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Muskan Ghuman Friday, September 15, 2006 08:51 PM

[B]Relevancy of words with context[/B]

In a language useful words have multi-meanings. For example the word “foot” has different senses on different occasions, and this is true in most of words. Multi-meanings create difficulty in perceiving the real sense but viewing the context facilitates in this. So, to comprehend the relevant sense its context and verbal setting are considered. When poet talks of his verse having feet, it is not about length but a poetic term is used.

[B](Words 73)[/B]

Criticism after some more participations.

sahirzzz Thursday, October 12, 2006 06:34 PM

fundamentally more useful words have multiple meanings like the words "foot".more meanings a words have more useful it is. their meaning can be differentiated and controlled in different contextual use in many situations. understanding of context may vary for different people like a poet and a critique. but the radical and mavrick senses a critique may extract are sool ruled out.

total words 62

Muhammed Usman Thursday, January 18, 2007 05:58 PM

to seelct a right language as a medium of expression and instruction is very important for a poor and multilingual country like pakistan. we need to get our act together to settle this issue of lanaguage barrier and should opt a language which can take us through

words ( 46 )

title : - " Importance Of Lanaguage "

HayatKhan Monday, June 18, 2007 09:51 AM

Hope that all the members of this forum will be in good health InshAllah.
I have made a very feeble attempt to write a precis plz check it and guide me to correct it.

If we think realistically, we are confronted with several problems. But if think positively we can change these problems into opportunities. Multilingual which is considered to be a curse can lead us to new lands of development and opportunities. It is true that children can easily learn new things in their mother tongue but it can not be enforced in the same way every where.

zahidee Sunday, July 29, 2007 03:19 AM

please check and guide me in writing precis.im invoice in writing precis this is my firststep in css preperation

[B][U][COLOR="Blue"]Multilingual and Contry's Progress:[/COLOR][/U][/B]

The author says that the fact is that we are living in very poor country which is multilingual.But workhard and determination can elimnate our poverty for this purpose regional language can be play vitalrole in our cultural and economic development. if we give education to our child in regional then it would very feasible to our child explore newthing and keep maintain his intrest in education.On the other hand misuse of regional language would be harmful for educational system and country's progress

secondopinion02 Monday, July 30, 2007 07:28 PM

from 2005 paper
[B]1. Make a précis of the given passage and suggest a suitable heading (20 +5)[/B]

Basically, psychoses and neuroses represent man’s inability to maintain a balanced or equated polarity in conducting his life. The ego becomes exclusively or decidedly one sided. In psychoses there is a complete collapse of the ego back into the inner recesses of the personal and collective unconsciouses. When he is repressed toward fulfilling some life goal and where he is further unable to sublimate himself toward another goal, man regresses into goal structures not actually acceptable to himself or to the society. Strong emotional sickness of the psychotic type is like having the shadow run wild. The entire psyche regresses to archaic, animal forms of behaviors. In less severe forms of emotional sickness there may be an accentuated and overpowering use of one of the four mental functions at the expense of the other three. Either thinking, feeling, intuiting or seeing may assume such a superior role as to render the other three inoperative. The persona may become so dominant as to create a totally one-sided ego, as in some forms of neurotic behavior. All in all, whatever the type of severity of the emotional disorder, it can be taken as a failure of the psyche to maintain a proper balance between the polarities of life. Essentially, psychoses and neuroses are an alienation of the self from its true goal of self actualization. In this sense the culture is of no consequence. Emotional disorder is not a question of being out of tune with one’s culture so much as it is of being out of tune with one’s self. Consequently, neurosis is more than bizarre behavior, especially as it may be interpreted by contemporaries in the culture. This interpretation avoids the sociological question of what is a mental disorder, since form of behavior which is acceptable in one culture may be considered neurotic in other culture. To Jung, the deviation from cultural norms is not the point. The inability to balance out personal polarities is. (325) / 3 = 108.33


[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Misconception about Psychotic Disorders[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B]
Psychoses and Neurosis are divergence from self as well as society. The personality sets in a disharmonious relation with the world and becomes wild in its behavior. Consequently, one becomes so erratic in such disorders that people relate these abnormalities with deviance from the cultural norms; however, the truth is opposite to this common belief and perception. A conduct of psychotic disorder might be tolerable in one culture but be weird in another. Therefore, experts do not believe in association of culture and psychotic disorders. According to them, the incapacity of equating self with the realities of life is the real cause of the psychotic disorders. (106 words)

sam_diya Tuesday, August 07, 2007 08:05 PM

title;psychosis,mental not a cultural problem.

both psychosis and neurosis are mental disorders and barriers to routine life.however psychosis ia at extreme as it diminishes one,s ego making him completle useless to society.one of his mental functiocs overpowers rest of the three.neurosis is somtmies assosiated with cultrural problems,however it has nothing to do with culture,rather with persons faliour resulting the collapse of his personality.

silverado Friday, February 01, 2008 01:09 PM

precise of the passage
[SIZE="6"]Rigional languages nad its role[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]Poverty is a curse in a developing countries, the reason is illitracy backed by multilingualism.It can be vanished by providing a true spirit of education which is possible only when regional languages are made the medium of instruction, otherwise it is, and will, create social problems which affects social life. [/SIZE].

[FONT="Fixedsys"]I tried to do justice with the passage up to my level and if i have some mistakes in precise, I am open to constructive criticism.:clap [/FONT]

Sabah Hunzai Sunday, June 22, 2008 01:30 PM

man's quest for truth
A philosopher seeks to unveil the truth to find a meaningful way of life, in doing so, he should consider certain facts; firstly he should have a good sense of subjective as well as objective truths. secondly, he should give priority to eternal joy over the worldly one. thridly, he should seeks for coming out of spiritual imprison through denying to his/her false ego, and according to Sri Ramakrishna and Kalidasa one can come out of this imprisonment throught denouncing self ego.

total words 82.
Dear all specially Seniors.
this is my first attempt to make a precise, so i would welcom your comments and suggestons for my improvement.
looking forward for ur feedback.

irfan_ali Tuesday, August 05, 2008 03:26 PM

The Real Essence of Philisophy
Learning truth is the real essence of philosophy. Its first prerequisite is to distinguish between the reality and myth, to the extent as necessary for the life. Secondly, one must cut temporaray worldy desires and search which can give long lasting joy.Which slowly brings peace in mind and soul. Peace in mind , self control, patience , poise and burning faith are six treasures of life, at third and crushing the ego at fourth.Obscuring ego builds one's identity and make him aware of reality.

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