and subsequent happenings were far more breath-taking, sensational, and baffling than anything in fiction. Indeed, real life offers stranger things than the ones invented by the imagination of the creative writers. When we study fiction, we unconsciously suspend our disbelief and, for the time being, begin to take fictional accounts as truths. These accounts appear to us to be very strange. Romantic literature contains this element of strangers in a high degree. 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'Gulliver's Travels' can be quoted in this regard. But when we come across actual truths in the world of men, we realise that these truths are strangers than fictional accounts. A mentally mature person always prefers reality to fiction which in the ultimate analysis, remains a figment of the imagination. There can be no substitute for reality which is always stranger than fiction.
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Old Sunday, December 09, 2012
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Emotional Problems Cause Prolonged Fatigue

Emotional problems and conflicts, especially depression and anxiety, are by far the most common causes of prolonged fatigue.
Fatigue may represent a defence mechanism that prevents you from having to face the true cause of your depression, such as the fact that you hate your job. It is your body's safety valve for expressing repressed emotional conflicts, such as feelings trapped in an ungratifying role or an unhappy marriage. When such feelings are not expressed openly, they often come out as physical symptoms, with fatigue as one of the most common manifestations. “Many people who are extremely fatigued don't even know they are depressed,” Dr. Bulette says. “They are so busy distracting themselves or just worrying about being tired that they don't recognise their depression.”

One of these situations is so common it has been given a name — tired housewife syndrome. The victims are commonly young mothers who day in and day out face the predictable tedium of caring for a home and small children, fixing meals, dealing with repairmen, and generally having no one interesting to talk to and nothing enjoyable to look forward to at the end of their boring and unrewarding day. The tired housewife may be inwardly resentful, envious of her husband's job, and guilty about her feelings. But rather than face them head-on, she becomes extremely fatigued.

Emotionally induced fatigue may be compounded by sleep disturbance that results from the underlying psychological conflict. A person may develop insomnia or may sleep the requisite number of hours but fitfully, tossing and turning all night, having disturbing dreams, and awakening, as one woman put it, feeling as if she “had been run over by a truck.”

Understanding the underlying emotional problem is the crucial first step toward curing psychological fatigue and by itself often results in considerable lessening of the tiredness. Professional psychological help or career or marriage counselling may be needed.

Habit: Good servant but bad master

So long as a habit, even if it is not so good or not generally approved of by the society, remains within control, it may not be very harmful. There are certain habits which, if not carried to excess, may serve as good pastime. They may keep one interested in life and serve as good diversion. They may be welcome relief from hard struggle for survival which is necessary for all of us. Kite-flying, playing different games, keeping pets, playing cards, keeping pigeons, enjoying the company of friends, visiting restaurants or clubs, even smoking moderately, participating in literary meetings, writing poetry, listening to music, etc. are some habits which, if not indulged in excess, make life enjoyable, interesting, happy and worth living. They serve as one's servants. So long as they remain one's servants, they do not cause any positive harm. Society may not entirely approve of these habits, but they are generally accepted and tolerated. Society gives some latitude to all of us. Now, it is up to us to keep these habits within limits. These very habits, when they go beyond reasonable limits, become harmful and evil. Then we justly deserve the disapproval of society. A person, slave to one or more habits, is bound to suffer greatly. He loses respect in the eyes of even his own kith and kin. His life becomes miserable and he becomes a pariah in society. A person who has thus made these habits his masters, may realise that these habits are ruining his health, character and reputation and involve great financial loss. At a certain stage, he may like to get rid of his bad habit or habits. But he will soon find, to his dismay, that these habits have become his masters. He will know how helpless he is before an ingrained habit or habits. Deep-rooted habits become second nature. It becomes almost impossible to get rid of them. The end of these servants of habits is generally very tragic.
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Old Thursday, December 27, 2012
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A Little Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing

An inadequate knowledge of any matter can prove very harmful. It may even prove to be disastrous. A radio or an automobile mechanic having a little knowledge of his work may ruin the machinery instead of being able to repair even a minor fault. A man with a meagre knowledge of law may land himself or another person in serious trouble as a result of his ignorance. Not knowing all the implications of the legal postion, he may take a decision or make a commitment that has serious consequences. An unqualified doctor may cause deterioration in the condition of his patient by his wrong prescription. Indeed quacks have been known to cause the death of their patients by their incompetent handling of the cases. In this sphere, a little knowledge is certainly a dangerous thing which could prove to be fatal. It is better not to have even a rudimentary knowledge of medicine than to know a little. When one has acquired a little knowledge of anything one feels tempted to make use of that knowledge for the satisfaction of one's ego. But the exercise or practical application of a little knowledge is likely to lead to many complications. In politics, if one is not fully conversant with facts, and if one has just gathered crumbs of information, one may cause a riot by retailing imperfect, and therefore, misleading, information regarding certain matters to a mob of people. A rumour generally starts on the basis of someone's inadequate knowledge of some matter. Certain rumours thus started can prove very mischievous and harmful. It would not be untrue to say that complete ignorance is preferable to a little knowledge. He who is ignorant will, if the worst comes to the worst, be regarded as a fool. But he who has only a little knowledge may do a great damage.
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Old Thursday, December 27, 2012
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Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested

Francis Bacon's famous classification of books into three categories is, indeed, true and convincing. All books do not deserve the same attention from readers. Some books deserve only to be tasted, that is, to be read in parts and then to be dismissed. These books enjoy a temporary vogue and are then forgotten. Travel books, books of true adventure, accounts of voyages and exploration, political commentaries, books describing past social customs and the like belong to this category, Life is short, art is long. We cannot, therefore, devote much time to such books. We can only browse through these books. Then, there are books which are to be swallowed, that is, to be read through hastily for the sake of entertainment and diversion. To this category belong novels, short stories, anthologies of lyrical poems and ballads, short biographies, etc. These books are just to be read through without much thought and reflection. Nor do they leave any permanent mark or impression upon the mind. Finally, there are the masterpieces of the world, great books written by great minds.

These books deserve a close study. Every sentence in them deserves attention. They are to be studied with full concentration of one's mental powers. They contain the wisdom and experience of great thinkers, philosophers, poets and sages. Dante's Divine Comedy, Shakespeare's tragedies like Hamlet and Macbeth, Goethe's Faust, the works of Tolstoy, Ghalib's Deewan, Iqbal's works, Milton's Paradise Lost and above all the revealed books, the Quran and the Bible which contain the word of God Himself. Essays of Bacon whose quotation is under review, belong to this category. The reader feels a spontaneous desire to meditate upon what he reads in these books to allow the ideas of these great writers to sink into his consciousness so that they may become part of his mental equipment.
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Old Saturday, December 29, 2012
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A Little Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing

An inadequate knowledge of any matter can prove very harmful. It may even prove to be disastrous. A radio or an automobile mechanic having a little knowledge of his work may ruin the machinery instead of being able to repair even a minor fault. A man with a meagre knowledge of law may land himself or another person in serious trouble as a result of his ignorance. Not knowing all the implications of the legal postion, he may take a decision or make a commitment that has serious consequences. An unqualified doctor may cause deterioration in the condition of his patient by his wrong prescription. Indeed quacks have been known to cause the death of their patients by their incompetent handling of the cases. In this sphere, a little knowledge is certainly a dangerous thing which could prove to be fatal. It is better not to have even a rudimentary knowledge of medicine than to know a little. When one has acquired a little knowledge of anything one feels tempted to make use of that knowledge for the satisfaction of one's ego. But the exercise or practical application of a little knowledge is likely to lead to many complications. In politics, if one is not fully conversant with facts, and if one has just gathered crumbs of information, one may cause a riot by retailing imperfect, and therefore, misleading, information regarding certain matters to a mob of people. A rumour generally starts on the basis of someone's inadequate knowledge of some matter. Certain rumours thus started can prove very mischievous and harmful. It would not be untrue to say that complete ignorance is preferable to a little knowledge. He who is ignorant will, if the worst comes to the worst, be regarded as a fool. But he who has only a little knowledge may do a great damage.
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Old Wednesday, September 11, 2013
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“There is no need to define morality, let man be simply compassionate.” This sentence expresses the basic essence of morality. For when we think about it, is not that truly human feeling of compassion the basis of all morality?

Morality rests for its very meaning on the concepts of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ where good refers to all thoughts and deeds that do not involve an attempt to inflict suffering on others. Thus, morality is based on man’s ability to understand, to be able to sympathise, feel kindness and sorrow for and identify himself with the sufferings of his fellow-men. So, only compassion can give rise to moral thoughts and feelings. Depriving a person of what belongs to him, taunting or insulting others through words or actions for the purpose of self-gratification, indulging in violence or killing, contradict morality as well as the inner feeling of kindness and compassion. When we talk about social morality, what comes into play is our ability to feel for the well-being of our society. A certain moral code of conduct is ultimately necessary to ensure that the society does not fall prey to degeneration of values which would lead to rampant sufferings and ultimately chaos in the society. That moral code of conduct cannot come into existence unless and until there is a relationship of compassion and sympathy among the members of a society. This relationship would furnish the foundation on which to build the edifice of morality. There is the need to realise that man must continue to feel compassion for the sake of himself as well as the society. But like any other human trait, compassion ought to be continually exercised if it is to remain a dominant force, serving as true basis for morality. Unfortunately, in modern society, we witness a complete lack of kindness and sympathy. What remains is material values that look only towards immediate personal gains. But it need not be so if only we would realise that compassion is the underlying principle of all morality. Without compassion human society cannot prosper in the real sense.
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